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OvercomingtheNeed Page 2

by Zenobia Renquist

  She didn’t let it bother her as she exited the car feet first. Once she straightened, she smoothed her hands over her dress. The halter-topped micromini hugged her curves while the cut-out sides left her waist and back bare. The V-neck parted to show the inner swells of her breasts. A pinstripe belt that matched her lapel collar, her tie and her four-inch ankle-strap heels finished her corporate look.

  It was nice to have a reason to wear the outfit. She didn’t get many chances since her day rarely called for business attire. Since she was visiting Dane at work, she’d jumped at the chance to wear it.

  She reached into the car for her purse and the tray of cookies she’d prepared—her other reason for visiting—and then walked to the front entrance. One of the guards saw her coming and rushed to hold open the door for her.

  With a smile and a nod, she said, “Thanks.”

  “No problem, ma’am.” His gaze slipped down her body in an appreciative manner. “No problem at all.”

  Naomie made her way to the metal detector. She still didn’t know what Dane did that warranted the machine. It was the reason she’d opted for a glass plug this morning instead of her usual metal. The first time she’d gone through security with the metal one led to an interesting show for the guards on duty as she removed her stainless steel plug. Said plug was now in her purse waiting to be switched out with the one she wore.

  The second security guard, who had stayed near the metal detector, said, “Morning, Mrs. James. How are you today?”

  “I’m great, Michael. You?” She held out her purse and the cookies so he could put them on the conveyor belt.

  “Perfect now.” Michael had been one of the guards on duty on Naomie’s first visit. The man didn’t hide his slow appreciation of her outfit. “Very nice, as usual.”

  “Thank you.” She reached up and flipped the end of her tie. “I thought the tie might be too much. What do you think?”

  “Not at all. It’s perfect.”

  Behind him, his partner whispered, “Wish I was that tie.”

  Naomie was sure he hadn’t meant for her to hear him—or maybe he had—so she pretended she didn’t. She smoothed the tie back into place between her breasts.

  Michael asked, “Any metal besides that belt buckle?”

  She touched her belt. “Do I need to take it off?”


  At the same time, Michael’s partner said, “Yes.”

  Michael glared at the man over his shoulder and then faced Naomie. “No, the belt’s fine, Mrs. James. Any other metal or jewelry?”

  “Just my wedding ring.” She showed him her left hand and then brushed the tips of her fingers over her left breast. “And my engagement ring.”

  “Oh yeah. I remember your engagement ring. Very pretty.” He jerked his chin forward as he licked his lips. “Anything else?”

  “No.” Naomie grinned, knowing full well what he was asking about.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yup. I put it in my purse this time.”

  Michael looked at the screen and then nodded. “So you did. Smart.” He waved to the arch. “Go on through.”

  “Thank you.” Naomie went through slowly, waiting for the beep.

  The machine didn’t make a peep. Michael and his partner appeared disappointed. She knew why Michael wore the expression. Maybe his partner had hoped for an excuse to strip-search her. That was the reaction she was going for. Naomie bit back the urge to laugh.

  Michael said, “You’re all good, Mrs. James.”

  “Thanks, Michael.” Naomie gathered her belongings and headed for the elevators.

  Behind her Michael said to his partner in a low voice, “First time I met her, she had that metal plug shoved up her ass. Me and Blake got to watch her take it out and put it back.”

  “Damn, man. Why couldn’t she do that today?”

  Naomie wiggled her hips while she waited for the elevator. The glass plug nestled in her asshole teased her inside. No show for the security guards this time.

  “Good morning, Naomie. It’s quite a surprise seeing you here.”

  Naomie turned to Aden Deniz, Dane’s boss, and smiled. “Good morning yourself.” She winked and said in a mock whisper, “I’m surprising my husband.” In a normal tone, she said, “I hope you don’t mind. I thought I would bring the office cookies.”

  Aden rubbed his free hand over his stomach. “I never turn down cookies, especially not yours, Naomie. We’ve gotten so spoiled since Dane transferred here. If I had known you came with him, he would have been transferred long before he was.”

  “Smooth talker. You just want me to make you another red velvet cake. And it’s not even your birthday.” She balanced the cookie tray on one hand so she could wag a finger at him. “Shame.”

  Naomie had picked up quite a bit from the days when she helped out her friend Arisa with her catering business. So much so that Arisa had tried to convince Naomie to enter culinary school. Naomie had vetoed the idea. She didn’t like the mandatory uniform. There were other reasons as well but that one topped her list.

  Aden said, “You can’t blame a man for trying, can you? I had to fight everyone off and threaten their Christmas bonuses to back the jackals away so I could get a second slice.”

  The elevator dinged. Naomie entered with Aden’s hand on her back, guiding her to the rear of the car so the group that had formed behind them could enter. Naomie guessed they were coming back from an early lunch…except it was a little after ten—a little early for lunch. Maybe they had all gone to an offsite meeting together?

  No one made eye contact with Aden, probably because he was the boss. Naomie recognized most of the people as belonging to Dane’s floor. That had to mean there was some joint event that had taken them out of the office at the same time. She didn’t see Dane among them so it must not have been his division.

  Aden said, “Late-morning meeting for the marketing side. I decided to hold it outside so everyone could get some fresh air. Everyone gets lethargic sitting around a stuffy conference room.”


  Naomie was betting everyone had hoped to get a different elevator back to the office. But they were trapped now. The doors closed and the elevator started the climb to the top floor.

  “So what do I have to do to get another cake out of you?” Aden strummed his fingers against her back. He hadn’t removed his hand.

  Naomie said, “If you’re nice and behave yourself, I might—really big might—make some red velvet cupcakes just for you for the company picnic coming up in a few months. Might.”

  “I’m a nice guy. You know that. No one can complain.”

  Nervous fidgeting and a little throat clearing ensued from the people around them. Naomie held back a snort. She’d heard Dane’s horror stories about Aden. Dane tended to stay on the man’s good side but he’d seen the trail of bodies after someone messed up at work. Aden was known for being a perfectionist and a hard taskmaster.

  Aden nodded at the tray. “So what did you bring us today? Any chance of a red velvet cookie?”

  “You have a one-track mind, don’t you?” Naomie chuckled and shook her head. “No, it’s the usual suspects—chocolate chip, sugar and peanut butter. I was really careful with the peanut butter. I cooked them last and put them in a separate, sealed container.”

  “I’m sure Ms. Yersy will appreciate you looking out for her.”

  April Yersy was Dane’s coworker. She had a peanut allergy. Not severe but still enough to cause problems at company functions where people were asked to bring food. Naomie took great pains to be careful but other people weren’t as considerate.

  Naomie said, “I love April. She’s a sweetie and she helped Dane adjust when he got here. She’ll always get special treatment just for that.”

  “From the way you keep sneaking in all these wonderful goodies, I would think you’re giving us all special treatment.” Aden patted her back and then slid his hand down so he could pat her ass. “I lov
e your cookies.”

  Naomie grinned. “I know you do.”

  The elevator dinged and opened to a floor so some people could exit while others entered. The shuffling masked Naomie widening her stance. Having her back to the wall kept the other elevator occupants from noticing Aden shifting aside the back flap of her dress so he could rub her bare ass without impediment.

  Not that anyone would notice. Everyone had faced front and stood rigid the second they saw Aden. The man had the elevator equivalent of complete privacy. He could stroke her ass to his heart’s content. Naomie didn’t mind in the least. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d fondled her ass. He even knew to dodge her plug during his perusal.

  Aden said, “Your cookies are the best.” He slipped his hand between her legs and stroked her pussy lips. “Always moist and rich.” He sandwiched one finger in her slit and wiggled it so it got nice and wet with her juices. “Decadent. Too good for us, really. Not that that will stop me from indulging.”

  The pad of his finger probed her channel entrance, almost a questioning gesture. He already had his hand between her legs. Why ask now?

  “I doubt much could stop you. It’s not like anyone would tell you no. You’re the boss.”

  He grinned. “Yes, I am.” He eased his finger inside her and started pumping.

  His internal caress woke her pussy and slicked her up but it wasn’t enough to get her excited. Naomie let him continue because the elevator ride would be boring otherwise. The little bit of thrill she got from the situation was because of the other people trying hard not to look back, though it was obvious they wanted to.

  The boss was there but their coworker’s half-dressed wife was there too, almost on full display if anyone cared to look. It was a hard decision. Naomie loved the tension.

  Aden leaned over, putting his chin close to her shoulder, and inhaled loudly. “You’re distracting me so bad. I have another meeting and all I can think about is eating your cookies. They’ll probably be gone by the time I get out.” He added a second finger and wiggled them together in a rapid, front-back motion that got Naomie’s attention.

  Her clit twitched as her inner muscles squeezed Aden’s finger. She smiled at him while slowly shifting from side to side. “That’s too bad. Any other day I would loiter around until your meeting ended, though I don’t want to be a distraction.”

  “Too late for that,” Aden said with a snort.

  More than a few of the men occupying the elevator nodded.

  Naomie said, “But I have another appointment after this. This is a quick visit to my husband to deliver my treats.”

  “And such delicious treats.”

  One of the women chanced glancing Naomie’s way. She got a winning smile for her trouble. Naomie was poised and relaxed…her upper body at least. Most people on elevators didn’t look down. If the woman had, she would have seen Naomie stirring her hips in small circles in an attempt to ride Aden’s fingers without looking as if she were.

  Naomie loved getting fingered in a public place and having to pretend she wasn’t. The more crowded the better. The bolder the fingering, the better as well. Dane had once had her humping his hand—knee up at his waist with Naomie pressed against his side—while they attended the grand opening of the new mall.

  The crowd had been tight and suffocating. It seemed as though the entire city had turned out. Everyone had stood shoulder to shoulder and some people closer than that as they pressed forward to try to be the first one in—an impossibility considering how far back in the crowd they’d been. Naomie had been on the verge of a panic attack.

  Dane’s solution had been a little pussy massage that escalated quickly. The people closest to Dane and Naomie had noticed but no one said anything. Most people had pretended not to see and tried to shuffle away without success. Others hadn’t been as prudish. Naomie had felt more than one hand—male and female—touching her ass as she’d ridden Dane’s fingers.

  By the time she orgasmed, she hadn’t bothered keeping her moans quiet. She hadn’t screamed but it was a near thing. A few people had clapped and some had congratulated Dane while patting him on the back. The mall opened a few minutes later.

  Good times. Aden and the occupants of the elevator wouldn’t get that type of show. For one thing, Aden wasn’t Dane. Only Dane could stick a single finger up Naomie’s pussy, not move it and have her screaming with pleasure. He was just that good. But then Dane had a way of looking at Naomie that could make her climax if he stared at her long enough. He’d done it a few times during college.

  The elevator dinged again, signaling the top floor. Aden huffed shortly as he eased his fingers free of her wet heat. “Time for work. If you have time, please stop by my office before you leave, Naomie.” While exiting the elevator, he winked at her and licked his fingers. Anyone seeing him would think he had snuck a cookie.

  He had. Just not the type of cookie Naomie carried on her tray.

  She let everyone leave first so she could make sure the back of her skirt was in place before she stepped off.

  Dane’s office was the farthest from the elevators. As Naomie crossed the floor, many people called greetings. Everyone knew her. Her few appearances at company functions had firmly cemented her in everyone’s minds, especially the one picnic where her friends had shown up and carted her away as if she were a sack of grain. That one was still talked about around the office, or so Dane told her.

  His secretary gave Naomie a cool look when she approached. Naomie smiled at the woman regardless. “Hi, Bonnie. I’ve come to bug my husband.”

  “More like bugger,” Bonnie grumbled under her breath, though Naomie still heard her. She pasted on a fake smile and asked, “Does he know you’re coming?”

  “He will soon.” Naomie winked. “I’m a surprise.” She hefted the plate. “And I brought cookies.”

  “How nice of you. You shouldn’t have.” Bonnie’s tone implied Naomie really shouldn’t have.

  Naomie and Bonnie didn’t get along. It wasn’t that Naomie hadn’t tried, but Bonnie hated her. Their first meeting might be a big part of that but Naomie recognized Bonnie’s type of aggression for what it was—repression. The woman had bought into society’s definition of what a proper, decent woman should do and she probably hated that Naomie flaunted herself. This type of person and Naomie never saw eye to eye and never would. She and Naomie played fake-nice when they had to and then went their separate ways.

  Naomie said in an ultra-sweet voice, “But I did.”

  Bonnie sighed through her smile. “Yes, you did. That’s an…interesting outfit.” Disapproval dripped from every syllable.

  “I wanted to look corporate.”


  “So is Dane busy?”

  “I’m sure he is. This is a place of business, after all.” Bonnie swept her gaze up and down Naomie and then rolled her eyes. “But I’ll check to see if he has time for you.”

  Naomie wanted to tell Bonnie that Dane always had time for her, but she couldn’t let the woman draw her into an argument. That would cause trouble for Dane later. According to him, Bonnie was the best secretary he’d had to date. Sure, the last four had probably fallen behind in their work because they’d been too busy riding and sucking Dane’s dick to keep up with the workload, but that was beside the point.

  Dane liked Bonnie—her work ethic at least. That meant Naomie had to be civil so Bonnie didn’t use Naomie as a reason to ask for a transfer. Bonnie had hinted at the possibility on the few occasions she and Naomie had spoken. And Bonnie had cited that Naomie would be the cause if she went through with it. Of course Bonnie had said it in a roundabout way but Naomie had heard the warning.

  Bonnie pushed a button on her phone and said, “Mr. James, your wife is here. Shall I send her in?”

  “Yes,” Dane said in a gruff tone.

  Naomie didn’t like the amount of stress in that one word. The workday wasn’t half started yet. What could have gotten him so uptight this early in the day? She
was glad she’d decided not to change her plans. With the right coaxing, she could make him relax. That would help his concentration and his mood.

  “Go right ahead.” Bonnie gestured to the door before returning to her typing.

  “Thanks.” Naomie flounced past the woman, making sure to put an extra swing in her step so her skirt flapped and showed more of her ass. She could swear she heard Bonnie grinding her teeth.

  Putting Bonnie out of her mind, Naomie entered Dane’s office and closed the door. The large room felt like a mausoleum. A dark cloud of frustration and anger hung over Dane’s head and threatened to rain all over the papers littering his desk.

  “Hey, Big D. Bad time?”

  Dane heaved a breath and dropped his head forward. “Understatement, sugar.” He lifted his gaze to her. “What’s up?”

  Naomie lifted the plate higher. “Cookies.”

  “Cookies?” He straightened and quirked an eyebrow. “Really, Naomie?”

  “What? Can’t a wife bring her husband cookies?” She lifted the front flap of her skirt, showing him just what kind of cookies she meant. Her pussy was bare. The skirt she wore more than covered her so Naomie had decided to skip her usual thong. Seeing Dane’s grin made it worth it.

  “Where are your panties or a thong at least?” He tried to sound gruff and disapproving but the smile ruined the effect.

  Naomie shrugged.

  “Uh huh.” He sighed and shook his head. “Naomie, I told you not to do this again. Not after what happened the last time.”

  “It’s been weeks. And this is a quick visit. I promise.”


  She swayed her hips side to side while flapping her skirt.

  Dane’s gaze followed her pussy. “Fine.” He jerked his chin. “Lock the door.”

  She dropped her skirt, set the plate of cookies on the table closest to her, locked the door and then trotted over to Dane’s desk. Putting her purse aside, she grabbed a pad and pencil from the mess. She nibbled the tip of the pencil. “Don’t I look like a secretary?”


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