Sarah Smile (Halos & Horns

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Sarah Smile (Halos & Horns Page 13

by Lori Leger

  “Shhh-iiit…” he whispered.

  When he got the guts to open his eyes, he saw Tiffany, still seated across from him, wide-eyed, and with her hand over her open mouth. He pushed himself up from the table, straightened to his full height. Facing the curious onlookers, he slowly raised both hands. “Sorry, folks … didn’t mean to cause a disturbance.” Seeing a clear path to his escape route, Tanner made a bee line for the exit. He figured his best option was to get the hell out of there before somebody showed up with a straightjacket.

  Tiffany, along with everyone else, watched through the diner’s plate glass windows as Tanner rounded the corner and crossed the street, heading for the hospital parking garage.

  “Is he okay to drive?”

  Tiffany turned, jolted from her shock by the soft voice. Charley stood there holding a to-go box, and a large covered cup of what Tiffany suspected was Tanner’s iced tea.

  “He’ll be okay to drive. He-he’s just not himself today.”

  “No shit!” a man from a table by the door snorted. “Poor bastard ran outta here muttering something about losing his mind, twins, crazy parents, and loving life.”

  Tiffany gave her credit card to the waitress, then gathered her things, as well as Tanner’s to-go items, and headed for the register.

  Charley returned with her credit card, smiling as she handed Tiffany a receipt and a pen. “I wouldn’t worry about Tanner too much. He’s a nice guy and whoever that chick with the twins is, she’s a real lucky lady.”

  Tiffany looked up from signing her ticket to gawk at the girl Tanner had called Charley, who sported a single pink stripe in her short, spiky, black as ink hair. She looked like a kid, barely out of high school. Regardless, she must have sensed Tiffany’s obvious confusion and felt prompted to explain.

  “He didn’t say ‘loving life’, Doc. He said ‘love of my life’. I heard him clearly. What he said was ‘I swear I’m losing my friggin’ mind, between worrying about my crazy parents, the twins, and the friggin’ love of my life,’ except he dropped the F-bomb instead of how I said it. I don’t know him that well, but he doesn’t seem the type to cuss that much on a regular basis, especially in a public place.”

  Charley looked up to thank a customer who handed her a twenty and didn’t want change. She slipped the bill in the register, removing a five to put in the tip jar. “You know, when I was with Tanner last week he mentioned someone with a couple of kids. Everybody loses their mind over love at least once in their lifetime. At least, they do if they’re lucky, right?” She pointed to the to-go box. “Should I throw that?”

  With him? Tiffany frowned at the girl who was probably potty-training around the time Tanner was halfway through Med School. “No, I’ll get it to him.” She grabbed the items, wondering if the jackass would ever change his ways.

  Tanner had just collapsed on the sofa, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist when someone knocked at his door. He got up reluctantly, to crack it open.

  Tiffany stood there, holding his to-go box and cup from the diner. “You forgot this, and I really want to see you eat it.”

  He opened the door wide enough to grab the box. “Thanks, but I’m not dressed.”

  “Then get dressed,” she said. “I want to talk to you.”

  “Look, Tiff…I’m tired and I want to watch some ESPN and go to bed.”

  “You didn’t mention eating anything” She tapped her foot in an irritating manner, obviously not about to go anywhere.

  He sighed loudly. “Give me a minute to get some clothes on. The last thing I need is your husband coming over to rumble because you couldn’t keep your hands off of my buff, bare ass.”

  “Yeah, right,” she snorted as he shut the door on her.

  Tanner opened it a minute later and motioned for her to come in. He sat at his table with the box of food and took a long pull from the glass of tea she handed him. “Now, what is it that’s got you so freaked out you won’t leave me the hell alone?” He forced himself to take a bite of burger.

  “Are you in love with Sarah?”

  He swallowed and sipped from his tea. “I like her, sure, and her girls are cute. But I doubt I’m capable of really loving anyone. You knew that.” He sat back in his chair. “I’m guessing she’s figured it out, too.”

  “Why do say that?”

  He took another bite to stall having to answer, then another, taking time to chew. He slipped slowly from his tea and faced her. “Look, I almost had her fooled, but she’s obviously come to her senses. So you and everyone else don’t have to worry about warning her away from me.” He slapped the cup down on the table. “Just proves my first instincts were right.”

  Tiffany leaned forward. “What happened?”

  He took two more bites of the burger and washed it down with more tea. “Nothing happened, Tiff. And that’s exactly the way it needs to be.” He got up, threw what was left of the food in the trash, and grabbed his tea. “Look, I was going to talk to her. Tell her I wanted to see her, get to know her better. I thought she was receptive to it, but I was wrong, obviously. I stayed away just long enough for her to change her mind about it.” He took another long pull from the tea and threw the cup in the trash bin. “I guess I won’t be escaping from my past anytime soon.”

  Tiffany shook her head at him. “You can’t call it your past if you continue to act the same way.”

  “I’m not.”

  She walked to the doorway. “Sure you aren’t. You know, I came here to try to help. But you’re in such a state of denial, you’re beyond all help.” She walked out, slamming the door behind her.

  Tanner stared at the closed door. What the hell had settled in her craw? He grabbed a beer from his fridge and flopped down on his couch with the remote. Some baseball and a few hours of sleep. That’s all he needed to put this god-awful day out of its miserable existence.

  Chapter 13

  Mitch seated himself at the curved end of the bar so he could keep an eye on the door. “Une biere, sil vous plait.”

  Meagan spun on her heels, her eyes wide with curiosity. “Excuse me?”

  “Non, non, non! En Francais! C’est ‘Escuse’ moi!’”

  Her mouth twisted in a cute grin as she pointed in his direction. “How’s it goin’, Jarhead? And let me just warn you now, other than the English language, I only know one phrase in Spanish.”

  “Let me guess. ‘Uno cerveza, pour favour?’”

  “Yep, except sometimes it was dos, or tres cerveza.”

  He laughed and pointed at a huge canister of mixed nuts and pretzels. “Can I have some of those? What I said was basically the same thing, except in French.”

  She used a scoop to place some of the mixture in a small bowl and handed it to him. “Here ya go.”

  “Thanks.” He popped a pretzel in his mouth.

  She leaned against the bar. “I kind of wondered if I’d see you back in here. When do you leave?”

  “In another week, and I still haven’t decided whether to re-up or not.” He sipped from his beer.

  “I imagine that’s a huge decision when you’ve been at it that long.”

  “Yes it is. Do I make it a lifetime career, or quit to pursue other interests, other dreams?”

  Meagan rested her chin on her hand. “Like what?”

  “Architecture, for one. I’ve taught myself to use cad operating systems over the years, in my free time. I love designing floor plans for homes. I’ve designed a few for medically discharged Marines and even for a couple of retired commanding officers back on civ div.”

  “That’s quite impressive.”

  He sat up straighter. “Impressed enough to go on a date with me?”


  “I only have a week of leave left but we could get in a few dates before then.”

  She tapped her nails rhythmically on the bar surface as she seemed to ponder his suggestion. “I’m going to a movie tomorrow evening since I have the night off. If you’d like to come al
ong with me, I guess I wouldn’t mind the company.”

  He made a face. “Is it a chick flick? Not that I wouldn’t go to be near you, I’d just like to know in advance.”

  She snorted, shaking her head. “No, it’s the scary movie about the two little girls who live in the woods by themselves, except they aren’t really by themselves.”

  “Sounds good, so when and where can I pick you up?”

  “We could meet at the mall around four-thirty for the five o’clock feature.”

  “How about I take you to a nice restaurant after the movie?” He held his breath, waiting for her answer.

  “I guess that’d be acceptable.”

  “Is seafood okay?”

  “I love seafood. Have you been to PaPa Bill’s yet? It’s the best around.”

  “No, but I heard the same thing. Where can I pick you up?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “If you haven’t done anything to piss me off by the end of the night, I’ll give you my address.”

  “Okay, I’ll try not to start any brawls while I’m here.”

  The corners of her mouth turned up slightly. “It’d take a lot less than that, buddy. Just watch yourself.”

  Mitchell walked Meagan to her door, keeping his arm tightly around her waist in the darkened driveway.

  She turned to face him.

  “This was fun, Mitch. It’s been a while since I’ve been treated to dinner and a movie.”

  An interior light illuminated the duplex’s stoop through sheer curtains, casting a soft glow on Meagan’s features. Mitchell reached out to rub a silken strand of her straight, dark hair between his fingers. “Think we could do this again before I leave?”

  “That depends.”

  “On what?” He leaned in, a hair’s breadth from touching his forehead to hers.

  “It depends on whether or not you remain in the military. If you do, we’ll end this with a friendly kiss on the cheek and a truly sincere ‘I wish you the best’.”

  “And if I retire?”

  “Once you’re out for good, if you haven’t changed your mind, give me a call.”

  He pulled her closer, amazed at how easy she was to talk with. Mel Finley was fun to be around, but neither of them were that into each other. They’d spent one mutually uncommitted night together and that was fine by him. The situation with this girl was entirely different, he could feel it in his bones. It felt right to have her seated beside him in the darkened theater, and across the table from him. Their conversation flowed non-stop, her sense of humor the perfect mixture of good-girl and hotness, combined with a no bullshit, straight-talker.

  He nuzzled her neck. “Maybe if you invite me in, it’ll help me make up my mind.” Her throaty chuckle had his boys down south tightening in anticipation. He sensed, no, hell he knew that sex with this woman would be off the charts. “How about we go inside and you can help me decid….hooomph.” The knee to his groin surprised more than hurt him, since she didn’t fully connect. “What the fu—”

  “Shhh…I have neighbors!” she hissed.

  “And I had a pair of nuts,” he gasped. “At least I did until you shoved them up my…” he coughed. “What the hell was that for?”

  “You were getting entirely too close, and stop all that high drama. If that crippled you, then you’re not the Marine you say you are.”

  He slowly straightened to his full height, testing the waters. “Damn, girl! A simple ‘No’ would have sufficed.”

  She cocked her head. “Really?”

  “Shit, yeah! I don’t have to force myself on women, you know.”

  “Well, I hope you accept my apology then, but the answer is no. If you retire for good, give me a call. Until then, good luck and keep your head down.”


  “I’d never joke about something like that. I have no desire to lose someone else I care about to the U.S. military. There are too many crawdads swimming around in these ponds.”

  “We call ‘em crawfish here, Meg. When in Louisiana.”

  “Whatever.” She placed a hand on either side of his face and stood on her toes to give him a quick kiss on the mouth. “Good night Master Sergeant Hebert. I wish you well, and thanks for the lovely evening.”

  Meagan leaned against the door, releasing the deep breath she’d been holding. Miraculously, she’d managed to finish a date without her secret coming to light.

  Seeing as how Mitchell Hebert seemed to be everything she admired in a man, maybe that wasn’t such a good thing. If he continued his career in the military, she’d fantasize about someone she’d never have. On the other hand, if he discharged from the Marines—she bent to pick up one of Buck’s chew toys off the floor—she’d still fantasize about a man she’d probably never have.

  She tiptoed into her bedroom, saw Nik passed out in her bed, one arm draped protectively over the absolute love of Meagan’s life, both of them sound asleep.

  Meagan grabbed her Saints nightshirt and some underclothes and snuck into the bathroom. She emerged fifteen minutes later, showered and ready for bed. She tapped Nik on the arm.

  Her housemate woke, eased off the bed, and followed Meagan into the hallway. “Hey, how was the date?”

  Meagan nodded. “It was good. Did Buck give you any trouble?”

  “No, I think he missed you a little but nothing I couldn’t handle. I hope you don’t mind, the two of us fell asleep watching the big screen in your bed.”

  “Of course not, and thanks. I owe you extra grande. G’night sweetie.”

  “Goodnight, Megs. See you in the morning.” Nik shuffled off to the second bedroom in the apartment, and Meagan returned to her own.

  Meagan cradled Buck gently in her arms before placing him in his own bed. After a few adjustments to his position, he settled down for the rest of the night. Meagan looked longingly at her bed, but knew if she didn’t get the rest of her homework finished tonight, she may not get a chance to finish it tomorrow.

  Should have said no to the meal and come straight home from the theater.

  Considering that both the meal and the company had been totally scrumptious, she couldn’t get herself to regret the extra time away from studying. Besides, it was a nice treat. Since going back to school, she couldn’t afford to eat out often. She had to focus on the future, knowing things would ease up once she got her tech certification. Soon after, she hoped to have a job that was a few steps closer to her dream of being a pharmacist. Earning her degree in Pharmaceutical Studies was something in her distant future. Until then, she’d study her ass off on her own and maybe take a few classes online when she could.

  She curled up on the sofa with her anatomy & physiology textbooks. Three hours later, she dragged herself to her bed, hoping to retain everything she’d read.

  Meagan fell asleep and dreamed of anatomy. Not the dissected, nomenclature-type images or charts in her textbook. These taut, muscular abs were smooth and hard, tanned to a perfect bronze, and the trim waist attached to lean hips. The roped bicep of one arm sported an eagle, globe, and anchor tattoo framed by the words Semper Fidelis.

  Mitch sat back in his chair, sick to death of sad Sarah. If he’d known telling her about Collins’ little side piece would affect her this badly, he sure as hell would have waited until his last day in. Then again, an extra week of caring for someone only to have them hurt her would have been even more devastating to Sarah. The difference was subtle … no moping and no tears, but it was there, just the same. The difference between the “before” Sarah and “after” Sarah was obvious to her big brother. Even though her eyes held no trace of resentment, he wondered if he’d been wrong to butt in.

  Leah breezed in from outside, smelling faintly of fresh air and horses. Her cheeks pink from exercise and hard work, no doubt.

  “Hey Mitch, we thought we’d have a crawfish boil for you for lunch on Sunday at Red and Tiffany’s place. How’s that sound?”

  “It sounds great, but you really don’t have to go to all that trouble

  She poured herself a cup of coffee and added creamer. “No trouble. I’ve been dying for some and this is a great excuse for an all-I-can-eat pig-out. I just wanted to let you know so you could invite whomever you wanted. Don’t worry about the head count, we’ll have plenty.” She vacated the room as quickly as she’d entered, carrying her coffee mug with her.

  Instantly he thought of Meagan and pulled out his phone. He sent a text to the cell number she’d provided, hoping it was really hers. Within moments, she sent a reply text.

  I appreciate the invite, but I already had plans for the afternoon. I’ll go if you don’t mind me bringing along a date. He won’t be eating crawfish.

  Hmph, maybe she hadn’t enjoyed his company as much as he’d enjoyed hers, after all. The Marines had taught him to know his enemy, so best to get a first-hand glimpse of the competition.

  Sure. The more the merrier. Anyone I know?


  Need direction, or should I pick you up?

  Been to Red’s. No need to pick us up. See ya Sunday.

  Us? He could hardly wait to see the other half of the happy couple. Damn if the shit he walked in didn’t get deeper every day.

  Chapter 14

  By one o’clock Sunday afternoon, Red and Tiffany’s back yard was buzzing with chatter from dozens of guests. Most, Mitchell had met previously, but a few hadn’t been able to make it to the first party.

  By the time Meagan arrived, he’d already had his fill of the seasoned crawfish, along with corn on the cob and boiled potatoes. He’d just come out from washing his hands when he spotted her, hefting around someone’s toddler on her hip. She spotted him, and her smile dimmed, as though she’d raised a filtered screen in front of her face.

  “Hey, Meagan.”


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