Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9) Page 37

by Jaime Marks

  Rav got up and began readying the weapons that Vilyn had gifted him last night and slid his robes on. There wasn’t much else to discuss. Everything else had been determined. If everything went according to plan he would have his sweets back with him before sunfall.

  Steph paced in the bathroom. Something was missing. The moment she’d seen that male a memory of him holding her in and intimate embrace surfaced but she couldn’t hold it. It didn’t make sense. It was like she knew him, but she didn’t know who he was.

  This morning wasn’t all too clear either. She remembered making love to Mythos and discussing the Bonding, but something else had happened, something important. She was sure of it but she couldn’t recall it. Where was her Father? Shouldn’t he be here? Why couldn’t she remember where he was?

  A knock sounded at the door. “Are you alright, Steph?” Cymeryn asked through the door.

  “Yeah, be right out,” she called sticking her head in the shower that she’d let run. She wrapped a towel around her head, changed her clothes to one of her favorite jumpers, and went out into her chambers where Cymeryn waited. “Sorry, needed to freshen up and change.”

  He smiled. “You are fine, Steph. I just wanted to ensure everything was alright as you had been a while.”

  “No problem.” She forced a smile acting bubbly and happy.

  Cheerleading had come in useful for something after all. Now she could fake happy without batting an eye. She groaned internally.

  Drying her hair and setting the towel aside, she considered her options. Her Dad would never allow her to be misled or tricked into something. He would know if something was wrong. She just needed to find him.

  “I think I want to walk down to the Cerulyion District,” she mused. “There’s a beautiful garden there and I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen it. I have so many memories of my family spending time there.”

  Cymeryn paused studying her a moment. “Of course. It is only natural to wish to be closer to them on the day of your Bonding.”

  They walked side by side through the Palace. It was so different here. Everywhere you looked the walls were lined in colorful portraits and art. Gold columns rose to high up ceilings where flags of the Lucerna Lines hung. She paused looking up at the Cerulyion insignia. Her line. She knew she was destined to be the Queen, so why did something feel so wrong about this? Why did she have this fear that she was ready?

  They entered the courtyard and misted beyond the wall, heading down the path that led to the Guardians Academy. It was housed in her familial district. Luxyion Hall also sat there, but it remained empty since the death of her line. She breathed deeply. She could easily recall all of this but it wasn’t from her actual memories. Her memories of her own life were scarce and that’s what made it suspicious.

  They walked into the solitude of the Cerulyion Gardens. Her Grandfather had gifted them to his daughters in their youth. When they were young they played here, as they grew they were often courted here, and some of them had died here. She couldn’t sense her Father. He should be somewhere nearby, but he wasn’t.

  She stopped knowing they were alone. “Where’s my Father, Cymeryn? Why can’t I sense him? He would’ve told me if he was leaving again,” she demanded.

  He stopped studying her. “I cannot answer that, Steph. I do not know where Ceryn has gone.”

  “But you have to know. He’s your best friend and you’re his King,” she gaped at him in disbelief. What the hell was going on? Her Father wouldn’t just abandon her.

  A deep voice called out from behind her. It was so familiar it was like stepping into a dream. “He doesn’t know where Ceryn is, sweets,” he spoke calmly, cautiously. “They’re lying to you. You’re Father has been gone for four years.”

  Cymeryn drew his sword and his essence surged forth. “Get behind me, Steph.”

  She wanted to listen. He was her friend, her family, she trusted him. If he said there was danger there was. Wasn’t there? There was something about that voice though. She turned instead and met the eyes of a Shade. His black orbs glistened in the Light of her essence as it surged. He raised his hands in supplication but held her gaze. He didn’t attack, but he hadn’t backed down either.

  “Steph you need to step away from him,” Cymeryn urged, gripping her arm but she broke his hold and pulled free as essence as bright as the sun blazed over her skin.

  “I won’t hurt you, Steph. Do you remember who I am?” He asked watching her. He didn’t move closer, but still didn’t attack. He just stood there.

  Memories suddenly shattered the careful illusion they’d painted in her mind and she gripped her head in pain as all the blocks they’d forced into her mind broke at once. The Shade went to rush to her but another Shade appeared, wrapping his arms around as he hauled him back.

  “You cannot. Her Light is too intense. I know you would do this, what you would give for her, but you must not. Think of what will become of her if you succumb under the force of her Light.” He struggled to hold him back, reasoning with him.

  “Stephynia, get back!” Mythos commanded appearing in front of her and the Shade released her would be savior as the King attacked.

  “John…Ravyshyn,” she whispered as it came back to her. Each of them froze as they turned to look at her, obviously scared of what she would do know. They damned well should be.

  Mythos went to move to her but she pulled back. “Stephynia?”

  She shook her head. “Don’t…don’t you dare touch me right now.”

  The twins stood behind her and one of them moved to reach for her but she pulsed her essence out towards them so strongly in her rage that it knocked them both back as she stood. Tears streamed down her face and pain shattered her heart. How could they do this? Why didn’t they at least try to explain what was happening to her first? It wasn’t like she could leave the Realm of Balance on her own. How the hell could they betray her like this?

  She turned to face him. “How could you? How could you do this to me after…everything?”

  Mythos met her gaze head on. “It was the only way to protect you. You would not allow me to any other way.”

  Ravyshyn stepped forward just barely into her Light. “I’ve never flat out lied to you, Steph, and I’ve never messed with your mind like that. I would never take your past away from you. I know how badly it hurt you when they left you on Earth like that.”

  “Shut the hell up!” She yelled. “This isn’t about you right now.”

  He nodded but stepped closer despite how her essence surged.

  “Ravyshyn, you fool, she will kill you even if she does not mean to!” The other Shade cursed. “I know you love her, but you cannot give your life for her. I forbid it.”

  She blinked. Love was not a word she ever anticipated hearing in conjunction with her and Rav. She couldn’t deal with that right now. Turning back to Mythos she couldn’t even stand to think with the rage that ran through her.

  “You promised me, swore to me, that you would never lie to me. You said you would never force me to do anything! You promised me that you’d give me time and space and let me make my own decisions!”

  “Stephynia, you need to listen to me. He has manipulated your mind at every turn, made you distrust yourself, and believe you had betrayed me.”

  “I did betray you!” She screamed. “I gave myself to him and I enjoyed it. Then I called him to me, despite the fact that I knew he would take control. I wanted him to!”

  He shook his head. “He confused you and I understand now. I know what you need, caria, and I can give you that. Did I not prove that to you?”

  “And instead of talking to me about it you thought stealing my memories was the answer?” She stumbled back on an angle watching Marcus and Cymeryn out of the corner of her eyes. She knew she was closer to the Shade, but she also knew Ravyshyn wouldn’t hurt her right now, and hell, better the devil you know. She didn’t know any of them right now. How the hell could they do this to her?

sp; “Sweets, listen to me, baby. I have always taken care of you and I’m right here. I promise I won’t hurt you,” he reasoned, “but if you won’t come with me, go home, baby. I paid your rent. All your stuff’s still there. I haven’t had a chance to clean up since I was there searching for a way to find you, but it’s taken care of until next month.”

  She paused. “You’d let me go? Just like that?”

  “He is lying to you Steph. The Shade do not love. It is a trap,” Cymeryn argued.

  “Right, like you didn’t love Reyana?” She challenged. “Has anything any of you ever told me even been the truth?”

  “Please, Stephynia?” Mythos pleaded taking a step towards her but she took another back.

  “If it meant knowing you were safe from them, yes,” Ravyshyn conceded. “They’ve been lying to you and manipulating you for months. Telling you that you’re destined to be his mate and grooming you to take the throne. If you were really his true mate you wouldn’t feel anything like this for me, baby, and I know you do. I feel it too. They just want to continue the Cerulyion line.”

  She shook her head trying to deny what he said but how could she? How did she really know? “I want my Dad,” she whispered to herself.

  “I’ll take you too him, sweets. I promise,” Rav offered, far closer to her than was safe for him to be.

  She glanced over her shoulder. The other Shade was well out of her sphere. “Why aren’t you burning?”

  “I told you Steph, I’m your mate. I’ve been feeding you essence for years and drinking yours. We’re linked. You can hurt me, but unless you really want to, you won’t kill me,” he explained.

  He’d snuck in close enough to grab her while she was distracted, but his hands were lowered and he didn’t move any closer. If anything it looked like he was guarding her flank while she dealt with Mythos.

  She didn’t know who to trust. She knew what Rav would expect of her, but he’d take her to her Dad and he’d take care of her. She swallowed hard as her eyes met Mythos’. She could see the pain there. It echoed through her, but she couldn’t forgive this. He’d taken away everything that made her who she was and left her this happy little Fae that fit into the perfect mold of the Fae. That was what he wanted. That was who he wanted her to be and it wasn’t who she was.

  “I loved you. I swear I did, and if you had told me, actually sat down and explained to me what was going on, I would’ve listened to you. Now I don’t know what to think,” she cried.

  “I was only trying to save you. I have never lied to you before and I never will again,” he swore stepping closer.

  “You took everything that made me, me! Knowing how badly that hurt, how confused it made me, and what I endured because of it, Mythos! You know what that did to me when Alysse did it to protect me. How the hell am I supposed to trust you now?”

  “But you will trust the Shade? The same who has raped you and manipulated your mind at every turn,” he grit his teeth. “You will allow him the chance to poison your mind further?”

  Everything he said was true. Everything Rav said was true. She was so damned confused. Ultimately it came down to one basic fact that in that moment she just couldn’t get past. “Cymeryn didn’t understand, but you did. You knew what this would do to me. No matter how much I denied him, Rav has never blocked my mind like that. He never took away who I was to try to make me what he wanted me to be.”

  She stepped back against him, extinguishing her Light as his arms wrapped around her. The twins moved to stop them but in an instant they were gone. They misted through the realms stopping is the woods near her old apartment.

  Marcus and Cymeryn appeared in front of them and she propelled them back a few feet. “Steph, you don’t know what you’re doing,” Marcus pleaded.

  The Shade aside of them smirked. “It seems to me that the girl knows exactly what she is doing. You pulled your mental manipulation on the wrong Fae and it backfired, Grandsire.”

  “It would not have been necessary if Ravyshyn had not already confused your mind so, Steph,” he argued.

  Mythos appeared in front of her but he easily absorbed her essence. “Leave me alone, Mythos,” she warned taking a defensive stance.

  “We are evenly matched, Stephynia, and you know it. If I have to fight you to keep you, that is what I will do,” he retorted.

  “Vilyn?” Ravyshyn requested.

  “Almost,” he whispered.

  Mythos leapt forward and she blocked his attack on Rav, matching him blow for blow. Their battle arts would cancel each other’s out, but she kept her guard up as she fought him. “Watch the twins,” she grunted. “Let me know if they move.”

  “You did not tell me she held such fire,” Vilyn chuckled.

  “My sweets has many talents,” Rav replied with pride. “You need to stay close, baby.”

  She nodded focusing on the battle at hand. “We need to go. The twins aren’t as bad as Byryn and Kyle. If they channel their mates they can block us in.”

  “Steph, Dysteno,” Cymeryn Commanded with every bit of power he could muster.

  She fought right through the Command using every bit of her ancestral power, throwing the twins back as she did. “You two alright?” She asked.

  “It is getting a bit bright for what I have in mind dear,” Vilyn hinted.

  She met Mythos’ eyes. “I’m asking you to let me go before you get hurt.”

  “I do not believe you will allow that, Stephynia, and I cannot just let you go. I did not do this to hurt you. I did it because I love you and there was no other way. It is no different than what your Father did. Ceryn would not approve of this course. He sent you away to protect you from their world,” Mythos implored. “Please let me help you.”

  “I’m tired of everyone ruling my life. At least I can choose someone who will tell me flat out what he wants and expects without lying to me or stealing my damned memories.”

  “Is that what you think, sprite?” Byryn spoke from beside them. “That Ravyshyn won’t steal your memories?” She threw her essence to the side but he dodge it. “Do you think that prick won’t take every bit of who you are? He means to turn you.”

  “I know what he wants,” she replied. “Please don’t make me fight you, Byryn. I don’t want to fight you, too.”

  Kyle tried to mist in behind her but she misted between Vilyn and Ravyshyn and they took her hands misting through the realms once more. When they reformed they were in some sort of a castle type house with stone block walls. Tapestries lined the walls and carpeting ran the hall. It was dank and musty. At first glance she’d say no one had been her for years, but looking around she got the sense it had been actively lived in up until a few weeks ago. It wasn’t anything visible. It was the amount of essence in this place.

  “We cannot remain here. Byryn will come here looking for her. I need to somehow buy us time,” Vilyn informed them. “She is difficult to shroud completely.”

  “Sorry,” she replied holding her head as she paced.

  “Sweets, you ok?” Ravyshyn asked as he gently pulled her to him by the shoulders.

  “Yeah…headache,” she replied still seething in her rage.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I tried to warn you that you didn’t belong there.”

  “I know,” she whispered resting her head against his chest, allowing herself to accept his comfort. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.” Her head was still swimming and she was confused as all hell, but Rav was familiar. He may have hurt her, taken what he wanted from her, but he’d also protected her. “Promise me you won’t steal my memories. Promise you won’t destroy me again.”

  He pulled her face up to meet his. “There are things I’ll ask of you that I don’t know if you’ll give me willingly, Steph. I’ve already told you how this works now.”

  She swallowed hard. “You…you’re going to share me?”

  His eyes narrowed as he looked over her shoulder. “We’ll see. I may decide I only want to share you with one ot
her, and only so I know if your Fae ever finds us that you’ll be protected.”

  Vilyn came up behind them, standing a bit too close. His Darkness danced over her and it sent chills up her spine. “It is the best I can manage until we can manage to mask her essence in some way.” He rested his hands on her hips and she gasped as Rav held her gaze, watching her with an intensity she couldn’t quite read. “Unless she is willing to drink.”

  “How badly do you want to be free of them, sweets? I can make sure not even Kyle and Byryn will find you, but you need to trust me. You would need to give yourself to us…willingly.”

  “B-both of you,” she stammered. She knew she could stop this in an instant. There was no way either of them could bear the full intensity of her Light this close.

  “Both of us,” Vilyn murmured in her ear. “I need to be able to better connect with you in order to shroud you completely. They will not be able to track our essence on the mist and where we are going they will never find us provided I have the ability to mask you.”

  “I’ll give you what you want most, baby. They’re gonna take out Alayne. I can take you to your Dad without any risk to you,” he promised.

  Her Dad. He would know what to do. She couldn’t think straight, especially with them both pressed against her like this. “I…I don’t know,” she hesitated some hint of clarity breaking through a minute. “I…I…”

  Rav gripped her hair tightly as Vilyn pulled her arms behind her back. “Mine, baby. You have no idea how happy I am you came to me willingly, but I need you to give me something. This is so I can protect you until we can turn you.”

  “Who are you protecting her from, John? You’re the one that orchestrated her being gang raped. You’re the one who scared off anyone at school who so much as looked her way. You’ve been feeding her essence and messing with her mind for years. Granted what the twins did was wrong, but you sure as hell aren’t any better,” Kyle derided. “Look at me, Steph. Hear what I’m saying, because once you drink from them I can’t promise how long it will take to find you. We’re family, Steph. I’m not walking away from you that easily and you know I’m risking my own ass standing here.”


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