Black Obsidian

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Black Obsidian Page 8

by Victoria Quinn

  “In a penthouse.”

  “I did for a while. But I like the feel of a house. No neighbors and no elevators. And I like having a yard.”

  “Do you have a dog?”

  “No. But maybe someday.”

  I could picture him with a black Lab or a golden retriever. He seemed like an outdoor pet owner. But perhaps I misread him.

  He pushed off the counter with his hips. “So, I could make dinner while you’re in the shower. Or we can both shower and make dinner together.” He closed in on me until my body was pressed against the counter. His hands gripped the edge on either side of me, and he looked down into my face with a hungry expression. He eyed my lips like he was restraining himself from sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.

  I was already wet.

  I wanted to see him buck naked. I wanted to see those chiseled lines of muscle I knew were under his shirt. My fingers wanted to travel down, feeling every bump and groove, until I found his happy trail between the V of his hips. And I wanted to see that enormous cock that dry-humped the fuck out of me last night. No other man in my life had gotten me this hot and bothered. Calloway brought the desire out of me, pulling it from every pore until I was a dog in heat. Sometimes, I couldn’t tell if it was his beauty or his charisma that brought me to my knees. I hated giving head, but all I wanted to do was put that big cock in my mouth and bring him to his knees the way he did to me last night.

  His eyes scanned my face, searching for the slight hints I couldn’t stop myself from giving. He scanned my lips then my eyes. His gaze turned to my chest, watching it rise and fall at a quickened pace. “I want to see every inch of you.” With his eyes glued to mine, his hand moved to the front of my jeans and unbuttoned them before he yanked down the zipper. Then his hand slithered down my front until he found the cotton fabric of my panties. His fingers gently explored, feeling my lips as well as my clitoris. He took a deep breath as he explored me, and once he secured his fingers over my clit, he rubbed it in a circular motion.

  My knees wobbled because his fingers felt so good. With immense experience, he rubbed me off just the way I did to myself when I was alone. Like he was a woman himself, he understood exactly how I wanted to be touched. I gripped his arm and held on as he set me on fire.

  His fingers moved farther back until he felt the soaked fabric just below my pussy. He moaned quietly from deep in his throat, recognizing the moisture that pooled just for him. His jaw became stern and his neck corded with arousal. His breathing picked up just the way mine did, both of us deep in mutual arousal.

  I wanted him to fuck me.

  I almost asked him to.

  His long fingers pulled my panties over before they pressed directly against my clitoris. The pads of his fingers were rough, but they felt good against my slick nub. He rubbed it with more pressure than before, and he nearly brought me to an orgasm right there. “You’re so beautiful when I touch you.” His fingers slid farther back until he reached my entrance. He slowly slid them inside, feeling the resistance of my small channel before he finally squeezed through. He clenched his jaw in pleasure, loving how soaked I was deep inside. “Fuck, you’re tight.” He slowly moved his fingers in and out, lubing them with my own arousal.

  “It’s going to be hard to get your fat cock in there.”

  He took a deep breath and practically winced in pain, his fingers buried farther inside me. He pressed his face against mine, his lips right next to my ear. “Be careful, baby. Keep it up, and I might not keep my promise.”

  I wasn’t one for dirty talk, but this sexy man turned me into a horny woman. “Maybe I don’t want you to.”

  He winced again, burying his face into my skin and gently nicking my flesh with his teeth.

  What was wrong with me?

  He picked me up and pulled my legs around his waist as he carried me upstairs. We went to the third floor then entered his dark bedroom. A gray comforter was on his king-size bed, and he laid me down on the surface before he stepped back and undressed himself. He pulled his gray t-shirt over his head and threw it across the room.

  His chest was exactly as I imagined it would be. His pecs were toned and strong, and his shoulders bulged with intricate muscles that were chiseled by the hand of god. His hips were thin and narrow, and his happy trail was cleanly shaven into a single line down into his jeans.

  He unbuttoned them and took them off, standing in his boxers. His thighs were thick and powerful, looking like tree trunks that were strong enough to combat a hurricane. A spot of moisture was at the front of his underwear, where he’d been leaking while he fingered me. He grabbed his waistband as he stared me down, and then he pulled them down slowly, practically giving me a stripper show.

  Inch by inch, his length appeared. The head of his cock was thick and swollen, a shade of red and blue from the blood that rushed down there. He kept going, showing more and more of his steel shaft until he reached his trimmed balls. Nine inches of pure man with an impressive girth. He belonged in a porno.

  My mouth went dry, and I couldn’t think straight. All I could think about was getting that cock inside me and wondering if it would even fit. He would stretch me until I tore, and while it would hurt, it would feel so damn good.

  He wrapped his fingers around his shaft and cradled his cock. “On your knees.”

  I didn’t let anyone boss me around, but the second he gave the command, I obeyed. I moved to the rug and folded my knees underneath me, knowing that thick cock was about to fuck my mouth so hard my throat would be sore tomorrow.

  “Take off your shirt.”

  I pulled it over my head, sitting in just my bra.

  He positioned himself in front of me. “Suck me off. Lots of tongue and lots of hand.” His hand wrapped around my hair until he had it locked in a tight fist. He pointed his cock against my face and unleashed another command. “Get to work, sweetheart.”

  I opened my mouth wide and took his length deep into my throat. It was the biggest one I’ve ever taken, and it was so salty and sweet. I loved the way it stretched my mouth, practically unhinging my jaw. The saliva pooled from my cheeks and seeped out of my mouth because I couldn’t contain it all. It poured down my chin and to my neck. The harder he pushed in, the more spit spilled out.

  He thrust into my mouth, his eyes on me the entire time. “Just like that.” His other hand moved behind my head, and he continued to thrust into me hard, not an ounce of gentleness within him.

  I wrapped my hand around his shaft and pumped him as I moved him into my mouth, growing more turned on the longer I tasted him. His pre-cum leaked into my mouth, and I could feel it across the back of my tongue.

  “Touch my balls.”

  My fingers moved to his sack, and I massaged the tender area as I sucked his cock into my mouth. I breathed whenever the opportunity presented itself, but he didn’t give me a lot of time. His cock was rammed deep inside me most of the time, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get it all in my throat. He was simply too long, and I was too small. But that didn’t stop him from thrusting and gripping me at the same time.

  His harshness should have bothered me, but it was just the opposite. I loved how aggressively he wanted me, how much he needed to relieve the sexual frustration I caused. After the dirty things I said to him, I couldn’t blame him for needing to fuck my mouth like this.

  He stared into my eyes the entire time, his thigh tightening with every thrust he made. “Swallow.”

  He was about to come. My pussy clenched at that knowledge, and I wanted his seed in my throat and my belly. I’d never been so eager for a man’s cum, but I desperately wanted it now. When there was a quick moment to breathe, I spoke. “Give it to me.”

  His hand dug into my scalp, and he released a loud moan he couldn’t contain. “Fuck.” He shoved his cock far inside me, forcing my head into his crotch so he could insert as much of his length as possible. Then he came, squirting his hot seed into the back of my throat and practically making me
choke. He gave me so much, dumping ounces as it slid down my throat and into my stomach.

  When he was satisfied, he finally pulled his softening cock out of my mouth. He looked at me like he’d never seen me before. Awe and desire were heavy in his stare, and it seemed like he wanted me even more.

  He threw me onto the bed and yanked my jeans and panties off until I was bare underneath him. He didn’t waste time examining me or studying my naked pussy for the first time. He shoved his face between my legs and sucked my clit so hard I almost came. The slight stubble from his face rubbed against my inner thighs, and just like I imagined, it felt so goddamn good. My hands dug into his hair, and I pulled his face farther into me, loving the amazing things his mouth was doing. “Calloway…”

  He sucked my clit harder into his mouth then drove his tongue deep inside my pussy, tasting all my arousal. It came in a flood, and I was so slick I couldn’t have taken his cock if he tried to shove it inside me.

  “I’m gonna come.”

  His hands reached up and squeezed my tits through my bra, his mouth still sucking and licking my pussy like he was starving. He ate me out, lapping and enjoying the area like a feast. He circled my clit harder, and with a burst, he pushed me over the edge.

  I arched my back across the mattress and pulled his face farther into me. “Yes…yes.” My fingers nearly cut his scalp, and my nipples were sharper than the edge of a knife. I saw the cosmos and the heavens as I fell into the euphoria. It was so good I could barely breathe. I gasped for air, but it was never enough. I was in a moment of pure bliss, not thinking—only feeling.

  Calloway pulled his mouth away when I was finished, his lips covered in a film of my arousal. He moved over my body, kissing my stomach and my chest until he rested on top of me, his lips hovering near mine. “You’re a beast.” He kissed me softly on the lips, in direct contrast to the hardness he’d just shown me. “Just like me.”



  She had work in the morning, so she didn’t try to sleep over.

  Which was a relief.

  I could hold off on sex for four weeks, as impossible as it seemed, but I couldn’t share my bed with someone. That was a hard limit, and there was no way around it. If she really wanted to spend the night, I had a spare bedroom for her to use. But since our relationship was different than the usual ones I had, it would be a difficult conversation.

  I hoped I could avoid it as long as possible.

  I went to Ruin late that night to check on a few things. I couldn’t walk in during the day because I was needed at Humanitarians United, so the late evenings were the best time. And if I kept seeing Rome, the only time I could run my business would be when she was at home and asleep.

  I felt dishonest not telling her about my other business, but at the same time, I didn’t think it was any of her business. She’d only shared a small amount of her past with me, so I didn’t feel obligated to expose more of myself to her. Besides, she would never understand.

  When we fooled around last night, she surprised me with her aggression. She said the dirtiest things I’d ever heard, words that made me so hard my dick actually hurt, and she sucked dick like an Olympic contender. Maybe she would understand Ruin if I gave her a chance.

  But now wasn’t the time.

  When we started fucking, I would have a better idea of whether she would be a good fit or not. She seemed open-minded, intelligent, and she had a distinct talent when it came to foreplay, so it could work out the way I wanted.

  She would be such an incredible submissive.

  I let myself get carried away a few times. One instance with John, which I knew was a fuck-up. Rome was pissed at me until I played nice with the guy. And the second instance was when I treated her like a submissive and commanded her to suck my dick.

  Thankfully, she went with it.

  But I had to be more careful from now on. If I came on too strong, I could push her away entirely. And I couldn’t afford to lose this woman. She did incredible things to me. Just a simple look was enough to get me hard. No woman ever had this hold on me. No woman had ever made me abstinent for four weeks.

  It was a record.

  I moved through the crowd of dancers on the floor and passed the bar before I headed to my office in the back. On the way, I saw Jackson grinding up against some woman in a gas mask. I hoped he wouldn’t see me.

  Of course, he did. “I was wondering when you would show your face in here again.”

  I walked inside and ignored him, unbuttoning the front of my suit coat before I sat down in my leather chair. “I was wondering when you would come up for air from that friend of yours out there.”

  He fell onto the couch facing my desk, wearing a navy blue suit with a vest underneath. Black and blue. They were the two colors we usually wore. We looked so much alike people couldn’t tell us apart sometimes. But I always wore black, and he always wore blue. That usually helped people. “How’s she doing?”

  I assumed he was talking about Isabella. “We had words. She pissed me off. End of story.”

  “What about the beginning? And the middle?”

  “Nothing substantial.” Isabella pissed me off. She became emotionally attached, and now she was haunting me with her baggage. I never deviated from our agreement. She did. But somehow, I was to blame for it. “She’s upset with me, and she’ll be upset for a long time.”

  “It’s because of Rome, isn’t it?”

  I didn’t like it when he said her name. Far too possessive. I wanted to be the only man to ever say her name, but of course, that was ridiculous until she became my sub. Then, I could give her a whole new name altogether. “Isabella blames her for ending our relationship. I explained that wasn’t the case. I would have left anyway. She doesn’t see it that way.”

  “Women are jealous. No way around it.”

  “If she expects me to feel bad for her, I won’t.” She could threaten to jump off a building, and I still wouldn’t do a goddamn thing. I’d been a prisoner once before, and I wouldn’t go down that road again. It was one of the reasons I lived a life of dominance. No one could cage a beast like me.

  “What now?”

  I shrugged. “I tried to find her a new Dom, but she didn’t want one. She’s on her own now.”

  “I wonder if she’ll come back in here.”

  “Hope not.” I hoped I never saw her again. If Isabella had been mature about our breakup, we could have remained good friends. I still would have respected her and cared for her. But this childish behavior made me question the entirety of our relationship. Like a smoke screen, it made me wonder what we truly had.

  “So, how’s it going with Rome?” He leaned back and crossed his legs.

  I didn’t discuss personal shit with my brother, but I knew he wouldn’t stop questioning me until he got his answers. “It’s alright. She doesn’t want to have sex for four weeks.”

  “What?” His jaw dropped. “Is this a cruel joke?”

  I wish. “No.”

  “And you agreed?”

  Because I was a madman. “Yeah.”

  He continued to stare at me with a shocked expression. “Is this woman ever going to be your submissive? Or is she just a regular woman?”

  “She will. I just need some time with her. If she wants to take it slow, I will.”

  “But why? Why wait? Find someone else.”

  I didn’t want anyone else. “We fool around, so that’s fine.”

  “But why does she want to wait? What’s that about?”

  I still didn’t have the answer to that. “Not sure. She didn’t elaborate.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, his blue eyes focused as he tried to find the answer on his own.

  He should leave the thinking to me.

  He snapped his fingers like he found the answer. “She’s a virgin. She’s gotta be.”

  I nearly laughed because it was ridiculous. “Trust me, she’s not.”

  “How would you know unless yo
u’ve fucked her?”

  “Believe me, she’s very experienced. She gave me the best head I’ve ever had. And she talks dirty like no one else.”

  “But what if she is.”

  I didn’t mess with virgins. I popped a few cherries when I was a teenager, but never since. There was always emotional attachment, and the women expected it to be some grand adventure they would look back on with fondness. She’d think it was the beginning of a long relationship, possibly with her husband. No way in hell I would mess with that. “She’s not.”

  With that declaration, Jackson backed off. “Hmm…then, why?”

  “She said she wants to take it slow. That’s all I know.”

  “Sounds like she wants love and flowers. And we both know that will never work.”

  I got that impression as well. She wanted a knight in shining armor, a prince charming. Maybe that was the case. But once she trusted me, I could show her a new life she never considered before. She would love it and become immersed in the darkness. Together, we could be a Dom and a sub who fulfilled every fantasy that crossed our minds. But I had to be patient and wait for the right time. “She’ll change her mind if I give her enough time.”

  “And what if she doesn’t?”

  The answer was simple. “I’ll walk away.”

  “You would really walk away from this woman?” He raised an eyebrow incredulously. “Because you broke off your relationship with a beautiful woman and stalked her like a madman. I don’t think you can give her up that easily.”

  I felt something special for this woman—there was no doubt about that. But if we couldn’t come to an agreement about this, I would have to walk away. There was no way around it. “I can. And I will.”

  I stopped by her office on my lunch hour. I’d thought about her all morning and couldn’t get her out of my mind. While I was hungry for food, what I was really hungry for was her.

  I stepped inside and spotted her sitting at her white desk. A mug was on the surface with the string from a tea bag hanging over the side. Her hair was done in nice curls, and her green eyes were glued to her laptop. She wore a white dress and dark pantyhose on her legs to keep them warm.


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