Marine Raiders: Strike Back (Blood War Book 2)

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Marine Raiders: Strike Back (Blood War Book 2) Page 14

by Rod Carstens

  This was the first time that she had been this far away from the admiral since her assignment had begun, and she didn’t like it. In spite of the sophisticated security that surrounded the capital, not to mention the layer upon layer of human and electronic protection surrounding the building, Istas had a feeling, a sixth sense, a bump of survival. She had called it a number of things over her years as an Anjin, and it had saved her life more than once. She had that feeling now.

  Something was about to happen.

  Once again, she scanned the room, trying to identify what was making her so concerned, so on edge. She sat on a bench with her back to the wall, facing the rest of the room. The Marines stood at each end of the bench, their arms behind them in a parade rest posture. The Marines were both Rifts from her home planet. She only trusted other Rifts to understand who and what she was and why they would need to take their lead from her. So the admiral had assigned them to Istas as part of her security team.

  Istas looked through the crowded room again. She saw media reporters and camera operators flying their cameras around the room for better shots. She watched the staffers of the senators and other security types from Von Fleet and Ecomcon. Nothing. Everyone's behavior appeared completely normal. Some talked to one another while others were speaking with their editors on phones. The staffers huddled together, trying to have a conversation without the media listening to what was being said. Yet everything in her being was on edge. It was the way she felt before taking action on a mission. Something was triggering that feeling. As her instructors had told her so many years ago, look for what you don't see when you sense something is wrong and can't identify it.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep, cleansing breath to clear her mind before looking at the room with fresh eyes. Istas closely examined the men and women in the anteroom around her. She took note of the congressional staffers in expensive suits and an air of self-importance; press crews with one camera operator, a sound person, and a reporter; and Secret Service agents standing with their backs to the wall facing out. In their black SS uniforms, they looked imposing. They all wore helmets with info face shields down. Unless someone showed up as green on their screens, he or she couldn’t be in the room. So what was bothering her? She began to examine the body language of each individual, looking for the micro signs she had been trained to recognize. One by one, she looked for facial changes that might reveal the tension of an assassin just before a mission or the tightness in the body of someone about to make a physical move. Nothing. Not a single sign, but the more she looked and saw nothing, the more she was convinced that something was about to happen.

  Istas reached into her purse, took out her gold cigarette case, and took one out.

  "You can't smoke in here," the Marine on her right said.

  "But I’m so bored," Istas replied, playing her role as a spoiled rich woman.

  "Sorry, but you can't smoke. That’s the rule," the Marine on her left said.


  Istas made a show of slowly putting the cigarette away and placing her case back in her purse. That had been the signal to the two Marines that she thought something was about to happen. They had gone from standing at parade rest with their arms behind them to standing at attention with their hands inches away from the rail pistols on their belts. Istas slowly uncrossed her legs so she would be able to move more quickly. Split seconds would count. She glanced at the SS guards. They didn’t seem to be on alert to anything. If this were her mission, she would take them out first, figuring the Marines could go down second. So she began to look for something that would indicate someone was getting ready to strike. Nothing. There wasn't a single action or physical attitude that she saw that made her suspicious. She had ferreted out the assassin in the command center simply by thinking about where she would be if it were her job, how she would position herself.

  With that thought in mind, Istas looked at the crowd again. First, who was their target? It had to be the senators and the admiral, either all of them or as many as they could target. The first strike would be the SS guards and then the Marines. Istas doubted that she had been recognized. So unless they were using a human bomb, and everyone had been scanned so that was out, you needed the right position to cover the two angles. That meant there had to be a team, not a single individual, even if it were a hybrid. More than one hybrid would be a challenge, but the idea of a team brought real concern to Istas.

  She walked slowly toward the large group. The two Rift Marines were following her with their eyes. They were waiting for a signal from her, and only then would they act. Both had fought on Rift and killed hybrids in hand-to-hand combat. They knew what they were up against. Short of having other Anjins, they were the best backup team she could have. Then it struck her. It was so obvious it had escaped her until just now. Each of the media crews consisted of three individuals, a camera operator, a sound technician, and an on air commentator. They carried equipment that could be used as weapons. When the committee meeting was over, they were expected to press forward to get the best shot or a quote from someone. It was a perfect cover for an assassination if you didn’t mind dying in the process. She stopped and counted. There were close to a dozen different media teams waiting. Their cameras floated above the crowd, waiting to for the best angle. The sound drones floated next to them. There were so many it was difficult to tell them apart.

  She knew she was right, but what could she do? How would she sort them out? Then it happened. The light above the door began to flash green, signaling that the hearing was over. The huge doors swung open, revealing the committee chamber. The press began to move forward, jostling anyone in their way. Istas saw Admiral Raurk striding down the long aisle leading from the witness table toward the waiting press. The cameras and microphones weren’t allowed in the chamber, so they were clustered above the door. It was too late! She hadn’t identified the assassination team yet. She had only one option left. She kicked off her shoes and, with one step, leaped over the crowd and into the committee room. Her enhancements activated the moment she had taken the first stride. She had jumped twenty feet, landing on the other side of doorway, almost at the feet of Admiral Raurk. Before the admiral could react, Istas threw herself on Usiche, knocking her to the floor. When she did, she heard two shots fired, and felt the rounds enter her back. While she was still able, she shoved the admiral behind a solid bench seat. The two rounds had done much damage, but her enhancements and training kept her conscious. She heard the coughs of rails pistols firing and the screams of the crowd outside the room. The Marines were engaging the assassination team that would help.

  A press cameraman separated himself from the pandemonium at door of the chamber. He struck one of the SS officers as he tried to cover the entrance. The SS officer’s head was torn off by the force of the blow. The cameraman was a hybrid. He was dressed in a jump suit that had a belt with equipment attached. He carried no weapon. A partner must have taken a rail from the SS officers. Istas could hear more coughs and people screaming outside the chamber, as a full-blown firefight broke out between the assassins and Marines. The hybrid’s teammates were covering his attack. It was a good strategy.

  All of this flashed through her mind in a split second. The hybrid grabbed two of what appeared to be batteries for the camera from his belt and smashed them together. Istas saw sparks fly as nanos fused together. He threw the now joined object toward the back of the room where the senators and their staff were scrambling out of the room. There was a flash and an explosion. Pieces of chairs and tables were thrown in the air. There were screams from wounded bystanders. The hybrid turned to Istas and the admiral.

  He was on top of Istas before she could react. His claws were out as he grabbed her to throw her aside so he could get to Admiral Raurk. The claws tore into her shoulder as he picked her up with one hand like he was picking up a child. As he did, Istas arched her hand, her crystal blade slid out of its pouch in her wrist. She drove it into his shoulder at the joint and t
wisted. He dropped Istas to the floor, his arm hanging by just the muscle from his shoulder. It slowed him, but not enough. Istas tried to rise, but even her enhancements couldn’t provide her with the strength she needed. Her wounds had begun to catch up with her.

  The hybrid growled in pain and fury. He was reaching down for the admiral when a round from a rail struck him. It stood him up. He looked at where it had come from. A tall old Wolf with a gray and white beard and a cloak billowing behind him, held a rail pistol in his hand as he walked calmly toward the hybrid. He fired again, but the hybrid wasn’t there. He had jumped to one side; he was trying to get to the Admiral! The hybrid leaned down to grab the admiral. Istas tried to move, but her wounds were too great. She could only watch as the hybrid reached for her principal. Her mission had been to protect her, and now she had failed.

  The admiral kicked upward, trying to ward off the hybrid, when he was suddenly torn to pieces by round after round of gunfire. Istas looked up to see the two Marines firing their rails at the hybrid. The female Marine was covered with blood, and it was hard to tell whose it was. The hybrid dropped to the floor, and old the Wolf and two Marines put more rounds into the hybrid. The Wolf put one final round into its head, only then were they were satisfied the hybrid was dead. Istas saw the Marines and the old Wolf exchange a look of respect that one warrior has for another in battle. Istas relaxed and let her head fall to the floor. The two Marines took positions over Istas and the admiral. Istas could feel a large pool of blood beginning to spread beneath her. Usiche was kneeling over her.

  "The secretary general. They will try for him. I am sorry I failed you." Istas said hoarsely.

  "You didn't fail me, little one. I’m safe," Admiral Raurk said. Usiche only called her “little one” when they were alone. It was good to hear her voice.

  "The secretary general will be targeted," the old Wolf said into his comm bracelet.

  That was the last thing Istas heard before the darkness closed in on her.


  Xotoli Outpost

  Exoplanet 1123.567

  Von Fleet Planet 703

  1st Marine Raider Battalion

  Alpha Company

  1st Platoon

  "All hands, SOCs inbound with Charlie Company."

  Hu and the rest of the squad were spread out in the first line of dorms behind the control center. The hybrids held the rest of the buildings in the dome, but they had been unable to dislodge Hu and the first squad who had just repelled another charge. The bodies littered the open area between the lines of dorms.

  The hybrids were persistent if nothing else, Hu thought. They kept throwing more and more bodies at them. It was as if they didn't care about dying. Hu was more than glad to help them to whatever they believed existed outside this world.

  There was a lull in the fighting after the last charge so Hu took inventory. His ammo was down by almost half, and they didn't know how much longer this was going to continue. He only had mini grenades and mines that were useful in close quarters combat. He needed larger grenades. Hell, he and the rest of the squad needed a whole bunch of shit, but they weren't going to get it. They had been outfitted for a quick and dirty raid with little resistance, not a face-to-face slugfest like Rift. He remembered what the major had said. "Raiders adapt to the situation, no matter what. Think. Your mind is your best weapon." Hu looked out at the dead hybrids and then down the line to the rest of the squad. They were almost out of the ability to adapt. He hoped Charlie Company would get here soon.

  Just then, he saw a SOC fly low over the dome.

  "No!" Hu screamed without thinking.

  It was still dropping Raiders, and the damned weather was screwing things up again. He saw one, two, three troopers drop out of the SOC and fall toward the dome. They had no chance to adjust. With a splat, two of the Raiders landed against the water-filled flexible covering of the dome. One hit a structural beam and left a bloody smudge. Another was able to stand for a second before an unseen heavy weapon tore him in half. The third disappeared behind the dome.

  "Shit!" Hu said.

  He would rather be either of the guys who had been killed instead of the one behind the dome. There were no other Raiders out there, only hybrids. He could only hope that whoever it was would be able to make his way back to the fight, or that it would be a quick death, not like some of the captured legionnaires on Rift.

  "Everybody, heads up. We got Charlie Company 1st platoon coming in. They’ll be filling in from the rear," Nani said.

  "Hybrids!" someone yelled.

  Hu looked out his murder hole, and sure enough, the hybrids were going to try and overrun them before they were reinforced. They had seen the drop the same as Hu. More were rushing at them than in any of the previous attacks. There were also more unarmored troops than before. They knew this might be their best chance to overrun the Raiders’ position and retake the control center. Hu fired in controlled, three round bursts at the armored hybrids, thinking that if the unarmored troops reached their position, the Raiders could take care of them easily. He caught one in the faceplate and watched in satisfaction as its head disappeared. The 48 wasn’t penetrating the body armor. It was a headshot, a lucky shot into a joint, or nothing.

  "They’re going to make it this time!" Bien yelled.

  "Fighting pairs," Nani snapped as the first of the hybrids reached their position.

  Hu's fighting pair partner was supposed to be Lena, but she had been wounded when they had breeched the door. Bien and Gras looked over at him, knowing that he would be alone.

  "Stay with your pair," Hu yelled.

  He reached down and pulled his shovel off his leg with his right hand and grabbed his pistol with his left. His 48 collapsed and snapped into its holder on his chest. The first hybrid was an unarmored female. She jumped before she reached the rubble-strewn yard in front of the dorm. She must have jumped ten feet high. Her face was twisted into a snarl as she fired her rail at Hu, missing him by inches. Hu stepped forward and swung his shovel. The razor sharp edge of the shovel caught her mid-flight, in the torso, and cut her in half with the power of his armor. Another jumped to his right, but it was too far away for his shovel so he fired his pistol. The depleted uranium bullet caught the hybrid in mid-air, and it was thrown back with the force of the round. Before Hu could react, an armored hybrid landed on top of him, driving him to the ground. It thrust a laser knife at his head. He was barely able to get his head out of the way as the knife burned into the floor of the dorm. The hybrid hadn’t properly mounted Hu, so he was able to grab the hybrid’s knife arm and reverse their positions. He was on top and had a good mount. He needed his shovel, but it was to his right and his right hand was holding the hybrid’s hand, which held the laser knife. He drove his armored left fist into the hybrid's faceplate. It fractured, but held. Again, he drove his fist into the reinforced plastic. It was capable of deflecting everything except a rail round, but images of the children flashed into his mind and gave Hu strength he didn’t know he had. He drove his fist into the faceplate again and again until it broke through and his armored fist drove into the hybrid’s face. Hu's fist went through the hybrids skull and into the back of its helmet.

  "Fuck you!" Hu screamed, pulling his bloody fist out of the gore that had previously been the hybrid’s face and brain.

  A powerful hand jerked his head back. He caught a glimpse of an armored hybrid raising a laser knife for a killing blow. This was it. Hu wasn’t scared; he was disappointed he hadn’t gotten more payback for the children. He raised his arm to try and stop the blow, but it was already descending. Suddenly, the hybrid just disappeared in bloody cloud of mist. A hand grabbed him and pulled him to his feet. It was Nani. She knew he was without a partner. She was looking out for him.

  They stood back to back as more hybrids jumped over rubble to enter the dorm. Tracers were passing close to or bouncing off of their armor, throwing sparks.

  It wouldn’t be long now, Hu thought.

p; The first of the hybrids were on the rubble or jumping over it when they were met with a wall of fire from behind them. Hu glanced over his shoulder to see Charlie Company's 1st Platoon emerging from the control center. They were on line and firing as they moved to reinforce Hu’s squad. Hu grabbed his 48 off his chest and turned to fire into the hybrids that remained standing. His squad had survived. The hybrids had been decimated by the combined fire of Hu's squad and the reinforcements from Charlie Company. The hybrids reluctantly retreated to the rear of the dome.

  Hu collapsed to his knees, exhausted. He looked up and saw Nani on her knees, facing him. He couldn't see her face behind her armor, but he knew she was looking at him. He nodded his thanks. She reached up and pulled their helmets together for a moment.

  "That was too damned close." Nani said.

  "Yeah, just like Rift."

  "And we made it, just like Rift."

  Nani pounded his shoulder then she said, "First squad, sound off."

  Hu listened to the roll call, and knew that several were missing. He glanced up at his squad readout and saw that some of them were yellows and down. There were now two blacks. It took some time before Hu could do more than kneel on the floor and catch his breath. His armor shot him up with some go juice, but he was so exhausted it took a while for even an intravenous injection to catch up with his fatigue. It had been a very near thing. Then, as the go juice took effect, he realized he needed to do his own roll call. Glancing at his heads-up, he looked at his fire team’s status. He had lost Lena at the front door, but he still had Gras and Bien, and both were still good to go. He had the closest thing to an entire team in the squad. The other fire teams had so many wounded that it was hard to tell which ones could still be effective.


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