Hero Unit

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Hero Unit Page 10

by JC Bybee

  Emily nodded again. She checked her watch. “Damn. I’ve got to get back to the interrogation rooms. There’s a new batch of Regs coming in. Walk me?”

  It was a subtle reminder that Ace was supposed to be escorting Emily at all times.

  That and she wants to spend some time with her friend.

  “Sure.” She stood and they left her new office. Ace closed the door, but didn’t bother locking it. Not with the Captain right next door.

  In the elevator a thought came to her and she asked, “Are people getting the wrong idea about us?”

  Of course they are.

  Emily laughed. “I think at first they were. Rumors were starting to circulate, but Torment and Angel dealt with them. I think it relieved the men. There are quite few who are infatuated with you.”

  Ace blushed again. “What about you? I’ve seen the way some of the officers look at you and besides you aren’t officially E.E.D, just a consultant. It would be much easier for them to date you.”

  Emily colored slightly. “Only if they are willing to accept double dates with you, otherwise my power makes things…awkward.”

  “You don’t want to know when a man is thinking of-” Ace began, but Emily cut her off, “I most certainly do not!”

  Ace smiled a little. It was nice to get a little bit back on her friend. Emily smiled reading quite clearly what Ace was thinking. “It’s nice to have a friend again,” she said.

  “It’s nice to have one at all,” Ace replied.

  She left Emily with Torment down in the interrogation rooms. She declined Torment’s invitation to join them. There was too much for her to do before she would feel comfortable rejoining the investigation. Back in her own office (that was going to take some getting used to) she sat down and started reviewing personnel reports. It was going to be a long few days.

  Chapter 13

  “Well you were right; some of them hate you and the Commissioner and Bones. Things could have gotten ugly in there, but they all are waaay more afraid of you than anything,” Emily reported as she and Ace drove back to the precinct. They’d held the meeting with the new members of the Aerial Squad at the main NDPD Hub. Ace felt a more neutral space than her own precinct would help some of the officers.

  “Well they accepted my orders readily enough. We’ll see how they actually follow them,” Ace said.

  “There are some that are planning on pulling crap, but they are paired with people who either don’t care about your relative seniority or they support you fully. There is going to be a difficult adjustment period,” Emily said as she reviewed the notes she had jotted down during the meeting.

  That is an understatement.

  “It’s a good thing I recorded the whole thing then,” Ace said tapping her device.

  “Is that legal?” Emily asked.

  “I ran it past Bones and Commissioner Miller. They both gave it the green light. They want this task force to succeed as much as I do, probably more. You’ve seen the numbers.”

  “I haven’t actually seen them first hand, but I’ve heard. The Aerial Squad does good work. I think it will give the normals a feeling of security, at least some of them. There are always going to be people screaming about invasion of privacy,” Emily said.

  “You heard about that did you?” Ace asked.

  Everybody’s heard about that.

  Emily meant one of the cases from her first day on air patrol. The perpetrator of a domestic disturbance case was claiming his privacy was violated by Ace. It was one giant mess. The department lawyers were currently working on building a solid case. Ace had already had to testify twice. It made her very glad that she always filled out incident reports and kept detailed records of her actions.

  “You think he’ll get it to stick?” Emily asked concerned.

  Ace shook her head. “Not a chance. The judge overseeing the case is a hardass and damn good at his job. Used to be a cop before turning lawyer then judge, the guy doesn’t stand a chance, but people will always fight the system. And Article Two was in effect.”

  “And the department has your legal fees covered?”

  “That’s right. There is an account setup specifically for the purpose of paying legal fees for officers brought to court for doing their jobs.”

  One of the old man’s best ideas.

  Emily relaxed. “Good.”

  They pulled into the station and up to the newly installed security scanner. After a massive car bomb had gone off in another precinct’s parking garage, Einstein along with all the technomancers from the E.E.D and any Regs that he considered trustworthy started working on the scanners.

  Sometimes having another level of security checkpoints to pass through was tedious, but well worth it to keep things secure. Already Einstein had installed a much upgraded version of the kinetic shield around all government facilities. Ace had come to find that that had also included her house.

  Once through the scanner and under the protective field of the kinetic barrier they both relaxed a little more. There hadn’t been any further attempts on either of them, but there was a definite tension in the air.

  “You in or out today?” Emily asked.

  “I’m in. I’ve got reports to fill out, lots and lots of reports,” Ace replied with mock enthusiasm.

  Yay, paperwork. Man I’m glad I’m not you.

  “I do not envy you that job. Torment always handles things for us. I keep a detailed record, but she does all the official stuff. I honestly think she enjoys paperwork,” Emily said as they entered the elevator.

  “She probably finds it cathartic,” Ace said. They rode the elevator in silence. Oddly the elevator went all the way to the E.E.D floor without stopping.

  There is something very wrong.

  “What the hell?” Emily said.

  The elevator stopped at the top floor and Ace reacted as the doors were opening. She pulled Emily to one side and braced herself as bullets pounded the back of the elevator.

  “You hit?” Ace asked. Once the hail of bullets ended.

  “Just in the vest,” Emily replied. She had taken to wearing the kinetic vest whenever they left the precinct.

  This is bad. You need to be very careful.

  “Stay down,” Ace said and stepped out of the elevator and into chaos.

  Chapter 14

  There was gunfire throughout the floor. Ace saw the three gunmen who had opened fire on the elevator and she rushed them. They were wearing, of all things, ski masks and were carrying high-end automatic rifles. Not that that saved them. She hit them hard and fast, breaking arms, legs and weapons in quick succession, leaving screaming men behind.

  “Ace, get down!” Torment’s voice came from her left and she dropped as a blast of familiar kinetic energy flashed where she had been standing.

  Mayhem. That bastard needs to die.

  Rage swelled and Ace stood scanning the room. That was the problem with Mayhem, he didn’t have to have line of sight to set off his blasts. He could just let fly wherever he wanted.

  She saw Torment not far away holding a bleeding wound on her right arm. Maniac was down next to her. There were other officers down. Ace grabbed a radio, but there was no response from the lower levels. That meant there were other Antis around. Realizing that she’d been stupid to leave Emily behind in the elevator she turned and was relieved to see her friend joined by Bulldog and Angel. Both men were wounded, but they took Emily from the elevator and headed out of Ace’s line of sight.

  Satisfied that Emily was taken care of Ace started walking through the floor looking for Mayhem. Occasional explosions hammered her, but they were of little consequence, other than leaving her clothing in tatters.

  Eventually she got tired of looking for her target, and getting shot, and having to subdue normals and Antis. “MAYHEM YOU COWARD!” Her voice rattled to the windows. She wanted to make certain that Mayhem heard her.

  That got his attention. A massive explosion bloomed around Ace and something wrapped around her, l
ifting her off the ground. She tried to break the bands holding her, but instead of breaking they flexed and flexed and flexed. Anytime she stopped exerting all of her strength they snapped back into place. For the first time in her life Ace panicked.

  She continued to struggle, trying every trick she knew to break psychic bands, but none of them worked. She was pulled through a nearby window and up to the roof.

  On the roof she was suspended upside down in front of Mayhem. “I finally caught you Ace.”

  He was actually quite handsome. He had a square jaw and long black hair he kept in a tail. His military issue clothing managed to compliment his olive complexion and dark eyes. Ace wanted to slap the smug smile off his face. How he had been able to pinpoint her location was something she was going to find out.

  “You didn’t catch me you coward. You have one of your pet Antis holding me. You never were man enough to come after me alone,” Ace snapped. Mayhem had a narcissistic streak and insults usually caused him to act rashly.

  Rage flashed across his features, but only for a moment. “Ah Ace how I’ve missed you. But as you can see I’ve learned to control my temper and I must say it has become very helpful at times such as this. Now I will warn you once, if you do not come peacefully I will destroy this entire building, just like last time.”

  That shut her up. Last time the building had been empty, but there were hundreds of people inside the precinct. “I see that you are still wise for one so young. And I am happy to see you are keeping yourself in shape. I will certainly enjoy the view while my employer speaks with you.”

  Ace blushed. During the attack the state of her clothing had been less relevant. Now, out in the open and helpless for the first time in her life, it was just another stab to her confidence.

  Damn it, Ace, focus! Screw modesty!

  She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate. Her underused powers began to respond. There were so many powers in use at that moment that there was no way they would be able to tell what she was doing. She felt the presence of two other Exceptionals on the roof with her and Mayhem. Ace figured one was responsible for keeping her bound. The other was probably hiding them from her senses.

  “Now come along Ace,” Mayhem said and took to the air. The other Antis followed, still invisible to her sight.

  Now that she had her targets Ace began to relax. The Anti wouldn’t be able to hold her for long; even Fourths had limits to how long they could sustain powers. And she knew the more she fought the hold the quicker the Anti would wear out. Not wanting to give herself away too quickly she began exerting subtle pressure on her bonds.

  That’s better. Now just keep at it. She won’t last long.

  Mayhem didn’t fly far. Unlike Ace and the Sky Class of Exceptionals, Mayhem’s flight was an extension of his energy powers. That meant the distances he could travel, especially while carrying other people, were limited.

  They made a series of short hops before finally stopping on a building with a helipad on its roof. That’s when Ace decided to wait to free herself. There was a chance she would get a better idea of who Mayhem was working with if she saw what came to pick up him and his allies. It would be a while before the E.E.D would be able to mount a response to the attack on the precinct, so Ace was on her own anyway.

  They had a short wait until a large, unmarked helicopter came to rest on the landing pad. Mayhem smiled and waved. The door opened and two men dressed in black suits stepped out. They looked like secret service copies. They were just missing the dark sunglasses to complete the cliché. And still Ace waited to make her move. The next man that stepped out of the helicopter only served to confuse things.

  Mickey “Pretty Boy” Valentine was a powerful mob boss. Having him show up didn’t make a lot of sense. Mickey was never one to act against the E.E.D. He didn’t want the Heroes interfering with his “business”. He was well protected by an army of lawyers and bribed officials, so he could handle the regular police, but the E.E.D had more resources and different courts.

  “I trust there were no problems?” Mickey said as he approached Mayhem. The storm of the helicopters rotors was starting to fade. Apparently Mr. Valentine was planning on staying for a while.

  “His methods were unacceptable. He brought in gunmen and attacked the NDPD precinct where she works. This is going to bring even more E.E.D scrutiny,” the disembodied voice sounded female and she was standing not far from Ace. With a little concentration Ace spotted the small disturbances in the roof dust that marked one of her captors.

  “I thought I was very clear on this matter Mayhem. The E.E.D was not to be involved,” Mickey said. He didn’t sound angry, or even annoyed which was damn creepy.

  “I did my job,” was all Mayhem said. He stood there facing the crime boss with his typical arrogant smile.

  He’s planning something.

  “Yes and in so doing you have endangered my entire operation. If the E.E.D were to take notice of my operations that would prove to be inconvenient for me and my associates,” Mickey said. He still sounded like he was discussing the weather. “I’m afraid our relationship is going to have to end prematurely.”

  Mickey then exploded.

  Damn, that was extreme.

  Mayhem smirked, “Damn right.” Suddenly Ace was free and she barely caught herself from crashing to the roof. She lost track of what happened next. It looked like someone tried to restrain Mayhem, but he started firing off kinetic blasts and the helicopter took one of them. It tore the vehicle in two, likely killing everyone in or near it.

  In the confusion Ace was able to actually get a hand on Mayhem and he panicked, taking to the air. He didn’t get very high before something drug him back down and bound him. Not one to pass up an opening Ace slapped suppressor cuffs on Mayhem. Not for the first time Ace was glad the cuffs were damn near indestructible.

  “Officer Ace, I believe this man is a wanted criminal and should be brought to justice for the murder of Mickey Valentine and for the attack on yourself and the E.E.D.” Again it was a disembodied female voice that spoke.

  “You know you both are responsible for what happened at the precinct, just for being there and not trying to stop him,” Ace said. She knew damn well that two Exceptionals like this pair could have stopped Mayhem well before now.

  She studied the rooftop carefully and was pretty sure she knew where both of them were with the help of her powers. She had a responsibility to bring them in for questioning. Exceptionals who worked in organized crime were dangerous.

  “Recompense will be paid to the E.E.D and the families of all those injured in the attack. We regret that you were unable to meet with our employer before his untimely demise,” the voice said.

  “Why didn’t he just talk to me in person? What the hell was he thinking involving Mayhem?” Ace yelled. She was probably too upset. She rarely yelled. As worked up as she was her control wasn’t what it could have been. Her shout echoed across the rooftops.

  “Mr. Valentine was hoping that it would lead to a direct confrontation between you and Mayhem, resulting in Mayhem’s death. We were told to aid Mayhem in whatever way he asked. We only isolated the E.E.D floor from the rest of the precinct. We were unaware of Mayhem’s ability to teleport people behind solid walls and kinetic barriers. Had we known we would never have allowed such a course to be pursued. Our intent was to simply capture you and bring you to Mr. Valentine. We were deceived in a number of ways by Mayhem. We are turning him over to you to deal with him as you see fit. We will no longer be a bother to you or the E.E.D.”

  Why didn’t Valentine just have the deadly duo here kill him?

  “Why the hell did Valentine want to meet with me anyway?” Ace asked.

  “Mr. Valentine was hoping to ask a favor of you. He was going to go on a very suspect business deal and he wanted to hire the best of the best,” came the reply.

  What kind of bass akwards logic is that?

  “Do you have any idea how stupid that is? I’m an officer of the
law. I can’t be bought! I would have turned your boss in and if I ever catch either of you I’ll put you behind bars. This whole damned mess could have been avoided had your idiot boss come to me in the first place. I could have rejected him to his face! It makes no damn sense!”

  “We do not question our employer’s-” the voice cut off as Ace moved and took a hold of the nearest invisible Anti. She slapped suppressor cuffs on them faster than their companion could react. Mayhem visibly relaxed as Ace’s newest target came in to full view. She was tall and blond. Her outfit was white and tight enough that Ace had to wonder how she was able to move.

  Before the first Anti could recover from her surprise Ace moved again and tackled the final fleeing Anti. She slapped another pair of suppressors on her. And just like that the last woman was visible.

  “Identical twins and Exceptionals, now that is a rarity,” Ace said as she got off her prisoner. She hauled the other woman to her feet. “I’m guessing you’re the quiet one.”

  The woman glared at her. She was dressed in an identical outfit as her sister, just in black. “Wow did Valentine have a list of stereo types and clichés he was trying to follow?” Ace said. The woman tried to striker her with her bound hands, but Ace swatted the attempt away with contempt. The force of even such a casual gesture spun the woman around and nearly knocked her over.

  “Someone was feeding Valentine bad information about me and about Mayhem. I want to know who and why. My guess was it was the HSO, but for all I know it was you two trying to start problems. So now we’re going to go back to the precinct and we are going to sort this whole mess out,” Ace said lifting the black clad twin up and carrying her over to her sister. She then hoisted both women up by their belts. “I wouldn’t struggle too much if I were you, I really don’t want to drop you,” she said as she took to the air after grabbing Mayhem’s belt. The mercenary Anti was surprisingly calm, which was usually a bad sign. Ace just hoped he didn’t try anything stupid.


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