Shifters in Seattle: Box Set Books 1 - 5

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Shifters in Seattle: Box Set Books 1 - 5 Page 6

by Thorne, Truli

  Subject: New Rental Space

  To: 152 Market <[email protected]>

  Dear 152,

  Who do bear shifters marry?

  If they marry humans, are their babies born as cubs or humans?

  Just curious—

  Cocoa Girl


  From: 152 Market <[email protected]>

  Date: Sat, Oct 17 at 4:40 PM

  Subject: New Rental Space

  To: Cocoa Girl

  Dear Cocoa Girl,

  No one chooses his mate, fate decides.

  A bear shifter will only marry a fated mate. Sometimes that's another bear shifter and sometimes it's a human. I've even heard of a werebear whose fated mate was a wolf shifter, but that's extremely rare.

  Bear shifters embrace the opportunity for true love. Is it so different for humans?

  Let's meet in person. Tomorrow.


  152 Market


  The homeless shelter on Mission Street catered to men who didn’t have a place to sleep at night.

  Every evening, hundreds showed up for supper and a bed. They left in the morning after breakfast.

  What they did during the day was their own affair, and whether or not they returned was also up to them. It was a different group each night, although there were regulars among them.

  By arriving just before five pm, Amy and Zach had to skirt the boisterous line waiting to enter the shelter.

  Passing by the men, most of them old enough to be her father, Amy wondered who her father was, and if he was even still alive. She really had no idea.

  She had gotten used to not knowing if one of the strangers she passed each day was her biological father, but sometimes, when she was feeling especially emotional, like today, she yearned for her father.

  Wouldn’t a father be there to help her when she was doing things like moving out of her store? Maybe a father would help her come up with a deposit or ideas for how to do better? Or even just offer emotional support? Amy knew her mother would have been there if she could.

  Who was Amy’s father? Was he even alive?

  “You okay? You’re so quiet,” Zach said.

  “Seeing these men, it gets me sometimes,” Amy said. “They seem so lost.”

  “I know what you mean,” Zach said. He took her hand and held it firmly; he was so comforting and warm.

  She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. He squeezed back twice and smiled at her.

  Inside, the shelter was relatively quiet and orderly. The old building was clean and tidy, and the furnishings were simple, with brushed metal tables and brown upholstered chairs.

  They checked in at the office with the shelter director, Jeffrey, a large scruffy man with a red beard.

  “Awesome! You made it!” he said to Amy. “And you brought one of my all-time favorite volunteers!”

  Jeffrey slapped Zach on the back and they both grinned at each other.

  “Man, where’s the chocolate?” he said to Zach. “Don’t tell me you can’t carry it in one trip, ‘cause I know that’s not true!”

  “I’m going back out to get it, just want Amy safely in the office first,” Zach said. “She’s had a long day. Maybe a cup of your famous cocoa?”

  “I’m on it,” Jeffrey said. He pointed to a giant urn that was already steaming and sending the delicious aroma of hot chocolate throughout the shelter. “Hurry up and there may still be a cup left when you return.”

  Zach released Amy’s hand. “Be right back,” he said to her.

  Amy was surprised to feel that she missed him, even though she knew he’d be right back.

  “Here you are.” Jeffrey handed Amy a mug.

  She held the cup to her chin and inhaled, letting the steam from the hot chocolate warm her up.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “Where’d you find Zach?” he asked. “He’s a keeper.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Zach? Men like him don’t come around every day. He’s the real thing. A truly good person.”

  Amy told him how she had lost her store and the part Zach had played in it.

  “It’s complicated. I’ll give you that,” Jeffrey said.

  Before they could say much more, Diana walked into the shelter, followed by Zach and another man carrying Amy’s boxes.

  “This is Rex,” Zach told Amy. “Diana’s brother.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” Rex said to Amy, his voice deep and smooth as honey. He was another huge, handsome, and well-dressed man, with a dark blond beard and warm eyes.

  What did their mothers feed these gorgeous men? Amy wondered.

  Zach put down the boxes and picked up Amy’s hand. It felt right.

  Diana’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. She smiled at Amy.

  “Rex is a physician at the hospital downtown,” she said. “He’s taking time to help us with the security issues at the mall.”

  “Sometimes family needs prevail,” Rex said. “Unbelievable what’s going on there. Was it your car?”

  Amy nodded. “My van.”

  Diana turned to Zach. “Let’s go.”

  “As soon as I drive Amy home,” Zach said.

  “We don’t have time for that. Rex needs to return to the hospital.”

  “I’m not leaving Amy here,” he said. “No way.”

  “We got a new batch of virus in and I’m in the middle of analyzing it,” Rex said. “There’s a possibility that a new subject has surfaced but I need to finish my tests.”

  “I’ll drive her home,” Diana said.

  “Absolutely not. I will drive her home,” Zach insisted.

  “No. It’s fine. I’ll call my roommate.” Amy pulled out her phone and slipped into the hallway, dialing Steph.

  It figured Amy’s night would end dismally. At least she could look forward to tomorrow and the meeting with 152 Market.

  She walked out into the lobby. It was five o’clock. Homeless men streamed into the shelter, immediately converging on the upholstered chairs, claiming the ones closest to the office first.

  After a quick conversation, Amy returned to the group. “She’s up the street at her gym and will be here in a few minutes. It’s handled.”

  Zach was annoyed. “Amy, you don’t have to just handle everything. Put your needs first for a change.”

  Amy’s temper flared. “What do you know about my needs? I needed to have my store but thanks to you I don’t.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” Zach protested.

  Diana sighed. “Are we still not past this?”

  “Why would I be past this? Because you want me to be? I moved out of my store this morning. It’s going to take me more than twelve hours, even if that does inconvenience Harris Enterprises.”

  “I want you to let me take care of you,” Zach said. “That’s what—”

  “I don’t need anyone to take care of me!” Amy interrupted. She felt tears well up. She was surrounded by huge gorgeous people, and all she wanted was to go home and pull the covers over her head.

  Steph showed up just then, her cheeks flushed. “Dr. Harris?” she said to Rex, surprised.

  “Stephanie, nice to see you.” Clearly it was not nice to see her, though. His warm voice had become as cold as ice.

  “Do you work together?” Amy asked.

  “Dr. Harris works in the infectious diseases department. We can’t help but see each other around the hospital.” Ouch.

  Amy would get the story later, but obviously Steph and Dr. Harris hated each other.

  “Ready?” Steph said to Amy. “I’m double-parked.”

  “Amy…” Zach said. “Tomorrow morning…”

  “I’m busy tomorrow,” she said to him. “Let’s go, Steph.” They got out of there, and Amy made it past the homeless men and all the way to Steph’s car before the tears streamed down her cheeks.

  She had been getting along so well with Zach. Why did everything fall apart as
soon as Diana showed up?


  From: Cocoa Girl

  Date: Sat, Oct 17 at 6:04 PM

  Subject: New Rental Space

  To: 152 Market <[email protected]>

  Dear 152,

  When and where?


  Cocoa Girl


  From: 152 Market <[email protected]>

  Date: Sat, Oct 17 at 6:30 PM

  Subject: New Rental Space

  To: Cocoa Girl

  Dear Cocoa Girl,

  How about 8:00 am tomorrow at 152 Market? I'll show you the space I have picked out for you. It's a little shop, right around the corner from the entrance.


  152 Market


  From: Cocoa Girl

  Date: Sat, Oct 17 at 7:00 PM

  Subject: New Rental Space

  To: 152 Market <[email protected]>

  Dear 152,

  How will I know you?

  Cocoa Girl


  From: 152 Market <[email protected]>

  Date: Sat, Oct 17 at 7:01 PM

  Subject: New Rental Space

  To: Cocoa Girl

  Dear Cocoa,

  Trust me. You will.




  Zach, Diana, and Rex patrolled the mall parking lot but found nothing out of the ordinary.

  “I didn’t think anyone would be here,” Diana said, finally.

  “Then why the hell are you wasting my time?”

  Zach wanted to return to Amy.


  “Zach,” Diana said. “Something is happening that is raising the stakes for us. I heard from Liam. He told me he met you.”

  “I told you that.” Zach scowled.

  “I asked him about the vandalism and he told me the bear shifter illness Rex is researching has hit the wolf shifter communities. It leads to violence in their species, just as it leads to delusion in bears.”

  “The pressure to find a cure is becoming stronger and stronger every day,” Rex told Zach.

  “Until then, Liam has offered to pay for any and all damages,” Diana said.

  “Money won’t be necessary,” Zach said.

  “That’s what I told him.”

  “He asks that we protect the arsonist when we catch him. It’s one of their tribe,” Rex said. “Maybe more than one.”

  “When we catch whoever is doing this, you want to protect him until Liam can collect him. That’s what you’re saying?” Zach asked her.

  “Our bears need to stand down,” Rex said. “Until I have time to find a cure.”

  “Not if they’re going after Amy,” Zach said. “I’m not protecting anyone who hurts her. I’ll destroy him.” This was non-negotiable.

  “Amy doesn’t want you to take care of her, isn’t that what you just fought about?” Diana asked.

  “She doesn’t know what’s at stake.”

  “She wants a civilized mate. Not an animal. You’ve been trying to prove to her all weekend that you care about what she wants,” Diana pointed out. “That’s what courting is and it’s also what being a good partner is.”

  “I want her to know she’s safe with me.”

  “You’re a goddamned grizzly bear shifter. Of course, she’s safe with you. But only if you can listen to what she wants, not just give her what you think she needs.”

  Zach felt his bear rise up.

  We know what she needs! It’s us!

  “I do know what she needs.”

  “Oh, yeah? Then why was she angry tonight?”

  Zach didn’t understand why she got angry with him at the shelter. Maybe Diana was right.

  “Let’s get you back to the hospital. You’ve got work to do,” Diana said to Rex.

  “I’ve got to cure this thing before the wolf violence or bear delusion exposes the entire community to humans. We won’t be worrying about graffiti on the wall then—we’ll be worrying about the destruction of everything we hold dear as shifters are forced into zoos and government research labs.”

  “We won’t let that happen,” Zach said, but he was still thinking about Amy.

  He couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow morning and let her know who and what he was. Would it bring them closer, though? Or drive her away from him forever?


  From: Cocoa Girl

  Date: Sat, Oct 17 at 11:32 PM

  Subject: New Rental Space

  To: 152 Market <[email protected]>

  Dear 152,

  I'm starting to get the feeling that you're a bear shifter.

  Are you?


  Cocoa Girl


  The city sparkled. Even for a Sunday morning, the market district seemed extra quiet. It was early still.

  Amy parked Steph's Honda in front of 152 Market. She'd decide what to do about her van once she got her $12,000 check. She had a lot to figure out, but thank god she would have the resources to do it.

  As she opened the door to 152 Market, Amy got chills. She'd peeked through the windows and seen pictures online, of course, but there's nothing like walking into a new space to get the sense of it.

  She was alone in the lobby. It smelled like new construction—the pungency of raw wood. Except for the click of her own heels, the space was silent. She already loved it.

  Sunlight streamed in through floor-to-ceiling windows, contrasting with the wood floors and exposed brick walls. Already a few of the spaces and stalls were built and decorated for stores.

  She saw one shop that must be the one 152 Market told her about. It was just around the corner from the front door. She walked closer.

  Amy gasped.

  She couldn't believe it.

  The entire store was painted a shiny chocolate color, with pink and green accents, just like her business cards. Blue sky peeked through her very own skylight.

  The shelves were the exact size for chocolate boxes and body products. The glass counter was ready for trays of candies and fudge. A brand-new apron hung on a hook behind the counter.

  The floor was a checked green-and-pink linoleum that looked exactly like the ribbons from her old store. He had created this space for her.

  Peace, Love, and Chocolate, the sequel. It was absolutely perfect.

  Amy's heart pounded. She heard the sound of a door closing and walked back to the center of the lobby.

  Was she about to see a real bear shifter?

  She felt so alive, trembling with anticipation.

  What would he look like?

  She imagined a bearded, husky man with a ferocious growl. He was a real estate leader, so probably older. Like an ancient teddy bear, she imagined.

  Would he be furry?

  Amy became aware of footsteps and she turned to see a huge man backlit from the bright sunlight streaming in through the windows.

  As he emerged from the light, she couldn't have been more shocked.


  Her jaw dropped.

  “You were right,” he said. “I am a bear shifter. And you're my fated mate.”

  Of course it was Zach. Of course it was!

  She ran to him and flung herself into his arms, crying. “I wanted it to be you so badly,” she laughed.

  She kissed him.

  He held her tight, pressing into the kiss and she felt his love and desire swell until she was overwhelmed. She melted into him and was filled with an urgency she'd never felt before. His hands roamed over her body, caressing her ass, her breasts, her waist.

  All his.

  Her arms wrapped around him, her hands pulling him closer, until she could barely stand.

  All hers.

  “Amy, you're my mate and that means I will never, ever hurt you or leave you. We can build our lives together, and be strong
er together than we ever would be apart. It also means I can sense everything about you. Your feelings, your hopes, your fears. But I promise also to listen to you, so I’ll know your thoughts. No matter what. Every bit of you is so very beautiful.”

  He scooped her up, holding her with one arm under her knees and the other around her waist. He brought her to the corner space of the first floor.

  He carried her across the threshold of the small storefront, still kissing her, holding her like a bride.

  “And now for your next surprise,” he said, not realizing she’d already had a peek.

  He placed her on the ground and gently spinning her around but still holding tight, said, “Welcome to your new store.”

  “I love it.” She wrapped her arms around him.

  She'd imagined she would need to do a lot of work to get the space ready, but it was already perfect.

  “How did you do this?” she asked. “So fast?”

  “You're my mate,” he said. “I'd do anything for you.”

  She pressed deeply into him, kissing and pulling him closer. “Thank you,” she said.

  Amy didn't want to hold back and protect herself. She realized she didn't need to. Not anymore. She was done with that, done with worrying, done with being careful, done with shielding her heart or being less than she was. Done forever.

  As his tongue probed and she ached for more, he slid his hands up her body, over her waist, and touched her breasts, gently but firmly, until she caught her breath and moaned.


  His warm scent. His hands all over her. His cock straining against his jeans.

  He radiated heat, and she felt engulfed by his power.

  “It's okay. No one else is here. I locked the doors. We're all alone,” he said, as he unzipped her black hoodie to her reveal lavish breasts cupped by a black satin bra.

  His breath caught. “Oh my god,” he said, pressing his mouth onto her neck, kissing and tonguing her as he traced a path straight to her heart.


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