The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules)

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The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules) Page 23

by Woods, Lindsey

  “Listen you little home-wrecking bitch. I have no fucking clue what he could possibly see you in, but I swear on everything holy it won’t last long. Nobody has ever kept him interested as long as I have. I will win in the end. I never lose so my chances are good. Cole Cooper deserves a woman who can handle him, not a little girl with a crush. Get the fuck out of my way before I have to do it myself. I play to win sweetheart, even if that means I have to play dirty. I’ll see you soon,” she sneered, barely a whisper, and with a quick turn she was out of the room.

  I sat there stunned. Nobody had ever spoken to me like I was nothing. I had never felt so belittled and so inconsequential. I was out of my league with her for sure. I knew the shock was written on my face the moment Cole stepped out of the back room and looked at me.

  “Olivia, what’s wrong?” He was by my side in a moment. I couldn’t really speak. I didn’t know how to explain it without sounding like a tattling little girl.

  “What did she do?” He asked, as if I hadn’t heard his first question. Suddenly it all hit me. Her little bedroom jokes, the way she put her hands on him, her body against him and finally the way she spoke so ugly to me. I was furious.

  “I swear Cole, I can’t promise to keep my mouth shut. I hate everything about her. I am literally shaking that’s how angry I am,” I said through gritted teeth. His concerned face turned to a smile and then he leaned back laughing.

  “It’s about damn time Olivia. I have to endure your verbal abuse daily and you haven’t given her an ounce. I was starting to get nervous you’ve lost your edge,” he said with a smile on his face.

  “You have no idea. I want to tear her hair out, and make her regret the moment she came here. Don’t take this the wrong way, but even if we’re not going to be together, we’re going to make her think we are. Even if I didn’t remotely want you, I still wouldn’t let her win.”

  He smiled at me. “She has no chance of winning Olivia, I assure you. I dislike her as much as you do.”

  “She doesn’t know that, and I am in the mood to destroy her soul. I need to go shopping, do you want to go?” I asked him. He gave me an amused, but strange look.

  “Can we eat first? I’m scared to let you out into public like this. Come and eat,” he said pulling me up and over to the table.

  “Are you a glutton in every aspect of your life or just food?” I asked after seeing the ridiculous amount of food on the cart by the table. This made him laugh.

  “I suppose only food, and probably you,” he said with a smile before he popped a piece of fruit in his mouth.

  “So, moving on to a previous subject, would you be happier if you were getting married?” He asked. Again I felt my blood drain and my heart beat harder. I must have displayed my discomfort on my face. He smiled and laughed.

  “Don’t worry, I am not proposing to you. I mean, I would if I thought there was a chance you’d say yes right now, but no. I’m just curious as to why you feel left out.” I visibly relaxed.

  “You would?”

  “Yes. You may think me mad, but there is not one doubt in my mind that my heart belongs to you and only you. I mean it when I say that everything I do now, I do with you in mind. I think about the effect on you and how I can make things better for you. I don’t deserve you, but I’m not willing to give you up.”

  I pondered that thought for a second. Marry Cole? That was terribly frightening on one hand, and on the other the idea thrilled me. “Well, anyway, I just feel like everyone is moving on. Charlotte has been married and is having a baby. Adrian will be married within the next six months and here I am, left in the middle.”

  “And what exactly is your status?” Cole said with a small smile.

  “In love with my now fake just friend whose psycho ex-girlfriend is shamelessly stalking around the world.” This made him laugh a hearty laugh.

  “Indeed. Your life is quite complicated Olivia. Although I do believe I heard that you’re in love with someone. Do I need to be worried?” His face had the hint of amusement on it. I rolled my eyes.

  “Cole, despite what a grade-A ass you were, I never stopped loving you. That’s why I’m here. I want to feel safe in loving you. That’s all. There really wasn’t a day that I didn’t love you. I was so hurt because of it.”

  “I know, and it kills me to think about it. I want to do everything in my power to show you how sorry I am. I was truly lost without you. I hope that I can get back into your good graces.”

  I took a bite of a strawberry shortcake. “This is a great start,” I said. He laughed, and it was contagious.

  “I’m glad to see you eating, you have gotten so thin. I worry about you constantly.” His face was laced with concern.

  “I promise, I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

  “I know, you are more than capable of doing that. I just want it to be my job, to look after you. I want to give you everything possible.”

  I shrugged. “You do already. You make me feel good every time we’re together.”

  “Well good. Shall we go shopping now, or are you going to lick the last off that plate?” He asked with a smile.

  “Smartass. It was good. I can’t help it.”

  “I’m so glad. Come, let’s go,” he said, holding the door open for me.

  “I’m quite curious about what exactly we’re shopping for,” he said as we walked into a store on the shopping strip.

  “I’ll know it when I see it.” I was looking through the racks, trying to find the perfect bathing suit. Vanessa was beautiful, and I couldn’t deny that. I decided that she derived her power from other people. In my awe of her, she felt strong, and like she had won. If I could fake half of her confidence, she’d have to find a new tactic. I pulled one from the rack and examined it.

  “Put it back,” I heard immediately from Cole. I gave him a weird look.

  “Why?” I asked. He held the top in between his fingers.

  “This is little more than a few threads and a clasp.”

  “That’s the point,” I said slightly annoyed.

  “So are you going to be bathing in this then?” He asked.

  “No silly, for the beach.” He made a weird face.

  “I hate to say this because I have no right to say anything like this, but I don’t want to see other men looking at you in this.”

  “I may act tough, but you have nothing to worry about,” I reached up and kissed his cheek before I resumed my search for a bottom.

  “I wish you wouldn’t buy me everything,” I said as we left the store.

  “I wish you would stop complaining and just accept it,” he replied. “I do however have a request.” I nodded so he would continue.

  “You need a dress for a semi formal party that will be happening tomorrow night. That is if you will agree to be my date.” He spoke almost nervously.

  “What is this party for?”

  “I am not at liberty to say, but I am excited given the memories of last year’s party.” He gave me a sly smile, and I felt myself blush.

  “Business or pleasure?” I asked.

  “Well, about 33% of it is business on my end. The other 66% I hope to spend with you, which will be pleasurable no matter the outcome.” His smile made me weak and hot in seconds.

  “Well let’s go then,” I said, taking his hand as we walked down the street to the dress shop.

  We walked around the store for awhile before I even looked at anything specific. If Cole was bored he didn’t show it. He never once complained or looked moderately annoyed. He gave me his opinions on things, and we narrowed it down to two dresses.

  “I believe I hold a bias, but you look beautiful in both. You choose.” He smiled at me.

  I decided on a short, black, chiffon dress. It flowed nicely and it felt very summery.

  We walked out, and I was happy with what we got. We walked slowly down the street back to the car.

  “You really can’t tell me anything about tomorrow night?”

bsp; He shook his head. “No I cannot. You will quite enjoy it. I assure you it is a good thing.”

  “I have a question for you,” I said.

  “You’ve used your questions for the day,” he said with a small smile.

  “I’m going to ask it anyway.” He nodded. “What happens if this works out?”

  “Well, that’s my ultimate goal so, I’d be excited?”

  “I mean, we’re so far apart.”

  “Yes, now I understand. I don’t know, what would you like?”

  “I don’t know. Everything I know is at home. I’ve never known any different.”

  “Would you like to?” He asked. I shrugged.

  “I would do whatever you wanted. It doesn’t bother me. I’d be happy just being with you.”

  “I was just curious.”

  We made it to back to the condo right as dark was falling. We stepped into the elevator and he pushed the button to his floor.

  “I’m not ready to let you go,” he said without looking at me. This didn’t phase me, in fact it made me happier than I cared to express.

  He unlocked his door as we both looked for signs of the crazy bitch. I relaxed when Cole gave the all clear. He locked the door and sighed as he plopped down on the couch.

  “Come sit with me please, just for a minute.” I walked over to where he was on the couch and sat next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned against him.

  “I feel like this morning, just you and I together, was years ago. Today has been tortuously long, and being near you is the only thing I want to do.” He kissed the top of my head and held me close. This felt like heaven, and I decided to give into it at least tonight.

  “This is what I missed the most,” I snuggled against him, “I missed the way you smell, the way you feel. Most importantly the way you make me feel. I could curl up and sleep, and feel completely at ease. You do that to me so easily.”

  “I’m very glad. I’ve missed you so much Olivia.”

  “Am I staying?” I asked.

  “That will always be your choice.”

  “Come with me to get my stuff.” I got up from the couch and walked to the door. We took the elevator and he hit the number for my floor.

  “Let me make one thing clear”, I said at the door, “tonight isn’t going to be about sex. I just want to spend the night with you. And really, part of me wants her to see me come out bright and early in the morning.” He smiled and put his hands up.

  “No touching, got it.” I unlocked the door and walked in, stopping after a few steps.

  “The funniest part was that she didn’t eve notice. She just started the car and drove away. We laughed about that for years as you can imagine.” Charlotte and Adrian broke into fits of laughter.

  “Well look who’s here, the happy couple,” Vanessa said with a sarcastic bite. I looked between Adrian, Charlotte and Vanessa in disbelief.

  Chapter 29

  I felt my blood start to boil. Here were my two best friends laughing at something the worst person in the world had said. I had held it in for as long as I could. It was bad enough to watch her try to steal the man that I loved, again. It was just as bad to watch my two friends sit around actually enjoying her company.

  “I am so happy you two decided to come join the party. We’ve been having such a good time. Pull up some chairs. I was just about to tell the story about that time we went on that wine walk remember, and got caught in the basement. It was really embarrassing, but really romantic,” Vanessa said with a smile.

  “You know him?” Charlotte asked. Vanessa smiled big at that question.

  “They don’t even know? You are literally such an underhanded, conniving bitch. You’ve crossed another major line. You did it once before, but I swear to god there will not be another time that this happens,” I said. I was beyond pissed off.

  “So I’m either really drunk or this is becoming some kind of soap opera shit, what’s the deal?” Adrian said sounding really confused.

  “This woman that you’ve been having a great time is indeed true soap opera shit. I’d like to introduce you to the woman who caused all of the drama in my life for the past year,” I said.

  “You were going to marry him?” Charlotte asked. That question knocked the smile off of Vanessa’s face extremely quickly.

  “Yes, dress and all. Three weeks before our wedding he told me that he met someone. Someone he was now in love with, and that I had to get out. He said he didn’t love me anymore. Obviously I was crushed. Three weeks before my damn wedding he says he met someone. Every girl has imagined and planned her dream wedding, and I had it. Everything was going to be perfect. Then you came into his life,” she looked at me with disdain. “He left, saying he’d give me time to pack my stuff. He went to see you, on our wedding day. But then, he came back. He came back, and he said he wanted to be with me, that he made a mistake. I was so in love with him that I just brushed off everything and took him back. He said he wanted to marry me, and promised he would. Then, he threw me away again.”

  “You seem to have conveniently forgotten that you had blackmailed me and my business partner. You also used your father to single-handedly try to destroy our business. The worst part is, he did it. That’s why you are the way you are because he does everything for you. That’s why you couldn’t handle that I met someone because you knew that I really loved her. She made me realize that I never loved you. I tolerated you because you were satisfactory. Satisfactory doesn’t apply anymore because I found someone who is the most amazing person I’ve ever known. Now, I need you to leave. I need you to stop fucking up every aspect of my life. It’s been one thing for you to ruin my life, but I can’t deal with you hurting innocent people. I deserve it because I hurt Olivia so bad. The only reason I don’t care about what I did to you is because you don’t feel the least bit guilty about what you did to me. Now please, I need you to leave. I can’t take you anymore,” Cole said. He stood at the door, holding it open. For the first time Vanessa looked defeated. She grabbed her bag and looked at Cole. Her face had lost her smirk, it just looked worn. She looked at me and paused. She opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it and continued walking out the door. Cole was sure to give the door an extra push so it closed loudly behind her.

  “Holy shit. Can I get the Cliff’s notes please?” Adrian said. Cole gave a short laugh.

  “That was Vanessa, the girl I was with last year. She came here, thinking she was going to get close to me again,” he said.

  “You tore her up,” Adrian said and patted Cole on the back. Charlotte was still seated, her face looked impassive.

  “I’m sorry she used you two in hopes of doing whatever it was. I truly am,” he looked at both Charlotte and Adrian.

  “I’m just going to grab some things. I’ll see you guys tomorrow morning,” I said not taking my eyes off of Charlotte who looked downright pissed.

  “I’ll wait outside,” Cole said, stepping out the door.

  I grabbed my stuff, and said goodnight, getting a response only from Adrian.

  We made the trip back to his room silently. We entered it. My body and heart felt heavy. I plopped down on the couch with a sigh. He sat next to me.

  “What’s wrong? You should be happy. I think we’re done with her,” he said.

  “I know. That’s the problem. She was broken.”

  “She deserved to be.”

  “I agree, but I remember what that feels like. I remember what it feels like to think that the one person you truly love had better things to do than be with you. I spent so long feeling broken over you. I feel awful that I’m the reason she’s feeling that now. I never want to be a cause for that for someone else.”

  He hugged me to him and kissed my forehead.

  “Please do not let this be another thing that comes between us. I need you so much Olivia, that every obstacle just becomes harder and harder for me to bear. I feel like everything just keeps bringing us further and further from each other
, and it terrifies me. I don’t know how much more you can take, and I don’t know how much more you’re going to put up with before you realize I’m not worth all of this.”

  “I just wish it was different,” I said.

  “How so?”

  “Different circumstances. I wish that none of this had happened. That you and I had met when it was ok to meet. I am terrified of having to go through that again. Having to deal with a situation that can’t happen.”

  “There’s nothing else I’m hiding Olivia. You know everything about me. There are no more surprises, there is just us.” I sat there with him for a long while. Neither of us said anything. We were both lost in our thoughts. It wasn’t long before I felt my eyes get heavy, and I was out.

  The next time I opened my eyes it was light outside. I noticed I was in a bed, and Cole was nowhere to be found. I got up quickly and was shocked to see him sitting at the table talking and laughing with Jason.

  Cole noticed me first and smiled, Jason turned to see me.

  “We didn’t wake you did we?” Cole asked as he got up and hugged me. I shook my head against him, and just let him hold me.

  “We were just talking about you,” Jason said, pulling out the chair next to him and patting it with his hand.

  “This doesn’t seem like it’s a good idea,” I said, hesitantly sitting. Both men smiled at me as Cole took his seat.

  “I need a favor,” Jason said, looking straight at me.


  “One, nobody can know I’m here,” he said and I nodded.

  “Two, I need you to get your friends out of here. I mean, away from the condo. Go into town, go for a long walk, spend some of Cooper’s money, I don’t care. You just need to be gone until tonight. But I need you to get those two all dressed up. I don’t know, you have to make up some girly story.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “You can tell her, she already knows some,” Cole said to Jason.

  “Well Kyle’s on his way in, Adrian doesn’t know I’m here. I’ve basically invited everyone that Adrian knows. She’s been complaining about how stressful the wedding is going to be, and she’s worried about the distance, blah blah blah. So I’ve flown the wedding to her. We’ll get married here, party on the beach with everyone she loves, and then just sign the paperwork at home. She’s just been off recently, and I know she’s stressed. This should be easy and simple. She’s said many times that if she didn’t care so much about having people there she wanted to just elope. I just need you to get them all dressed up, meet us down at the beach about six tonight.”


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