Cowboy Caveat

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Cowboy Caveat Page 7

by Vanessa Brooks

  “Honey, Amy....are you alright, little darlin’?” he asked softly, his thumbs stroking the tears from her wet velvet cheeks.

  Amy opened her eyes and gazed at Ethan. “My God, Ethan... like this?” she whispered.

  Ethan smiled, “With the right man, my sweet.”

  He kissed her and gently inserted a finger back inside her, swirling and stretching her gently before he shifted himself to lie between her legs. Amy was loose and compliant, still in the throes of ecstasy, and didn’t seem to realize what Ethan was about to do until he slid his shaft into her and rocked gently until he could feel himself sliding up inside her. When he met the resistance of her maidenhead he stopped and placed his hands either side of Amy’s shoulders.

  “This is it, honey, I’m gonna make you Mrs. Ethan Walker right now. It might sting a bit but after will never hurt you again, I promise!” Pulling back his loins, Ethan gave an almighty thrust. He felt her barrier tear and he was fully enclosed inside his wife at last! Ethan groaned, and wanting to enjoy this first time with her to the full, he began to thrust, savoring the sweetness of finally taking Amy as his wife.

  Amy was surprised at the stinging and gasped. It was a strange and unique feeling, being full of Ethan, but as he continued to fill her and move, the joining felt more natural to her. He was thrusting in and out until Amy felt that familiar sensation build up again between her legs, one that Ethan had evoked only moments before. She found herself pushing her hips to meet his, and just as she thought she would soar once more, Ethan gave a guttural groan and she felt his shaft pulsate inside her. He collapsed atop her, a heavy unmovable weight.

  “I love you, Mrs. Walker,” Ethan whispered hoarsely into her ear. He kissed her cheek, finally rolling off her but pulling her head onto his shoulder.

  “I-I love you, too, Mr. Walker,” Amy whispered shyly but with a slight feeling of disappointment.

  Ethan drifted off to sleep but Amy lay awake, playing over and over what had just happened between them in her mind until she felt almost feverish. She lifted the sheet, which was all that covered them both on this hot night, and lifted herself onto one elbow to look down the length of Ethan’s hard body. She gently traced a finger over his upper body, around the flat copper paps and through the chestnut hair on his chest, following the line of hair down over his navel to his groin. She cupped the wrinkled sac beneath his member and then fingered his soft, nestling shaft. It stirred and grew, and Amy stared, intrigued by the thing as it stiffened and once again became the pulsating rod that had deflowered her earlier in the night. Amy wrapped her hand around it and moved it up and down as Ethan had shown her.

  Ethan awoke to wonderful sensations in his groin. He half opened his eyes and watched as Amy explored and played with his body. She was everything he had hoped she would be in bed. As his new wife pumped him pleasantly, he stretched out and kept his eyes closed, enjoying every delicious moment.

  After a while, he wanted to be inside his wife, so he suddenly rolled toward her, eliciting a small scream of surprise from Amy as he pulled her under him and parted her legs with his knee. Ethan pressed his mouth onto hers and began to kiss her. His hand felt beneath their bodies and he plunged his finger into her, playing her until he was sure she was ready to take him. This time he positioned himself at her opening and thrust inside, pounding her right from the start. Amy gasped and moaned aloud as Ethan’s teeth nipped at her taut nipples. His hands slid under her body and clutched her buttocks, pulling her close to his pelvis as he thrust inside her. He pulled her tightly to him and Amy felt herself melding into his strength while her orgasm flooded her with amazing speed and force. This time her entire body seemed to explode with the pleasure that rocked through her and she screamed aloud with the sheer joy of it. Ethan continued to thrust, but when Amy came and clenched around him, crying out her release, Ethan was tipped over the edge and joined her in ecstasy. Afterwards they cuddled, still joined, as they fell into a deep, restorative sleep.


  When they awoke the next day, there was no time for romance because the stage was due to leave at eight sharp. Ethan hustled everyone over to the general store and quick purchases of clothes were made for Luca, who had no change of clothing with him. He was delighted to have garments of his own and not the odd assortment of hand-me-downs that he was used to wearing. He also had his first-ever pair of new boots, and his joy at receiving these simple things brought tears to Amy’s eyes as she watched him strut about while looking down at his feet, a wide grin splitting his small, freckled face.

  They left the store with their picnic basket refilled with goodies for the journey and made it to the stage just as it arrived. Ethan picked up each child and placed them inside before helping Amy into the coach. “Oh, how I wish I’d bought my pants with me. These darn skirts just get in my way all the time!” she said as her skirt caught on the handle of the door.

  “I will remind you, Amelia, that you can wear pants to ride in back home when you are working with the horses but never out in public again,” Ethan told her as he climbed in beside her. Amy’s head shot up and she glared at him.

  “What? No! I live in know I do, Ethan!” she said heatedly.

  Ethan gave her a measured look before saying quietly, “Well, hon, my wife won’t wear pants, except when she’s working with horses! And that is the only concession I’ll make, so leave it right there!”

  Amy huffed and seemed about to argue the point when a gentleman of the cloth stepped up into the carriage, nodding politely to them all. He settled himself into the far corner and introduced himself as the Reverend John Miller, explaining that he was returning to his flock after visiting his sister and her family. Millie and Luca quietened down after his arrival, brown and red heads pressed close together as they whispered to each other, occasionally giggling behind their hands.

  The driver stowed the traveller’s bags atop the stage and then they were off. Ethan reached out and placed his hand over Amy’s. Smiling down at her, he winked and Amy, knowing he was remembering last night, blushed from head to foot. She could feel him shake with internal merriment and his hazel eyes twinkled amusement as he gazed at her wriggling in discomfort.

  * * * * *

  Back at the ranch, Lucy had been watching out for Ed and the posse’s return. Eventually, Ed surprised her while she was upstairs bathing the boys. They spotted their father before Lucy saw him.

  “Papa! Did you find Amy?” Ben asked Ed, who looked at Lucy ruefully. He hated deceiving the boys, but he didn’t want them blurting anything into the wrong ears.

  “No, son, ‘fraid not, but I’m sure your Auntie Amy is jus’ fine. She’s real good at takin’ care of herself, that’s for sure! Now, have you been good boys for your mama?”

  “Yes, Pa!” they chorused.

  “I saw a snake in the woodshed, Pa!” Nat told Ed excitedly,

  “I saw it first!” Ben added.

  “Did not!” shrieked Nat.

  “Yer a great big liar!” shouted Ben

  Over the heads of the squabbling boys, Ed kissed his wife and said, “Ya’ll okay, darlin’?”

  “Fine,” Lucy said and smiled. “I’ll just get these two into bed and go get us some supper.”

  “You go on. I’ll see to the boys; I’ve missed ‘em, the scoundrels!” Ed said, tickling his sons.

  Lucy went downstairs, smiling at the children’s shrieks and loving the soft rumble of Ed’s voice as he talked gently to his sons. God she’d missed him. Lucy hated to be parted from her husband, especially all night. The two nights had seemed an eternity, but at least she had decided to talk to Ed about the spanking issue.

  After supper as Ed and Lucy sat on the porch and drank their coffee, Ed told Lucy that Grant and his men were going to wire Amy’s details to other towns and they would check the trains and stages out of Wichita Falls. Soon they would have a lead on where Amy was.

  “I’ll go into town tomorrow and suggest
to Sheriff Grant that Amy could have gone to her grandma’s. They should be with her by now, so I’ll wire her and ask if Amy and Millie arrived safely.”

  “Oh, Ed, be careful how you word the wire. You mustn’t look as though you know she’s there.” Lucy looked anxiously up at her husband.

  “I know, now don’t you fret none, darlin’. I know jus’ what I’m doing. You just have to learn to trust me, honey.” Ed kissed the tip of Lucy’s nose.

  “Talking of trust...... little lady, have you been thinkin’ much while I’ve been gone, hmm?” Ed asked her, one eyebrow quirked. Lucy flushed and folded her hands in her lap. She coughed before she spoke, and Ed knew that she was nervous.

  “I have. I have thought an awful lot, Ed. I know that I am an incredibly lucky woman to be married to such a kind and gentle man, when a lot of women are beaten and such regularly, an’ sometimes only because a man is feeling downright mean. I have been so lucky with you, Ed, and after thinkin’ on this for a while, well I know that you would only ever spank me if’n you thought I needed it.”

  Lucy took a deep breath and Ed started to speak, but she held up her hand to silence him. “Darlin’, I did wrong not telling you about Amy shooting Henderson and so I’m asking you to, spank me.” Lucy hung her head, embarrassed, but there! She’d said it!

  Ed’s mouth twitched as he heard Lucy out -- God she was so sweet, he could eat her. He would too, later, he thought wickedly. But what he actually said to her was, “I’m glad that you see it that way, Lucy darlin’. I hated walloping you with that butter pat the other night but I had no choice. Tonight, you’ll only be spanked with my hand, but if you need a lesson in future you’ll get one. I hope I never have cause again to use anything other than my hand.”

  “Oh goodness so do I!” burst out Lucy with heartfelt agreement, then she stilled.......tonight? Ed had said that he was going to spank her tonight? She turned to her husband with a winsome smile on her pretty face. “Well, you must be plum tuckered out, darlin’, so we’ll sleep on it tonight and decide tomorrow when......”

  Ed shook his head, his brown eyes twinkling as he interrupted her, “Uh-uh, tonight Lucy, get it over an’ done with, start afresh tomorrow. You go on up and wait for me, and I’ll be up shortly.”

  Ed pulled Lucy to him and kissed his wife’s forehead. Lucy huffed, but realized there was no way out of this situation; after all, she had just asked the man to spank her!

  * * * * *

  Tyler was often forgotten by his family and spent a lot of time doing just as he wished. Max, the foreman, had noticed this and encouraged Tyler to learn as much as he could about the ranch and the cattle, but Tyler, like his sister Amy, loved the horses and spent as much time as he could with them. Since Amy had vanished, Tyler was working with her five white horses, schooling them and exercising them. He loved the new foal and lay petting the small creature until it was dusk before making his way home. Tyler knew that he’d missed supper but went to the kitchen to raid the pantry. He found some pie and sat down at the kitchen table to eat it with a glass of milk. He jumped when Ed strolled in and grinned at his small brother.

  “Missed supper again, then?”

  “You’re back! Did you find Amy?” Tyler asked. Ed shook his head and changed the subject. He didn’t feel right, hiding this from his brother. But it was necessary.

  “Tyler, I want you in to eat supper with us and the boys in future, OK?” Ed told him.

  He hated laying down the law with his siblings. They were not his children but they were young and occasionally he knew that he had to intervene and guide them. Ed wondered if he should have kept a tighter rein on Amy. Perhaps she wouldn’t have grown up to be as wild as she was. Still, he could relax about his oldest sister now since she was Ethan’s responsibility from now onwards.

  “Sure thing.” Tyler shrugged, not really intending to change his ways but agreeing with Ed always got him off his back. He knew Ed occasionally had moments of guilty, sibling duty but they never lasted long.

  Satisfied, Ed ruffled the boy’s hair and sent him up to bed. He then closed the house up for the night, giving Tyler time to get into bed and nod off before he went up to punish Lucy. Although the boys’ rooms were on the opposite side of the house from theirs, Ed did not want to take the risk of Tyler hearing Lucy’s cries.

  Lucy had put on her nightgown after brushing her hair and washing. She snuggled into bed, turned on her side away from the door and closed her eyes tightly. If only she could be asleep when Ed came in, he might let her off tonight.

  When Ed came into the bedroom, he was amused to see Lucy pretending to be asleep, her eyes screwed tightly shut. But the tense way she lay gave her away.

  “You don’t fool me none, Lucy darlin’. I know you’re awake. Now get up before you earn another spanking for tomorrow night.” With a flourish, Ed pulled back the sheet covering his wife, and Lucy mewled and stretched as if she was just waking up. The act lasted until Ed swatted her hard on her backside, shouting, “Up now!”

  Lucy shot out of bed and glared at Ed, but he simply grinned back and crooked a finger at her. “Come here, Mrs. Campbell.” Ed sat down on the edge of the bed and patted his knee.

  Lucy stepped back rather than forward and chewed her bottom lip. It really was all very well discussing a spanking but it was quite another to be faced with it. Ed sighed; he had hoped that Lucy would just come and drape herself over his knee obediently, in which case he would have given her a few light smacks and then made love to her as he was desperate to do. Lucy just had to resist him, however, which only made it necessary to teach her a proper lesson. He sighed again -- women!

  Reaching out, he grasped Lucy by the arm and pulled her to stand between his knees, holding each of her hands in his own. She wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Lucy look at me,” he commanded.

  Reluctantly, Lucy lifted her gaze to her husband and Ed was unnerved by the sharp defiance in her blue eyes. She was actually glaring at him! Ed gave Lucy’s hands a small shake. “Tell me why I‘m going to spank you, Lucy.”

  Lucy shuffled her feet about, but when she opened her mouth, no sound came out. Ed frowned. “OK . . . then I’ll tell you why. You were deceitful. You hid the fact that Amy had shot Henderson from me and you didn’t trust me. I am your husband and I deserve your trust don’t I..... Lucy?” Still Lucy was silent. “Don’t I deserve your trust then, darlin’?” Ed asked her softly.

  Lucy muttered, “Uh huh.”

  Ed frowned as he looked her over. It was beginning to dawn on him that his pretty little wife was a bit too wilful even for his taste. He had no doubts that he alone was responsible for her attitude. Lucy had not been taught to respect him as a wife should. Oh, Ed knew that Lucy loved him all right, but it was obvious to him that she balked at obeying him. Well, he intended to change that, starting tonight.

  Without any further conversation, Ed yanked Lucy over his knee, quickly clamping his other leg over both of hers. He pulled up the nightgown she had covered herself from neck to toe with and brought his hand down with a resounding slap onto her buttock. Lucy’s head reared up and she squealed. Ed continued raining swats all over Lucy’s bottom while Lucy struggled helplessly beneath his arm, which held her anchored securely to his side.

  Ed was surprised by how much he was enjoying spanking his dear little wife. Her bottom quivered delightfully with every smack and was already turning a rosy pink, probably due to the harsh paddling she had received from him only a couple of days before.

  Lucy was livid with her own stubbornness as much as she was with Ed for spanking her. She knew that he would have gone easy on her if she had just acquiesced in the first place and gone willingly across his knee but no, she had her damned pride.

  What was really confusing her was how she was feeling tipped across her husband’s knee, helpless to avoid the spanking he was raining down on her poor bottom. She hated pain, but for some reason being chastised by Ed was causing a sensation that was curling hotly down thr
ough her loins. She was strangely thrilled by his domination, his strength and his control over the situation. Ed could really hurt her if he wanted to, but he obviously loved her enough to lecture her and spank her for her bad behavior, in a controlled way that Lucy found both endearing and exciting. As she wriggled around on Ed’s lap, Lucy could feel his erection pressing against her hip, and she deliberately wriggled against it some more.

  Ed was highly aroused by his wife’s writhing body and at the sight of her glowing bottom. He started to lower his slaps to the tender tops of Lucy’s legs, so that she shrieked in earnest and tried to kick her trapped legs in vain.

  Ed continued to spank every inch of her backside, enjoying the sight and sound of each sizzling swat. Lucy yelped and began to weep softly; she’d had enough now, it wasn’t feeling sexy any more, and she wanted an end to this. She couldn’t help but spit an expletive at her husband. After all, the spanking hurt! Unfortunately, this only earned her another volley of blazingly painful spanks. Lucy flung her hand back to cover her bottom but Ed swiftly gripped it and held it against the small of her back.

  “I don’t like you swearing, Mrs. Campbell and you seem to be doing it a lot lately. This has to stop! Are you hearing me, Lucy?!” His jaw clenched and he put real force behind the final spanking, turning Lucy’s bottom a deep hot red.

  “Yes…I mean no...I mean I won’t, Ed! Please, no more..........please......” Lucy’s voice faded as Ed delivered a volley of final swats to the tops of Lucy’s legs.

  Ed stopped and rested his hand across Lucy’s thigh; her flesh was blazing hot. He let his fingers trail down, dipping into his wife’s soft folds, and to his astonishment, he discovered that Lucy was very aroused. Ed glanced around at Lucy’s face -- she was snuffling and crying into the bedding but gave no sign that she knew she was aroused. Ed explored her sex more deeply and Lucy became very still and quiet. Ed moved his finger in and out eliciting a moist sucking sound, and Lucy mewed and moaned softly.


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