Seeds of Autumn: A Dark Shapeshifter Urban Fantasy (Echoes of the Past Book 1)

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Seeds of Autumn: A Dark Shapeshifter Urban Fantasy (Echoes of the Past Book 1) Page 2

by H B Lyne

  When she finished her sandwich she had a shower and got dressed. She knew her body clock was all messed up but there wasn't much she could do about it, so she decided to catch up on some reading, with the intention of trying to get some sleep in a few hours.

  As she sat on her sofa reading she realised how quiet the street outside was. Normally there would be sounds of people returning home from the nearby pub, or her neighbours opposite fighting, or cars going by. But there was nothing.

  She moved to her window and looked out, there was no movement, no sound but for the more distant noises of traffic on the main road. Then something caught her eye up the street and she pressed her face to the cold glass to get a better look.

  Two dogs were jogging across the road, both kind of wiry looking, with shaggy fur in need of a good brush down. They both looked tough, like they could take good care of themselves. She watched them mount the pavement on the opposite side of the street and continue in her direction. As they drew closer she saw that they weren't dogs at all, one was a fox and the other looked like a wolf.

  Her breath caught in her throat and a half-remembered dream suddenly flashed into her mind.

  A howl ripped through the air. As one, Ariana and the two canines in the street stopped suddenly and looked up over the houses opposite. Ariana often heard dogs howling around St. Mark's and didn't usually think anything of it, but there was something so urgent in this sound, cutting through the silence of the night.

  The two odd canines sprinted past Ariana's house, darted up an alley and out of sight. Ariana's heart was pounding and a shiver went up her spine. It was almost like she could understand the cry for help in that howl, and she was drawn towards it, she wanted to run out into the street, to find the dog and help, somehow.

  She paced in front of the window like a caged animal, looking out every so often, craning to see over the houses opposite, though there was no way she could from her first floor window. She felt frustrated and sick with worry.

  Movement down in the street caught her eye, in the alley she thought she saw one of the dogs, just hidden in shadow. It was looking up at her window, its yellow eyes right on her. She watched but the longer she stared at the spot the darker it seemed to be, and soon she began to doubt that she had seen anything.

  Looking at her phone, Ariana saw that it was nearly 1am.

  At that moment all of the street lights went out. Blackness fell like a cloak, and her pulse started racing. Something was very wrong.

  Another howl rent the air. Ariana stifled a small, frightened cry by pressing her hand to her lips. This howl wasn't a plea for help, it was a battle cry.

  She peered out of her window, straining her eyes in the darkness to see if she could make out anything.

  There was a strange shape moving quickly down the middle of the street, an inky black against the dull grey. Ariana squinted to try and see it more clearly, but it was too dark. It seemed like the shape didn't want to be seen, though how she sensed that she didn't know.

  Her eyes were drawn suddenly to quicker movement behind it, two dogs came running down the street and her eyes went back to the alley opposite, searching in the dark for those amber eyes.

  A huge beast bounded out of the alley, running like a gorilla on its hind legs but with powerful forearms pounding the ground too. It was difficult to make out more detail in the dark, but she knew that it was not a gorilla, it was a monster, and the sounds that ensued as the beast and the wild dogs flanked the inky black shape were terrifying.

  Ariana fought the urge to scream and struggled to breathe. Her eyes were fixed to the action in the street, no matter how much she wanted to tear them away. The dogs raced around the blackness and seemed to be ripping into it with their teeth. The beast tore at it with its huge claws.

  She watched in horror as the two dogs changed shape before her eyes, their bodies stretching and twisting into two more huge beasts just like the first. The action was hard to make out under the cover of night, but the sounds were terrifying. Shrieks issued from the black shadow, ripping and tearing sounds that sent chills right through her as Ariana stood, transfixed. Two of the savage beasts broke away and drove the blackness down the street, disappearing into the dark night.

  One figure remained outside her window, the beast shrank and stood on four paws in the middle of the road, just in time for the street lights to flicker back to life.

  The fox's piercing amber eyes turned upwards to look directly at her and Ariana leaped back from the window, clamping her hand hard over her mouth to swallow the terrified cry.

  18th October

  The next morning Ariana woke up confused. Her memories seemed unclear and she couldn't figure out what she had dreamed and what had been real, so she made a conscious effort to force the stranger memories firmly into the “dream” category.

  She still felt ill and took a second day off work. She slept more and slowly her appetite returned to normal. By the evening she felt more like herself and decided to return to work the next day.

  As the sun set over the city Ariana felt uneasy. Every time she looked towards the window she felt fear creeping up her spine, though as time passed, it became harder to understand why.

  Chapter Two

  22nd October

  'Why do you want me to go?' Ariana asked, hating that she was whining.

  'Because I am up to my ears in paper work and have no time for a field trip.' Ron slammed one pile of papers down on top of another and Ariana flinched. 'You know how it is with Central, they regularly gut the place and flog their old kit, but it isn't old! It's only a couple of years since the last refurbishment. I can't let a bargain slip through my fingers.'

  Ariana gave a resigned sigh and set off towards the bus stop. She wasn't waiting long before a bus heading for the city centre arrived, and she boarded quickly with several other passengers.

  Ariana cursed herself once again for not owning an umbrella as she sat on the bus looking out at the pouring rain. The route took her south through St. Mark's, along the edge of China Town and then into Burnside, the financial district of the city. She reluctantly stepped off the bus and ran from the bus station to the Central School of Martial Arts. She darted in and out of office doorways, past huge buildings and across the central plaza, right into the heart of the city where the prestigious martial arts school stood.

  She ran in through the big, glass doors of the school, into the pristine foyer, and shook out her hair and extremities, sending splashes of dirty rain water showering down onto the polished wooden floor.

  She ran a hand through her unruly hair and looked around. There were several people in the waiting area and one very well-dressed woman behind the reception desk, all staring at her and the dirty puddle she had created with her entrance.

  'Sorry,' she said meekly, her cheeks reddening.

  Ariana approached the sour-looking receptionist. She tried her best to smile and pull through the bad first impression she had made. 'Hi, I'm Ariana Yates, I'm from St. Mark's Self-Defence Dojo. I've come to look at the equipment for sale.'

  The receptionist gave her a fake smile and picked up the phone. She spoke to someone in clipped tones, relaying Ariana's introduction, and when she hung up the phone she turned to Ariana with that hideous fake smile again.

  'Someone will be with you shortly.'

  Ariana nodded in thanks and moved away from the desk.

  She waited for a few minutes, staring out at the wet street and the people scurrying by under their umbrellas. Her vision started to blur as her attention drifted away from what was in front of her and odd memories started to prickle at her mind.

  A moment later, the sound of light footsteps jogging down the stairs next to the reception caught her attention.

  A ripple of surprise and recognition ran through her when she saw Rhys approaching and a small guttural noise stuck in her throat, which she promptly cleared and tried to smile casually.

  His dark eyes went straight to her as he ste
pped into the reception area and he approached her without so much as a glance at the receptionist, who, Ariana noticed, was looking incredulous about not being needed.

  'Ariana,' Rhys greeted her with a smile. He held out his hand to shake hers and she willingly accepted. A little jolt went through her as they grasped hands and she found herself a little short of breath. She felt goosebumps break out all up her arm as their hands parted.

  She suddenly felt far more self conscious about her bedraggled appearance but tried to force confidence to the fore, hoping that it would mask her wet clothes and hair just a little.

  'Hi. Good to see you again,' she replied after a moment. 'I had no idea you worked here.'

  'I teach taekwondo here,' he said. 'I'm just helping the manager out with a few things as we're so busy at the moment. So, I'll show you the kit that your boss is interested in. Is that okay?'

  Rhys showed her around the impressive training centre, it was so clean and shiny, compared to her run down little workplace. Everything smelled new but still carried an authentic feel to it.

  Rhys didn't pass one comment about her drowned-rat look, for which she was grateful.

  He took Ariana into a large studio at the back of the building, all along one wall were pieces of gym equipment and crash mats in nearly new condition. She looked closely at the stock and he let her try a few things to make sure they were in working order.

  She pulled out a mat into the middle of the floor and slipped out of her wet shoes to walk on it. It was a little faded in the middle, but still had just the right amount of spring in it.

  She looked up to see Rhys watching her carefully, his eyes roaming slowly up her body from her bare feet. It sent shivers right through her to see him watching her like that.

  Suddenly he took a step towards her.

  'Want to test it out?' he asked.

  Flustered for only a moment she gave him an uncertain nod before taking a defensive stance. She knew absolutely no taekwondo, but she did teach jieishudan, which was a self-defence style that was effective against pretty much anything.

  Rhys tried to hide a smile, but she saw it playing at the corner of his mouth. She couldn't tell if he found her funny or if he was being cocky. Either way, she wasn't going to stand for it, and she steeled herself against whatever he had to throw at her.

  When he initiated the attack she was ready and easily blocked.

  They sparred, neither one of them landing a serious blow, but there was a glint in his eye that told Ariana he was waiting for his moment an. She recognised it the instant he thought it had come, the moment he was going to stop holding back.

  In a flash she spun him around, grappled his arm and threw him to the ground, landing squarely over his chest with one of his arms still tightly held, and her free hand slammed firmly onto the mat beside his head.

  Their noses were mere centimetres apart. Ariana felt the exhilaration of victory begin to fade and be replaced with a strong heat in her gut that spread quickly downwards, leaving her tingling.

  His eyes were feasting on hers, his breath hot on her face and he smiled, it was a look that told her she was exactly where he intended her to end up. He had let her pin him to the floor.

  Quickly pulling herself together she leaped up and went straight to her shoes, clearing her throat and wiping her clammy hands on her jeans.

  'It all looks great. I'll give Ron an inventory and he'll let you guys know which pieces he wants. I guess he'll arrange a van to collect them too.'

  'Fine,' he said, casually standing and walking over to her.

  He stopped right in front of her, his eyes held hers for a long moment then he stepped back, a satisfied smile on his lips and held out a mobile phone. 'I think this must be yours, it fell out of your pocket on the mat.' He passed it to her and as she took it she saw that a number had been tapped into the phone and was dialling.

  'I take it this is your number?' She raised an eyebrow, impressed with his quick wit and ingenuity. She let it connect to his voicemail and felt her insides flip about.

  'You will call me,' he said, turning and walking towards the door. He looked back, flashing a wicked grin and she stared at him, open mouthed as he left the studio. She didn't know what to make of his attitude.

  He was arrogant, intimidating and manipulative. But he was also painfully attractive, charming, in his own way, and very sharp. As she quietly left the Central School of Martial Arts she couldn't get him out of her mind.

  23rd October

  Hi. I've been thinking about you. You didn't call :( - Rhys xx

  Ariana laughed a little, she liked his directness and, if she was honest with herself, she liked being pursued.

  Hi. I was going to give it a couple of days ;) You're not used to being kept waiting, are you?

  She waited, watching her phone.

  No. I'll see you tomorrow... I'm coming to St. Mark's with the van.

  Ariana's pulse quickened at the thought of seeing him again so soon, which was definitely a good sign.

  Well, I don't know if I'll be there, my hours are erratic. What time are you coming up?

  She was lying, she already knew what time Ron had arranged for the delivery of the new equipment, but she didn't want to appear too eager. He was doing enough of that for the both of them and she could tell he liked the chase.

  We'll be there at 11. I hope you can be there xx

  24th October

  The following morning Ariana arrived at the dojo just after eleven, she didn't really need to be there, but she did want to see Rhys, while not appearing too keen.

  The van was parked at the end of the building and someone had rigged up a winch system to lift the gym equipment up the side of the building and in through the fire door on the first floor.

  Ariana stood and watched in awe as two men hauled a treadmill up the side of the building on a pulley and she caught sight of Rhys climbing the fire escape, helping to guide the machine smoothly. Smiling to herself she went inside and ran up the stairs and into the studio.

  Ron was in there, leaning out of a window and shouting directions.

  Moments later Rhys backed in through the open fire door with another man, pulling the treadmill in with them.

  'Where shall we put it?' Rhys asked, turning to Ron. He caught sight of Ariana and she thought she saw a flicker of excitement pass across his face.

  Ron directed them and together they positioned the machine.

  Rhys made his way over to Ariana and flashed her a wonderful smile.

  'Hi,' she said, trying to be nonchalant. She didn't know if it worked.

  'Hi. Good to see you,' he replied.

  They were enlisted to help with the rest of the equipment and hardly had chance to speak again before the van driver was ready to leave.

  As Rhys jumped up into the cab, hitching a lift back to Central, he called Ariana over. 'I'm going to take you out. I'll give you a call to set it up. Okay?'

  She laughed as the door was slammed shut and she nodded helplessly. It seemed she didn't have much choice in the matter, but she found that she didn't mind.

  Over the next few days a few messages flew back and forth. Ariana's friend was throwing an elaborate Halloween party and she suggested Rhys go with her as her “plus one”.

  It's fancy dress. Spooky sexy. She told him.

  No problem. He replied. Ariana gave a wry smile. She had trouble picturing Rhys in a costume and wondered what he would come up with, what any male attending would for that matter.

  31st October

  Ariana adjusted her costume. It was not going to be a comfortable evening, she could tell she would be tugging bits of it out from crevices constantly, but her friend Ben's invitation had been very clear: “Sexy costumes only”, so here she was, dressed as some sort of evil fairy in a black and green corset, black hot pants covered in sequins, stockings and suspenders and tattered black wings strapped to her back. She retained a hint of her own personality by wearing untied combat boots to finish off
the outfit.

  She leaned close to the mirror to finish applying her mascara and just as she was applying the last stroke her door bell rang, sending a sudden flutter of anticipation right through her.

  Grinning, Ariana grabbed her little black clutch and left her flat, jogging down the stairs to open the door. She flung it wide to find Rhys stood waiting for her.

  'You're not in a costume.' Ariana frowned at him, looking him up and down. He was dressed more or less as he had been every time she had seen him, in black combats and a vest. To be fair to him, he had dressed up the look this evening with a smart jacket, but it was decidedly not a costume.

  'The scariest things in this world are the ones that look completely normal most of the time,' he shrugged.

  'That is such a cop out,' she huffed. She locked her door and he led her to his car. 'Well, on your head be it if you're refused entry to the party.'

  Rhys chuckled and opened the passenger door for her. She slid inside and tried to get comfortable with the wings on her back.

  'You look amazing,' he said softly, sliding into the driver's seat and starting the car.

  'Thank you.' Ariana smiled to herself as they set off towards the city centre.

  Rhys parked in a small car park close to the venue, which was at the heart of Caerton's night life. The streets throbbed with music from the clubs and bars and people swarmed outside, queuing to gain entry to some of the most exclusive venues. Halloween costumes were everywhere, some bright and humorous, others alarmingly realistic.

  Rhys put his arm around Ariana's shoulders as they negotiated the bustling pavement, steering her away from the slightest hint of aggression or over exuberance.

  On the corner stood an impressive cocktail bar, its large windows looking out onto the brightly lit and lively streets. A red rope was strung across the door and two big bouncers in suits flanked it. A cluster of young women in varying degrees of skimpy clothing stood begging for entry.

  'I'm sorry, this is strictly a private party,' one of the bouncers said, firmly but politely.


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