Black Obsidian

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Black Obsidian Page 20

by Victoria Quinn

  I hadn’t done missionary in a long time. And I’d never done vanilla at all. But my cock was anxious for it as if it was the most exhilarating feeling in the world. I felt like a winner for getting this woman to want me. She could have any man in the world, but she wanted me. She wanted me to fuck her now. She wanted me to come inside her.

  I could barely keep my breathing under control because I was so excited. Like a teenager about to get laid for the first time, the anticipation was about to swallow me whole. I gripped her hips and positioned her underneath me, tilting her hips so I could slide every inch of my cock inside that little pussy.

  I separated her thighs with my forearms, positioning them right behind her knees. My cock pressed against her folds like it had so many times, but this was different. I knew I wouldn’t be sliding over her wet clit. This time, I would be inside her, feeling every inch of her. I locked my eyes with hers, seeing the same desire hot in her cheeks.

  “Thank you for waiting.” She ran her hands up my chest and to my shoulders, her fingertips dragging over me.

  “I’d wait forever for you.” The words came out of nowhere, and they were too romantic for anything I would normally say. But in the heated moment, I said whatever came to mind. Rome was my whole purpose in life at the moment, and nothing else mattered.

  I pressed the head of my cock into her narrow slit, feeling the immediate resistance. When I inserted two fingers inside her, I could tell how tight she was. I knew my thick cock would struggle to get inside. But I couldn’t believe just how narrow she was.

  She was soaked, her pussy juice leaking down over her asshole and to her crack. Her arousal wasn’t the problem. Just my big cock and her tiny pussy. I gently pressed inside her again, my eyes locked to her. My head moved inside an inch or two, feeling the warm flesh of her channel.

  Holy fuck.

  Her hands moved up my chest until they cupped my neck. Her thumb rested right over my pulse, feeling the blood pound along with the adrenaline. Her breathing went haywire, erratic as I tried to fit inside her.

  I continued to push gently inside her, barely getting half of my length within her. But just those inches were enough to give me shivers. It was everything my cock had been dreaming of. Slick, tight, and gorgeous. When I finally stretched her out and we got moving, it would be even better. But I wasn’t sure if I could imagine anything better than this. “Your pussy is fucking incredible. You’re so tight.” My head absorbed all her slickness. Her warm flesh was exquisite, and I never wanted to leave. Of course, she had the pussy of a goddess. My cock must have known it when it first noticed her.

  She dug her nails into my neck, holding on like she might get swept away. “You’re my first…”

  My cock slid another inch, feeling her tightness slowly give way. “First what?” I pressed my face near hers and stared into her eyes, seeing the entire universe in her irises. Absolutely stunning, she was perfection underneath me. Her nipples were pointed, and her chest was flushed with that beautiful pink hue. Her mouth was open from panting, and her hair was sprawled across my pillow. She was on her back with her legs spread to me, exactly as I fantasized a million times.

  “The first.” She craned her neck up and kissed my lips, her sweet kiss warm and inviting.

  More blood rushed to my cock at the touch, but I still didn’t understand her meaning. A sense of doom moved over me, covering me with rain clouds that were about to begin pouring. Her words and the inexplicable tightness of her pussy made me think of one thing. “You’re a virgin?” I stopped sinking into her. The lower half of my cock hung out, eager to see everything my tip was feeling.

  She kept her eyes locked to mine. “Yes.”

  Another spike of adrenaline rushed through me, hitting me like a freight train. I didn’t fuck virgins because of the emotional repercussions. And I wouldn’t have pursued Rome if I’d known that. The chances of getting her to submit to me were nearly zero now. But I didn’t pull my cock out. I didn’t stop.

  My body was even more fired up. My arousal increased tenfold as I stared at her, knowing no other man had ever been inside her before. She was really mine, completely and utterly. I should’ve pulled out and stopped this before it went any further but I couldn’t. I wanted her so much now—more than I ever had before. “You want it to be me?”

  “Yes.” She kissed my bottom lip and sucked it gently. “I’ve been waiting to lose my virginity for a while, but I hadn’t found the right guy to give it to. I want to give it to you.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  How was that possible?

  She had to be at least twenty-four.

  This woman could have had any man, but she only wanted me. And she wanted me to be the first one to fuck her.

  I was lost.

  Nothing could stop me from doing this now. Not even a gun pointed to my head.

  I slowly sank farther into her, enjoying the unexplored territory. Soon, I would reach her cherry and pop it. The idea of her blood covering my dick just aroused me even more. I wasn’t even sure if I would be able to move without coming.

  I felt her nails dig into me harder like she knew what was about to happen. I kissed her again, keeping her aroused before I gave a firm thrust and broke through.

  I moved farther into her and sheathed my dick in her tiny channel. My girth stretched her walls, pushing them to limits they’d never experienced before. The farther I went, the more she tensed underneath me, feeling fuller than ever before. My cock moved until I felt the thin layer of hymen.

  Feeling that small barrier made me feel like a king.

  I rubbed my nose against hers, something I’d never done with a woman, and then gave her a small kiss on the mouth.

  Her lips trembled against my mouth when she felt her cherry pop. She didn’t cry out in pain, but she tensed underneath me like the shock was unexpected. Her nails practically cut into my skin because she was gripping me so firmly.

  I wanted to come so hard.

  My cock moved completely inside her, my balls pressed against her entrance. Every inch of her was heaven. I’d never fucked pussy this good. I’d popped a few cherries when I was young, but I wasn’t experienced enough to really understand what I was doing. I could make this pleasurable for her instead of a painful experience. I could make her come despite the pain my enormous dick caused.

  She wrapped her legs around my waist and hooked her ankles together. Her eyes were locked to mine and she breathed with me, her nipples brushing against my chest when I moved. My name was on her lips, but she didn’t say it.

  I rocked into her slowly, my cock giving her pussy time to acclimate to my size. She was supernaturally tight, but she was so wet that this could work. I had to keep myself focused. Otherwise, I would give out early and ruin the fun before it even began. The fact that she was a virgin screwed up all the wires in my brain and my cock. It should have disturbed me, but it only turned me on like nothing else ever did.

  I kissed her as I moved, my arms pinned on either side of her head. Every inch of my cock was buried deep inside her, our mutual lubrication mixed with tiny drops of her virginity. I breathed into her mouth as I moved, concentrating on her so I wouldn’t release.

  When I tasted salt, I knew her tears had come loose. I pulled away and looked at her, seeing the thin film covering her eyes. “Want me to stop?” It would take all my strength to force myself to pull out of her, but I would do it if she asked me to.

  “No.” Her fingers moved through my hair. “It just hurts a little. But it feels so good.”

  My spine tightened at her response, and my hips continued moving. Her tears turned me on because I was a sick son of a bitch. She experienced the right kind of pain, the pain that felt good. I wasn’t whipping her or spanking her, but my cock was causing enough discomfort to make her feel the sensation submissives craved. The pain was noticeable, but it was dull in comparison to the pleasure. My cock was too big for her, and her pussy was too small for me. But our mutual desperation m
ade it possible—and mind-blowing.

  I looked down at her and relished the moisture in her eyes. Her cheeks were still flushed pink in desire, and her pussy was soaked. All of those things made her the sexiest thing to ever lie beneath me. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” My cock slid all the way inside, but I pulled out again, just my head remaining within. I slid back inside her, my cock constricted on all sides. It was the most intense pressure I’d ever felt, better than any sex I’d had with any woman. “It hurts.” I grabbed the back of her hair and yanked her head back so I could kiss her neck. I slathered the area with kisses then nipped at her collarbone, possessing her completely. I branded her with my kisses and my cock, wanting the world to know she was only mine to enjoy.

  She dragged her nails down my back, making tiny valleys across the surface of my skin. Her hips slowly moved with me, taking my cock with resilience. Her breathing increased, and her moans echoed in the room. The initial pain of my intrusion slowly began to wear off, and she enjoyed the entire fullness of my cock. “I think I’m gonna come…”

  I positioned myself on top of her and looked down into her eyes, claiming her with just a look. “No. You are going to come.” I rocked into her harder, quickly giving her more of my cock. Her first time was going to be incredible, and she was going to have a mind-blowing orgasm that made her come back to me for more. “Now come for me.”

  “Oh god…” She gripped my shoulders before she arched her back, my cock pounding into her furiously. The sheets beneath her were soaked with her lubrication, and I could smell the heavy scent of sex in the bedroom. My room had never smelled like this. I never wanted the smell to go away. Her hands snaked down to my ass, and she pulled more of my cock within her, wanting me so deep my balls smacked her ass. “Yes…right there.”

  Fuck, she was gorgeous.

  Her pussy was getting tighter as she prepared to come. She squeezed my dick so hard she practically bruised it.

  “Fuck yes.” Her nails almost drew blood as she squeezed my ass. Her head rolled back, and she screamed through the pleasure. Her eyes were wide-open and staring into mine, her mind high in the clouds. “Fuck, you feel so good…”

  I wanted to make this last, but that was impossible after her little performance. “I’m gonna come inside you.” I wasn’t going to ask for permission because this pussy was mine now. I owned it just like I owned her. I’d be coming deep inside her every single day whether she wanted me to or not. I passed the realm of obsession and fell into something deeper, stronger. Now, I wanted to possess her completely, make her mine forever.


  I pumped into her roughly, no longer being delicate with her soft pussy. I pounded into her hard and shook the headboard. Her tits bounced up and down as I rocked into her with enough force to break the bed. Within seconds, I reached my threshold and felt the hot goodness deep in my balls. Like a raging fire, flames moved up my shaft until they finally reached my head.

  I shoved myself as far as I could go, right at her cervix, and I released. “Jesus Christ.” I growled like a bear and moaned at the same time, dumping myself deep inside her. I gave her so much cum I didn’t think she could contain it all. I spilled more than I ever had in my life, filling her up like a car at the gas pump. I topped her off until my cum started to seep from her entrance and drip down her ass.

  Fuck, I was ready again.

  Rome ran her hands up my neck until she cupped my cheeks. She gave me an otherworldly look, like I was the focus of her whole universe. I couldn’t decipher the look she gave me, but I knew it was full of satisfaction and joy. There was no regret for the decision she made. She didn’t second-guess her choice to give herself to me. She was happy. And even when the fun was over, she was still happy.

  “You’re mine now.” I said it before, but I meant it in a different way. Now, I meant it so literally I wasn’t sure what the definition was. All I knew was, I didn’t want to share her with anyone. And the idea of being with anyone else repulsed me. I was devoted to this woman, worshiping her like a goddess who had the power to rule me. If she asked me to bow to her, I would. If she asked me for anything at all, I would oblige.

  “I know.”

  My cock hardened again while inside her, feeling the wetness directly against my tip inside her pussy. It was quickest I’d ever recovered from an orgasm, but this woman made my body reach new heights. “Are you sore?”

  “A little. But I want to do it again anyway.”

  I pulled out and watched my cum drip out of her pussy. The sight was the biggest turn-on in my life. I felt it with my fingers before I shoved it back in, wanting her pussy to be stuffed with it. No man had ever released inside her, and now it was a shrine for my cum. I pointed my hard dick at her opening and stretched her all over again, her pussy having to acclimate to my size once more. “I want to do it all night.”



  Maybe this wouldn’t last forever, but I didn’t regret my decision. I’d been waiting a long time to have that special moment, and no guy I met was ever the right one. But with Calloway, it didn’t just feel right.

  It felt perfect.

  I knew the first time would hurt. I knew it would be painful. But that wasn’t how it felt. His cock felt just as good as I’d hoped it would. My body struggled to accept him, but he somehow made it work.

  And it was the most satisfying experience of my life.

  Now I lay in bed with him, the sheets soaked with sex and the air heavy from our heat. He spooned me from behind, his powerful chest pressed against my back and his breathing in sync with mine.

  I felt my mind drift away as sleep came for me. But I knew I couldn’t let myself slip away while I was in his bed. My room was down the hall, and it wasn’t a far walk. I slipped from his arms then sat at the edge of the bed. His shirt was on the ground, so I leaned down to pick it up.

  “What are you doing?” He sat up, his hair messy and his eyes sleepy.

  “I’m going to bed. I’m exhausted.” My body and mind were in desperate need of a good night’s rest. In the morning, we could pick up where we left off. I didn’t even eat dinner that night, but those orgasms were enough to keep me satisfied.

  He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back to bed. “You’re sleeping here.” With his powerful arm, he dragged me across the bed and back to where I was lying before.

  “It’s really okay. I’m not upset.” When Calloway explained his situation, I completely understood it. Some scars never healed, no matter how much time had passed. I didn’t take his need for solitude as an insult. I knew it wasn’t about me at all.

  “I said you’re sleeping here.” He kissed my shoulder and tightened his arm around my stomach.

  “But you said—”

  “I know what I said. But I’ll be fine.”

  “The door isn’t even closed…”

  He kissed the back of my neck and let his breaths fall across my skin. “I trust you. Just as you trust me.” He buried his face in my hair then didn’t move again, drifting off to sleep immediately.

  My heart filled with unexpected warmth. I hadn’t expected him to get over his past so easily. It was a problem he’d possessed for years, and fears like that didn’t disappear overnight. But I didn’t leave his side. I stayed next to his warmth and fell asleep immediately—feeling safer than I ever had in my entire life.

  When I woke up the next morning, I was in the exact position I’d been in the night before. Calloway’s thick arm was still hooked around my waist like I might try to escape in the middle of the night.

  I glanced over my shoulder and saw his open eyes.

  They were heavy and lidded with sleep, and his hair was messier than it was last night. The stubble on his face was thicker than the night before, but I liked the way it sprinkled his face. “Morning, Vanilla.” He kissed my cheek then my lips.

  I melted at his touch immediately, loving such a warm greeting first thing in the morning. I gently rubbed my ass ag
ainst him, feeling his hard-on directly between my cheeks. “Vanilla?”

  “That’s your name.”

  “I thought it was sweetheart.”

  He rubbed his cock between my cheeks, his lubrication seeping out of the tip. “Vanilla is better.”

  “Because I’m a virgin?”

  He kissed me then pulled my bottom lip into his mouth aggressively. “Were a virgin. Now you’re just mine.”

  “I wanted to sleep with you after our first date.” I struggled to keep my legs closed and remain patient. I wanted to jump head first into waters without knowing their depth. I wanted to go in blind and not care about what happened. “That’s why I asked you to make me wait.”

  “I’m glad I did.” He kissed the corner of my mouth. “You were worth it, Vanilla.”

  My heart fluttered with warmth.

  “How do you feel?” He moved his hand between my legs and massaged my entrance. The corner of his mouth rose in a smile when he realized I was already wet.

  I didn’t feel any shame. “A little sore.”

  “We can take a break. I can kiss all those sores away instead.”

  “No.” I didn’t want a break. I wanted to spend the entire weekend making love and forgetting about the rest of the world. I wanted to feel him inside me every second, full of his cum. “I want you.”

  His arm tightened around my stomach until he nearly crushed me. “You’re a dream, you know that?”


  “Yes.” He kissed the shell of my ear. “When I first saw you, I was a goner. And now… I don’t even know what I am.”


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