Black Obsidian

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Black Obsidian Page 24

by Victoria Quinn

  “Okay. Then what’s the compromise?”

  She looked away because she didn’t have one.

  “How about I buy it for you, and you pay me rent?”

  She sighed in annoyance. “I’ll never be able to afford a place like that. Don’t you get it?”

  “You can pay me whatever you were paying before. That’s a compromise.”

  “I don’t want a dime from you, Calloway. I’m with you because of who you are, not how fat your wallet is. I’m sorry, but I respect you too much to take anything.”

  Her words were kind, but I couldn’t appreciate them. A lot of women wanted me because I was powerful, good-looking, and wealthy. They wanted to be showered with gifts and live with me in a penthouse in Manhattan. I knew some women didn’t care who I was underneath my layers. That was why I chose the lifestyle with Ruin. It was much easier, much simpler. But then Rome came into my life and screwed everything up. “I appreciate that, Vanilla. I do. But I’m offering it to you, so it’s not disrespectful. It’ll ease my mind if I know you’re safe when I’m not around. You’ll never understand how much it hurt me to see you with a black eye. I can’t let that happen again.”

  “That was a fluke.” Her anger continued to slip away as the conversation continued. Now her voice came out quiet, like a gentle whisper in the breeze. “I can take care of myself, Calloway. Really, I can.”

  “But you don’t have to.”

  She looked at me again, her green eyes soft.

  “I know you’ve been doing it your whole life because you had to. I know you struggled and prided yourself on standing on your own two feet. I know it’s hard for you to take down your walls and let anyone in. But I’m not just anyone, Vanilla. You don’t have to keep struggling. There’s nothing wrong with taking the easier road sometimes.”

  She looked away, her eyes no longer trained on me. “You’re a great guy, Calloway. You’re sweet and kind, and I understand how lucky I am to have someone like you. Whatever we have…I love. When I’m with you, I feel things I thought I would never feel. I feel safe, protected, and cherished. And sometimes, I think I’ve found a partner who really understands me.”

  The words went straight into my heart, throbbing in both pain and pleasure. I knew she was serious about me if she slept with me, but she didn’t confess her feelings very often. She only gave me looks and kisses. Now she was giving me more.

  “And I think I’ve found a man just as broken—but just as strong.”

  My hand balled into a fist to stop myself from reaching over the table and grabbing her. I wanted to hold her in my lap and force her to straddle my hips. I wanted to hold her close to me and kiss her until her lips were bruised.

  “And that’s why I can’t take anything from you. I don’t want to ruin what we have. Allowing you to buy me something just complicates things. And even if I pay you rent, that still makes everything awkward. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but neither of those is an option.”

  So much for a compromise. “Then live with me.” In the back of my mind, I knew it was a stupid decision. I enjoyed having her around, but if it became permanent, we would have problems. If she didn’t want the things I wanted, it would be painful when she left. But that didn’t stop me from making the offer. “There’s no exchange of money, and I’m not giving you anything. And you’re safe. It’s the best compromise.”

  She watched me with her pretty eyes, her features soft and unreadable. When she didn’t say anything for nearly a minute, I knew her response wasn’t what I wanted to hear. “I can’t live here.”

  The disappointment hit me harder than I expected it to. In fact, I was devastated. I’d become used to her being around the house. I’d become used to her sharing my bed. I’d become used to seeing her every minute of the day when I wasn’t at work. I never would have asked her to live with me to begin with if she had somewhere else to go, but after it happened, I didn’t regret it. Now, I regretted her leaving. “It’s a big place. Plenty of space for both of us.”

  “Calloway, I’ve loved staying with you. You know how I feel about this gorgeous kitchen.”

  I smiled automatically.

  “But I can’t stay here.”

  “Give me one good reason.”

  She was quiet as she tried to find the right response. “Because I want this to work. It’s too soon, Calloway. Despite how we may feel about each other, I don’t want to ruin it by moving too quickly.”

  It’d been nearly two months since we met. It wasn’t that quick.

  “So I’m going to get this place and move out.” She didn’t say it with victory but with calm acceptance. “If things go well, maybe I can move back in. But for now, I think this is the best thing for both of us.”

  I could accept her leaving my house, but I couldn’t accept her moving into a place where she could get stalked and raped. “I accept that, Vanilla. But I don’t accept the place you’ve chosen to move. Compromise with me here.”

  “Calloway, I can’t afford anything nicer. That’s the bottom line.”

  And she wouldn’t live with me, the only other possibility. Frustrated, I looked away. If I didn’t resolve my anger, I would say something I would later regret. Keeping my mouth shut was the best choice at the moment.

  She must have been able to read my emotions because she didn’t say anything more on the subject. In silence, she stayed on her side of the table and stared at me. Her eyes were full of remorse for upsetting me.

  But she didn’t need to pity me.

  Because I always got my way.

  Christopher walked out of his building, and my driver intercepted him at the sidewalk. Wearing a black suit with a thick overcoat, he looked like every other rich guy on Wall Street. He fit the bill perfectly, with his combed hair and shiny dress shoes. He was young and full of ambition, like so many young people in the city.

  My driver guided him to my black car, and Christopher got in the back seat.

  He took one look at me, his charismatic smile on his face. “Are you James Bond?”

  I chuckled. “Pretty much.”

  He eyed the sleek car with black leather upholstery. “Hope I have a driver someday. Must be nice.”

  “You will.” I rolled up the divider window so we would have some privacy.

  Christopher nodded like he knew what this meeting was about. “I get it. Rome is annoying the shit out of you, and you want me to take care of it. It’s cool. I figured she would get under your skin sooner or later.”

  Quite the contrary. I never wanted her to leave. “You’re right about the subject, but not the problem.”

  “Then tell me how I can help. I could always knock her upside the head for you. You know, older brother privileges.”

  I smiled again because it was so easy to talk to Christopher. Rome was different because she was so serious all the time. She worked so hard to be tough that sometimes she forgot it was okay to crack a joke once in a while. “She’s been living with me for a while since that guy broke in to her apartment.”

  “And you haven’t killed her yet. I’m surprised.”

  I ignored the jab. “She wants to move out. She found this run-down place that makes my skin crawl. It’s not safe, and I don’t want her there.”

  “Then tell her. Why are you talking to me about it?”

  “You know how stubborn she is.” I didn’t need to explain that part.

  He rolled his eyes. “I feel ya.”

  “I offered to buy her a place, but of course, she said no. Then, I offered to let her live with me permanently, but she said—”

  “Damn.” He looked at me with wide eyes. “I knew you were into my sister, but I didn’t realize how far it went. I can actually hear wedding bells.”

  I sidestepped the accusation. “Yes, I really care about her. I’m not going to ask her to marry me, but I definitely want to take care of her. But that’s the problem. She won’t let me.” That answer was political enough.

  “So what does this
have to do with me?”

  “I want you to ask her to move in with you.”

  He gripped his chest and laughed like a madman. “Good one.”

  “I’m serious.”

  He kept laughing because he thought it was some kind of joke. “Yeah, okay. I’m gonna ask my annoying-ass sister to live with me…”

  “I’m willing to make it worth your while.”

  “Look, I care about my sister. I’d do anything for her—no questions asked.” He finally turned serious. “But she can take care of herself. I need my privacy because I have a lot of shit going on—dirty shit. And I don’t want her in the way. She wouldn’t want to get in my way anyway.”

  “But I can offer you something.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t be bribed.”

  “It’s not bribery, exactly.”

  He fell silent, listening for my offer.

  “I’ll buy you an upgraded apartment from what you have now—twice the value. You let her live with you. Take her rent as profit and pay whatever you’re paying now for your own apartment. I’ll take care of the rest.”

  Christopher considered the offer in silence.

  “When she moves out, because eventually she will, you can keep the place.” Now that was a deal no one could turn down.

  “Any other stipulations?”


  “I don’t have to be nice to her?”

  I tried not to smile. “You can be normal.”

  He turned away and rubbed his chin. “My god, you must be in love with her. I don’t care how rich you are, no one would do something like this unless he found his future wife.” He continued to rub his chin as he considered the offer.

  She wasn’t my future wife, but she would be something better than that. “What do you think?”

  “I’m interested. But I’m not sure how I’m going to get her to live with me. I’m sure she doesn’t want to live with me as much as I don’t want to live with her.”

  “Tell her you need her to cover a portion of the rent.”

  “But she knows I don’t need her money.”

  “If you get a bigger place, she would believe it.” And she would live in a nice place, which would make me happy. And if anyone gave her shit about it, Christopher would be there to look after her.

  “I guess I could give it a try.”

  “So we have a deal?” I extended my hand to shake his.

  He eyed it. “You’re really serious about this, huh?”

  “Absolutely.” I’d never been more serious about anything in my life.

  He shook my hand. “Alright. We’ve got a deal.”

  “Thank you.” Eventually, he would understand how much this meant to me. Without him, I’d have to lose sleep every night while wondering if she was okay. “If you ever need anything, let me know. I always repay favors.”

  “You’re the one doing me a favor, man.”

  The apartment was nothing to me. It barely affected my bank account. But I wouldn’t say that and sound like an asshole.

  “My sister finally found the right guy to take care of her. So you’re the one making my life easier.”



  When we got into the elevator, I knew this place would be fancy. Christopher always had a taste for luxury. Even when we were kids, he said he would be rich someday. He carried on about designer clothes, expensive cars, and nice apartments.

  Christopher stood beside me as the elevator rose to the top floor. “I think you’ll like it.”

  “What was wrong with your old place?” It was a mansion in my eyes. He had a bedroom, a separate kitchen, and even a dining room.

  “I just wanted an upgrade.”

  The doors opened and we walked down the hall to his door. The hallway looked like it belonged to a fancy hotel. Paintings were on the walls with art lights, and there were lamps outside each door. He got it unlocked before we stepped inside.

  As I expected, it was gorgeous. It immediately made me think of Calloway’s place. With hardwood floors, walls with original moldings, and so much space he could have thirty people over for a dinner party, it was a dream come true. “Wow…it’s beautiful.”

  “I know. I love it.” He walked around with his hands in his pockets and admired the windows that showed the city beyond.

  I was so proud of my brother. He worked so hard and never gave up. When he put his mind to something, he succeeded. He took out loans for college and spent a year in poverty to pay them back. Now, he was on top of the world, and no one deserved it more than he did. “I’m so happy for you.”

  He came back to me, mischief in his eyes. “There’s actually something I wanted to ask you.”


  “The rent is a little too high, so I’m looking for someone to share the rent with. You interested?”

  I laughed because it was ridiculous. “What makes you think I could afford to live here?”

  “I only need like five hundred bucks a month. And that’s mainly to cover utilities. I need the cash to buy drinks for all my ladies.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “You’re serious?” He actually wanted to live with me?

  “Yeah. I know you’ll be at Calloway’s most of the time, and the bedrooms are nowhere near each other. There’s plenty of space for both of us.”

  There was no question that this place was a mansion. “I’m just surprised you don’t want a different roommate, maybe a guy who can pay you more for rent.”

  “I’d rather have someone I know. Someone who understands me and won’t get in my way. So, what do you say? Unless you’re going to stay with Calloway?”

  Christopher didn’t realize how much his offer helped me out. I didn’t want to stay with Calloway, but I didn’t like the apartment complex I intended to move into. I put up a front with Calloway, but the place was tiny and dirty. The walls were paper-thin, and I could hear everything from the neighbors. He would be happy I was living in a nicer neighborhood and under the protection of my brother. It killed two birds with one stone. “No, I’m not staying with him.”

  “Then, what do you think?”

  “Christopher, I would love to. But maybe you should think about this.” We hadn’t lived together for a long time. We both needed our space and independence.

  “I’m sure. Are you in? You need to tell me now because if you aren’t, I need to find someone else.”

  I didn’t hesitate. “I would love to live here.” It would be a struggle to get used to having a roommate, especially my brother, but we could make it work. “I think we should lay down some ground rules. But other than that, we should be fine.”

  “Have your dates at Calloway’s, and I’ll have my dates here. Problem solved.” He clapped his hands in triumph. “Let’s get your bags.”

  I walked inside the house and saw Calloway in the kitchen. “You’re cooking?”

  “Yep.” He turned off the stove and dished out the dinner onto two plates. “Thought we would change it up tonight.” After he set down the hot pan, he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me. “That way you’ll have more energy later…”

  Energy was never the problem when we were in bed together. “Well, that was nice of you. I have some good news, by the way.”

  “Yeah?” He backed me up into the corner, what he usually did when he spoke to me. He liked to have me pressed against something at any time of day. He pressed his rock-hard cock against my stomach and stared into my eyes with greed.

  “I know this is going to sound strange, but I’m moving in with my brother.”

  “Really?” He pulled away slightly, giving me some room to breathe. “What brought that on?”

  “He got this new apartment, but it’s a little too expensive. He needs some help with the rent, and he doesn’t want to live with someone he doesn’t know. So…he asked me.” It was the perfect solution to our problem. “It’s in a nice area, so I think you’ll be happy.”

  “I’m very happy.” He didn’
t smile, and his hands still boxed me into the counter. “I’m sad to see you leave, but I’m glad you’re going somewhere safe. Looks like everything worked out.”


  “But I hope we’ll still have our sleepovers.” He kissed the corner of my mouth, his tongue gently gliding over the skin.

  “Couldn’t live without them.” I parted my lips to him so I could get access to his tongue.

  He pressed his body into mine and tilted my chin so he could have full access to everything he wanted to take. “How about we forget dinner?” He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and gave it a playful bite.

  “You know I hate eating anyway.”



  I drank my scotch in the black booth in the corner. I’d just arrived, but my glass was nearly empty. The bar was a sub-club, a small one a few blocks from ours. Jackson and I liked this place. It was cold, dark, and no one knew who we were.

  A few women walked by, and their eyes immediately went to the black ring that circled my finger. The second they spotted it, they dashed off like frightened fish. The ring was a repellent, keeping all interested parties away. In a place like this, it was necessary. I didn’t want to deal with the attention, and I didn’t have to dish out the hardship of rejection.

  Jackson finally arrived, grabbed his drink from the bar, and then joined me in the booth. “This place is sick. I like it. A lot more mellow than our place.”

  Because ours was a behemoth. With two stories, it had a lot of secrets. “I like it too.”

  He eyed my black ring. “So, Vanilla is still around?”

  “Why wouldn’t she be?”

  “Thought you would have gotten her out of your system by now.”

  “No.” In fact, I was more obsessed. “So, why did you ask me to meet you?” I had other things to do besides look at my brother’s face. Rome just moved out, and now my place was empty. Hopefully, her smell wouldn’t fade quickly.

  “Can’t a guy want to see his brother?”

  “Not you.”

  “Oh, come on.” He rolled his eyes. “We’re friends, right?”


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