Competitive Nature

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Competitive Nature Page 5

by Justine Elyot

  “Hey, it was boho chic,” Jay reminded him, one eyebrow raised. “She was doing it long before Sienna Miller stole her style.”

  “I bow to the fashion guru,” said Patrick sardonically, frowning a little as Jay put his slender hands on Elyssa’s shoulders, massaging them firmly as they stood by the mirror, gazing at themselves and the picture they made.

  Elyssa caught a glimpse of his expression and realised that this was going to take some hard work to make sure Jay didn’t ride roughshod over Patrick and his hopes and desires, in that maddeningly charming and charismatic way Jay had.

  “Come to bed,” he said, holding out a hand.

  “I would, darling, but I need to do my hair,” said Jay.

  “Not you. Elyssa.”

  “Who gave you first dibs?”

  “Sorry, didn’t realise we had to draw up a rota.”

  “Look!” said Elyssa, holding up a hand. “Stop this. Stop locking antlers. There aren’t winners or losers in this relationship. We’re all getting what we want. And, quite honestly, I’m not a piece of meat that you get to divide up. All three of us are going to have to learn to listen and to understand what each other wants. I know that’s going to be hard for both of you—”

  “Going to be hard?” said Patrick ruefully, staring his erect cock in the eye.

  “We need to communicate. Be open and honest. No verbal sparring or jealousy or resentment or feeling left out, or it’s doomed. I don’t want to be a bone of contention.”

  “I’ve got the boner of contention,” said Patrick.

  “Jeez, Patrick, you really do have a one-track mind today!” Elyssa exclaimed.

  “It’s not me! It’s my cock! It won’t leave me alone!”

  Elyssa took pity, joining him on the bed and drawing him into a loving kiss. “Why can’t we try to work together?”

  Jay, putting the comb back on the dresser, threw off his bathrobe and stalked, splendidly naked, over to the bed.

  “Working together,” he said, clapping his hands. “It takes practice. How about a team-building exercise?”

  “A…team-building exercise?” Patrick and Elyssa chorused. Blinking, Elyssa envisaged tedious training courses she had attended at work.

  “Yes. We work together, as a team, to achieve a satisfying outcome. This is what I suggest.” He sat down, pulling the turban off Elyssa’s head so that her damp, coppery curls snaked down over her shoulders. “Patrick Robertson and Jay Marriott,” he said, nuzzling into her neck, kissing it, touching Elyssa’s hand on his friend’s cock, “both want to make Elyssa Bradshaw come. Lots and lots of times. Let us consider how best to arrive at this result. Any thoughts, Elyssa?”

  “Well, yes, I do have the thought that I also want to make you two come lots and lots of times. Is there any way to write that into the equation?”

  “What about a contest?” said Patrick. “Whoever gives the most orgasms wins?”

  “You and your bloody contests!” cried Elyssa, but she was laughing. “Okay, I think I can get on board with this one though. Don’t forget—teamwork is the key.”

  “You have a natural advantage, though,” objected Jay. “You’re bound to win.”

  “Well, you can halve my score, if that makes it fairer.”

  “That sounds reasonable,” nodded Jay. “Good. Right then. On your mark. Get set…”

  Jay made a dive for Elyssa’s legs, grabbing the knees in both hands and pushing his face up against her pussy before she could even squeal with surprise.

  “Oh, you bastard!” Patrick, less quick off the mark than his friend, pouted. “That’s bound to be a first score to you. Cunnilingus never fails. Bah.”

  “It’s early days,” Elyssa reminded him, wagging a finger prior to gathering his hard cock back into her steady grip and working him into a comfortable rhythm. “Ohhh, God,” she added, as Jay’s talented tongue found its target with ease.

  She had to sink back against the pillows, opening herself to the hot, wet sensation of his breath and his mouth against her most sensitive parts, feeling her clit fatten and bloom against his tongue. The stroke of her hand on Patrick’s cock grew lazy and she almost forgot she held it until he placed his fist firmly over hers and began to pump along with her.

  “Maybe…a different way…” she gasped, trying to wriggle away from Jay’s tormenting tongue, but he whipped a hand onto her thigh, holding her still, so that she had to tell him what she wanted to do.

  “Ooh, Jay, can I shift a little, just so I can get my mouth on Patrick’s cock?”

  Jay surfaced, his eyes manic with lustful purpose, his chin wet with her juices. “What, like a more complicated sixty-nine? A one hundred and eleven? Or something?”

  “Something like that.” Elyssa snorted.

  Jay scooted back, obliging her in her effort to place herself between Patrick’s legs, crouched down on her knees while he rested against the headboard. She dipped her head, sealing Patrick’s long-suffering cock between her lips, feathering around its circumference with the tip of her tongue until she had felt her way and could glide farther down, tuned in to his rapturous moans, and begin the job in earnest.

  She was lost in her task, sucking and lapping greedily, when she felt hands part her inner thighs and silky hair brush that softest skin. Oh yes! Jay! He’d been licking her pussy so gorgeously that she’d been close to the edge, and now he meant to take her there. She let him ease his face underneath her—he must be lying on his back, she thought—and resume his fulsome feasting on her innermost pearl in its intricate folds. If she looked down, past the shaft of Patrick’s cock in her mouth, past her breasts swaying along with her bobbing chin, she could make out the crown of Jay’s head, brown hair mussed across his forehead, lodged between her thighs.

  Oh God, this is depraved, she thought, closely followed by, Oh, God, this is incredible. She shimmied on Jay’s face, as wildly as she could given his firm grip on her outer thighs, and the way his thumbs pressed into the skin so that her pussy lips couldn’t close against him. She felt every nerve ending rushing, flaring, bursting into flames. She shook her head, bringing Patrick’s cock left and right with her, sucking harder and harder, grabbing his balls and squeezing, until he was pouring into her mouth, yelling and bucking under her. She held his cock in her mouth, even as she swallowed the salty liquid, and concentrated on her own climax, melting on to Jay’s tongue in a swirl of sugary rush before her bones collapsed and she had to release Patrick and flop forward on to his powerful legs.

  “First score to me,” crowed Jay, shuffling out from his thigh-clamped prison and sitting up to swig from a glass of water before kissing Elyssa all over her neck.

  “To me, you mean,” Elyssa mumbled from her prone position. “I made Patrick come first.”

  Patrick chuckled tiredly, ruffling Elyssa’s hair. “You’re getting into the spirit of things now. You’ll be just as fiercely competitive as we are in no time.”

  “I always was,” she yawned, rolling over to look him upside-down in the eye. “You just never saw it. You thought girls didn’t have that instinct. Newsflash—we do.”

  Jay, slumped on his front diagonally across the bed, raised a shaggy head. “Seriously? You need to be the best just as much as this freak and I do?”

  “Every bit as much. God! I can’t believe you never noticed! I was so not going to be outgunned, academically, by either of you. When you both declared you were going to put your names down for Oxford tuition, I decided then and there that I would do the same thing. With a scholarship.”

  “You got one, too,” Patrick recalled. “I’d totally forgotten about that! And my nose was so out of joint when you told me.”

  “So was mine.” Jay laughed delightedly. “You were so fucking modest about it, too. You wouldn’t even mention it. Just stared at the floor and blushed when old Vickers announced it in the assembly. You dark little mare, you!”

  “All the time I was mentally sticking two fingers up and saying, ‘in your face, boys!’

  “You are a bad girl.” Patrick was shaking his head, but his eyes gleamed with merriment.

  “Well, yes, I’d say my situation right now makes that a given, wouldn’t you? Lying in bed with two men, looking like something out of a porn film.”

  “When it comes to the most deliciously naughty, gorgeous, clever, sexy woman, you beat the competition out of the water,” said Jay.

  “Whilst you are the Emperor Napoleon of smarmy compliments,” she parried.

  “I meant it most sincerely, ma’am,” he protested, and she relented, kissing the tip of his nose.

  “I know,” she said fondly. “And I don’t blame you for wanting everyone to know how clever you are. It’s what I loved about you…both of you…right from the start. That and how funny and kind you both were to me on the first day, when none of my girl friends were in the same class with me.”

  “I suppose you got a First, then, did you?” asked Patrick.

  “You mean, you want to casually drop into the conversation that you did,” said Jay ascerbically.

  “Yeah! I do! Don’t you?”

  “Well, all right. Yeah. I got one. You got one.” They looked at Elyssa.

  “Starred First,” she said quietly.

  “Fuck me!” both men blurted, impressed. “A Starred First!” Patrick repeated. “That’s, like, better than a First. Nobody gets those.”

  “I did.”

  “You’re a genius, Miss Bradshaw,” proclaimed Jay, tickling her neck.

  “That’s Professor Bradshaw to you.”

  “Jesus Christ on a bike! Am I seriously in bed with a Professor?” Patrick chortled.

  “Of course, it’s not my first time,” said Jay laconically. “There was that sweaty Friday night after the Astrophysics conference…”

  “Tell you what, Jay,” said Patrick, looking defeated in this particular competition. “Let’s agree to hand you the Shaggers’ Prize. I’m sure you’ve earned it. But there’s still the small matter of the Top Orgasm Benefactor to settle. And I, for one, am ready for the next round.”

  “Well, you’re on the back foot, lad, aren’t you?” Jay patted his wrist. “One–nil so far. And I’m on form today. Match fit.”

  “That’s about to change,” vowed Patrick, and he rolled over, shadowing Elyssa, propped on his elbows while his hardening cock nudged a cheeky path between her folds. “What do you think, Professor? In your learned opinion?”

  “I think I can’t have given the best blow job if you’re hard again, already!” She giggled and squealed a little, shifting position to make it clear that he was more than welcome inside her.

  “I think you simply underestimated my stamina,” replied Patrick, inching ahead. “A simple mistake to make. You’ll need to extend your studies if you want to get a more accurate forecast of what I’m capable of. I suggest long-term research.” He surged forward, sheathing himself fully in Elyssa’s willing channel.

  “I’ll take note of that,” she gasped, then Patrick went to work, rocking the mattress so that Jay complained of seasickness and had to hop off the bed. Elyssa was halfway to a vigorously earned paradise when Jay suggested Patrick roll over and let her go on top.

  “You’re flattening her,” he complained. “I don’t want her turned into a pancake.”

  Patrick, with a grunt that might have been annoyance or laughter, grabbed Elyssa’s hips and swung her round until she perched on top of him, still connected at the centre, her breasts with their strawberry nipples now hanging free.

  “Now that’s a good view,” Jay approved, rejoining them on the bed. Elyssa began a slow grind over Patrick’s pelvis, teasing him, making sure that her clitoris bore down on the root of his cock with each measured motion. She felt like an erotic goddess, with her hair coiling down over her breasts and this strapping young man beneath her, while another man admired her from behind. She felt even more goddess-like when Jay pressed his chest to her back and took her breasts in his hands, rolling her nipples between slender fingers, finding and kissing and sucking the back and side of her neck while Patrick took charge of her mouth. She could feel Jay’s cock, hard and purposeful, edging in and out of her bottom cheeks as if it wanted to oust Patrick and take his place and was just waiting for an opportunity. But Patrick was not to be ousted, and he stayed firmly seated within her, letting her dictate the pace, but never allowing her to get away from him. The stimulation of two men, one at her front and one at her rear, was proving too powerful for her diminishing self-control, and she felt the orgasm uncoil from somewhere in the pit of her stomach, then fire through her, sending sparks to the furthest points of her, while Jay murmured endearments into her ear and Patrick yelled an answering climax of victory.

  “That’s one-all,” he told Jay, holding two fingers in the air while Elyssa’s head rested on his chest.

  “One all, eh?” said Jay, and even as Elyssa lay on Patrick’s chest, Jay put a hand between her legs and began to assess her readiness for more. “What do you think, Elyssa? You have a chance to get ahead here.”

  Elyssa, delightfully sleepy, yet still more turned on than she had ever been in her life, lifted her bottom and spread her legs, inviting Jay in from behind.

  “I can keep this up all day, you know,” said Jay, plunging in to the hilt.

  “We get thrown out at eleven,” said Patrick laconically. “It’s early yet, though.”

  * * * *

  The bizarre duel continued through the morning. Elyssa came nine times in various positions and permutations, once in the hot tub, seven times on the bed, once on the rug. She was licked by two tongues and fingered by four hands. She let each storm her barricades until they fell, and she was too sore to admit any more surging cocks through her gates. The men tried to resist coming too often, for fear of being the first to concede their potency she guessed, but eventually, Elyssa sensed that they knew the match was coming to its conclusion.

  It ended with a disputed orgasm—Elyssa came with Jay’s cock inside her from behind, and Patrick’s tongue lapping her clit, his head between her thighs.

  “That point is mine,” Patrick insisted. “Everyone knows most female orgasms are clitoral. It’s a medical fact.”

  “Most doesn’t equal all,” argued Jay. “Expressed as a syllogism, you will find that your proposition is logically inconsistent.”

  “Fuck logically inconsistent! The empirical evidence points towards victory being mine!”

  “You have no way of proving it, therefore I take the point. I am the winner.”

  “I’m the winner!” argued Patrick.

  Elyssa coughed, with one of the last remaining breaths of her body. “Excuse me,” she said weakly. “I’ve had nine orgasms this morning. I think you’ll find that I’m the winner.” She fell asleep, exhausted by the exertion of her assertion.

  * * * *

  They spent the rest of the week together, an unbreakable triad. Now that they had worked through their competitive urges and emerged on the other side, they were free to simply be, and to enjoy themselves and each other. There were picnics by the lake that ended with naked moonlight swimming, there were tables for three in smart restaurants, grinning at the subversive thrill of taking dinner together en ménage. There were walks along the river, hand in hand in hand, there were trips to the cinema with a different man’s palm on each of Elyssa’s thighs as they sat through the film.

  And, every night, in the small holiday cottage Jay was renting rather than staying with his estranged mother, they found themselves in bed together, falling deeper and further into their unusual dynamic, trying different combinations, keeping the fever burning in anticipation of the day when all this would have to end.

  “If only it didn’t have to end,” said Elyssa sadly on the morning of their returns to their respective hometowns. She toyed with her cereal, her appetite—so greedy and lusty until now—quite gone.

  “Does it have to?” Jay looked over from the coffee percolator, frowning and pushing his glass
es back up his nose. “Didn’t we say…?”

  Patrick was in the next room, zipping up backpacks.

  “That was before Patrick…” Elyssa dropped her voice. “I thought…I don’t know…we didn’t say anything, but I thought the understanding was that we were having a few days out of reality. This kind of thing isn’t sustainable, is it? Unless you mean we should see each other without letting Patrick in on it?”

  She frowned at Jay, making it clear what she thought of such subterfuge.

  “That isn’t what Jay means,” said Patrick, appearing in the doorway. “I think he means we should all see each other. Whenever we can. Sometimes in pairs and, when possible, in our threesome. Is that so impossible? Or unthinkable?”

  Elyssa shook her head in surprise. “I just…it seems…so greedy! Of me! To take two gorgeous men off the market. I assumed you would want to look for a more exclusive partner.”

  “Elyssa!” Jay wagged his finger sternly. “You disappoint me. You made an assumption! About me! I thought you were cleverer than that, Professor.”

  “So you…?”

  “I’ve not been good at commitment thus far,” he said. “I just don’t think I’m cut out for all the traditional monogamy stuff. I’ve never loved anyone else, and I’m pretty sure I never will. A threesome is fine with me. Believe me. More than fine.”

  Elyssa looked over at Patrick, who shrugged.

  “I can’t lie,” Patrick said. “I am cut out for the traditional monogamy stuff…at least, I thought I was. But it didn’t work for me last time. She said I chose my career over her—I couldn’t give her enough of myself. With you…if I’m working long hours, you have Jay on hand. I don’t ever have to be not enough for anyone again.”

  “Patrick, that’s rather sad!” said Elyssa.

  “No, it isn’t! Elyssa!” He came to hold her hands, staring earnestly into her eyes. “You are all I want. I have you. I couldn’t be happier.”

  Elyssa looked from her blond Adonis to her suave sophisticate. She had to echo Patrick’s sentiment. She had all she wanted—all any woman could want. She got to have her cake and eat it—and what a cake it was. Dark and light chocolate, fruit and spice together.


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