Dark Prince's Enigma

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Dark Prince's Enigma Page 6

by I. T. Lucas

  “Syssi, what a pleasant surprise,” Merlin answered as soon as she dialed his number. “What can I help you with?”

  “I have a question. Is the potion dangerous to a developing fetus?”

  “Why? Do you have good news for me?”

  “I’m not sure. Immortal females don’t menstruate, so how would I know when to stop drinking it?”

  “First of all, you can relax. It’s not dangerous to the baby. And you’ll know when you hear the heartbeat at about forty days after conception, or if you get a pregnancy test.”

  She waved a hand even though he couldn’t see her. “Why would I get a test? It’s not like I’m going to be late and have a reason to do it.”

  “True. But if you are impatient and don’t want to wait for the heartbeat, you can just pee on a stick every other day or once a week. It’s not difficult, and the tests are not costly.”

  “I’ll think about it. Thanks, Merlin.”

  “My pleasure.”

  After disconnecting, Syssi took a deep breath and grabbed her tablet. While Kian worked from home, she liked to sit on the couch in his office and read. They both enjoyed the closeness.

  The problem with being married to an immortal, though, was that he could sense her emotions with ease.

  Lifting his head from the report spread out on his desk, Kian smiled at her. “You seem excited. Any good news?”

  Had he heard her talking with Merlin?

  The bedroom door had been closed, and the soundproofing in the house was excellent. Kian couldn’t have heard her.

  Perhaps he was just as anxious and impatient as she was. In any case, Syssi wasn’t about to share her suspicions with him. If it was nothing, at least he wouldn’t be disappointed.

  Luckily, she had some other good news to impart. “Magnus called Amanda at the lab today. He and Vivian are working on her transition, and since she’s worried about what will happen to her kids if anything goes wrong, he wants to officially adopt them right away.”

  “Good for him. But that’s Edna’s department, not Amanda’s.”

  “Right. So, he called Edna first and mentioned that Vivian wanted them to be married first, and Edna told him to go for it. So, he called Amanda with the lame excuse that he needed her advice. Long story short, there is going to be a wedding on Sunday, and Amanda is making it happen.”

  Kian shook his head. “And I thought that our wedding was rushed.”

  “By now, Amanda has so much experience in organizing parties that she can pull it off.”

  “Do we need to do anything?”

  Tucking her legs under her, Syssi leaned against the sofa’s armrest. “I’m in charge of the decorations. Amanda is already assigning everyone tasks. I’m telling you, that woman could have been an army general.”

  He chuckled. “No doubt.”

  For some reason, thinking about an army and generals reminded her that Annani should be informed about Lokan’s capture, and not through the grapevine. Or maybe it was the talk about the wedding that had prompted it. Annani loved presiding over weddings.

  “By the way. Did you call your mother with the good news?”

  He arched a brow. “You just told me about it. When was I supposed to do that?”

  “Not the wedding. I meant about catching Lokan.”

  “Not yet. I want to get the island's location out of him first. Then I will really have good news for her. Lokan himself is not important. It’s the information we can get out of him.”

  “She’s going to hear about it from someone else and get mad at you for not calling her with the news as soon as we got him.”

  Waving a dismissive hand, Kian snorted. “It won’t be the first or last time. I’m used to my mother being peeved at me.”

  “Don’t be an ass. Call her. She’ll appreciate it.”

  “Fine, but speaking of asses, there is a board meeting at Perfect Match next week, and as the majority stockholder, you need to attend.”

  “Only if you come with me. But what does it have to do with asses?”

  He smirked. “Just one ass. Yours. Have you given a thought to the fantasy you’d like to experience? All the testing is done, and the service works without a glitch. It’s safe.”

  Butterflies taking flight in her tummy, Syssi put the tablet down. “We can try it out?”

  “That’s what I said.”


  “Whenever you want. Just give me a couple of days’ heads up, so I can get William to supervise.”

  No way. She was not living out her fantasies with William watching. It was a deal breaker.

  Syssi waved a hand. “Then forget about it. I don’t want anyone to be privy to our adventure.”

  “Neither do I. William will just make sure that after we are done, the records of our playtime are erased, and that no one made copies.”

  That was acceptable. “Are you sure he’s not going to see anything?”

  “William is not going to defy me in this or anything else. I trust him.”

  Did she?

  Yeah, William was okay. He wouldn’t betray their trust.

  “Give me a few days to come up with a cool adventure that won’t be too girly for you.”

  Kian got up, walked over to the couch, sat down, and lifted her onto his lap. “I will gladly participate in whatever you can dream up. Don’t modify a single thing on my account. I love your imagination.”



  Carol put the last container into the freezer and waved Ella over. “The main dishes are on the right, and the side dishes are on the left. Each container has enough for two.”

  “Thank you, but you really shouldn’t have. I can cook, you know. And I’m eager to start playing house.”

  Carol shrugged. “Think of it as emergency rations for when you are not in the mood or your fridge is empty. I always cook large quantities and freeze portions for later. That way I always have something, and I don’t need to cook every day.”


  “How come you didn’t go grocery shopping with Julian?”

  Ella’s lips curled in a smug smile. “I’m exhausted. After lunch, we came home and decided to take a nap before going out, but naturally we didn’t, so Julian suggested I rest while he did the shopping. I made him a list, though. Otherwise, he would have come back with frozen pizzas and cereal.”

  Carol rolled her eyes. “Men. But then there are exceptions, like Gerard. He’s a master chef.”

  “Who’s Gerard?”

  “A clan member with a fancy restaurant named By Invitation Only. I interned with him for a little while, but I realized that cooking in a restaurant is not the same as cooking at home. I do it to relax, and a restaurant kitchen is one of the most stressful places there is. I don’t think there is as much tension in firehouses and emergency rooms.”

  Ella leaned against the counter and crossed her arms over her chest. “I hope that doesn’t happen to me with running the fundraiser.”

  “How is it going?” That wasn’t what Carol wanted to talk about, but this was important to Ella.

  “So far, great. Not huge amounts, but more than I expected.”

  “I’m glad. Now come sit with me and tell me all about Lokan and what happened. I know that you’re probably tired of telling the story, but I only want the juicy tidbits that you didn’t tell anyone else.”

  Giggling, Ella let Carol pull her to the couch. “So, I was right about Lokan compelling my attraction to him. He was very clever about it. The way he phrased it, he made me feel guilty anytime I got intimate with Julian. I interpreted that guilt as being unworthy and soiled and other nonsense like that. Once he removed the compulsion, it was like a suffocating blanket was lifted off me, and my desire for Julian flared like oxygen-infused fire.”

  “How did you get Lokan to remove the compulsion?”

  “He thought that he had gotten us and felt cocky enough to be magnanimous. Apparently, Turner was right about him. Lokan was playing me
the same way I was playing him, and he wasn’t interested in me romantically at all. He wanted to lure my mother and me into a trap because he needed two strong telepaths for some secret mission.”

  That sounded interesting. “Did he tell you what it was?”

  “No. But I’m sure Kian is going to get it out of him one way or another.”

  Carol grimaced. “I hope they are not thinking of torturing him.”

  “Yeah, I hope so too. Even after all he did to me, I can’t help but like him a little. Which is weird because he used to scare me so much. I often thought of him as Lucifer.” She chuckled. “He certainly is a handsome devil.”

  With a sigh, Carol grabbed a throw pillow and hugged it to herself. “As one who’s been through torture, I don’t wish it even on my enemies. Besides, I’m proof that it’s not effective. If I could keep my mouth shut and not betray my people, I’m sure that an experienced soldier won’t do it either. The only way to get the information out of him is to prove that we are the good guys, and that we mean his people no harm.”

  Ella frowned. “Is it true, though?”

  “Of course, it is. Our goal is not Doomer annihilation. We are defending ourselves because they want to annihilate us and rule over humanity. All we want to do is start a revolution, so their leader gets overthrown and someone more reasonable takes his place.”

  “Yeah, but that leader happens to be Lokan’s father.”

  Carol waved a dismissive hand. “Navuh is not the kind of father who inspires loyalty. More like burning hatred. Did Lokan talk about his family with you? I know he wouldn’t mention Navuh by name, but, in general, like whether he gets along with his brothers sort of thing.”

  “He mentioned having many brothers, but he didn’t elaborate. The one thing I took notice of, though, was his resentment over not knowing who his mother was and if she was still alive.”

  “Hmm. I can use that.”

  “For what?”

  “To manipulate Lokan into revealing things, of course. I’m going to talk to Kian and ask his permission to play with Lokan.” She waggled her brows.

  Ella cast her a curious glance. “Play as in softening him up so he will talk, or the other kind of play?”

  “Both. How do you think I’m going to soften him up? I’m a courtesan. I have my ways.”

  “Is it that easy for you?”

  Carol pulled out her phone and scrolled for the picture Bridget had shared with her. “Just look at him. I would do him for fun any day and twice on Sunday. He’s gorgeous.”

  “I can’t argue with that. But he is also the enemy.”

  “That’s why I need a good excuse to play with him.” Carol winked. “I’m training to be a spy, an instigator of a revolution. What better way to practice my rusty feminine wiles than to do so on someone as close to the throne as Lokan?”



  Annani returned her cell phone to her gown’s pocket and pushed to her feet. “I cannot believe Kian. Navuh’s son was captured on Wednesday, and I only hear about it now, and not from him, but from Sari.” She started pacing. “Sari did not hear it from Kian either. Her assistant heard it from one of the Guardians and told her.”

  Alena, in her usual stoic manner, waited for the temper tantrum to be over before responding. “Which of the sons?”

  “It does not matter.” Annani waved a dismissive hand. “Any of the sons would know more than the simple soldiers. I need to talk to him. And this is precisely why Kian did not tell me about it.” She huffed. “He should have called me right away, but he doesn’t want me anywhere near Lokan. What is he afraid of? That Lokan is going to attack me? I can take hold of his mind in an instant and freeze him in place. Kian keeps forgetting how powerful I am. He wants to keep me wrapped in goose feathers.”

  “It’s bubble wrap, Mother. Not goose feathers.”

  Alena was a wonderful daughter, but sometimes she had the sensitivity of an ice cube.

  Annani was in no mood for a language lesson. “It is of no importance what metaphor I choose, and if I want to make one up, it is my prerogative.” Annani pulled out her phone. “I am going to call Kian.”

  Tapping her foot, she waited for him to answer.

  “Mother, I was just about to call you.”

  “To tell me about Lokan’s capture? You are a little too late. Sari already told me.”

  He sighed. “I should have known news like that would travel fast.”

  “I should have been the first one you called. Why do I have to wait two days to hear about an important development like this? Am I not the head of this clan?”

  He sighed. “I apologize. Syssi told me to call you right away, but I hoped to get the island location out of Lokan first so I could surprise you with the good news. His capture in itself is not important.”

  That mollified her, but only a little bit. “Do you have the location now?”

  “Not yet. Lokan is a hard nut to crack. Not surprisingly, he doesn't believe that I have no intention of nuking his island. He’s trying to play the hero and protect his people. Or maybe he’s just buying time. He is hard to read.”

  “I want to see him. I can probably get him to tell me whatever I want.”

  “He is immune to compulsion.”

  Annani huffed. “I was not going to use it on him. Besides, my compulsion ability is mediocre at best. For a goddess, that is. But Navuh was rumored to have almost god-like powers. His sons might be very powerful too.”

  “Lokan certainly is. And his dream-walking is a unique talent. Do you think Navuh could have it as well?”

  “I do not know. We did not see each other often, and we never talked.” She sighed. “But I remember thinking that he was not as bad as his father, and that he had some compassion in him. He certainly seemed infatuated with Areana. I wonder what happened to him.”

  “Insanity is hereditary. Navuh got it from Mortdh.”

  “Perhaps. Mortdh was smart too, and very powerful, but he was a lunatic who murdered his own people and more than half of the human civilization that had been flourishing in our area.”

  “Navuh kept up the good work. How many wars did the Doomers instigate? And how much more progress could humanity have achieved if they didn’t keep undermining it time and again? By now, Navuh has much more blood on his hands than Mortdh ever had.”

  “That is unfortunately true. And that is why I want to talk to Lokan. I want to ask him about his father. Also, he might know whether Navuh is holding Areana prisoner.”

  Annani sat down in her favorite armchair and sighed. “I do not know which fate is worse, being Navuh’s captive for thousands of years or perishing with the rest of our people.”

  “If Navuh has Areana, he keeps her hidden in his harem, which is inaccessible and guarded as if it is his greatest treasure. The sons don’t even get to grow up with their mothers. That was what Lokan needed Vivian and Ella for. He wanted to find out what, or rather who, his father was hiding in the harem. Only compelled humans are allowed in the enclosure. No one knows what goes on in there.”

  Annani’s eyes widened. “Oh, that was so clever of Lokan. He could smuggle one of them inside, and she would report to the other what she found out.”

  “That was his plan. But we spoiled it for him.”

  “He must know more than he is admitting. I am going to fly over. Unfortunately, I cannot leave tonight or tomorrow, but I can leave early on Sunday morning and arrive late morning at our airstrip.”

  “That’s wonderful. Perfect timing.”

  Wonderful? Kian had never sounded so enthusiastic about her visits.

  Annani’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Syssi was pregnant? That would be the best news Kian could give her. “Is there a cause for celebration that I am not aware of?”

  “If you could have made it by tomorrow, you could have celebrated with us Vivian and Ella’s safe return. We are having a barbecue in the village square. But that’s the small celebration. Sunday, Vivian and
Magnus are getting married. I know how much you like presiding over weddings, and they will be overjoyed to have you bless their union.”

  Fabulous news, just not what she had been hoping for. “It is indeed wonderful. But why the rush? Is there more good news?”

  Perhaps Vivian was pregnant?

  It was not as exciting as Syssi and Kian having a child, but every new baby was a great blessing.

  Kian chuckled. “As far as I know, the answer is no. But they’ve started working on Vivian’s transition, and Magnus wants them to be married before she enters it. He’s officially adopting her children too. Vivian is in her mid-thirties, so the transition might not go as smoothly for her.”

  “It is good that I am coming, then. I can give Vivian my blessing.”

  The codename ‘blessing’ had been coined when Annani had secretly helped Syssi transition with a small injection of her godly blood, and it had stuck. Sharing the secret of her blood’s miraculous healing properties with Alena and Kian had been necessary, but Amanda and Sari remained blissfully ignorant in that regard.

  “My thoughts exactly. You might want to plan a longer visit, though. I don’t know how soon her transition is going to start.”

  “Very well. I am bringing Alena with me and my Odus, of course. You might want to give me one of those new houses you built. Just make sure to stock the kitchen.”

  It would be easier for everyone if she did not stay in Kian’s or Amanda’s house. Especially if she was going to be there for a week or longer. That way, she could invite people over without burdening her children with a stream of guests.

  “Are you sure that you don’t mind?”

  “I love spending time with you and Syssi and with Amanda and Dalhu, but this time, I would like to hold audiences with as many clan members as I can. I have been remiss lately, and I feel like I am losing touch with my people, especially since hardly anyone comes to the sanctuary anymore. You need your peace of mind at home, and so does Dalhu. A stream of guests would be very disrupting.”

  “None of the homes are fancy.”


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