Philip Morris company
physical education
Picasso, Pablo
Pintana Community Center, La.
Plan B
as intellectual stimulation
learning in
recurring patterns and
police officers
Pollack, Sarah
Porter, Michael
pregnancy and childbirth
education and
insurance practices and
low birth weight in
relatives and
sex education and
see also prenatal care
Pregnancy Discrimination Act of
prenatal care
in Europe
Healthy Start program and
hospitals and
incentives for
teens and
President’s Charter Schools Initiative
President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Prevention First
Price Waterhouse
Project XL
Promise Keepers
Provence, Sally
public safety
public schools, religion in
public service
affirmative living and
AmeriCorps and
educational system and
ethic of
federal support of
government-volunteer partnership and
political participation and
sense of identity and
setting standards for
teaching tolerance and
tradition of
Public Service Academy, U.S.
public television
Putnam, Robert
“Putting Children and Families First,”
“quality time,”
Rabin, Yitzhak
race, racism
adoption system and
negative stereotypes and
teaching tolerance and
Rachel’s Bus Company
Rafaelov, Ruben
Raising PG Kids in an X-Rated Society (Gore)
Ramey, Craig
Reading Recovery
Reagan, Ronald
Red Cross
Reich, Robert
Reinventing Government
character development and
in childhood vs. adulthood
children’s comments on
education and
First Amendment and
misuse of
prayer and
in public schools
role of
spirituality and
teenagers and
values and
Reno, Janet
Republican party
Resource Mothers program
Return of the Prodigal Son, The (Nouwen)
Reynolds, Barbara
Rich, Dorothy
Riley, Richard
Risley, Todd
rituals and routine
family meals as
in reading together
time needed for
Roach, Stephen
Robert E. Lee High School
Rodgers, Charles
Rodham, Dorothy Howell (mother)
background and character of
Rodham, Hugh (brother)
Rodham, Hugh Ellsworth (father)
background of
character-building approach of
parenting tactics of
Rodham, Nicole (sister-in-law)
Rodham, Tony (brother)
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rubin, Annie
Ruggiero, Dominick A., Jr.
Salveson, Kent
San Antonio, Tex.
Santiago, Chile
Sara Lee Corporation
Scheib, Walter
Schiro, James
School Development Program
School-to-Work Opportunities Act of
Schultz, Howard
Schwantes, Brianne
Schweitzer, Albert
Secret Service
“secure attachment,”
community and
crime prevention and
guns and
physical abuse and
physical environment and
recurring patterns and
sexual abuse and
verbal abuse and
violence and
welfare system and
Segal, Julius
Selling Out America’s Children (Walsh)
Senate, U.S.
sense of identity
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of
Sesame Street (TV show)
Seward Park High School
sex education
sexual abuse
sexual activity:
religious beliefs and
teen, television’s influence of
sexual stereotyping
Shape Up America!
“shovel,” child’s need for
Silber, John
Simpson County, Ky.
Sizer, Theodore
Smart Start initiative
Smith, Margaret Chase
Social Security
Solomon, judgment of
Sound of Music, The (film)
South Africa
South Bronx
South Carolina
Southern California, University of
South Florida Preschool PTA
South Pacific (musical)
Special Supplemental Nutrition
Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Spiritual Life of Children, The (Coles)
sports, stereotypes in
Sri Lanka
Sroufe, Allan
Starbucks Coffee Company
Starting Points
State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
State of the Union address of
Stone, Elizabeth
substance abuse
parental discipline and
see also drugs
suicide, teenage
“Tabloids, Talk Radio, and the Future of News” (Hume)
Tacoma, Wash.
Tagore, Rabindranath
“Taking Charge of Your TV: A
Guide to Critical Viewing for
Parents and Children,”
children as
Teach for America
Team Harmony
Team Nutrition
family and
private time and
abortions and
character building and
depression and despair in
discipline and
physical education and
pregnancy and
prenatal care and
relationships and
religion and
rites of passage and
sex education and
substance abuse by
celebrity prized on
distinction between fantasy and reality on
“mean world syndrome” and
monitoring of
negative effects of
rating systems for
responsibilities of journalists on
sexual content on
undermining of institutions by
V-chip for
video games for
ewing hours of
violence on
Teresa, Mother
“terrible twos,”
“This I Believe” (Smith)
Thomas, Dave
quantity vs. quality
technology and
Time Warner
tobacco industry
Tocqueville, Alexis de
“Tomorrow’s Leaders,”
Toomer, Jean
Touchpoints (Brazelton)
Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy
Troiano, Richard
Tsyilla Balbina Maternity Hospital
Tucker, C. DeLores
“turbo-charged” capitalism
United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women
United States Catholic Conference
United Way
U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect
vaccination, see immunization
Vaccines for Children program
Van Derbur, Marilyn
verbal abuse
video games
Viet Nam War, xvi
African proverb on
contemporary meaning of
reading skills in
in reducing foster and adoption rolls
well-being of children as central to
security and
on television
video games and
Violence Against Women Act
violent crime
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
Walsh, David
Walsh, Froma
Walters, Mrs.
Walton, Sam
Washington, Booker T.
Washington Beech Community Preschool
Washington Elementary School
Washington Post
Washington Post Magazine
Waxman, Henry
Welfare of Children, The (Lindsey)
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (TV show)
WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children)
William T. Grant Foundation
Winfrey, Oprah
Winston cigarettes
Wisconsin, University of
Wizard of Oz, The (film)
Wofford, Harris
Wolpert, Ellen
Woman’s Day
women, women’s issues
child rearing and
in division of household labor
European model for
gender roles and
maternity leave policy for
paternity leave and
progress of
stereotyping of
work and
Women’s Bureau
Working Mother
“Working Women Count!,”
World Class (Kanter)
World Health Organization
World of Difference, A
World War II
Wright, John
Wyandotte Countians Against Crime (WCAC)
Yale Child Study Center
Yale–New Haven Hospital
Youcha, Geraldine
Young Children: Priority One
Youth and America’s Future
Youth Risk Behavior Study
youth service
“You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught” (Rogers and Hammerstein)
“zero tolerance” policy
Zero to Three
Zero to Three
Picture Credits
Courtesy Ralph Alswang
Courtesy Julio Macat
Author’s Collection: Hillary Rodham Clinton in front of her mother, Dorothy; her grandmother Hannah Rodham; her brother Hugh; and her grandfather Hugh Rodham; Park Ridge, Illinois, Fall 1951.
Author’s Collection: Bill Clinton with his mother, Virginia, and his brother, Roger, in the rose garden of their Park Avenue house, Hot Springs, Arkansas, 1960.
© Susan Lapides/Woodfin Camp
© Richard Kalvar/Magnum Photos
AP Images
© Burt Glinn/Magnum Photo
The Morning Call Inc., Copyright 1983/Alan Jacobson
© Ken Heyman/Woodfin Camp
AP Images/Adam Rountree
William J. Clinton Presidential Library
AP Images/Larry McCormack
AP Images
© Jean Gaumy/Magnum Photos
Both Images © Royalty-Free/Corbis
© Royalty-Free/Corbis
AP Images/Danny Johnston
© Jean Gaumy/Magnum
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