Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11

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Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11 Page 4

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Huh, ah, we’ll be fine,” Mira said firmly, hoping she sounded more confident than she felt. She whipped the covers off her legs and maneuvered herself so they hung off the bed. Slowly, she slid down until her feet hit the cold tile of the floor. She was sore, but had no pain so far, which was awesome because she was so done with pain. Taking a small step, she was again relieved that only soreness matched her movements. Staring at the floor, she spotted Steve’s boots directly in front of her. She slowly looked up to see he was there in case she fell.

  “You good?” he asked, his eyes missing nothing as he watched her.

  “Yeah, but can you please keep an eye on Drew? I won’t take long.” Mira was surprised at how much she trusted him. She knew soul deep her daughter would be watched closely and would be safe until she returned. It was a pleasant feeling knowing they were okay for the moment. She shrugged aside the errant thought knowing that it wouldn’t last long. It never did.

  “Take all the time you need, Mira,” Steve said, but didn’t move. He stayed close as she made her slow progress across the floor toward the bathroom. “I have some things to discuss with Drew where guys are concerned and some secret moves so no asshole ever catches her off guard.”

  Looking up at his serious face, Mira chuckled. Her gaze then on her daughter, she smiled. “Lucky girl. Maybe you could teach me the same thing since all I attract are total assholes.”

  “Oh, wait.” Steve shook his head. “Avoid and Beat Down Total Assholes 101 is the advanced course. Drew isn’t ready for that yet. She just gets the Avoid Assholes 101 so she doesn’t have to move on to the advanced courses.”

  “Well, sign me up for the advanced course, Steve.” She patted him on the arm and wished she hadn’t. Her birthmark burned like fire as she closed the door behind her. Walking toward the mirror, she pulled her hospital gown over her head and stood on her tiptoes so she could see her reflection in the small above-the-sink mirror. Her eyes slowly roamed from her tired features to the crooked heart-shaped birthmark. It was usually brown but was now pulsing a bright deep red. Returning her feet to the floor, she glared at herself, then pointed to her reflection. “No!”


  Steve stared at the closed door like an idiot, just staring until his eyes went to his arm where she’d touched him. Then he mouthed, “Fuck!” glanced at Drew to make sure she was sleeping and not watching him, then mouthed, “FUCK!” again.

  Both hands flew to his head as he ran his fingers through his short hair. What the fuck is wrong with me? he thought as he glanced at the closed door. Hearing the shower running, he had a strong urge to barge in there. Jumping as if he’d been goosed in the ass, he walked toward Drew to focus on something other than what his mind and body were demanding he do.

  “Shit!” he said a little louder than he meant, startling Drew. “Sorry,” he whispered with a cringe.

  Drew’s little face scrunched up, her mouth opened in a silent cry. Well, it was silent for a second. Then a wail escaped. Her little arms came out of the wrap and punched at the air as if fighting an invisible force.

  “Ah, I’m sorry, little dudette.” Steve cursed at himself for waking her. Reaching down, he picked her up, surprised at how comfortable he was with her. Her arms and legs were going crazy. He unwrapped the tight little towel thing from around her legs, freeing her. “What the hell—ah heck, do they have you in? I’d be fighting to get out of that thing too.”

  He held her close to his chest and walked around the room while staring down at her. She had quieted by sucking her tiny fist in her mouth. “So, what’s your story, huh?” Steve watched her closely. “Guess you don’t really know yet since you’ve been in the dark for a while.”

  Her little squinty eyes opened, trying to focus on him, and his heart melted. Yes, his damn heart melted right down into his stomach. He stopped walking just to stare at her as she gazed up at him. He knew right then and there he would kill any fucker who even thought of harming her.

  “Going to town on that fist, aren’t you?” His voice was shaky, but he’d just had a revelation that he didn’t know what to do with, and it freaked him the hell out. She grinned behind her fist with a coo, then frowned and farted.

  “Whoa!” Steve wrinkled his nose as he stared at her wide-eyed. “I don’t think that was just a fart, little miss.”

  Steve headed toward the crib, looking around when the smell hit him hard. “Holy moly, that was definitely a shart! What are they feeding you?” He spotted diapers and wipes on the counter. Grabbing a diaper and the wipes, he gently laid her down in the crib. “Just so you know, Drew, I’m new at this so if we both keep our cool, this should be painless. Stinky, but painless.”

  Drew just lay there kicking her little legs and pumping her fists like a pro fighter making Steve smile until the smell hit him again. He took a glance toward the bathroom with hope that Mira would be walking out, but the shower was still going. He then looked at the button on the controller to call in a nurse, but when his eyes met Drew’s, he shook his head then cracked his knuckles.

  “Okay, I’m going in,” Steve said as he gently ripped one corner of the diaper and then the other. Not having any idea what was lying hidden, he carefully lifted her legs and what he saw would haunt him for the rest of his life. Not even seeing a man earlier blowing his head off could compare to what this innocent little baby did in her diaper. Steve gagged, looked away and gagged again. “Son of a bitc—beach! Are you possessed? What the hell is that? And I swear that color is a new one to the color wheel.”

  Steve stood there with a shitty diaper in one hand and her tiny little feet to hold her dirty butt off the crib sheets with the other and didn’t know what the hell to do. He swore the little stinker laughed. “Hey!” Steve gave her a fake frown. “A little help would be nice. I’m a highly acclaimed Warrior I’ll have you know, not a nanny.”

  Steve finally figured out that if he just dropped the dirty diaper, his hand would be free so he did just that. After using almost a whole box of baby wipes—the dirty ones ended up on the floor around his boots—and many stops to gag, he finally had her clean. He was worn the fuck out.

  Grabbing the diaper, he studied it for a minute, holding it up and flipping it around. Finally grasping the mechanics, he once again lifted her legs gently and slipped the diaper under her butt. Proud that he accomplished that feat more quickly, he grabbed a clean little blanket and carefully picked her up.

  “What in the world is that smell?” Mira said from behind him.

  Steve turned, holding Drew against his chest, careful of her head. “That smell is your daughter who sharted some foul poo.”

  Mira looked around and down at Steve’s feet. Her eyes came straight back to his, her tears making them bright. “You changed her?”

  “I did,” Steve said proudly. “It wasn’t easy. Actually, it was probably scarier than anything I’ve ever faced down being a VC Warrior, but I did it. We did it, didn’t we Drew Boo?”

  Drew Boo’s answer was to fart again and soon after followed the loosely placed diaper, which fell onto the pile of dirty baby wipes at his feet.

  Steve saw the look on Mira’s face go from teary-eyed to a bright grin growing on her face. His throat tightened. He swallowed hard but then frowned as a thought entered his mind.

  “Please tell me that was just a fart,” Steve said, then laughed when Mira burst out laughing. Yeah, he was in deep trouble here.

  Chapter 6

  Ronan helped Piper, along with Nicole, clean her car out. He found two bullet holes and realized how lucky Mira had been. Piper still looked a little pale as she stared at her car. He and Nicole took care of the blood and stuff from Mira having the baby, but he imagined Piper wasn’t used to shoot-outs.

  “Thank you, guys, for helping,” Piper said, taking the keys from Ronan. “Do you think it’s okay if I go to the hospital to check on Mira?”

  “I don’t see why not,” Nicole replied. “Steve is there, and I know Jill headed over with som
e clothes for her and the baby.”

  “I’ll call Steve and let him know you’re coming,” Ronan added, taking out his phone.

  “Do you think it’s safe for me?” Piper frowned and glanced at her car, then back at Nicole and then Ronan.

  “I do.” Ronan stopped searching for Steve’s number. “I wouldn’t let you leave alone if I thought otherwise. They were after the girl, not you.”

  Piper nodded and thanked them again before getting in the car and leaving. Instead of calling, Ronan texted Steve who texted him back almost immediately.

  “Where in the hell is my sister?” A woman, tall and slender with a bright wrap adorning her head as long straight black hair flowed from underneath walked onto the compound property. She was dressed strangely. At least to Ronan it was strange. She looked like a gypsy with all the colorful scarves she wore.

  Nicole and Ronan just stared at her with wide eyes as she marched herself across the parking lot toward them with purpose.

  “Are you a mute?” she asked, her eyes narrowing. “Are you deaf? Because if you are neither of those things, somebody better be explaining where in the hell my sister is.”

  Nicole looked at Ronan, who glanced back at her with a raised eyebrow.

  “I’m neither, but I think it’s best you tell us who you are before I personally escort you off this property,” Nicole replied, reacting to the woman’s rudeness. Ronan cringed, hoping to hell he wasn’t about to witness a girl fight. Not that he’d mind a good girl fight, but he’d hate like hell getting caught in one. He was usually the one who came out of it wounded.

  The woman stopped and put her hand on her hip, eyeing Nicole before a small smile tipped the corner of her mouth. “I like you.”

  Nicole tilted her head slightly. “Well, the verdict is still out on how I feel about you.”

  The woman’s eyes left Nicole’s, brushed past Ronan and landed on the bloodstained parking lot where the asshole had shot himself earlier. The grin at Nicole’s words quickly faded from the woman’s face, along with all its color. “Oh, God.” Her hand went to her mouth. “Please tell me I’m not too late.”

  Ronan glanced at the blood then back at the woman, realizing the resemblance between the two women. “That is not Mira’s blood,” he assured her immediately.

  “Oh, thank God.” Her hand left her mouth to clutch at her chest. Her eyes finally left the blood and shot to Ronan. “Where is she?”

  “Safe” was all Ronan said. He wasn’t really sure if this woman was who she was insinuating she was and until then, she would learn nothing from him.

  “The baby? Has she had the baby yet?” the woman asked, looking between Nicole, who seemed to have calmed down and Ronan, who still studied the woman closely.

  “I’m Ronan and this is Nicole,” Ronan said without answering her question. “I’m not answering anything until we know exactly who you are and what you are about.”

  The woman looked as if she were about to argue, but bit her lip as she glanced behind Ronan at the compound, then to the blood on the concrete, then back to him. “I’m Kira Grail and Mira is my sister.”

  “Let’s go inside and see if we can get this straightened out.” Nicole broke the silence.

  Ronan watched the woman battle something—he didn’t know what—as she stared at the compound once again. Something close to fear settled on her face until she looked at him, and the fear disappeared, replaced with a stone expression. With a nod, she followed Nicole, only giving Ronan a glance as she passed.

  Reaching around the women, he opened the door then preceded them into Sloan’s office where Sid and Duncan stood in front of Sloan’s desk, focusing on the computer.

  “Hey, I think we may have found part of the puzzle,” Nicole said, gaining the men’s attention. “This is Kira Grail, Mira’s sister.”

  Sid’s eyebrow cocked, and Ronan knew what was coming. He may not have been part of the group long, but it didn’t take a genius to know they had a thing for names, especially Sid and Jared.

  “Kira?” Sid looked her up and down. “Your parents must have had a sense of humor.”

  At first, Ronan thought she was going to chew Sid a new one, until her face softened. “That’s an understatement.” She glanced at Sloan. “I guess you’re the one in charge?”

  “And what makes you think this?” Jared asked as he walked into the room. “Is it his steely eyes, his strong chin, or is it the pissed off and ‘get out of my office’ look he wears so well.”

  “No.” The woman named Kira shook her head, glancing at Jared then the rest of them. “He’s the only one who looks like he knows what the hell he’s doing.”

  “Ouch.” Jared cringed, then smiled. “I like her.”

  “I’m thrilled.” Kira rolled her eyes then looked back at Sloan. “Where’s my sister?”

  “Safe,” Sloan replied, his eyes drilling into her.

  “Wow, do you guys have a handbook you follow.” Kira threw a look at Ronan before taking her large bag off her shoulder and dropping it at her feet.

  “Actually, no, we don’t, but I think that is something we need to look into,” Sid replied thoughtfully. “Sloan, I think Jared should get on that.”

  “Shut up,” Sloan ordered, his eyes still glaring at Kira. “Who is after your sister?”

  “Listen, if you just tell me where she is, we will be on our way.” The woman crossed her arms over her chest as if ready to do battle with Sloan. “This isn’t your problem.”

  “Oh, is that so?” Sloan stepped around his desk, his eyes going to Becky, who sat toward the back of the room watching closely behind her computer, then back to Kira. “When motherfuckers come to my house and start shooting the place up, I say it’s my goddamn problem. When everyone under my protection is put in danger because of your problem, then it becomes my problem.”

  “But—” Kira snapped her mouth closed when Sloan growled.

  “So now that you are in my house with your problem, you will be the one answering my questions.” Sloan’s voice was low but held a force that was hard to deny. Actually, it would be stupid for anyone to deny, and it seemed like Kira was about ready to refuse as she stood there glaring back at Sloan.

  “It’s complicated,” she finally said, her arms dropping to her sides.

  “And that’s right up our alley,” Sloan countered. “We do complicated on a daily basis, and we’re very good at it.”

  “Ain’t that the fucking truth,” Jared tossed in with a sigh.

  “Your sister is safe and will remain so, but you won’t get any information until you answer our questions,” Ronan told her. He actually felt sorry for the woman even though she came blasting in being rude. He saw her concern for her sister, and he understood.

  Ronan watched as the woman deflated before his eyes. With an audible sigh, her eyes dropped toward the ground. “Mira and my nephew are in grave danger.”

  “Niece,” Nicole corrected, then frowned when Sloan glared at her. “She has the right to know that at least.”

  “What?” Kira’s head snapped up. “She had the baby? Oh my God. Is he okay?”

  “The baby isn’t a he, but a she, and they are both doing fine. One of our Warriors is a doctor, and thank God he was here when she went into labor after the shooting,” Nicole added, obviously ignoring Sloan’s displeasure. Ronan couldn’t help but respect Nicole because she didn’t seem to care who the boss was at the moment.

  “A she?” Kira seemed to finally understand. Then horror flicked across her face. “That bastard!”

  “Who?” all five Warriors in the room demanded.

  “I have never once been wrong on the sex of an unborn child. Never!” She stomped around, her anger palpable. “He must have used a spell, but that couldn’t be because he can’t do them.”

  No one said a word as they all watched her literally stomp around the office talking to herself. The one word, spell, was when everyone glanced at each other before looking back at her.

  “I hav
e to see my sister, now,” Kira pleaded as she stopped suddenly, turning toward them all. “I swear once I see my sister, we will tell you everything you need to know, but not until I see Mira.”

  “Why?” was all Sloan said, his eyes penetrating into hers as if searching for the truth.

  Kira didn’t answer right away. Instead, she looked back at the ground and closed her eyes, her hand going to the dragonfly choker at her throat. Finally, her eyes opened as she raised them to look straight at Sloan. “Because we are stronger together.” Her eyes sparkled, but it wasn’t from tears. It was an odd look, and one he couldn’t put his finger on. She was definitely a puzzle.

  “Who are you?” escaped Ronan’s lips before he could pull the words back. He didn’t know why he asked that like he did, with a yearning to know exactly who this woman was.

  “I told you, I’m Kira Grail.” She gave him a small smile before the sparkle was gone. “Kira Grail of the Dragon Coven.”

  “A witch,” Sid hissed with narrowed eyes.

  “I prefer enchantress” was her proud response, her eyes traveling straight toward Ronan.

  Chapter 7

  Steve waited outside Mira’s hospital room while Slade and a nurse checked on Mira and Drew Boo. Leaning against the wall, Steve fumbled with his phone, not really paying attention to it; instead, his eyes went up and down the hallways. Nurses went in and out of rooms, babies cried, and nervous dads paced back and forth making Steve antsy.

  Slade finally came out, holding the door open for the nurse. “She and Drew are doing great,” Slade told Steve with a smile. “I think early tomorrow morning I can release them.”

  “That’s great news,” Steve replied with relief, but inside, he felt an overwhelming nervousness. “But doesn’t Sloan want to talk to her?”

  “Yeah, we will take her straight to the compound.” Slade nodded, then left Steve standing there.

  Glancing over at the door, he waited while looking at his phone. He’d missed Leda’s call. He felt guilty as hell, and honestly, did he have a reason to feel guilty? With a sigh, he knocked, waited for Mira to respond, then opened the door. His body reacted to seeing Mira holding Drew with a large smile. Yeah, maybe he had a real good reason to feel guilty.


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