Forever Together: Medical Billionaire Romance (A Chance at Forever Series Book 3)

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Forever Together: Medical Billionaire Romance (A Chance at Forever Series Book 3) Page 18

by Lexy Timms

  Warmth spread through her. It touched her that he cared so much about her wellbeing. He was the best boss she had ever had. She would be eternally grateful to him. Had no way of repaying him for his kindness.

  The warmth of his words was suddenly replaced by agony, cold and sharp. If she had to leave Prescott, her time with Dane would be over. Never again would he greet her with a smile in the morning. Never again would she get him his coffee the way he liked it—black, no sugar. Never again would he drop her off at home if she stayed at work too late to take the subway.

  Holly stepped back onto the balcony. “You guys look gorgeous together.”

  Allyson smiled despite the heaviness in her heart, and followed her sister-in-law-to-be back to the bathroom to change into the other dress.

  Half an hour later, Allyson and Dane headed back to their room for the night.

  Dane grabbed a pillow off the bed. “I’ll take the couch tonight.”

  She frowned. “Are you sure?”

  “It’s not really up for discussion.” He leaned in to give her a kiss on the forehead. Her entire body tingled at the warmth of his lips. Dane jerked back, a shocked expression on his face, as if the kiss had taken him by surprise. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” she breathed. She headed into the bathroom to change into her PJs—the least sexy things she owned—and slipped under the covers to catch up on some reading. Dane being in the same room while she was in bed distracted her. He was already asleep on the couch, and he looked so peaceful. It was strange seeing someone that formidable looking so vulnerable.

  She turned back to her book with a sigh. They had gotten through today. Tomorrow was the wedding. Surely, they could survive that.

  Chapter 6

  Allyson woke early, snacked on a granola bar from her bag, showered, and did her hair. It took a while, but it was better than hiring someone to do it. She knew how she liked it. She slipped into her bridesmaid dress. The dress was a beautiful lilac sheath dress. She liked it, just wasn’t so keen that it showed off all her curves. Not that she could hide them.

  She cautiously opened the bathroom door, and sighed inwardly with relief that Dane was still asleep. At least he wouldn’t know how long it took her to get ready, or that she was feeling suddenly shy for him to see her dressed up. He was her boss. That’s it. She quietly walked across the room and gently shook him awake.

  He blinked, and stared at her with sleepy eyes. His hair was deliciously disheveled. She didn’t know how he did it, but he managed to look gorgeous even in the morning.

  “I’ve got to go to Holly’s room and help her get ready,” she whispered.

  He smiled against the pillow. “You look beautiful,” he said, his voice hoarse from sleep.

  “Thank you,” she said automatically, and blushed. “Meet me in Holly’s room when you’re ready, okay? There’s snacks in my handbag if you’re hungry.” She was tempted to lean over and kiss his forehead, but stopped herself just as she leaned forward. Straightening quickly, she turned and headed out of their room to meet Holly.

  Her mom, Monica, and Holly’s mother were already in the room to help Holly prep.

  “How’s that gorgeous, rich boyfriend of yours?” her mother asked as she let Allyson in.

  Her stomach tightened, and she gritted her teeth to bite back a sharp reply. She’d have loved if her mother said she looked beautiful, or that Holly was so excited, or anything else about the wedding. No, that was all her mother cared about. Appearances. Wealth. She hadn’t even once asked Allyson how she felt about Dane. Hadn’t once asked if Dane was a good man. Because none of that mattered to her family. It dawned on her that they probably didn’t care that Holly was a sweet, wonderful person who James adored. All that mattered was that she was a neurosurgeon and looked good on James’ arm.

  She suddenly wished Dane was here. He made her feel brave enough to stand being around her mother and her sister. “He’ll be here soon,” she said finally. Thankfully, Holly called her over and asked her to help.

  Dane appeared half an hour later, and volunteered to drive Allyson down to the Rose Bloom Barn so she could oversee the wedding prep.

  By late morning, the flowers were arranged and the lights set up.

  “This place looks terrific,” Dane said as climbed down the stepladder.

  She smiled. “See? Not bad for a barn.”

  He returned her smile. “I was a fool to doubt you.”

  By early afternoon the barn started to fill with family members, and Dane took his seat on her family’s side of the aisle. With a wave to him, she headed outside to find Holly pulling up in the rented limo. Allyson smiled when she saw Holly had chosen the gown with the mermaid silhouette. It might have looked good on her last night, but Holly was positively breathtaking in it.

  The ceremony itself was a blur. All she remembered was that she cried when James read his vows to Holly, and she kept turning to Dane in the crowd. Every time their eyes met he smiled at her, making her heart melt. She knew this was just a weekend deal, and on Monday they would go back to being employee and boss. However, she couldn’t stop herself from wishing it was more. It would never be, but Dane was sexy, hot, and tender. Did that even make sense? Sweet and steamy. Was that even possible? She wondered if he’d be the same way in bed. She couldn’t stop herself from imagining.

  At the reception outside, on the expansive lawn of the Greenville Lodge, Allyson slipped into her seat between her father and Dane. Photos were done, she’d survived her sister and mother, and now she could relax beside her handsome, fake boyfriend.

  “Beautiful ceremony, don’t you think?” her father said.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  Her father winked. “Pretty soon it’ll be your turn, eh?”

  All she could do was nod. Sitting beside her father next to her pretend boyfriend made her feel like a fraud.

  The reception was lovely, and the wine fantastic. Probably because some of it was Dane’s seven-thousand-dollar gift that James had insisted on opening.

  The string quartet started playing something slow and romantic. The first number was for the bride and groom, the next was for the wedding party.

  “Would you like to dance?” Dane held his hand out to her.

  She placed her hand in his and got to her feet. “I’d love to.”

  They walked over to the makeshift dancefloor and he wrapped his strong arm around her waist, bringing her close. “I think we’ve managed to pull this off,” he said against her ear, the deep baritone of his voice sending shivers down her spine.

  Before she could respond her sister Monica appeared, arms crossed, a smirk on her face.

  Allyson frowned. “What’s going on?”

  “Care to explain this?” Monica held up a document that Allyson instantly recognized.

  What the…? Her heart sank. She swallowed hard, nausea rising. “Where’d you get that?”

  Monica smirked. “Your handbag. I got hungry and Dane told me you had snacks in there.”

  Dane reached for the paper but Monica stepped to the side, drawing attention to those around them. “That’s none of your business,” he hissed, his voice all business.

  “Really?” Monica sneered. “I think our family has the right to know what a fake you are, Dane.”

  Allyson tried to snatch the contract out of Monica’s hand, but her sister quickly pulled the paper away. Everyone had turned their attention to them, and Allyson fought back the tears. This was going incredibly wrong.

  James and Holly stepped through the crowd, followed by Allyson’s parents.

  “What’s going on?” her mother demanded. She glared at Allyson. “What are you doing? This is James’ day. You have to make this all about you, again?”

  “Read this,” Monica shoved the papers into her mother’s hands. “It’s obvious someone like him would never be interested in someone like her.”

  A wave of horror poured over Allyson.

  Her mother’s eyes widened as she re
ad the contract. “I should have known!” Her voice rose. “Dane isn’t really your boyfriend at all! This whole thing has been a lie. You couldn’t help yourself, could you? You had to make your brother’s day about you.”

  Tears stung the back of Allyson’s eyes. “No! I wasn’t doing that. I swear.”

  “So why lie?” her father demanded. “Why pretend to have a boyfriend?”

  “Because she wants all the attention.” Monica snorted. “Always has to act like she’s better than us.”

  “Everyone calm down,” James said. “Look, Allyson, I know weddings are stressful but why did you have to make up something like this?”

  Hot tears ran down her cheeks. “I didn’t mean to. It just seemed to make you all happy if I was dating someone like Dane—”

  “You’re so pathetic,” Monica snapped. “A guy like Dane would never go for some assistant like you. Is he even your boss?” She turned to Dane, her eyes roaming up and down over him. “Is this even the real Dane? Or a hired imposter?”

  “What did I ever do to you, Monica?” Allyson hissed. “Why are so mean to me?”

  Monica rolled her eyes. “No matter how much of a screw-up you are, everyone feels sorry for you. Everyone pities you. Poor Allyson, she didn’t get a good degree. Be nice to Allyson, she can’t get a good job. Pity Allyson, she’s hopelessly single. She’s fat. She can’t help herself. Everyone feels sorry for you and I’m sick of it.”

  “Enough!” Dane interrupted. “All of you, stop this right now. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Has it occurred to you that maybe Allyson lied because of the pressure you put on her? I’ve heard the snide comments you make, Monica. Everyone has. I’ve seen you try several times to humiliate her, like you’re doing right now. Get over yourself.” He turned. “And I’m sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but the only thing you two seem preoccupied with is getting Allyson married to get her out of your responsibility. She’s a grown woman. She can take care of herself. You should be proud of how well she’s done. And she’s beautiful. You’re idiots to not see that.”

  Allyson wiped her tears. “Dane, you don’t have to—”

  “Oh, I’m not finished,” Dane thundered on. “James, you’re a good guy but you seem utterly oblivious to the pain your sister is in. You’re all a bunch of ingrates. Allyson is the one who planned this wedding. She was the one who refused to stay at this Lodge if you weren’t allowed to stay with her. She does everything for you and she gets no thanks in return. Have any of you ever asked her if she’s happy? Maybe she isn’t some hot-shot lawyer, but she’s damn indispensable to me. Nobody at Prescott works as hard as she does. Nobody is smarter, or better prepared. And to top it all off she puts up with me, and she puts up with all of you. Who the hell cares if she isn’t meeting your ridiculous expectations? Who the hell are all of you to judge?”

  The entire place went silent. Even the string quartet had stopped playing. Her heart thudded in her chest and she was suddenly consumed by one burning need. Escape.

  But not the kind everyone expected her to do.

  Allyson snatched the contract out of Monica’s hand, grabbed Dane’s hand, and rushed across the lawn towards the main building of the Lodge.

  * * *

  When they got to their room she pressed Dane up against the wall, her mouth meeting his in a searing kiss. She tilted her head back to drink him in. His big, rough hands wandered up and down her body, skimming down her back to cup her behind and press her closer.

  This was crazy. Everyone knew their secret now. They’d been exposed. There was no reason to keep up the act, but she craved him now more desperately than she ever had. No one had ever stood up for her the way he just did. Seeing him take charge to defend her set her on fire. Ignited her blood.

  The contract didn’t matter. Possibly losing her job didn’t matter. She was going to have one thing.


  With their lips still locked, she reached for the buttons of his jacket and started to undo them.

  Dane broke the kiss to stare deeply into her eyes. “What about the contract?”

  She still held the crumpled contract in her hands. With one quick motion, she tore the document in half and tossed the paper over her shoulder. “Fuck it. You want me.”

  “I want you.” He was breathing heavily, fire blazing in the blue depths of his eyes.

  The hungry look in his eyes made her wet with desire, and the place between her legs throbbed.

  He grabbed her hands and pulled her against him. He crushed his lips to her as he wrapped his arms around her. Her tongue stole into his mouth and her hands found their way into his hair.

  Somehow, he guided her to the bed. He set her down on the linen sheets and kneeled before her. He bent down and slipped her shoes off, his fingers and mouth making a trail up her thighs.

  Allyson moaned and leaned back, closing her eyes tight. The feelings he created made her lose focus of everything but his touch.

  Then he was on top of her, leaving a trail of hot kisses down the slender column of her neck. The sensation of his lips on her skin thrilled her.

  “Hang on,” he said breathlessly, and rolled off her to get out of the bed. She watched him reach into his duffel bag and pull out a condom.

  “Did you think you were going to get lucky this weekend?” she asked with a laugh.

  He grinned. “No. I was a Boy Scout: I always come prepared.”

  “Lucky me,” she said, mentally thanking his mother. She stood. “Could you help me out of my dress?”

  He reached for her gown and helped her pull it off. She tossed the lilac fabric onto the floor and stood before him, not caring how she looked in her lacy underwear.

  His eyes raked over her, and she felt the heat of his gaze. She felt like a gift being unwrapped under his scrutiny. The way he looked at her with such desire made her heart race in anticipation.

  He held her gaze as he took off his suit jacket and shirt. She licked her lips and let her gaze drop, watching hungrily as he stripped out of his clothes. Damn, he was fine. Every inch of his body was perfection. From the hard muscles of his torso to his huge erection. Her eyes widened.

  Good lord.

  He flashed her a cocky grin. “Speechless again?”

  That made her laugh, and she beckoned to him. His slid his hands up her thighs until he found the waistband of her lace panties and tugged. “I want to taste you, Allyson,” he said, his voice thick with desire.

  Her stomach fluttered. His words were so direct. Like he was totally unashamed of what he wanted to do to her. “I want you to,” she managed to choke out. With his eyes on hers, she lifted her hips to help him peel her panties off.

  He knelt between her thighs and looked up to give her another wicked grin. When he put his hot mouth on her wetness she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. Overwhelming pleasure spread through her.

  He gently pushed her to the bed and she lay down willingly. He followed, lapping her up. He swirled his tongue slowly, coaxing her towards heaven. A moan escaped her throat. Having her boss between her thighs like this was indescribable. This was forbidden. Dangerous. She’d never in her life broken the rules like this, but it felt so good she didn’t want it to stop.

  Dane’s grip on her thighs tightened, and he groaned a sound of pleasure that made her think he was enjoying it as much as she was. His tongue teased her, ravished her as he licked her furiously. She grabbed the sheets, needing something to hold onto as she broke apart. Her climax was sudden, hard and fast.

  His hands ran up her torso to her breasts, her body trembling under his fingertips. With one skilled movement, he managed to unhook her bra and toss it aside. Her nipples hardened as his hands gently skimmed over her full breasts.

  “You are so beautiful,” he breathed.

  She didn’t have the body she’d had when she was in her early twenties. Her hips had widened, and her stomach wasn’t as firm. But under his gaze she had never felt so desirable, so sexy.

  “I w
ant you to come,” he murmured.

  Stars exploded behind her eyes as she shut them tightly. His words and touch sent her over the edge. She panted and cried out as she came, trembling and opening her thighs for him.

  “Are you ready for me?” he whispered, his mouth now by her ear.

  She’d been ready the moment she met him. “Yes.”

  He slipped the condom on and she pulled him to her. His hand stroked her hair gently, his eyes locked on hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist, ready for him. With one powerful stroke he thrust into her tight, wet heat, filling her and stretching her like no man ever had. A moan escaped her throat.

  As he rocked into her, she lifted her hips to meet each hard stroke. To give him as good as he gave her. With each thrust he was deeper and deeper inside her, filling her with ecstasy. Being so close to him, being such a part of him, made her body sing. She had spent years keeping him at a distance, and having him inside her now was an illicit bliss she’d never thought possible.

  Her wetness clenched around his hard shaft. He groaned loudly, his thrusts becoming more frenzied. She sensed he was fast losing control, like her, on the edge of euphoria. Her eyes met his. In their depths, she saw her own desire reflected back at her. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. A dark haze of lust flashed in his eyes and his lips met hers.

  He teased her mouth open with his tongue, and the sensation of his tongue colliding with hers while he pounded into her drove her wild. She came again and a second later he followed, his last hard thrust making her come so hard she cried out his name.

  Dane slowly pulled away to lay back down on the bed, and then gathered her in his arms. They held each other, gasping for breath. She placed her head on his chest, the wild beating of his heart seeming to match the rhythm of her own.


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