Take Me Out

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Take Me Out Page 8

by Dawn Robertson

  “What is this thing with my baby sister, Young?” He asked bitterly.

  “What do you mean this thing? I’m dating her. I have feelings for her. It’s pretty simple.” It was taking all I had in me to try and be somewhat polite.

  “Why her? Why not the thousands of other co-ed’s you’ve always had your way with? Remember, I’m all too familiar with how you treat women. If you think you’re going to pull your shit with my only fucking sister, you’ve got another think coming.”

  “Listen, Christian. I don’t want to fight with you. But all that shit was in the past. I like your sister, a lot. I’m not going to hurt her. She’s special to me.” Just thinking about Charlie made my pulse race.

  “You’d better not hurt her or I’m coming for you. You fucking understand Young?” Christian looked pissed. I had only seen him seriously this mad once before and it wasn’t pretty. I wanted to get back into his good graces; solely for Charlie.

  “I won’t, Christian.” And with that I reached my hand out as a peace offering. Christian took it tightly and shook.

  Drew and I turned to get into the car trying to make the goodbye as polite as we could. If I had spent any more time with him, no good would have come of it. I wanted badly to just spit out the fact that I loved her, but I was pretty sure it would have only made things worse. Did I love her?

  Things were going way too fast, but could I imagine this all any other way? Probably not.

  Chapter 8

  The Date


  Around six forty-five, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. It was still early so I assumed it was Shay. “Come in,” I yelled as I finished getting dressed.

  “Wow...” Bentley choked out as he stared at me in nothing but my matching lime green panties and bra.

  “Oh shit! I thought you were Shay!” I growled at him, rushing to find my clothes. “You’re way early!”

  I quickly slipped on my jeans and zipped them up. I made a mad dash to get dressed knowing that if I didn’t get some kind of clothing on, we wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon. I grabbed a random t-shirt out of my drawer and slid it over my head. When I look down I realized I’d grabbed yet another hardcore band t-shirt. The one that impressed Bentley on our first night together was Hatebreed, this one: On Broken Wings.

  “Is that an On Broken Wings shirt?” He asked, seeming surprised by yet another shirt in my collection.

  “Uh, yeah... how do you know who they are?” I know I’m not the only person in Boston who enjoys the hardcore music scene, but I couldn’t believe I’d managed to find someone who was not only sexy as hell, but also shared my tastes in music.

  He turned to me and whispered the lyrics of one of my favorite songs, Lovesick. Of all the songs, he’d picked that one. It was almost too good to be true. I shook it off and gave him a kiss, my lips lingering against his, desperate for more.

  “So Mr. Mystery, where are we off to tonight?”

  “It’s a surprise, now come on,” he said, grabbing my hand and heading into the living room. As much as I was dying to know what he had planned, I had no desire to leave the bedroom. Bentley whisked me out the door to the elevator, never letting go of my hand. Once outside, I noticed a beautiful black motorcycle sitting near the curb. The side of the gas tank was inscribed with “Indian” in beautiful lettering. Bentley walked to the motorcycle and straddled the seat.

  “You ready?” he asked, reaching a hand out for me to join him.

  “Ready for what? You can’t possibly think I’m getting on that thing with you.” I snorted. I had never been on a motorcycle in my life and I didn’t plan on getting on the back of his deathtrap. Bikes were nice to look at, but way too dangerous for my taste. Why couldn’t he have just picked me up in his car?

  “That’s exactly what I was thinking. Let’s go or I am going to leave without you,” he said, amused by the panicked look on my face. A second later, the engine roared to life threatening to make good on his promise to leave me behind. I guess if I had to get on a motorcycle with anyone, Bentley was the best person to trust with my life. I took his hand and climbed onto the back. Wrapping my arms tightly around him, I held on for dear life.

  “Enjoy the ride honey, it won’t take long to get where we’re going,” he teased, turning to give me a quick kiss on the cheek. The ride wasn’t nearly as scary as I thought it would be. The wind whipped through us on the motorcycle, engulfing my face in the warm summer air. As soon as we were parked, he took my hand in his as we walked down the street. People were giving us strange looks, probably because of Bentley’s infectious excitement.

  “Hungry?” He asked as we headed into Quincy Market. I’d been there thousands of times, but didn’t see why this could be so special.

  “Of course,” I replied as he practically dragged me in the direction of all the little fast food stands. All the scents in the air had my stomach grumbling for food.

  “This is Philadelphia Steak & Hoagie. I live here at least three days a week. It has to be my favorite place in all of Boston.” He beamed like a little boy on Christmas morning.

  “Hey Brian, two for me and the lady,” he said to the guy behind the counter. They started chatting away as if they’d known each other for years. If he visited often, I was sure they were probably close friends.

  He grabbed our food and headed over to a little table in the corner. It was isolated, much more private than the others.

  “This is delicious,” I mumbled around a huge bite of my sandwich. I had never had a steak and cheese that good before in my life, not even in Philly!

  “Now you see why I’m here so often.” While we ate, I told him about my parents in an attempt to prepare him before walking into the lion’s den at dinner. My parents could be easy going, but I was also their only little girl who also got into a ton of trouble as a teen.

  “My mother is a hoity toity, upper-class Boston historian. She inspired me for so long which is why I’m a History major.” I wish I could have told him how much respect I’d lost for her over the past two years. I loved her because she was my mother but things between us had changed. She was much too ignorant of the world around her. Between her own childhood and years spent living the high life, she was one of the most judgmental people I knew. If she weren’t around, I would still have been living at home with my Dad.

  “My dad is a doctor. He’s down to earth. I think you guys will get along great. And from the sounds of it, you already know all of my brothers.” I didn’t want to press him about the subject, but it was driving me crazy at the same time. Most of Boston knew my brothers, but I would have seen Bentley around a long time ago if he was actually friends with them.

  “I’m really looking forward to dinner with them and of course the holiday weekend with you. Do you want to drive down? I don’t think we could fit too much onto my bike.” He smiled mischievously, knowing damn well I wouldn’t agree to taking the motorcycle.

  “We’ll take my car. I think Shay will be riding with us too, but I have plenty of room.”

  “You ready to get out of here? It’s getting late.” He cleaned up our garbage, trying to rush me away.

  “Late? It’s only eight-fifteen?”

  Bentley laughed at my confused response. “I have another surprise.”

  I mentally added “keeping secrets” to my list of things Bentley did well. I still wasn’t a fan of the bike but I did like how alive I felt when I was on the back of it. It didn’t hurt that I had to hold onto Bentley extra tight. If I could overcome my fear, it could easily become my new favorite place in the world.

  We pulled up outside of a small hole-in-the-wall bar. I couldn’t imagine what date-worthy surprise could possibly be within those four walls.

  “This is my favorite place in Boston to come see hardcore shows. I knew from your Hatebreed shirt you were at least interested, but I didn’t know if you had ever been to a show, so here we are,” Bentley explained. It had been nearly five years since I had the gut
s to show my face at any show in the Boston area.

  The last time I was at a show wasn’t pretty. If anyone saw and recognized me from that night, it was going to get ugly in a hurry. I didn’t need Bentley knowing about that part of my past. It was something I honestly wished I could erase from history.

  “I really appreciate the gesture, but I can’t go in there.” My palms became sweaty and my pulse started to race. I hated the fact that I caused the downcast look on Bentley’s face. I knew he was trying to do something nice for me, but I couldn’t put either of us in a bad spot. “Look, the last time I actually went into a show, it wasn’t pretty. I don’t know if anyone here will recognize me, but I don’t think I’m comfortable taking that chance tonight.”

  “That’s fine, I’m sorry I didn’t ask you first. We’ll go someplace else special to me.” Even though I could see the disappointment wash over his face, a flash of happiness filled his eyes. A smile spread across his face.

  He climbed back onto his motorcycle and I joined him, grasping him tightly before placing a kiss on his cheek. I expected him to be either annoyed or concerned by my refusal to go in, but he wasn’t. If anything, he was more concerned over my past and my well-being. The sun was setting as we crossed into Cambridge and parked along the Charles River. Hand-in-hand, we walked towards the banks, enjoying the view.

  “I’m sorry I don’t have a blanket to sit on, this wasn’t my plan for the evening,” Bentley apologized. With a smile and a chuckle, I assured him that it was just fine.

  “I think your Chinese food and a baseball game was a much better idea than this.”

  “You think? I thought getting drunk and grinding on you in a cheap attempt to turn you on and then leave you behind was a much better idea.” I couldn’t help but joke with him because that night changed everything. It made us a couple, even though it was the complete opposite outcome from what I had planned when I saw him in the bar. I had become his; heart and soul, and I didn’t want to think back to the month we foolishly spent apart.

  “Come on, let’s go back to my place for a little bit and then I’ll take you home. I want you to see where I live,” Bentley offered and to me it sounded like a grand plan.

  As we walked back to the motorcycle, Bentley checked his phone and immediately tensed.

  “Is everything okay?” I choked out, my stomach started to churn. I thought back to the huge misunderstanding which caused us to lose a month we could have been together, it certainly had put me on the alert for some time.

  “Drew called me a bunch of times. He didn’t leave any messages or texts, which is strange. If he isn’t at the apartment, I’ll just call him when we get there.” His words were rushed as he picked up the pace. I was nearly jogging behind him, trying to keep up.

  Other than the fact that he was hurrying back to the bike, he seemed completely in control of whatever emotions were coursing through his body.

  As we walked up to Bentley’s townhouse-style apartment, we could hear yelling inside. Without a second thought, he ran into the house and found Andrew yelling at a red headed woman. I stood in the doorway and watched everything unfold in front of my eyes.

  “I swear I’m not hiding him lady. You need to chill the fuck out,” Drew said, trying to stay calm.

  The leggy red-head wasn’t buying it. “I know this is where he lives...” she shrieked. As soon as she saw Bentley, she charged towards him.

  “How dare you just stand me up like that? I went to your apartment and you were gone! That boy said you don’t even live there!” She pounded her fists into his chest, obviously beyond upset with him. I could feel heat rising through my neck and face, anger brewing inside of me. This wasn’t what I expected to see when I walked into my boyfriend’s house for the first time. Was this something I would have to get used to?

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Bentley yelled, trying to be heard over the woman’s shrill voice. He removed her hands from his body and his arms flew up to block her flailing arms. “Do I even know you?” he asked his face showing that he was genuinely shocked and confused by this sudden outburst. Whoever she was, he clearly didn’t know her.

  “Is this for real? You don’t remember me? Molly from the City?” Bentley’s face morphed from confusion to worry and understanding. His eyes were darker than normal when he looked over at me to see my reaction.

  I just stood there like a deer in headlights. I had no clue what I was witnessing or who she was. Clearly, it meant nothing to him because he couldn’t even remember her.

  I found the nearest chair and sat down crossing my legs, listening to them hash it out. It was more like watching a scene unfold on television than a scene in my own life.

  “I’m sorry, I was kind of in a rough place when I was in the City: I’d had a little too much to drink. I apologize for not remembering you, Molly, but that doesn’t explain why you’re in my living room.”

  Bentley was clearly being as nice as he could. I could see the tick in his jaw, a sign he was desperately trying to keep from blowing a gasket.

  “I thought I would drop in to see you. It’s been a month or so and I was in the area,” she said as though it was a normal occurrence. I couldn’t help but think this Molly chick was completely off her rocker. Bentley didn’t even remember her and yet there she was, freaking out in his apartment for running off on her.

  “Well Molly, it was nice to see you as well, but I have company this evening. I am sorry if I led you on at all, but I have a girlfriend now.” He glanced in my direction again with a slight nod. I wasn’t sure if it was to impress on Molly that I was his girlfriend and she was causing an uncomfortable scene in front of me or to see if I had run for the hills, which I was moments from doing.

  I wasn’t sure if this woman was going to burst into tears or try and kill Bentley, but I didn’t want to stick around to find out. I turned to walk towards to door and slip out when I felt a hand grab my upper arm. Andrew had a tight hold on my arm as he whispered into my ear “Please don’t go anywhere Charlotte, he loves you and this bitch is absolutely insane, I promise you.” He was pleading with me on his friend’s behalf. I appreciated what he was saying, but I couldn’t stand there and watch that. I needed fresh air. I needed the comfort of my own home. I needed time to think. But above everything else, I needed to get the hell away from that nutcase red-head who was single-handedly ruining the best thing in my life. As I walked out the front door, I heard the confrontation inside grow louder.

  “What does she have that I don’t?” She questioned Bentley. All I could think to myself was, ‘Well I’m sane for one thing.’

  I started walking, Drew following me from a safe distance. I knew he was there, but I didn’t acknowledge him. I wasn’t ready to go home. I didn’t know where I was going, only that I just needed to walk. The dark streets of Boston might not have been the best place to free my mind but I wasn’t exactly thinking clearly just then. The only danger I was concerned with had long red hair and bad shoes.

  I found a bench in a small park up the road from Bentley’s apartment. I’d only been walking for about ten minutes, but it felt like hours. Drew sat down next to me and started talking, but I cut him off, raising my hand in his direction.

  “Drew, before you even start... I want you to know I’m not mad. I know he has a past, we all do. But I couldn’t stand there and watch that.” With that out of the way, I let him speak his peace.

  “While that’s reassuring to me there are some things I need to say. Bentley is in love with you. It may not feel like you’ve known each other long enough but he’s head over heels for you. He’s never acted like this as long as I have known him and that’s been almost five years.”

  I heard his words but they didn’t register. I wanted to go home.

  “Drew, will you walk me home?” I asked him. I felt emotionally drained. The night had started out with so much hope, but it crumbled in the course of an hour. The worst part of it was I had two nights to either walk away or make things better
before dinner with my parents.

  The idea of the situation made me sick to my stomach. Just as Drew and I started for my apartment, the phone rang.


  “Charlotte, where are you?” Bentley yelled on the other end of the phone. You could hear the panic in his voice.

  “I’m walking to my apartment with Drew. What the hell is going on?”

  “The police just left the apartment, I’m going to lock up and meet you at your place.”

  “The police? What the hell is going on?” My heart started racing, my palms sweating. How bad did things have to get for the police to be called?

  “I’ll tell you when I get to your apartment,” he said and hung up.

  What was my life becoming? I wanted an uncomplicated summer as a single woman, now I had a boyfriend with a redheaded stalker?

  Chapter 9

  Fatal Attraction


  I sat in my apartment talking with the Boston police after they removed Molly. I wanted to run out after Charlotte but I knew if I didn’t give them a statement, Molly would continue to come back to my home and harass me. She was arrested for assault and I told the officers that I absolutely wanted a restraining order. After Drew followed Charlie out of the apartment, Molly spun into a violent fit of rage. She picked up a small sculpture we had on display in the corner of the living room and hurled it at me. I ducked quickly as it shattered into a million pieces on the floor. She kept saying something about her baby and how could I walk out on her, but she made absolutely no sense. I may have hooked up with her back in New York but I know how women get pregnant and letting her suck my dick wasn’t it.

  ‘Delusional’ was the only word that could describe her. I was afraid of her and I didn’t scare easily. I wasn’t worried about what this psycho could do to me, I worried that she might have already done something to Charlie, namely fill her head with enough bullshit that she’d leave me. I just couldn’t have that.


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