Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9) Page 26

by Jaime Marks

  “I…” He hesitated. “But…”

  “No, Grifyn is right. Aside from that I am your Grandsire, Wytheryn,” Cymeryn interjected as he approached. “Your lineage may be complicated, and your history even more so, but the one thing you need to understand is that it would not matter if you were bound to Byryn and Kyle or not, you would have a place here. You are one of us. Had I felt you were unworthy of my sister I would have intervened immediately upon determining who she was, but you have more than proven yourself. I have seen you do nothing but protect and care for her since you met her and it is clear the comfort you have brought her. That is all I and Marcus could ever ask. Now, come and prepare yourself for the Claiming and forget this foolishness,” he commanded.

  He nodded. “May I have a moment first?”

  Cymeryn smiled slightly as he glanced between them. “Of course. I will wait for you.”

  Wytheryn turned to her. “Your honest answer, Narysia. I care for you deeply, but this is still your choice.”

  She smiled and shook her head at him. “And you call me a silly girl. I already made my choice and I chose you, Wytheryn. I’m yours and that’s exactly what I want. I don’t care where any of this takes us as long as I’m with you.”

  He sighed resting his head against hers. “Sometimes I think you are too naïve to know what you’re getting into with me, beautiful, but a part of me is grateful you are. I do not want to be without you.”

  “Then stop trying to push me away,” she pleaded. “It confuses me. It’s as if you don’t want me and that…hurts,” she admitted.

  He cupped her cheek holding her in place. “Never doubt that I want you, Rysa. You are perfect for me in every way. I never wish to let you go…but I care enough for you to offer you that chance before I’m deep enough that I can’t bring myself to give it.”

  She kissed him. “Go get ready. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She watched him walk over to Cymeryn and mist from her sight. It unsettled her a bit but she knew he’d be back and she knew he trusted leaving her here as long as Byryn and Kyle remained. Since she’d come to the Palace from the cells of the safehold Byryn and Staryana had looked after her, and recently Kyle and Astryn had as well. She was comfortable enough with them, but being in a room of the entirety of the Lucerna Lines was uncomfortable.

  It was a bit over her head for her to even imagine that her Father was Cymarcion. She fingered the necklace she’d worn as long as she could remember. Apparently it was his, and Kato said her essence confirmed it, but history said Cymarcion died well over a century ago. Could he really have been imprisoned that whole time? Why wouldn’t they have just turned him? Too many things didn’t make sense.

  Marcus popped up beside her making her jump. He offered her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m used to simply misting. How are you holding up? I realize it’s been a pretty long day for you already.”

  She shrugged. “I’m fine.”

  There really wasn’t any other answer she could offer. She had no idea how to feel or even what she thought about most things. The truth was so much had happened so quickly that she kind of thought she might be in some weird state of shock. Her emotions should be intense and overflowing, but really she kind of felt nothing about most of it. The only thing she could handle right now was what she felt for Wytheryn. That’s what she held onto. It was the only thing that felt real.

  “Would you come join me and Reyana a while?” He requested. “I know you don’t know us yet, but you are mine and Cymeryn’s sister, Narysia. We would very much like the chance to get to know one another better. I know you are nervous, but I promise you, neither of us will ever all harm to come to you. We will ease you into this life as slowly as possible, but with your shy nature it might be easier to get to know each other now, before the Kingdoms learn of who you are and things begin to change for you. I would like to ensure you are prepared before that happens.”

  She gaped at him a little. “Change? What will change? And prepared how?” So much had already changed.

  Looking around the room to distract herself something caught her eye. Above each set of couches there were flags bearing certain insignias. Everything had been happening so fast she hadn’t really looked at all of them yet. She rose walking to the one to the left of the Queen and paused, studying it a moment. Loosening the cord, she lifted her pendant so she could hold it up and measure it against the glyph. It was the first time she’d ever seen it anywhere besides on her necklace.

  “It’s the insignia of our line,” Marcus offered from beside her. “Father’s name in the first language of the Fae.”

  “I’ve never seen it around here before. This is the only place I’ve ever seen it.” She lifted the pendant.

  “I know. We’ve kept the Palace traditionally decorated with the symbols of Balance. The insignias of the Lucerna Lines aren’t really on display in this Realm, but we found we missed them. When we designed this lounge we included them to give it a touch of home,” he explained. “You will see them everywhere in the Capitol when you visit the Realm of Light.”

  She didn’t know what to say to that. She’d assumed she’d always just be here. This was where she’d started building her life. Originally Byryn had told her she could attend the Academies in the Realm of Light once she awakened, but most of them were erecting Halls here. There hadn’t really been any reason for her to consider leaving.

  “To answer your questions, preparing you is simply getting you used to us. You will need to appear with us publically on occasion and you’re quite shy, Narysia.” He smiled warmly. “It’s plain to see you aren’t comfortable with us yet.”

  She blushed, embarrassed that she was that obvious, and ducked her head. “I’m sorry.”

  Marcus gently nudged her chin. “It’s fine. You’re right. You only just met us. It has to be confusing for you with all the tension between Cymeryn and Byryn, especially with your connection to Wytheryn.” He sighed glancing back to them. “It’s something we need to fix. The issue is both of them are used to a certain level of control or authority and they don’t always see eye to eye on how things should be done. None of us want this really, but certain things have created it and until they are smoothed over I suppose it will continue.”

  She shrugged. “It’s not really my place to worry about any of it.” Her place was at Wytheryn’s side and he was aligned with the Princes. The politics of it really weren’t something she needed to understand beyond that. They’d work it all out between themselves eventually.

  He studied her a minute and nodded. “Will you sit with me?”

  Narysia sighed but nodded and let him lead her to the couch. She sat between him and Queen Reyana. It was all so surreal. She’d met her this morning, but it was so weird for her to be sitting with them. Up until now they were these iconic figureheads that she had seen in passing and observed during ceremonies, but they weren’t exactly approachable. They were nice, really nice, and seemed to genuinely care, but this didn’t feel like her life.

  She watched as the Claiming began. It wasn’t the first she’d seen. She’d watched Byryn’s and Kylion’s, attended Staryana’s, Kyle’s and Felycia’s, some of the unawakened she’d met since she’d been here had even been Claimed by members of their lines. It always made her wonder what it would be like to have a Father. She didn’t really understand how the Claiming worked, but when she’d seen them with their new parents it seemed like they were really a family. They seemed…happy.

  Most of the Fae were generally happy anyway. At the very least they seemed content and got along with everyone. She was the exception. Since her Mom died she’d been alone and she’d learned that you couldn’t really trust people. She didn’t want to tell everyone her life story or share her thoughts with everyone. When she commented on things the other unawakened Fae didn’t really seem to understand her and the unawakened Shade generally kept to themselves. Aside from her daily visit from Staryana and weekly mee
ting with either Byryn or Kyle, she generally kept to herself. It got lonely sometimes.

  Marcus grabbed her hand suddenly, pulling her back to the present. “Narysia, you will never be alone again,” he promised quietly.

  “How…how did you know what I was thinking about?” She asked in confusion, not bothering to deny it.

  “We can sense emotions pretty clearly, sometimes pick up random thoughts if they’re intense enough,” he explained. “You’re emotions are fairly strong at the moment.”


  She didn’t know what to say or what was expected from her. It was so much easier with Wytheryn, even Byryn and Kyle. They sort of either took control or led her through things when she got confused. Byryn and Kyle had never taken her choices away, but they always made sure she had everything she needed to make them. Dealing with Marcus and Cymeryn was different. She knew they were just trying not to pressure her, but she had no idea how to be part of their world and it was seriously stressing her out.

  Reyana touched her shoulder drawing her attention. “It’s alright, Narysia. No one expects this to be easy for you and we know this is new. We’ll get to know each other in time and then you’ll understand.”

  Marcus sighed but didn’t comment and she got the distinct impression they were talking about her but in their minds where she couldn’t hear. It made her uncomfortable. It had been this way all morning. She didn’t know how to handle this or what they even wanted from her.

  Byryn stood to the side watching the Claiming with Astryn. He held her close as Staryana and Cymeryn moved through the ritual together. Wytheryn was struggling to focus and when he turned to measure Narysia he understood at least part of the reason why.

  She was so nervous and confused about how to handle some of this. It wasn’t so much her interaction with him and Wytheryn that had him worried. That actually seemed to give her a sort of balance that she’d been lacking until now. She was struggling with the Lucerna Lines, especially her newly found brothers. It would get easier in time, but she’d been through so much in the last twenty-four hours. They were smothering her in a respect.

  It wasn’t their fault. Family was everything to the Fae and Narysia was Fae. The problem was that whatever she’d been through either before or during that time in the cells of the safehold had affected her. She wasn’t exactly you’re typical Fae. In fact, she reminded him more of the unawakened Shade than Fae.

  It wasn’t anything specific. Maybe her shy quiet demeanor, but once you got her past that she was actually a little ball of sunshine. She’d been one of his favorites among the unawakened in all honesty. He’d purposely coaxed her out of that shell of hers and he knew Kyle treated her the same, teasing her and getting her to open up and relax some. That girl could brighten anyone’s day. Staryana had commented on how adorable she was a few times herself.

  She wasn’t like that with everyone else though. Generally she kept to herself and when she was in a group she watched. He’d noticed how she scanned every room she entered assessing everyone in it, and she generally pinpointed the guards if he took her for a walk. She’d make a fine Securine in all honesty. Her attention to detail and cautious nature would suit that role well, if she could get past that nervousness.

  He sighed watching her with Marcus and Reyana. Her brother wasn’t doing anything wrong, only attempting to get to know her and make her feel welcome. She just was too nervous around him and Cymeryn right now, around anyone she didn’t know really.

  He turned back to the Claiming noting they were almost finished, but he had a few minutes before Kyle would need him. It gave him the excuse he needed really. He wanted her close for the Binding in case Wytheryn needed her. Kyle meant to break the bonds holding him to Alayne and it could be intense. If his brother broke he knew Narysia would be able to calm him, and he didn’t want the others freaking out because they didn’t understand what was happening.

  It amazed him that she trusted them so freely to make these choices, knowing they would set the course of her life from this point on, but then he’d always noticed she was a bit submissive. He wondered if that was what was making this easier for her. They were basically telling her what they expected and providing a structure for her that she didn’t have previously. It wasn’t intentional. As Wytheryn’s mate she’d kind of gotten swept up into his routine and he needed a clearly defined set of expectations right now. He hadn’t leveraged any control over her, but…even he had to admit he’d become more commanding in general lately and it was just sort of happening. He’d have to be more mindful of it with her.

  “I’ll be back in a minute, eria,” he whispered through her mind as he guided her to sit. “I need to see to Narysia a minute.” He kissed her head when she smiled up at him and turned surveying the King and his sister.

  He approached her quietly and smiled. “Will you join me a minute, Narysia? They’re almost done and I’d like to talk to you a moment before we continue with the Binding.”

  Opening the link between himself and his Fae in law he attempted to smooth thing over, “I’m sorry Marcus, but she’s been through so much today. I just want her to calm down a bit and I think she needs her mate.”

  “You’re right. I was just wondering how I could ease her. I didn’t mean to push her. I know she needs time but she will be required to interact with us publically very soon. It will be better for her if she’s not so nervous with us then.”

  “I know. We’ll work up to it. I want to talk to you and Cymeryn about what I’ve noticed and what I know about her past when there’s time. I think it will help you understand and relate to her better.”

  Narysia looked between them in confusion, trying to sort out what was expected of her. Byryn lifted her chin to hold her gaze a moment as he took her hand in a firm but gentle hold. “It’s alright, sunshine.” He gently tugged and she rose turning to face her brother a moment.

  “Thank you for the company, my…” She paused mid-curtsy and hesitated. “I…”

  Marcus stood and hugged her a minute. “You’re welcome, Narysia. Relax, mine sister.” He looked down at her with that comforting way that was so uniquely Marcus. The Fae could make anyone feel like they could achieve the impossible. “You’re right. You don’t need to bow to me in private. I’m your brother. There is a certain amount of formality in public, as always, but we’ll get to that before it’s necessary. Don’t worry so much. All of this is going to take time to get used to. Just…get to know us. Give us a chance, ok?”

  She smiled shyly but Byryn could tell it was forced. When Marcus released her he took her hand, guiding her back over to Astryn. As she sat beside his eria as he knelt in front of her to hold her attention. “Are you alright?”

  She nodded hesitantly and lowered her gaze which he promptly redirected with a gently tap under her chin. He sighed as he looked into her eyes, seeing the Light had dimmed in them considerably.

  “No, you’re not. You need time to process everything and your mate to care for you.” He kissed her head. “Hopefully once this is over the two of you can go to your chambers and relax a while.” She went to speak but he rested a finger on her lip, turning as they got to the part of the Claiming he needed to monitor more closely. “Just a minute, sunshine. Kyle might need me for this.”

  The ritual was basically over. They drank from the chalice, but before the bonds could be sealed completely Kyle took Wytheryn’s hands and his essence wrapped around them both. Byryn closed his eyes allowing his gemyn to pull his strength as his Light flowed freely through Wytheryn’s veins, seeking out the blocks and binds, breaking them. Some of them remained, but as his essence burned through them the Priest’s hold was diminishing.

  Wytheryn’s essence emerged in response and Kyle quickly balanced it as he continued to process through his body. His brother’s system started to go into shock as they suspected it might. Byryn misted directly behind him taking hold of Kyle’s wrists to help heal him. As he stabilized Byryn withdrew, but remained close a
s Kyle completed the ritual.

  “Now,” he commanded turning Wytheryn as he grabbed the blade from his waist.

  Byryn offered his wrist allowing him to slice deeply. He listened as Kyle spoke the incantations, guiding his wrist to Wytheryn. When he nodded Byryn repeated the ancient words of the binding, holding his brother’s gaze while allowing his essence to flow over him.

  This wasn’t like the last time, he felt the words he spoke intimately. He wasn’t uncomfortable or forcing the connection. He understood the connection now and welcomed it, knowing his brother would never truly be a slave as long as he belonged to him. This wasn’t how he controlled him. It was how he freed him.

  The look in Wytheryn’s eyes was nothing but sheer devotion as he held his wrist, pledging himself to him. As he began drinking deeply Byryn had to draw a breath. The intimacy Wytheryn felt with the act was difficult for him to manage, but having Kyle there, controlling it, made it easier.

  Byryn felt the bonds knitting together tighter than before and he knew there was no turning back. Alayne wouldn’t even be able to break through them. His blood was sealing with Kyle’s in Wytheryn’s veins, cementing the hold he now had. A surge of Night essence rolled over them as Kyle sealed the bond and he allowed Wytheryn to drink a few moments longer to ensure the completion. Kyle met his eyes and nodded, not breaking Wytheryn’s hold on his wrist. Byryn incanted the final words and lifted Wytheryn from his vein gently.

  His eyes were glazed in a state of contentment and his essence was surging through him. Byryn balanced him as he allowed him to clean his wrist and hands. When he released him, his brother lowered his head to the floor in supplication as Kyle finished the ritual.


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