The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules)

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The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules) Page 9

by Woods, Lindsey

  While Adrian finished trying on her shoes with her dress I casually looked around the store. I had no idea what I wanted or what would look good on me. After seeing Adrian my self-esteem had taken a gigantic hit into the negative numbers. She came out and left her things with the person at the desk.

  “Now it’s all you girl. What do you want?” She asked.

  “I have no idea. You know this is not me Adrian, not at all.”

  “Well lucky for you I’m here. We need to make sure this is an outrageously hot outfit that’s going to blow him away.” She began searching the racks. Making comments to herself about what it lacked, or what worked. I heard a high pitched squeal and figured she had stumbled upon something she liked.

  “Olivia!” She called from across the store. I blushed a little as the sales people looked up and I walked over to her.

  “This is it. You have to try it on.” I looked at the silver dress she held up. The neckline looked pretty low and the amount of fabric between the neckline and the bottom of the dress seemed to be missing a few inches.

  “Ad, this looks really short and small. There’s no way.”

  “Hush and go try it. Come out when you have it on and I’ll zip you.” She shoved me toward the fitting room with the small amount of fabric in my hand.

  “There’s no way!” I called out from the room as I tried to wiggle into the dress.

  “Come on out, I’ll help.” She called back.

  I hesitantly opened the door and tiptoed out to Adrian. She was leaning against the door frame of the entrance to the fitting rooms.

  “Holy shit Olivia. Come here.” I didn’t know if that was a good ‘holy shit’ or a bad one. I quickly turned my back as she zipped up the dress. I knew it was up when I felt my back go perfectly straight.

  “Turn, turn, lemme see.” Adrian spun me and held me at arm’s length and examined me. “Jesus Christ Olivia, look at your damn body. You look amazing.” She spun me toward the mirror and I was shocked. The silver dress stopped very slightly below mid thigh. It hugged my waist and pushed my boobs up to my chin. It made me look like I had that hour glass body, which I definitely didn’t. The color really agreed with my skin and I had to admit I quite liked it. The sparkly band around my waist sucked in my stomach and cinched my waist. I couldn’t believe that I really looked hot.

  “Here, try these on.” Adrian set down a pair of high silver heels. They were open-toed with a strap around the ankle. They made my legs look ten times longer.

  “Damn Olivia. You are freakin’ hot. This is it. He’s going to shit himself when he sees you, or maybe he’ll just take you below decks and show you how hot you look.” She said and winked at me. I felt myself blush a little bit.

  I changed and brought my things up front. I almost fell over when the cashier said our total was just under five hundred dollars. I opened the envelope and counted out the money to the cashier. I was shocked to see that five crisp hundred dollar bills still sat safely in the envelope. He gave us a thousand dollars? Holy shit.

  We walked out with our bags in hand and we both were extremely happy. We spent the next hour grabbing a bite to eat and got ourselves a manicure. After that we decided we better head out so we could get ready.

  “I feel like Pretty Woman. I’m wearing clothes that some man I hardly know bought for me with his money,” I commented as I put my last bit of mascara on.

  “Hopefully he’ll want a sexual favor in return. Actually, that’s pretty much guaranteed with that dress,” Adrian laughed as she brushed blush on her cheek.

  “I’m going to head out. Cole asked me to get there around five and it’s already ten past. I’ll see you then,” I said as I fastened my shoe and ran out the door.

  I walked as quickly as my heels would let me toward the docks. My heart was pounding in my chest as I walked. I was either really nervous to see him or my dress was too tight up top and my heart was being smothered.

  I saw the boat sitting in it’s spot at the dock and slowly walked the ramp that led to the boat. I didn’t see anyone yet. I walked to the back of the boat where the other night the bar and dance floor were. Leaning against the bar was Jason as Cole was tying Jason’s tie around his neck. The men were talking and had smiles on their faces. I knew Jason had seen me as he nodded in my direction. Cole looked and looked away quickly, still slightly hunched as he messed with the tie. Within a couple seconds he looked again and straightened up. I felt chills go through my body as his mouth hung open for a few moments. He walked towards me at a pretty significant speed. When he was only a few feet away I took him in. He was in a light gray suit jacket and pants, and a crisp, clean white shirt underneath. His hair was combed back and he had shaved. I could smell his cologne and his clean hair.

  “Hi,” was all he said as he reached me and took one of my hands.

  “Hey,” was all I could reply. His eyes traveled the length of my body several times before he spoke again. “Olivia…I…” He took short ragged breaths. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever known you to be rendered speechless Mr. Cooper.” He met my eyes and smiled.

  “You are most definitely the first to have that effect. Olivia, you are a vision.” His hands fell over the fabric at my waist.

  “You look extremely handsome.” He gave a slight smile and his eyes continued to take me in. I was beginning to feel extremely self conscious.

  “You are absolutely, irrevocably, dangerously stunning. I hate to think that I have to watch others look at you all evening.” He sounded slightly annoyed.

  “Is it too much? It’s ok if it is. I can change.” He immediately put his finger to my mouth. I felt another round of goosebumps as his finger touched my lips.

  “There is not one single thing I would change about you. You are the most elegant creature I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. Come with me, I want to see you before I have to share you.” He took my hand and led me back toward the bar. I smiled as Jason, as he smiled back.

  “I’ll be right back, I need to grab some glasses.” Cole disappeared through a door to the inner part of the boat.

  “Here, I can tie it for you.” I took Jason’s tie that was resting on the bar and put it around his neck.”

  “Thanks, I’m not usually the tie man, but figured I’d shake it up tonight.” I laughed softly as I worked.

  “You look really good tonight. Don’t tell him I said that.” Jason said, almost truly nervous.

  “Thank you, you’re very handsome yourself.”

  “I don’t know what you’ve done, or how you’ve done it, but you’ve turned him upside down.” He paused as I pushed the tie into place by his neck and pulling his collar down over it.

  “I don’t know about that.”

  “I do. I’ve never seen him like this. You’ve rocked his whole world. He’s never acted this way over a woman. I’m not saying you don’t deserve it, I’m just saying I’ve never seen him so, involved.”

  “You say that as if it is a bad thing.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against you. Adrian talks about you all the time, she adores you. He’s my best friend, Olivia. He is a special kind of person and he’s worked hard to be that person. I just don’t want to see him regret things he’s done to be with you.”

  “Whatever he’s done has not been at my direction. I care about him and I truly enjoy his company, but I believe you think I know far more than I do.”

  “I’m sorry if I offended you. I just want you to know that he cares about you. He’s gone to some extreme measures to see to it that he can provide you with he thinks you need. I’m just looking out for my friend.”

  “I understand. I appreciate you being candid. That being said Adrian is head over heels for you. She has never acted this way over a man before. I do not much care if you are Cole’s best friend or not, but if you hurt her in any way I will make sure that these overpriced shoes make a repeat appearance, heel first.” I turned to look b
ehind me as Cole emerged with two glasses in his hand. He gave Jason a look and he quickly turned on his heel in the other direction.

  Cole grabbed a big bottle from behind the bar and poured two glasses of apparently champagne. He handed me one and smiled.

  “Thank-you so much for coming Olivia. I’ve directed the captain to keep tonight’s soiree short so that we can dump all of the suits and just be alone. Although now I may ask him to not leave the docks at all, after looking at you.” I blushed and he smiled brighter.

  “I’m glad to be here. Really, thank you for the dress too. I spent way too much of it, but here is what is left. Sorry, this was my only option.” I pulled the envelope out of the top of my dress and Cole’s eyes got wide.

  “I didn’t know women really did that.”

  “Desperate times. Here, there’s about half left. I’m sorry we spent that much.”

  “Please, keep it. I anticipated you to spend the rest.”

  “No, it’s yours. I don’t need it.” I pushed it toward him.

  “I’ll keep it safe since I don’t know that I can handle you digging around again.” He slid it into his inside pocket.

  I sipped my drink and looked around.

  “It’s hard to believe that this is really your life. You only see these kinds of things in movies.” He smiled.

  “Only recently has my life felt like some movie.” I looked at him questioningly.

  “Your beautiful face had not left my thoughts since we parted last night. I even dream about you at night. I can’t escape you,” he said.

  “Do you want to?” He gave a small smile and shook his head a slightly.

  “I’m spending this evening pretending that tomorrow doesn’t exist. I have never been a person who intentionally wears blinders of any sort, but when it comes to you I want to block out the rest of the world.”

  I took a nervous sip from my glass. It tasted sweet and felt cool as I swallowed it.

  “I am not a religious man, or even particularly superstitious. However I have decided that there is a reason that I found you. There is no doubt in my mind that I was supposed to see you that afternoon and that I was supposed to track you down that night. Since then you have completely changed every part of my life, for the better of course. So fate, or God or destiny has done me a great service in bringing you to me.” I tried to hold in my smile.

  “I believe that is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  “Well I apologize for that. I have not always been fair to you, but I’m working on it.”

  “Why the sudden change?” I asked.

  “Because when I realized that there was a possibility you would not show up tonight, I knew I would still try to find you. I do not beg Olivia, and I do not chase. I never have. Perhaps that is the arrogance you see in me, but I would chase you. I would find you and beg on my knees to please see me, even one last time. Then I realized I’d have to do it again after that one last time because it wouldn’t be enough. When I said I don’t know if we’ll ever see each other again, I meant it. Until I realized that I would search every square inch of Boston until I found you again. Like I said before, I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but you’ve completely bewitched me.”

  I had to close my eyes. My head was spinning either from the champagne or his words, or both. I held back the tears and I took a few deep breaths.

  “If I didn’t show up, it was because I was trying to make your world as easy as I could. I don’t want to complicate things.”

  “You do Olivia. You have complicated everything. But the best thing about that is that it has shook me to my very core. You have made me realize that I have not been a very smart man in years passed and you make me want to be that. I plan on seeing you as soon as you come back. I don’t care if I need to fly in every weekend, I will see you beyond tomorrow.” I wondered so much about this past he talked about but didn’t dare to spoil his grand mood.

  “You’ll be the first to know when my plane touches down.” He smiled and set down his glass and took mine from my hand and set it on the bar.

  “You make me crazy.” He said as he put his left hand against my cheek and leaned in to kiss me. I might have even moaned at feeling his bare skin against my face and his body against mine. The smell of him, the heat of his body and the feel of his soft skin against mine sent my blood boiling through my veins. I felt like at this moment I could die the happiest woman on the planet. That kiss was like the ones they talk about in movies. The earth could have fallen apart beneath us and I wouldn’t have noticed. It was full of things that we both knew we felt, but weren’t ready to or couldn’t verbalize. We finally pulled away at the sound of footsteps. Men carrying instrument cases were standing where I first saw Cole only an hour ago. He smiled at me one more time before he went to shake their hands and instruct them where to set up.

  A few minutes later I spotted Adrian and she rushed over to me.

  “I feel like I’m going to pass out. I’m so nervous,” she said. I handed her my glass of champagne and she finished it in one gulp.


  “I don’t know. It’s never not been just us. I feel like this is an important night and I don’t want to screw it up.”

  “You’ll be fine. You’re so outgoing, you can handle some stuck-up millionaire hotel tycoons.”

  “I hope so, I don’t want to screw this up for him. Have you seen him yet?”

  “Jason? yes.”

  “No, Cole. Or the better question is, has he seen you?” She nudged me in the ribs with her elbow.

  “Yes, we’ve already spoken.” I watched him across the deck, taking charge of everything. He was so in his element when he was giving directions and telling people what to do. It was kind of sexy to watch him bring to life whatever vision he saw in his head for tonight.

  “You look like you’re ready to tear into him like a piece of meat.” Adrian commented.

  I just smiled. Anything other than ‘I do’ would have been a lie and I wasn’t going to start lying to her now.

  Within the next half hour dozens of people arrived. Mostly older men and their wives, dressed beautifully and elegantly. The small string orchestra had already started playing and there were servers bringing around trays of expensive looking appetizers and flutes of champagne. Cole found me and smiled as he approached me.

  “Is it bad I’m counting down the minutes until I can get these people off this boat and I can have uninterrupted time with you?” He stood near to me at my side, looking out over the part like I was.

  “Just think about how much money you stand to make for each minute these people are here. They’re here for you Cole. I’m amazed at you. I know you are successful and good at what you do. But when I see tangible proof of your skill, it amazes me. These people are all here, spending their time with you, because you have somehow convinced them all that there is nowhere else they would rather be. It’s nothing short of spectacular.”

  “That’s where you have caused a whole paradigm shift. I would gladly give up the money that these people represent to spend my final evening alone with you. Which you know, business has been my world. I enjoy what I do. I also am more addicted to you than I am to this whole formal bullshit.”

  “Well you’re going to play nice and turn on your charm. They are here to see you, charm them. There are seventy two weekends in a year, that’s a lot of flights.” I whispered to him. He smiled broad and put his arm around me.

  “I prefer to charm only you Olivia. But as I always do as I’m told, I will check on you later.” He squeezed my hand as he walked away.

  The rest of the night was uneventful. I smiled and nodded at a bunch of people I didn’t know and would never meet again. The boat docked and I watched Cole and Jason schmooze the group as they left. I stood by the bar, drinking a glass of champagne I didn’t necessarily need.

  I heard footsteps before I saw Cole approaching. He walked slowly and smiled as he reached the bar.

nbsp; “Well that is over.” He looked slightly tired, but not a hair was out of place. He took my champagne glass from my hand and finished the liquid in it.

  “I’d like you to be awake with me for awhile, I can’t imagine you needed to finish that glass.”

  “Did you have fun?”

  “A blast. Though it was so worth it to be here with you now.” He set down the empty glass and his hands went around my waist and pulled me against him. “I can’t get you, or that dress, or those shoes out of my head. You’re simply stunning,” he said as he leaned down and kissed me. It took only moments before my arms were around his neck and playing in his hair. I felt like I would explode if he didn’t stop. I started to pull away. His face was a reflection of hurt and confusion.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to go too far.” He looked genuinely upset.

  “No, it’s just on the boat deck where anyone can see is not exactly what I was thinking.” Before the words were even out of my mouth he had my hand in his and was basically pulling me to the door he had disappeared into earlier. We went down a small flight of steps and were now inside the cabin of the boat. Cole dragged me down a long hallway before turning left into a beautiful bedroom. It was hard to believe all of this was inside of a boat.

  His lips were on mine again in seconds, as he pushed the door closed. I felt the dress loosen as my zipper was slowly slid down and then we were both on the bed.

  Chapter 11

  My eyes were heavy as I laid under the soft sheet. Cole laid next to me, his head on my chest and his arm draped over my stomach. I reveled in the fact that he was laying right with me, so calm and quiet. As compared to his normal intense and formal demeanor. I felt utterly content and at ease. I realized that was one of the consequences of going through a dry spell such as I had, which Cole amazingly ended, but I was just plain happy. It felt good to have his skin on mine in a much more concentrated way. All of the flirting and the kisses had finally culminated into us, laying here in a bedroom, on the boat, naked. That was beyond ok by me. He still smelled like shampoo and cologne and I breathed it in. I didn’t dare to move, scared to disrupt this first still and calm moment we’ve had. I felt like the past few days had been a whirlwind. One minute I wanted to slap him and the next his lips were on mine. In a small amount of time I felt like we had gone through many ups and downs. I guess that was part of what it meant spending time with him. I couldn’t help but give a little laugh, thinking about how hot and cold he could be.


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