Feels So Right, It Must Be Wrong 2

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Feels So Right, It Must Be Wrong 2 Page 2

by Charmanie Saquea

  "Why do you always have to do that?" she asked, not even bothering to move his hand this time.

  "Because they need to know daddy's touch." He smiled.

  Asia playfully rolled her eyes. "You mean she needs to know. Plus, she can't even feel you."

  "She huh?" he asked.

  "Yes. I already have a boy, so I need a girl now."

  Knowledge rubbed his chin. "What the hell Imma do with two girls?" he said, voicing his thoughts.

  "You're pretty good at handling two things at one time, so I'm pretty sure it won't be that hard for you," she said dryly.

  "Don't start. I have to hear that shit at home on a regular, so I don't need to hear it from you too."

  Just as Asia was about to reply with a sly remark, she was called to the back. She reached out her bag for Knowledge to take and he looked at it for a few seconds before taking it. "Good baby daddy." Asia smirked.

  They followed the nurse back into the room. She told Asia to get undressed and put on the gown that was laying on the examination table. "Why is your stomach so little?" Knowledge asked. "You don't even look four months pregnant."

  "Because I'm petite so I'm not really going to start showing until around six months, maybe."

  Asia's doctor walked in and Knowledge got this funny look on his face because he had no idea that her doctor was a man. "Welcome back, Asia. Hopefully your baby will be willing to cooperate with us today," Dr. Moore said.

  "I hope so, I'm excited." Asia smiled.

  "I bet. This must be the daddy."

  "Unfortunately," Asia sighed.

  Knowledge popped her on the thigh and Dr. Moore laughed. "Okay, let's get started, shall we?" he said as he got the gel to put on her stomach. Asia hadn't been through this since she was pregnant with Symare, which was almost three years ago, but she knew what to expect. She looked over at Knowledge and he was sitting wide-eyed like he couldn't wait.

  Everyone's eyes were glued to the monitor as soon as they heard the baby's heartbeat. "It looks like we have a little stubborn one on our hands." Dr. Moore smiled. "They are lying face down and doesn't seem to want to turn over."

  "I wonder where that comes from," Knowledge said as he looked at Asia with a side eye. She just smiled at him throwing shade. He scooted over to her stomach. "Come on little one, mommy and daddy wanna find out if we're having a prince or princess."

  "Well, they must love the sound of daddy's voice because they're turning," Dr. Moore announced.

  Asia sucked her teeth in jealousy while Knowledge winked his eye at her. "That's right, turn over for daddy. Don't be acting stubborn like your mommy."

  He looked up at the monitor. Even though he didn't know what the hell he was looking at, he wanted to look. "Okay, it looks like you will be having a..." Dr. Moore paused for a second. Asia closed her eyes and said a silent prayer. "You're having a baby girl!" he said excitedly as he took the picture for them to have.

  Asia was smiling from ear to ear. She had been praying for a little girl since she found out that she was pregnant and God had answered her prayers. After Asia got dressed, she and Knowledge sat there in silence. He just kept rubbing her stomach and she was too happy to even stop him.

  After the doctor’s appointment, Asia did a happy dance all the way to her car. Knowledge just laughed and shook his head at her. He walked her to her car and she stopped him. "So now that we know what we're having, we need to start thinking about names and I def have to go baby shopping. My princess is going to be the shit," she said as she fixed the collar of his shirt.

  "If you see a crib or something that you want, just let me know and I got you. Plus, I already know what I wanna name her," he said as he wrapped his arms around her.

  "What's that? It better not be nothing ghetto," she said seriously.

  "Wysdom," he answer.

  Asia tilted her head to the side. That's not bad, she thought, "Wysdom, huh? Alright, cool." She kissed his cheek before getting into her car. She was thinking that maybe she and Knowledge could do this co-parenting thing without any problems.


  Symir had hit Knowledge up about the surprise trip to Italy that he was planning. The trip wasn't necessarily a surprise, but what he was planning to do on the trip was. Knowledge thought that maybe he could get some peace between him and Chelsea if he invited her to go with him, but he obviously thought wrong and was regretting that he even asked at this point.

  "So let me get this clear. You want me and my daughter to go out of the country with you, your side bitch and her family? Nah, I know that's not what you're asking me to do."

  Knowledge was trying not to lose his cool on her. "First things first. She's not a bitch, so watch ya fucking mouth. Another thing, I asked you to go because you're always bitching about me not taking you anywhere. So now that I'm trying to do something with you, you wanna bitch some more?"

  "I need you to understand what the fuck I look like going around the same bitch you were fucking behind my back. What makes you think I want to be around her, Knowledge?" Chelsea yelled.

  "Lower your fucking tone while my daughter is sleeping. I already told you to watch that damn mouth of yours and I'm not going to tell you again. You know what? Fuck it. Stay ya ungrateful ass here," he said before he grabbed Serenity's car seat and headed for the door.

  After making sure his daughter was strapped in, he jumped in the car and pulled out of the driveway. He hit the Bluetooth button on his steering wheel and called Symir.

  "I know ya ass better be calling to confirm that you'll be on that jet tomorrow, nigga," Symir said.

  Knowledge chuckled. "Of course I am, but I also called to get the number for the realtor that built you and Asia's houses. Actually, I don't even need nothing built from the ground up. I just need something for me and my little ones to be comfortable," Knowledge explained.

  "Oh, so the fiancé isn't making this move with you," Symir said more as a statement than a question.

  "Naw, man. Actually I don't even think I'll have a fiancé, or even a girlfriend for that matter, for too much longer," he said.

  "Well, it's all up to you, so I'll send that number over for you and the jet will be ready tomorrow at noon," Symir said before hanging up.

  ~ ~ ~

  Asia was walking through the house with an attitude. Khyree was still bugging her about moving in and she wasn't having that. She didn't need him trying to keep tabs on her. She was grown as hell and was going to do whatever the hell she wanted to do.

  "Don't you need to go pack? Why are you still here?" she asked as she rolled her eyes at him.

  "Why you always tripping? Damn, let me hurry up and get the hell out of here, evil ass girl. I bet you don't treat that other nigga like this," Khyree said.

  "You still here? Mare, come give your daddy a hug so he can leave," she said as she went to answer her door. She opened it without looking through the peephole and was shocked to see Knowledge standing there with his daughter in her car seat.

  "That's why you wanted me to leave, huh?" Khyree said as he mugged Knowledge.

  "Once again, why are you still here?" Asia asked.

  "I'm gone man, but I'm taking my son with me," he said.

  "Bullshit!" she said seriously. "Mare, go play somewhere. Don’t listen to shit your dad saying."

  Khyree shook his head before walking out the door. He was pissed. Ever since Asia had found out that she was pregnant with that nigga baby she had been acting funny.

  Asia sighed and walked down to the theater room where her son was watching Knowledge hold his daughter. "Her mama better not come over here trynna start no shit because you brought her over here," Asia said.

  "She know better than that. Come say hi to Serenity," he said as Serenity moved her head trying to figure out who Asia was.

  Asia walked over to where they were sitting and Symare climbed on her lap. "Pretty!" he said as he looked at Serenity.

  "She is pretty, huh? Looks just like her daddy," Asia said.

>   "Wanna hold her?" Knowledge asked.

  Asia shook her head. "Oh no, I am not about to have Chelsea coming over here trying to get cut or shot because I touched her daughter," she said half-jokingly.

  "Man, this my daughter just as much as it is hers. Sit back," he said.

  Asia did as she was told and sat back. Symare got off her lap and Knowledge put Serenity in her arms. "Your other daughter just kicked me," Asia joked.

  "She's just a little jealous that's all. This will be her we’re holding in a couple of months." He smiled.

  Serenity looked up at Asia and smiled. She snuggled up closer to her before closing her eyes and putting her hand in her mouth. Asia just looked at her and smiled. She would never act funny towards his daughter or treat her funny all because she and her mother were at odds. She was innocent to the whole situation and too precious to be mad at.

  "I think she likes you," Knowledge said.

  "I tend to have that effect on people." She smiled.

  Symare walked over to Asia and peeked at Serenity. "Mama, I sleepy too," he said as he rubbed his eyes.

  "Okay, let's go upstairs so you can lay down and lil mama can lay down too, if that's cool with her daddy," Asia said.

  Knowledge waved her off. "Man go ahead. We ain't got nowhere to be."

  Unbeknownst to Knowledge, Asia had already gotten Wysdom's room ready. The day she left the doctor’s office, she went and racked up some stuff. Symare headed to his room while she headed for Wysdom's. "I don't think you little sister will mind you breaking in her crib," she whispered.

  Knowledge stood in the doorway and shook his head. Asia laid Serenity down and looked up at Knowledge with a bashful look. "You just couldn't wait, huh? I told you I had you," he said as they walked out of the baby's room.

  Asia shrugged. "I know, but I'm so used to doing stuff on my own," she said as they walked past her room. Knowledge grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into her room. "Don't start, you been doing good," Asia said as she tried to pull away from him.

  He lightly shut her door and kissed her neck. "I miss you," he said softly.

  "Stop, you see me every day." She pulled out of his arms walked away from him. She knew he was trying to break her down and she didn't want to give in.

  "You know what I mean, Asia," he said.

  "Yea, I know. You just miss fucking me."

  Knowledge tilted his head to the side and looked at her funny. "You think it was all about the sex between us? You know better than that."

  "The only thing I know is you have a whole fucking family already made! The daughter that you share with your fiancé is sleeping peacefully in the next room. So it's pretty obvious that the only thing between us was sex," she raised her voice. She couldn't even look at him without wanting to cry so she tried to make a break for the bathroom.

  Knowledge grabbed her wrist and threw her up against the wall, but not too hard where it would hurt her or the baby. "I'm not going to keep apologizing, because the only thing that I'm sorry about is not telling you sooner than I did. I honestly don't regret shit, especially not the daughter that we created together."

  Asia rolled her eyes as she let the tears fall. "You are so fucking selfish! You're only thinking about yourself right now. What about how I feel? You led me on, slept with me, and laid in my fucking bed for three weeks straight when I got shot. Lied and told me you fucking love me…”

  He cut her off. "Hol the fuck up, the one thing I didn't do was lie to you. I do fucking love you, Asia. Hell, I actually think I'm in love with you but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place."

  "I'm not trynna hear that. You just need to go back home where you belong and—“

  He cut her off again but this time with a kiss. He kissed her soft, juicy lips, trying to show her just how he felt about her since she didn't believe a word he was saying. Asia broke the kiss when she felt him trying to unbuckle her shorts. "Stop, Omari," she said out of breath.

  "Please, baby, I need you," he said with pleading eyes as he continued to take off her shorts.

  Once again, Asia's tears started to flow. "No, we can't. This isn't right."

  Ignoring her, he kissed her neck before lifting her up. Asia tried to fight him off weakly but it was to no avail. He eased her down on his already hard dick while kissing her tears away. "I love you Asia. I swear to God I do," he said as he stared her in her eyes.

  Asia buried her face in the crook of his neck while he pumped in and out of her. It felt so right and she knew it was wrong, but it was too late to stop him now. "I love you too," she whispered in his neck but he still heard her. He kicked his pants off and walked her to the bed. He laid her down gently, and went back to work while rubbing her clit with his thumb.

  Asia couldn't takeit anymore, it was feeling too good to her. "Ahhhh! Omariiii!" Her eyes rolled in the back of her head. Their session was cut short by the sound of Serenity’s cries.

  "Shit!" Knowledge cussed. He pulled out of Asia and went to put his pants back on while cussing under his breath the whole time. While he went to check on the baby, Asia went into her bathroom. She grabbed a rag and washed up, she looked in the mirror and shook her head. I can't keep doing this shit, she thought as she walked in her room and grabbed some sweats. Knowledge walked back into the room with Serenity who hadn't stopped crying yet.

  She sat on her bed and watched him as he walked around to the side of the bed where she was sitting. Serenity reached her arm out for Asia so he gave her to her. Instantly, she stopped crying. "You're alright, lil mama," Asia cooed.

  "She just fucked up my groove," Knowledge said as he paced back and forth.

  Asia shook her head. "No, she did what she was supposed to. Let's not let that happen again," Asia said as she rocked Serenity.

  "Don't start that shit, Asia. You was just drunk in love two minutes ago, now that you sober you wanna be on some other shit." Knowledge waved her off.

  "I told you to stop even before you got started, Omari. I hope you enjoyed that last little taste because it will never happen again. I'm not about to keep playing this little game with you."

  Knowledge stood in front of her and looked at her like she had lost her mind. "What game? What fucking game am I playing?"

  "The game where you fuck me then go home to you fiancé and daughter! This shit can't keep happening because not only are you hurting me, but you’re hurting Chelsea. How do you think she feels? What are you going to tell your daughters when they ask you why are they so close in age with different mamas?"

  Knowledge open and closed his mouth. He couldn't even respond to that.

  "How long have y'all been together?" she asked after he didn't respond.

  "Six years," he mumbled.

  "Six years, huh? Well, I think you need to go home and try to fix your relationship with her. From here on out, I promise there will be nothing else between us if it's not concerning our daughter. I'm not saying we can't be friends, but we can't be lovers. You have history with her,so don't throw five years’ worth of love away over nothing," Asia said as she gave him Serenity and walked out the room.

  She wasn't going to lie and say that she wasn't hurt, but she was doing what she felt was right. She couldn't continue to sleep with him knowing he was still with Chelsea. She wasn't a selfish person, so she was always thinking about someone else's feelings. She knew it had to be hard for her knowing that the man she loved was with someone else.

  Knowledge walked downstairs and put Serenity in her car seat. After strapping her in, he walked over to Asia and kissed her forehead. "Come lock up," he said.

  Asia got up and walked them to the door. She watched them as they got in and drove off. She knew she loved him, but she also knew that they would never be able to be together.


  Asia wasn't feeling too well so she sat away from everyone else on the jet. She was sick and tired; not just physically, but emotionally also. Her mom and dad were on her mind heavily today and she was trying not to break down
and ruin the mood. While everyone else was having a good time, she was sulking.

  "Why the long face?" Cole asked as he slid in the seat next to her.

  "Just not feeling too good," she said as she rubbed her stomach. She knew with her being pregnant she really wasn't supposed to be flying, but she wasn't going to miss this special moment.

  "You alright?" he asked as he eyed her.

  "I'm…” Before she could even finish her sentence, she was jumping up and running towards the bathroom. Cole followed her to the bathroom to make sure she was okay. Asia was bent over the toilet throwing up.

  Cole went to go get her brother. "Yo, Mir, Asia in the bathroom throwing up."

  Symir and Knowledge jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Asia was still slumped over the toilet. Symir walked over to her and grabbed her hair and held it for her. "You good, baby?"

  "I'm fine," she said as Knowledge gave her a paper towel to wipe her mouth.

  "You sure?" Knowledge asked worriedly. He didn't want this trip to cause any problems for her or the baby.

  "Yea, I'm good. I been feeling sick since late last night. Y'all can go back out though. Imma use the bathroom real quick then wash my mouth out. I'll be back out."

  Symir walked out the bathroom knowing Knowledge wasn't following him. He shut the door and proceeded to his seat. Asia washed her mouth out then looked at Knowledge, wondering why he was still there. "I gotta pee, Omari."

  "Okay, I'm not stopping you. Don't try to act shy like I've never seen you naked before. I've been all up in it and everything, so chill out." He waved her off.

  Too tired to fight with him, Asia just handled her business. Knowledge watched her like a hawk. "You look pale. You sure you good?" he asked with concern.

  "Honestly, I'm not. I feel sick as hell and all I wanna do is lay down and sleep," she said as she washed her hands. They walked out of the bathroom in silence. Knowledge went to the seat Asia was originally sitting in and pulled her onto his lap. Asia put her hair in a messy bun before laying her head on his shoulder. It seemed like she instantly drifted off to sleep.


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