The Drifter's Promise

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The Drifter's Promise Page 18

by Rita Hestand

  Black Feather sent White Fox to get it.

  He gave it to Wes, and he took a big swig of it.

  "More my friend you need to sleep."

  "I'm not much of a drinker. I carry it for medicine." Wes told him.

  "If you and your boys want some, go ahead."

  "No, firewater and Indians do not mix well. I learned this the hard way, many years ago." Black Feather laughed.

  But Wes couldn’t hold his eyes open and soon fell asleep.

  The next day his arm was stiff and sore, but he could move it and handle things. He gave the whip to one of the boys as he had trouble using it. He needed to let his arm heal first.

  Blue Dog and White Fox shared it and had fun using it. While one used the whip, the other tried to teach Lucky different things about herding the animals. It was mainly to scare the horses enough to stay together and not wander off.

  Several places they had to clear so the horses could pass easily. It was a tiring job getting them down the through the thick forest, finding good places to camp for the night. But on their journey, Wes learned many things about safety and making good tracks with the horses.

  He enjoyed their conversations in the evenings too. Even Blue Dog and White Fox began to join in the conversation and Wes was happy to help them with their English.

  Black Feather taught him how to forage in the forest for food, even in the snow. He taught him about herbs and medicines the Indians used. Wes taught the boys about using the barbed wire to fence the horses in at night. They had never worked with it, and Wes taught them to be very careful not to hurt themselves.

  "Men have tangled themselves with it, and really hurt themselves."

  "Only the white man's sickness bothers us now." Black Feather told him.

  "Yes, we have no cures for some of them yet." Wes explained.

  Halfway down they ran into some white men bent on stealing the horses. But Blue Dog and White Fox had hid so they didn't know they were there, and they got the drop on them.

  Wes wasn't sure what to do with them, but he thought maybe intimidation might work best. "You boys steal from people you don't know. I could let Blue Dog and White Fox come up with a punishment."

  "Look, we won't mess with you again, if you let us go." One of the men said.

  "You are thieves, are you both liars too?" Black Feather asked.

  "Honest. We won't bother you again." The tall one said.

  "What do you think, Black Feather?" Wes asked him.

  "I think they speak with forked tongues. A man that steals does not stop stealing until he is properly punished for his deed."

  "I think we should tie them to the trees with the barbed wire, standing up. Let them sleep that way. If they can. For a thief must be restrained from their own sins."

  "What the hell would you know about sin?" the shorter man yelled belligerently.

  "Since I learned English, I also read the bible. It has great wisdoms." Black Feather smiled.

  Blue Dog and White Fox tied them to the trees. They did not feed them but let them fuss and cuss half the evening.

  Black Feather walked up to the short man, "We will go to sleep now, but you will not, for the barbed wire will cut you and hurt you. You must think of your sin and ask forgiveness from the Great White Father in the heavens."

  "What kind of people are you?" The tall one asked.

  Blue Dog walked up to him, "One that knows right from wrong." And he walked away with a smile.

  White Fox walked over to them and smiled. "Our father taught us that."

  Wes knew he could have shot them, or let them walk away, but this was better. Maybe they'd gain some respect and learn from this. He hoped so.

  The next day as they got up, fixed breakfast, and got their gear ready, Wes walked over to them. "I'm gonna turn you lose now. I hope you learned something and thought about what you were trying to do. I wouldn't advise trying it again."

  He cut them loose.

  They stared, then got their gear and left.

  Black Feather looked at Wes, "Had they been tied up longer, they might have learned, but they will remember this and at least be more careful next time they try something like this."

  "I hope so," Wes shook his head.

  As they got closer to leaving the forested area, the weather began to let up and the snow began to melt.

  It had to be March. Wes figured from the weather.

  "I'd like you fellas to ride with me to the ranch, so you will know where it is, and come visit."

  Black Feather smiled, "We would like that."


  It was nearly a hundred miles to the ranch, but it was flatter land, and they didn't have to fight trees and steep hill terrain now.

  As they got closer to the ranch and Tooley, they ran into some people and Wes nodded and smiled as they stared at the Indians with him.

  They passed Frank Campbell's ranch and he spotted them. He rode out to see what was going on.

  "Looks like you got a herd of mustangs." Frank smiled.

  "Yes, I did." Wes nodded.

  "Who are they?" Frank asked staring at the Indians.

  "This is Black Feather, Blue Dog, and White Fox, they helped me get this herd through the thick mass of trees and rough terrain."

  Frank nodded at them.

  'That's quite a herd you got there."

  "Yeah, I sure needed their help." Wes chuckled.

  "Seen Kate lately?" Frank asked, waiting for an answer.

  "No, but I'm sure I will, why?" Wes asked curiously.

  "Just wondered. I haven't seen her or that Dickens fella all winter."

  "Well, that's understandable."

  "What do you mean?" Franks' frown was showing.

  "I asked Dickens to build a bigger corral, so he's been busy, and I doubt Kate would get out much in the winter."

  "I'd like to know something." Frank asked folding his lips in a decided frown.

  "What's that?"

  "You got a claim on that gal?"

  Wes smiled, "If you are referring to Kate, then I'll tell you. Not yet, but I sure intend to try." Wes smiled.

  Frank opened his mouth to say something, then shut it. But before he rode away, he just had to open his mouth again. "She's got a lot to learn about being a lady." He blurted.

  "That's alright, I like her just like she is."

  Frank stared after him a long time then rode slowly back to his ranch.

  Black Feather was quiet a moment then asked, "He make trouble for you and your woman?"

  "He tried." Wes smiled again, because now he knew Kate hadn't been seeing him. His heart swelled with pride.

  About ten o'clock that night, the ranch was in sight.

  Wes smiled, there was still a light on, someone was up. He couldn't wait to see them both again. It had been a long hard winter.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  As the horses came riding into the ranch yard, it made enough noise and Dickens came running out. He saw the horses and smiled. He made it! By Golly he made it!

  He ran to open the corral for the horses and waved his hands in the air to direct them.

  Wes saw him and smiled.

  Then Kate came out and saw the horses. He's back! Thank God, he's back!

  She ran out and hitched herself onto the corral fence and watched as Wes and his companions kept pushing the mustangs into the big corral that Dickens had built for them.

  When the gate closed on the corral Wes dismounted and walked slowly toward Kate.

  She jumped down and smiled at him, "I can't believe it!" she murmured.

  He just stared and suddenly she ran and jumped into his arms. The moment their lips met it was bliss. Wes knew he'd come home, finally. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. She was hungry for his kisses and she didn't care that she had an audience either. He loved that.

  "God, I missed you." He whispered as he kissed her face.

  "I prayed you'd come back," she kissed him no
w, all over his face.

  He pulled away and smiled, "There wasn't a chance in hell I wouldn't."

  She laughed.

  When they finally got some sense, they turned around to see Black Feather, Blue Dog, and White Fox, along with Dickens staring.

  "Well, geez boy, ain't you gonna introduce us to your friends?" Dickens chuckled.

  "I'm sorry. Got a bit distracted." Wes smiled. "Kate, Dickens, this is Black Feather, and his sons, Blue Dog and White Fox. If it hadn't been for their help, I wouldn't have got all these horses down alone." Wes confessed.

  Dickens shook hands with Black Feather, "Well come on in out of the cold and have some coffee and now we can cut into that apple pie, that Kate made."

  Dickens took the Indians inside, while Kate and Wes hugged each other for a minute more.

  Moby came slowly up to Wes, licked his hand as Wes stared into Kate's eyes. "I got so much to tell you, but all I want to do is kiss you." He said and pulled her into his arms again and kissed her.

  Lucky and Moby walked away, nipping at each other in a happy hello.

  It took a lot of kissing to satiate his hunger for her. But they finally went inside and watched Dickens pouring them all some coffee and taking the pie off the counter and cutting them all a piece.

  "You must have got a hundred mustangs in that bunch." Dickens glanced at Wes.

  "Maybe a little more," Wes smiled.

  "I hadn't figured on that many, but I'm glad I made the corral extra big now." Dickens told him.

  "You did good."

  "Kate helped me." Dickens told him.

  He hugged Kate to him, not wanting to let her go just yet.

  They finally joined them at the table, holding hands under it, as he told them all about the trip.

  Black Feather joined in the conversation and him and Dickens seemed to hit it off well. The boys were super tired, and Kate went to get them some blankets so they could curl up around the fire.

  As Dickens and Black Feather got along so well, Kate and Wes went outside on the porch.

  It was cold, but they didn't seem to notice.

  Wes drew something out of is pocket and fell down on one knee. "Kate, I've thought of little else all the time I've been gone. And my drifting days are over. But first I gotta ask you something."

  Kate smiled, "Ask me what?"

  "Will you be my wife forever!" He asked with a shy smile.

  "Are you serious?"

  "'Bout as serious as a man can get." He said solemnly.

  Suddenly, she went down on her knees and smothered him with kisses. "Yes, yes, I'll marry you." They made so much noise, Black Feather and Dickens came out to see what was going on."

  "What in tarnation?" Dickens asked.

  Wes came up off the floor of the porch, laughing. "She just said yes, she'd marry me!"

  Dickens and Black Feather burst out laughing and shaking his hand. Then they politely went back inside. Leaving Wes and Kate out in the cold to kiss and talk.

  "Are you sure you won't want to take off on me?"

  "Yep, I'm sure. My rambling days are over. We are gonna raise horses on this place. We are gonna turn this farm into a ranch. Is that alright with you?"

  She hugged him and smiled in his arms. "It's very alright. I never liked farming much, anyway." She laughed.

  He reached for her hand and slid a plain gold band on her finger. "For now, I want you to have my mother's wedding ring. It's all I got at the moment. But I'll buy you another later."

  "Oh Wes, I'd be proud to wear her ring."

  He kissed her hand and looked into her eyes. "I love you Kate, I always have, since the day you drew that rifle on me."

  She laughed. "I don't know when I fell in love with you, I just know that everyday I loved you more."

  "We can make a go of this place now. This is a good start. We'll sell some off to the army, and breed some."

  "I'm glad you ran into Black Feather and they helped you."

  "I gave them some mustangs too, I had so many and they were a great help to me. The boys might come back to help out too."

  "That would be great."

  After they kissed forever, he settled her close to him on the porch. "I would have told you sooner how I felt. But Kate I had to make this trip. It was important to me."

  "Tell me why?"

  "I've been drifting a long time and getting nowhere. I had nothing to offer you, but my love." He told her.

  "That would have been enough," she smiled.

  "Maybe, but I couldn't hold my head up if I couldn't provide for you Kate. I had to prove something to myself. A man doesn't feel like much unless he can prove he's a man. That Frank could have provided more for you, but I knew what kind of marriage you had before, and I had to make things better for you. Farming is a lot of work and if the weather doesn't cooperate you have troubles. Many have tried and failed. And I'll give your husband this much, he was a good farmer. I knew that when I saw your field. But he didn't give you much, personally. That I can give easily. I love you Kate, and I'll never leave you, ever."

  "I love you Wes, and I'll work along side you for the rest of our lives to make you a good wife."

  "I don't doubt that a bit, honey. You've proven that already. I gotta admit, I was taking a big chance leaving you here alone, with no promises. I could easily have lost you."

  "No you couldn't. I was yours long before you left, you had to have known that."

  "I hoped."

  She took his face in her hands and stared into her eyes. "You didn't have to hope. I'm yours. Don't you know that by now?"

  "I worried because I had nothing to offer you."

  "I found out a long time ago, that having things, doesn't make you happier. When I first kissed you, I knew there was something good between us. You worked so hard to get the crops in, finding buyers for the hay. And… Dickens told me what you told the Smiths'."

  "You told them I was your girl!" She kissed him.

  "I was pretty sure I was right, when you gave me that goodbye kiss."

  "I couldn't hold back my feelings any longer," she told him softly.

  "I've got some big plans now that we have a future. And my first priority is to make you a happily married woman." He smiled his heart thundering in his chest.

  "When do you want to get married?"

  "As soon as I sell some of the horses. I've got some plans for us that I think you are gonna like."

  "Tell me about them." She insisted.

  "Can't, it's a surprise." He sent her a sexy smile.

  "Look, I know Jim scared you on your wedding night. But I promise, I won't hurt you. You gotta know I want you, but if I'm too rough, just let me know."

  "I can't imagine you being rough with me in any way." She sighed hugging him. "I'm not afraid of you."

  "I love you too much to ever hurt you, Kate."

  "And I promise to do my best to show you just how much I love you, Wes Dolan."

  Finally they walked inside, and Kate made them all comfortable for the night. No one slept in the barn. She made pallets for them all and Black Feather and his boys were very comfortable on the floor. Wes slept with Dickens and she went to bed, dreaming of the day she'd be Mrs. Wes Dolan.

  Even Lucky and Moby slept inside, as it was too cold to keep them outside now.

  The next morning Kate fixed them a huge breakfast, and everyone ate to their hearts desire.

  "What is this," Black Feather asked her.

  "They call it speckled gravy." She smiled at him. "Do you like it?"

  "Very much, I must learn to fix it."

  "Fine I'll teach you," she told him.

  "Could you and the boys stay on a while?" Wes asked after they finished eating.

  Black Feather studied on it a moment, then the boys nodded. So they agreed to stay a while.

  Kate looked around her house now and smiled. It had finally become a real home, as laughter filtered through the house.

  When she looked a bit melancholy Wes came
up to hold her and asked in a whisper, "What are you thinking?"

  She turned to kiss him on the nose. "I've had a house for a long time. But I haven't had a home since my folks died. It feels so good."

  He squeezed her and kissed her on the tip of her nose.

  "Wait until we have kids… "

  She blushed, "I can't wait." She sighed happily. "How many do you want?"

  "I think you should decide that. It's your body, and it depends on how hard it is for you to have them." He said kissing the top of her head as he spoke.

  "Well then, we'll have a couple and see how it goes from there." She said glancing at his reaction.

  "Sounds good to me."

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  While Wes was gone, Dickens had bought some hogs and built a pen for them. Wes was surprised at how much work the old man had done around the place. He'd even repaired the roof and put a railing around the porch. It looked as if Dickens was healthier than ever.

  But since Black Feather was staying a few days, Wes spent his daytime hours breaking the mustangs. He was very patient with them and the boys, Blue Dog and White Fox watched and helped to break them. Wes saw how good they were and decided to ask Black Feather to stay on.

  Since Wes was sharing a bed with Dickens, he suggested they could sleep in the barn since there was a stove out there to keep them warm. They agreed.

  Before trying to sell the mustangs, Wes wanted to break as many as he could. The army paid quite well for broken horses that were ready to ride.

  Breaking them meant putting the wedding off until they were sold, but Wes had a real surprise for Kate, and he had to get the money to do what he wanted.

  Kate didn't seem to mind as they were all getting along famously. Kate taught Black Feather to cook some of his favorite meals and the boys helped Wes with the bronc busting.

  Dickens tended all the other stock, the horses and mule, the hogs, and chickens. While Kate planned things for her wedding.

  She went over to Annie's and told her about Wes' return and that they were getting married.

  "I knew it. I just knew it. Well, we must make you a dress." Annie got excited for her.

  "I was hoping you'd help me with it. I mean, I can sew, but making clothes is not my best talent." Kate chuckled.


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