A Nurse for Fallon

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A Nurse for Fallon Page 10

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  Addie wondered how that had gotten around town, but she knew that Louisa had good ears and an active mouth. Addie had let on how she enjoyed Charles’ company and felt he was someone special in her life.

  “Yes, I think that just might be correct.” Addie grinned. Saying it made it feel real, and she couldn’t wait.

  Gabe went to the door. “I’ll take your advice and get Charles. I might get myself in trouble if I go alone.”

  Addie finished the stitching and cleaning the wounds. “I think Gabe is fond of you.”

  “Well, don’t get your hopes up that he’ll marry me or any woman.” Her face softened. “But he does care about me. I think he cares about Dahlia, too. She had it in her mind that eventually she and Fallon would get hitched, but now that won’t happen. Can’t believe Fallon is studying to be a preacher.”

  “He is? Well, that’s news to me, but I can’t say it is a surprise. The Lord sure changed him.”

  “Amen to that sister. And if you’re a praying woman, say one for Gabe. He was pretty worked up when he found me. The sheriff has keys to the saloon and came in the back way and caught me in the bedroom. He was mad about something and beat me for no reason. I’m glad Gabe is taking the keys from him.”

  “Yes, me too. Did the sheriff say anything about what he was so mad about?”

  Belle laughed. “Yes, seems that Charles and Higgins have found a way to free Dahlia from his jail. He was furious. He had to turn Dahlia loose and thought she’d be at the saloon. I haven’t seen her. The sheriff didn’t believe me. As you can see, I paid for it.”

  “You sure did.” Addie handed her a wet towel to dab on her swollen lip. She said a silent prayer for Charles and Gabe as they went to confront the sheriff.


  Peter Fallon had finished another session of Bible reading and praying when he had flashes of a memory about the night he’d been shot. He remembered getting off the floor after Charlie had hit him and heard the door slam shut as Charlie left the saloon.

  Fallon remembered sitting at his table, heard a noise, and then it was as if a sledgehammer hit him in the back of the head. As he fell to the floor, he remembered seeing the sheriff standing over him with Dahlia’s derringer in his hand. And then the blackness came and took him down.

  Peter looked toward the jail. He needed to confront the sheriff and make sure Dahlia was set free. He started walking toward the jail when he saw Gabe and Charles go into the building. Fallon ran across the street.

  He didn’t want Charles to get hurt, but he was glad to have the men there when he confronted Sheriff Fitzgerald.

  As Peter neared the door, he heard shouts. Then a shot. Fallon ran inside and saw that Charles had the sheriff’s arm behind his back while Gabe held a gun on him.

  “What happened?”

  Charles looked at him. “It was the sheriff that shot you.”

  Peter looked at him. “I was just coming to tell you that I had a memory right of that night, and I saw the sheriff standing over me with Dahlia’s derringer in his hand.”

  Charles put handcuffs on the sheriff and then took him to the cell. “I guess Chester will get a surprise when he returns from dinner.”

  Gabe put his gun in his holster. “I came and demanded the keys to the saloon from the sheriff. He’d come to me long ago and said he needed them in case something went wrong. And then I found out he was using them to sneak in and abuse the girls and steal from me. I wondered why the till would be short in the morning.”

  Peter nodded. “So that’s how he came in that night. Through the back door. I know it was locked because I always check it after Gabe leaves.” Peter went to the cell holding the sheriff. “Why did you do it?”

  The sheriff had lost his haughty arrogance and looked every bit a defeated man. Looking up, he shook his head. “I wanted Dahlia. She wouldn’t have anything to do with me. She loves you, Fallon. She made me so mad that night. She ran out of the saloon, and I saw her gun on the dresser. I picked it up and started to walk to your table when I saw Charlie hit you. I waited until he left and then shot you. I thought Dahlia would change her mind. Besides, you cheated me out of my prize horse.”

  Peter Fallon nodded. “And then Charles cheated me out of the horse.” Peter stared at the man and saw the broken soul of him. Compassion welled up inside Peter, and he reached through the bars and put his hand on the sheriff’s shoulder. “I forgive you. If you want to talk, let me know.”

  The man only shook his head and turned away from him.

  Peter walked back out to the office. “I guess that’s the end of that. Where’s Dahlia?”

  “She wasn’t here when we came in.” Charles pointed down the street. “You might try the café.” Peter left in a hurry.

  Gabe and Charles looked at one another. Unsure as what to do, Charles shrugged. “We’ll have to talk to the town council.”

  Suddenly, Sammy came running into the office. “Come quick. Someone needs to get Doc. Chester is bad sick. Nurse Addie thinks it could be his appendix.”

  Charles nodded. “Gabe, you ride out to the Parkers and get Doc. Sam, you and me will see if we can help Addie. Hurry, Gabe.”

  “I will.” The man was already mounting the nearest horse and galloped out of town.

  Charles wondered who they would get to replace the sheriff. Chester was out and had said he was leaving town.

  They ran into the clinic, and Addie had Chester in the exam room.

  She ran to Charles. “He’s in bad shape.”

  “Gabe went to get Doc. He should be back in an hour at the latest.”

  She nodded. “I’ve given him some laudanum. In another thirty minutes, I can give him a little more.”

  Chapter 18

  Higgins met Charles in the office. “All right. We have the delightful opportunity to make a family. I have the papers all right here. I’ll just need you to sign them, Charles.”

  Charles signed his name and then hugged Sam. “You’re now Sam Walker. Son of Charles Walker.”

  “Yippee!” Sam grinned.

  Higgins shook Charles's hand. “Your father took you and your heirs out of his will, leaving everything to Dean. But he did give you a small section of land with the old homestead on it. It’s a log cabin and needs some cleaning up, but it’s livable. At least for two men.”

  “Thanks, Higgins.”

  “And about that other thing. The council has given me permission to hire you as sheriff, at least until they can find someone to take your place. And I’ll still teach you about the law. But what I want to know is, where are you fitting in your time with Addie?”

  Addie smiled and hugged Sam.

  Charles grinned. “Well, she’s agreed to be my wife. I figure we can stay in the hotel until we get the cabin cleaned up. Then we’ll move out there. It’s only a thirty-minute ride to town.”

  “We’re a real family now. Or will be after we go to church.” Sam grinned. “We’re going to marry Addie.”

  Addie laughed. “I’ll have a son and a husband all in one day.”

  Higgins grinned. “And to think you have Fallon doing the ceremony.”

  “After all, he brought us together.” Addie squeezed Charles’s hand.


  Two years later.

  Addie rushed around the cabin, taking the breakfast dishes to the kitchen, and then grabbing her nurse’s hat and wrap. “I’m ready.”

  Charles came inside. “Sam has the buggy hitched. I’m glad you agreed to go into the clinic until the baby comes.”

  She smiled and pinched his handsome face before she kissed him. “Of course. I want the best for our baby. When I go into labor, the doc will be there. And I have the Carter boy to watch over. His leg was feverish, and he needs care.”

  He returned her kiss. “What am I going to have to do with you?”

  “Love me.” Addie laughed. “Did Pastor Elijah have any word on Peter Fallon?”

  “Yes, he told me that Peter was riding Sinbad to the Oklahoma
Territory toward the badlands. Seems he knows a lot of people who need the Good News.”

  Addie squeezed his hand. “I’m glad you gave Sinbad to him. That was a wonderful gift for him. I believe he’ll make a difference in a lot of people’s lives.”

  Charles nodded. “It’s funny how things work out. We used to be enemies, and now we’re good friends. Peter did tell me that Dahlia is in Topeka, helping in an orphanage.” He grinned.

  “That would be wonderful.” Addie let Sam help her into the buggy. “How are you today, Sam? You did get your assignments finished, didn’t you?”

  Sam kissed her cheek. “You know I did. So, what do you think it is? I’d like a brother, but then a sweet little sister would be nice too.”

  Charles laughed. “Sweet? Little sisters are not the sweetest things God made. I’ve watched the families in church, and it seems the little girls are always the cause of much trouble.”

  “Why, Charles Walker. That is not true. It’s those little boys, like you were, who cause the problems. Besides, whatever I have has a fifty percent chance of being a sweet child if they take after me, that is.”

  “Is that so? Don’t believe her, Sam. Women were the cause of great trouble for mankind, but on the other hand, we’d be miserable without them.”

  Addie pulled her wrap tight about her. “Are you riding your horse today, Sam?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Rocky likes it when I ride him. Today after school, I promised Gramps and Uncle Dean that I’d come to the ranch and help them this weekend.” The boy grinned. “Besides, Pa has the case he’s working on, and you have my little brother or sister to work on. I thought you two could use some time alone.”

  “You’re a good son, Sam.” Charles stepped into the buggy and took up the reins. “Let’s go.” He flicked the reins and grinned as Sammy dashed past them on his black and white paint. “I never knew life could be so good.”

  Addie leaned against his shoulder. “You wait, you haven’t seen anything yet.” She patted her swollen belly. “This is only the first. I told Doc I wouldn’t be working after this one comes.”

  Charles nodded. “I think you’ll be working plenty. If that little one is anything like his daddy, we’re in for a wild ride.”

  She laughed. “That will make me love him all the more.” She looked out at the sprawling town of Lawrence. “The town is growing. It will be a fine place to raise children.”

  “Uh-hum. And just how many are you planning on bringing into this world?”

  “Oh, at least three or four more.” She kissed his cheek. “I love you, Charles Walker.”

  “And I love you, Mrs. Walker.”

  Later that night, Candace Lorraine Walker was brought into the world to the delight of Charles and Addie. And a rider was sent to the ranch, and by midafternoon, the small family was joined by Sam, a very proud grandfather, and uncle.


  Author’s Note – I hope you enjoyed the story of Addie, Fallon, and Charles. I enjoy writing about changed lives, and the Lord is the life changer. I hope you all are staying safe and healthy in these trying times. Keep the faith burning strong and proclaim the hope of glory that He has entrusted to us.


  Patricia PacJac Carroll

  Be sure to check out my other Nursing the Heart Romance book – A Nurse for Connor https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B087MW6LPT

  You can find more books in the Nursing the Heart Romance series https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0881KGBVV

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  *** A free book for you. My first book in the Hickory Stick Series is Free – Enjoy.

  Caroline’s Love


  I also write Christian Contemporary Romance under the pen name Nina Jayne. https://www.amazon.com/Nina-Jayne/e/B08CTFJ3DR




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