Her Husband's Army Buddy (McLeod Security Book 1)

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Her Husband's Army Buddy (McLeod Security Book 1) Page 10

by Doris O'Connor

  “Our little subbie likes that, I see.” Sean’s breathy words into her neck as he added another finger to her cunt, forcing her higher on her tiptoes, made her head fall back against Zane’s chest. She screwed her eyes shut against the onslaught on her senses and squirmed between her men as much as she could.

  She was hot and cold all at the same time as shivers wrecked her body.

  “Please, please…”

  Sean added a third finger to her pussy, and her internal muscles clenched down on the long, thick digits. Zane stepped closer, withdrew his thumb from her butt and lifted her legs around Sean’s lean hips. Sean’s large hands replaced her husband’s as he grasped her butt to keep her steady, stretching her tiny hole at the same time. She only had moments to mourn the loss of the men’s fingers in her body, before Zane’s hot breath ghosted across her butt crack. He slipped his fingers through her wetness and took her arousal all the way back to her anus.

  “So fucking wet for us.” His tongue replaced his fingers, and she cried out when he pushed past the ring of muscle and murmured his approval. He thrust his tongue in and out of her ass repeatedly, until she wanted to scream at him. She needed more, so much more, as her clit ached and her vaginal muscles clenched in desperate need to be filled. Sean’s biceps trembled with the strain of holding her up, and then he flexed his knees while he pushed her up higher. That move meant the loss of her husband’s tongue in her ass, and she moaned her denial. One of Zane’s hands joined Sean’s on her butt, as he leaned against her back, while the other slid through her slit.

  “Relax for us, baby. I’m just gonna help Sean’s cock to slide in that sweet pussy. Look how hot you look in that mirror sandwiched between us.”

  Sure enough, when Sandy glanced to the side she could see their reflection in the full-length mirror on the wall. She’d all but forgotten it was there, and Zane was right. Seeing him grasp Sean’s cock and guiding it inside her waiting pussy was insanely hot.

  The velvety tip slid inside, and she groaned as she was filled inch by delicious inch of cock.

  Seeing his thick shaft disappear inside her body made this extra hot, as was the expression on her Sirs’ faces. Their gazes locked in the mirror as Sean bottomed out inside of her, and her heart threatened to beat itself out of her chest.

  “That’s it. Hurry up, buddy, and claim that ass. I won’t last long at this rate.”

  “On it.”

  Zane nuzzled into her neck, and having fisted his cock a few times, leaving streaks of her cream behind on it, he delved back between her legs to take more of her arousal back to her nether hole.

  “Please, I’m ready, just … oh fuck.” Sandy’s words turned into a long, drawn out moan, as Zane pushed steadily against her butthole and slid in slowly. It was too much, and not enough as muscles stretched to accommodate both her Sirs’ cocks. Sandy closed her eyes and concentrated on pulling air into her lungs, and then the men began to move. Exquisite pleasure erupted with every coordinated thrust and retreat of the two men’s cocks in her body. Slowly at first, and then with increasing speed, they claimed her, made her theirs, pitched her higher and higher into the maelstrom of sensations that assaulted her.

  The first of her orgasms left her breathless and trembling between her men as she clenched down on both their cocks. Her Sirs swore in unison and then stepped up their efforts, all the while murmuring encouragement and calling her their good girl.

  Sandy lost all sense of time, as their sweat-slicked bodies rubbed against each other and she rode the waves of pleasure, until she was nothing more than a mass of fevered sensation. She was dimly aware of first Zane and then Sean reaching their climax before the world went dark for a while.

  When she came back to the here and now, she was on the bed safely cocooned between her two men, and she sighed in contentment. Both men’s hair was wet as though they’d showered, and a pang of regret assaulted her at having missed it.

  “Ah, sleeping beauty is back with us, buddy.” Sean kissed her nose, and Zane’s deep chuckle to her right made her grin.

  “I was getting a bit worried there,” he said.

  Sandy looked between them and pouted.

  “You two showered without me? That’s not fair.”

  Zane laughed, and Sean shook his head in amusement.

  “I was knackered enough from making love to you on an empty stomach, let alone trying to hold you up in the shower while you were out of it, sweet thing. We took turns in watching you and cleaned you up as best we could here.” He winked at her, and promptly sobered when she blinked away tears. “Hey, we didn’t hurt you, did we?

  Zane, too, swore under his breath and then propped himself up on his elbow to study her expression.

  “No, it’s not that.” Sandy grimaced at the choked whisper she managed to produce.

  “Then what is it, baby girl?” Zane asked. His concerned gaze scanned her face, before it settled on Sean briefly.

  “It’s just you called it…” She couldn’t get the word out, so she stopped trying, and understanding slowly dawned on her men’s faces.

  “He called it making love, because that’s what it was, baby.” Zane nuzzled into one side of her neck as he spoke and Sean followed suit on the other.

  “Indeed, we love you, so to call it fucking seemed inappropriate, not that I’m against a good fuck, you understand.” He nibbled on her earlobe, and Sandy sighed in pleasure.

  “I love you, too, both of you.”

  Both men raised their heads and grinned down on her.

  “Good, now that we got that settled, I’m starving, so I’m gonna start again with that damn breakfast.” Sean swung his long legs off the bed, and Sandy couldn’t tear her gaze away from the side of his taut ass, before it disappeared in his joggers. More was the pity.

  Zane chuckled next to her.

  “Our guy does have a fine butt, doesn’t he?”

  Sean wriggled it at the two of them before he turned around and fixed them both with his best Dom glare.

  “This time, when I call you get your sweet asses down for breakfast, understood?”

  “Yes, Sir,” they replied in unison, and Sandy got the giggles.

  When she eventually got her merriment under control it was to find her husband watching her. The silent intensity of his gaze meant she sobered instantly, and she whispered her question.


  Zane smiled, lighting up his stern features, and she released the breath she hadn’t even been aware of holding.

  “Thank you for this.” He waved his hand around to encompass the room. “I swear, when we married I never envisaged that we would end up like this.”

  “Like what, Sir?” Sandy asked. “In love with the same man?”

  Zane skimmed his finger along the fading bruising on her throat and nodded.

  “Yes, but we can make this work, right? Even with his…” He paused, sat up, and ran a hand through his hair. It made all the strands stick up all over the place, and Sandy reached across to tidy them up for him.

  “Yes, of course we can. Rhonda will help him as much as she can, and if we just keep on loving him then it will all work out, you’ll see.”

  Zane nodded and laughed as his stomach chose that moment to rumble loudly.

  Sandy, too, smiled, and nudged him.

  “You heard the man. He’s making breakfast, so let’s go and eat.”

  “He makes the best freaking full English ever, I tell you,” Zane said.

  “Oh, better than mine, is it, Sir?” Sandy picked up the cushion and threw it at his departing back as he struggled to get his jeans on. He straightened and raised an eyebrow.

  God, how much she loved him.

  “Watch it, girl.”

  Sandy stuck her tongue out at him and then ran from the room screaming as he lunged for her. Not that she got very far, because she collided with Sean’s broad chest.

  The spanking she earned herself for that meant that breakfast turned into brunch, and she found sit
ting most uncomfortable for the next few days.

  Then again, it had been so worth it.


  Two years later

  “Mrs. McLeod?” The crisp voice called Sandy in for her appointment, and she sighed.

  “I’m here, but my husband hasn’t made it in yet. He’s on his way, so can you see someone else first? I really want them here.”

  The young woman frowned as she no doubt processed that slip of the tongue and Sandy raised her head a bit higher, as the woman next to her whispered something to her partner and laughed.

  Two years into their relationship she was used to the looks they garnered. The whispers behind their backs when it dawned on folks that Sandy was in a relationship with two men. While she didn’t make it a habit to flaunt her private life—especially not at work—her school had eventually found out. After an awkward meeting with the head teacher, during which Sandy had told the woman in no uncertain terms that her private life was just that and had nothing to do with her ability to teach, the rumors had only just stopped and then this had happened.

  Sandy put one hand on her tummy and smiled as their child turned somersaults or something. He or she was certainly an active little thing, and today they would find out the sex. No way on earth would she do that without both the Daddies here.

  “Well, okay, but if he’s not here after the sonographer has seen the next couple, we really need to get on with it.”

  Sandy nodded to show her understanding, and the couple who had been sniggering at her were called in. Which left only the young girl snapping gum and her disapproving mother in the waiting room with her.

  Lord knew what the old hag was glaring at her for. Sandy was a responsible adult in her late thirties, at least, and while this pregnancy hadn’t been planned and she had no idea who the actual father was, at least she was old enough to have a baby. Unlike the girl whose huge stomach dwarfed her small frame. She didn’t look a day over fourteen, for pity’s sake.

  Sandy lifted her hand to the collar Sean had placed on her a year into their relationship and encountered her wedding and engagement ring which now lived on the platinum band. As her fingers tended to swell by the end of the day in the summer heat, her Sirs had decided the rings were better off there. Touching that visible reminder of her Sirs always grounded her. Sod what everyone else said. They knew what they had, and that’s all that mattered. Far from being sordid, they were in love, and their baby would be truly blessed by having two devoted fathers rather than just one.

  Both men had been adamant that they didn’t want to find out who the biological father was.

  “What the fuck does that matter? We’re having a baby.” Sean and Zane had both twirled her around the living room until she’d been dizzy.

  A loud commotion in the corridor alerted her to her men’s presence, and sure enough, moments later Zane burst through the door, closely followed by Sean. The sheer masculinity and presence of her men took Sandy’s breath away, like it always did when they first entered a room.

  “Hey, baby, we didn’t miss it, did we?” Zane asked and planted a kiss on her lips. “We would have been here sooner, had our Lord and Master not driven like an old granny.” He winked at her, and the fine chain he wore around his neck to show Sean’s commitment to him twinkled in the rays of the late afternoon sun coming through the broken slats of the NHS blinds on the window.

  “I was merely following the speed limits like a responsible citizen, buddy. If we got ourselves arrested on the way here we definitely would have missed seeing our son.”

  Sean, too, kissed her, and then sat down on her opposite side. Both men grasped one of her hands each, and Sandy sighed.

  “Your daughter and I are still waiting.”

  Old hag across the room looked about ready to have kittens, while her daughter had seemingly forgotten to chew her gum and stared at them, openmouthed.

  Sean looked around the room and frowned.

  “I really wish you’d allow us to pay for you to go private. We can afford it after all.”

  It was an old and frequent argument between them.

  “If I have told you once, I told you a thousand times, there is no need. This is one of the best maternity units in London. Save your money for a private midwife if they give me grief over the homebirth.”

  Sean grunted a dismissal, and Zane’s hold on her hand grew painful. The men exchanged a look, and Sandy sighed. She knew they didn’t agree with that decision, but she also knew they would support her in whatever she decided. And her mind was made up. If this scan showed everything to be still okay, she would have that home birth. She was pregnant, not ill.

  “Mrs. McLeod, we’re ready for you now.”

  The same nurse as before popped her head around the corner, and her eyes grew wide when she noticed Sean and Zane.

  Her men tugged Sandy to her feet and grinned. The joint excitement pouring off of them was simply delightful.

  “Let’s do this, little one. I’m so ready to meet our son,” Sean said.

  “Or daughter, doesn’t matter to me.” Zane said, and Sandy fought the urge to kiss him senseless. That really would put the cat amongst the pigeons as the saying went.

  “Right, well, we have a problem here. Only the father is allowed in the room, I’m afraid, so Mr. McLeod?” The nurse addressed Sean and Zane laughed.

  “I’m Mr. McLeod.”

  “Right then, if you and your wife would follow me.” She made to move, but Zane stopped her with a smirk toward Sean.

  “However, we’re both the fathers, so we’ll both be attending, right, baby?” Zane squeezed her hand, and she looked up at Sean. He looked pensive, so she did the only thing she could do. Got on her tiptoes and kissed him. His hands immediately went in her hair as he took control of the kiss, while Zane nuzzled into her neck. When they broke apart to the sounds of repeated throat-clearing the young nurse had turned a nice shade of beetroot, while Sandy grinned at her.

  “Like my husband said. They’re both the fathers, so they will be coming in with me or I’ll simply refuse the scan.”

  “Right, that is…” Clearly flustered, she looked between them all and then shrugged. “I suppose we can make an exception this once.”

  When they entered the room, the actual sonographer could not have been nicer. Then again, both Zane and Sean turned on their charm, and there wasn’t a woman alive who could resist them when they did that.

  “Right, that all checks out. You have a perfectly healthy….” She paused for dramatic effect as she froze the image and looked up.

  “Yes?” Zane asked while Sean looked ready to pop a blood vessel. His scar stood out against his tanned face, a sure tell of his emotional state. He’d come a long way in his sessions with Rhonda, but some things remained the same.

  “A daughter. Congratulations again.”

  Sean released a breath, and Sandy was stunned to see the tears in his eyes.

  “Heaven help us, buddy. That’ll be another sassy female in the house.” Sean scrubbed a hand over his face and placed a tender kiss on her belly, not caring a jot that he got the ultrasound gel over himself in the process.

  Zane kissed her forehead, and he, too, had tears in his eyes.

  “Thank you, baby girl.”

  The sonographer cleared her throat, and once all the formalities were completed and clutching a set of grainy photos in their hands they emerged into the carpark with goofy grins.

  Their daughter chose that moment to kick in earnest, and Sandy grabbed her Sirs’ hands and placed them on her belly.

  “Emma says hello.”

  Sean and Zane both grinned and exchanged a look over her head.

  “You owe me fifty, Sean. Told you she’d call her that if the baby was a girl.”

  Sean threw a mock punch at Zane and laughed when Zane ducked it easily enough.

  “As if I care about the money or the sex. We’re having a baby.”

  Sandy laughed and tried to glare up her impossible
men, but it was hard to do when she was blinking away tears of happiness.

  The End


  Other Books by Doris O'Connor:


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  Doris O’Connor

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “The theme of the evening will be ‘Violence is never the answer’.” Hannah finished her presentation with as much flourish as she could muster, considering the stunned silence that made the room fall as silent as a morgue.

  "That's insane. You're supposed to be making the company money, not costing them a fortune." James from finance piped up, his ridiculous put-on posh accent grating on her nerves like it always did.

  Why he felt the need to adopt that around the new CEO was beyond her. By the looks of Logan Bryce, he hadn't exactly spent any time in the posher circles. Hannah had done her homework on the new boss. While he kept his private life under very close wraps, it was common knowledge that Logan was a self-made man. Brought up in the East End of London, he'd worked his way up the corporate ladder. An innate knack for investment had made him rich quickly, and nowadays he made his business taking over companies, making them better and selling them for profit. As luck would have it, Premiere Events had slid onto his radar, and they all had to fight to keep their jobs.


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