Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11

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Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11 Page 2

by Teresa Gabelman

  Searching, he looked in the back seat to see a woman lying on her back, holding her very pregnant stomach. Her face was contorted in pain, her breathing coming in fast, short gasps.

  “God,” she moaned as her breathing became erratic panting.

  “No, it’s Steve,” Steve said as he kept a close watch to make sure no one was coming close to the car. “Don’t be afraid and stay down out of sight. I’m a Warrior and will keep you safe. Just hold on and whatever you do, do not have that baby until this is over.”

  “Like I have a choice.” The woman finally looked his way, then squeezed her eyes shut with a moan.

  One lone gunshot echoed out, sending Steve leaping over the seat, trying not to crush her. If anyone was going to take a bullet, it would be him. He wasn’t happy about the thought, but that was his job. Protect the innocent, even if it meant taking a bullet. Porn star never sounded better.

  “Don’t worry about anything other than keeping that baby at bay and your breathing. I heard breathing was important with pregnant women. I mean… I would think breathing was important for anyone, but what do I know?” Steve tried to keep her calm while he raised his head, looking out the window and wishing to hell Slade would show up like a knight in shining armor with his fucking doctor bag. “What’s your name?” He knew her name from the woman inside, but he wanted to get her to focus on something other than being shot while in labor in the back of a fucking car.

  “Mira.” She panted, then moaned louder and longer. “It’s coming!” she cried.

  Steve wanted to cry right along with her. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? This chick was in full labor, and there he was on top of her, wanting to fucking cry like a bitch.

  “Listen, it’s going to be okay.” Steve finally found his balls and manned up. “Nothing is going to happen to you or your baby. I’d really appreciate it if you could hold off a few more minutes before shooting that thing out, but if not, I’ve got you.”

  “Shoot that thing out?” Her eyes narrowed and then she laughed. “That thing is my baby, you asshole, and it doesn’t shoot out, it slides out… I think.”

  Keeping his weight off her, Steve continued to keep watch out the windows. So far, no more gunshots and no fucking Slade. He glanced down to see the girl staring up at him. “You’re going to be fine, Mira. Wait a minute—”

  “What?” she panted, staring up at him.

  “I’m invisible,” he stated, his tone full of confusion. “Why aren’t you freaking out?”

  “Listen, Steve… that is your name, isn’t it?” She groaned, then waited a few minutes before continuing, “I’m sure you’re a real funny guy, but now isn’t the time. I really need to get out of this car.”

  Before Steve could say anything, the door to his back was forcefully swung open. He turned to face the threat.

  “There you are.” The guy looked around frantically before reaching in toward Mira, but his hands hit Steve instead.

  “Yeah, here I am, bitch.” Steve lifted his leg and kicked out, hitting the guy in the chest and sending him flying out of the car. The shock in the man’s face at hearing his voice, but not seeing him and then flying a few feet from the car was priceless. It also told Steve he was indeed still invisible and that the woman in the back seat of the car ready to give birth could see him.

  Deciding he’d rather kick this guy’s ass fair and square, Steve became visible and stalked toward him. “You like picking on pregnant women?” Steve growled, feeling anger so strong he had to try extra hard to keep his shit together. “Not very cool, dude. Not cool at all, and around here that will get your ass handed to you in the most painful way.”

  “She’s our property,” the guy spat while he stood slowly and sized Steve up and down. “Who the fuck are you, her kid sister?”

  Steve’s grin started slowly then spread wide. “That was fucking hilarious.” Steve tilted his head, his eyes fixed on the guy. “Kid sister. Damn, I’ve been called a lot of shit before, but that’s a new one.”

  “Will you please kick his ass so I can get out of this fucking car?” the woman yelled from the back seat, her voice laced with pain and anger.

  “Shut up, Mira!” the guy roared, his eyes shooting her way before returning to Steve. “This will only take a minute.”

  “I wasn’t talking to you, asshole,” she replied before releasing a long, painful moan.

  “Jesus H. Christ, do you ever shut the hell up?” the guy bellowed, his patience clearly unhinged. He reached behind him and pulled out a gun, but held it down by his side. “Listen, we don’t want any trouble. We just want her.”

  Steve frowned, looked behind the guy at the VC Warrior compound. “Well, since you just shot up the Warrior compound, I think trouble is all you’re going to get. They get pretty pissy about shit like that, and as for her—” Steve looked back at him, his eyes narrowing. “—you’ll have to go through me.”

  “That’s easy enough.” The gun by his side rose, aiming straight toward Steve.

  “Linus, don’t you do it!” Mira shouted from the car, her voice wavering.

  “Linus?” Steve’s lips quirked into a grin. “As in Charlie fucking Brown, Linus?”

  “You won’t be grinning once you have a silver bullet in you.” Linus growled, apparently not liking being made fun of.

  “You don’t know me very well, Linus.” Steve’s grin grew. Actually, inside he was cussing like a man insane. He didn’t want to get shot because that shit hurt like hell, but also silver could kill him, and well… dammit, he wasn’t ready to die. “Even if I die, at least my damn name isn’t Linus. I mean… seriously, how can you be a badass with a name like that? Oh, wait… you can’t.”

  “Fuck you, Warrior,” he hissed, as he continued to aim the gun.

  “That’s the best you can come up with?” Steve shook his head. “Well, let me tell you a little secret. As soon as you shoot me, you’re going to have about ten Warriors all over your ass, but hey, it’s your call. Put the gun down and live or shoot me and die. Either way, I’m still a Warrior, and you’re still named after a fucking cartoon character who sucks his thumb and carries his blankie.”

  “How about I just shoot her?” Linus moved the gun and aimed it toward the car where Steve knew the asshole had a clear shot.

  “How about you make a fucking decision so I can get some fucking lunch.” Steve rubbed his stomach. “I get cranky when some dumbass cuts into my lunchtime and honestly, you’re boring the shit out of me.”

  Steve knew he was getting to the guy, and that was his plan. He got to everybody, but what they didn’t know was he was alert and ready for anything. Everyone thought he was a goof, and he was, but he also knew his shit and what needed to be done. Maybe he didn’t do it the way others would, but most of the time his way worked. The key word was most of the time. One thing he knew for certain was the girl in the car would not be harmed, even if it meant giving his own life to protect her.

  “Put the gun down,” Sloan, who—with the other Warriors—had circled the scene, said calmly. “We can work this out.”

  Linus glanced around, the gun still aimed at the car. Steve had maneuvered himself slowly so he could jump in the line of fire if need be.

  “Linus!” Mira called from the car, her breathing rapid and harsh. “It’s not worth it. They can help you. You know you don’t want to do this.”

  Steve wondered what in the hell she was talking about, but didn’t turn his attention from the guy. He was the closest and wouldn’t chance looking away. Something she said seemed to penetrate, but then in the next second, Linus’s features became stone as he lifted the gun underneath his own chin and pulled the trigger.

  Chapter 3

  “Holy shit!” Steve actually gagged as the Warriors around him cursed. “That is some nasty shit.”

  “Another one of the bastards did the same thing.” Ronan frowned, looking down at the dead man. “What the hell is going on?”

  All the Warriors looked toward the
car where a woman’s scream split the air and knew the answer lay with the girl who was about to give birth in the back of a car in their parking lot.

  Slade rushed over with Jill close behind him. Steve also headed that way but kept far enough away to allow Slade to work. His eyes met those of the woman, and he realized how pretty she was. Even in the depths of pain and her face lined with stress she was really very pretty. Though her long brown hair was a tangled mess and slicked back with sweat, he knew it was lush and thick. Her eyes were also a gorgeous shade of light brown, even squinty and bloodshot with tears.


  Her skin looked like ivory cream, blushed with a spotty redness from the heat, but it was flawless.


  As she looked at him, he noticed how long her eyelashes were; they curled…. Wait, what was he doing? He was with Leda, well… kinda of with Leda. Wasn’t he? Well yeah, he was, though he never saw her and barely talked to her on the phone. They texted, but she hadn’t texted him back in a couple of days. So what was the big deal? He was attracted to someone else, a little. It wasn’t like he was tied down. No ring on his finger. He snorted with a shake of his head. But before he could go and really find another woman attractive, he needed to talk to—”


  “Leda,” Steve said, taking his eyes off Mira—such a pretty name—to see Jill glaring at him.

  She glared at him for a second more then rolled her eyes. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Huh?” Steve stared at her, then glanced around. What the hell happened? One minute he was facing down certain death, but the dude with the gun shot himself which was mind-blowing—pun totally intended—and then he was dissecting Mira’s looks like he was the host of a fucking beauty show. Maybe he was in shock from seeing the guy shoot himself. Yeah, that was it. His eyes found the guy splattered on their parking lot with a frown. Nah, that wasn’t it. He’d seen worse. A loud, painful moan reached his ears, bringing him out of his… whatever in the hell state he was in. “Nothing. I’m good.”

  He walked closer to the car where Slade was working on Mira. He saw her hand clawing the front seat, her fingers white from the grip. Without thought, he crawled in the front and grabbed her hand. “You’re going to be fine,” he told her, his eyes staying away from what Slade was doing. He could watch a man shoot himself, but seeing a woman give birth was not his cup of fucking tea.

  “I don’t want to give birth to my son in the back seat of a car.” Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes as she spoke.

  Steve did chance a glance toward Slade to see that was probably going to be what happened. When Slade looked up at him, he knew for sure that was exactly what was going to happen. He gave her hand a squeeze. “What’s his name?”

  “Who?” Mira sniffed, her eyes finding him.

  “The baby?” Steve succeeded in taking her mind off what was happening for a minute. “What are you naming him?”

  “Drew.” Mira actually smiled. “His name is Drew.”

  “Nice. Listen, I don’t know much about giving birth, but I do know that baby is going to be just fine. Dr. Hottie McVampire down there is the best doctor there is.” Steve ignored Slade’s growl. “And that baby doesn’t need to ever know where he was born. Though with it being a boy, I bet anything he’d think it was cool as hell he was born in the back of a car after a shoot-out with VC Warriors.”

  “You think?” Mira’s teeth were clenched, but she managed the words anyway.

  “I know.” Steve nodded, then grimaced when she squeezed his hand. Damn, for a little thing she had a freaking strong grip.

  “Sorry.” Mira loosened her grip as if knowing she was squeezing too hard.

  “You squeeze as hard as you need to,” Steve encouraged. “I’m a badass Warrior and can handle it.”

  “Thank you.” Mira sighed, then moaned as her back arched. “Oh, God.”

  “Oh, shit,” Steve said under his breath.

  “Don’t push!” Slade ordered, his eyes shooting up to Mira. “Not until I tell you.”

  Steve heard the worry in Slade’s voice and hoped Mira didn’t. He watched him say something to Jill, who took off running toward the compound.

  “Listen, Mira, I’m not going to be able to move you,” Slade told her in his calm, cool doctor voice. “But if you do everything I tell you, things will be fine.”

  When Mira looked up at Steve, he nodded. “Trust him, he knows what he’s doing.”

  She nodded and then squeezed her eyes shut. “Why do you call him Dr. Hottie McVampire?” Mira asked, then peeked at Steve. “Are you gay?”

  “Just a nickname.” Steve chuckled with a snort. “And no, I’m not gay, but if I was—”

  “Steve, shut the fuck up and get behind her,” Slade ordered with a glare. “She’s going to have to start pushing soon and will need something behind her to push off.”

  Pulling his hand from hers, he climbed out of the front of the car and carefully got in the back, positioning himself behind her as Slade helped sit her up, all without question. Slade had the hard part as did Mira, but all he had to do was act like a wall. He could do that without fucking up. He hoped.

  “We can get her inside.” Sloan had walked over, keeping his eyes averted from Mira as Slade continued to examine her.

  “No, not worth the risk,” Slade whispered, but Steve heard. “Call an ambulance just in case.”

  Steve glanced down to see if Mira heard, but her eyes were closed as if she were sleeping. “Mira?”


  “Are you okay?” Steve frowned, realizing the question was stupid. Of course she wasn’t okay. She was about to shoot a live human being out of her yahoo. Who in the hell would be okay with that?

  “Been better,” she whispered, her eyes still closed. “Just taking advantage of no pain at this moment.”

  Steve nodded, knowing she couldn’t see him, but he felt he should just keep his mouth shut and let her rest and Slade work. His eyes roamed out of the car to see Sid and Jared dragging Linus’s body. Duncan was on the phone as Damon, Adam, Ronan, and Blaze stood watching for trouble. He was damn proud to be a part of this group. He finally belonged somewhere. They gave him shit daily, but he knew he was one of them, and so did they.

  “It’s starting again!” Mira cried out, her hands tightening in fists, her breathing becoming frantic huffs of air. “I said I didn’t want any pain medication, that I could do this without, but I had no clue what I was talking about. Please, Dr. Hottie, please give me something.”

  Steve frowned when Slade glared up at him. He then breathed a sigh of relief when his features softened as he looked down at Mira. “It’s too late to do that now, but you’re doing fine.” Slade again focused on what he was doing, but not before adding, “And the name is Slade.”

  “Hand me my bag,” Mira told Steve as she breathed heavily. Sweat poured off her, and her eyes squeezed shut in agony.

  Steve looked around and found a large sack by his foot. Picking it up, he held it in front of her. “What do you need?” He didn’t want to lay it on her because it was heavy as hell.

  “Red pouch.” She moaned before her body stiffened. “Can I please push?” She cried loudly.

  “Almost.” Slade frowned but didn’t look at her.

  Steve tried to find the red pouch, whatever the fuck a pouch was; at least he knew it was red. Searching through the heavy bag, trying to keep her steady while she squirmed in pain was not easy, but he finally saw something red. Grabbing it, he pulled out a small bag with a crude brown cord. “Is this it?” He held it out in front of her.

  “Yes, thank you.” She snatched it out of his hand and held it to her chest, whispering, “Please work.”

  “Okay, Mira. I want you to push until I tell you to stop.” Slade looked from her to Steve. “You got her?”

  “I do.” Steve braced himself and then realized he was fucking freaking the hell out. He was about to help a complete stranger give birth. De
termined to do whatever he could, his total focus centered on the woman who lay against his chest.

  “Push!” Slade ordered. Mira did so immediately, pushing herself against Steve.

  Surprised at the pressure this small woman pressed against him, he braced himself better and cringed with her as if he were pushing. Jesus, he was lightheaded.

  “Okay, good,” Slade said after what seemed like hours. Mira sank back into Steve. “You did really well, Mira.”

  Steve watched as Slade positioned himself so he could see what was going on and placed his large hand on her belly. “Is it out?” Steve asked anxiously.

  “If you call my baby an it one more time, I’m going to bite you.” Mira’s voice was weak but firm with promise.

  Sliding his hand a little further away from her reach, Steve frowned. “Sorry, is he out yet.”

  “The head,” Slade answered, then looked up at Mira. “I need you to push as hard as you can until I tell you to stop.”

  Mira nodded as Steve helped her into position to push. “Come on, Mira.” Steve urged her on. “You can do this. Push. Push! Push, that baby out!”

  And she did until she collapsed against Steve in a crying heap. “I can’t do this.” Mira sobbed. “Oh God, I can’t do this, and this stupid thing is not helping.” She threw the pouch backward, almost hitting Steve in the face.

  Steve dodged the bag before glancing at Slade, who looked at Steve in concern.

  “Mira, you have to push. Your beautiful baby is almost here, but you have to push.” Slade’s voice was calm with a hint of urgency that Steve didn’t miss.

  Steve reached down, grabbed the small bag and placed it tightly in her hand against her chest. “I don’t know what that is, but you need to believe in it. That baby is depending on you, its mother, and you’re not giving up on it… or ah, him, on Drew. Do you hear me, Mira?”

  Stretching so he could see her turned face, he frowned as he gently shook her.

  “Dammit, Mira, sit the fuck up and push,” Steve demanded. He didn’t know what the hell was going on down on Slade’s end, but Slade looked worried as hell and that, in turn, worried Steve. He’d learned long ago to read the faces of each Warrior. It had saved his ass from many beatings, and he trusted his own judgment on that front. Things were not looking good for Mira’s baby, and he’d be damned if that happened while he was her birthing partner. Well, that was what he was at the moment, and he was taking this shit seriously. Plus, he expected to be the fucking godfather when it was all said and done. He didn’t care that they were complete strangers. He was earning that role and would be damned if it didn’t happen.


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