Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11

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Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11 Page 11

by Teresa Gabelman

  Everyone turned as the kitchen door slammed open and in walked Ronan and Slade. Steve had leaned so far back the stool toppled, taking Steve to the floor. Crawling with one arm, he got as far away from Kira as possible and headed to Slade.

  “Holy fuck, I’ve never been so happy to see anyone in my life.” Steve hurried toward Slade but then slowed.

  “Oh, really?” Slade’s deep voice stopped him. “Didn’t sound that way on the phone.”

  “Shit!” Steve wondered if Kira may be the best solution after all. His shoulder throbbed like a motherfucker, so he decided to do what he did best. Grovel for forgiveness so Slade would fix his injury without too much suffering. Could he ever get a fucking break? “Yeah, about that.” Steve began his grovel session all the way to Slade’s office.

  Chapter 17

  Ronan watched with a small grin as Steve fumbled his way out the door with Slade. The last thing he felt like doing was smiling, but fucking Steve could bring it out of him. He had failed his mission and was pissed. He could only blame himself. When he had seen the young girl high on Crimson Rush, all he wanted to do was get his hands around Drago’s neck.

  “You want a taste?” Kira was suddenly in front of him with a spoonful of foul-smelling goo dripping from an odd-looking spoon. “It will fix what ails you.”

  Looking from the mystery goo that sent Steve running almost into Slade’s arms, Ronan’s eyes shot to hers. “As I said before, I’ll pass.”

  “Is there no one here who is brave?” Kira frowned with an exaggerated pout, putting the spoon back in the small bowl.

  “Brave, yes.” Sid spoke up. “Stupid, no.”

  “Does it work on stubbornness?” Tessa asked, her arms crossing her chest as she glanced at Jared.

  Kira remained quiet for a second as if in thought as she looked toward Jared. “I’m sure it does.”

  “Well then, it should work on dumb ideas.” Jared gave Tessa a stern glare.

  “Oh, really? A dumb idea?” Tessa shot back, this time with her hands on her hips. “Let me tell you something, Jared Kincaid. You can glare at me all you want, you can give me the silent treatment, you can even send me packing, but I am training starting tomorrow, whether you like it or not.”

  With that, everyone watched Tessa march herself out the door, making sure she slammed it as hard as she could.

  “Damn, Jared.” Sid frowned with a shake of his head. “You need to take care of your business.”

  “You know, let’s not start this again,” Jared growled. “If I have to tell one more person to stay out of my fucking business, I’m going to start snapping necks.”

  Ronan became alert, knowing at any moment Sid and Jared could be going at it with Kira in the way. She stared at the two as if she were also on alert and used to this sort of thing, but then she opened her mouth, doing exactly what Jared said not to do. Looked like Ronan was going to be protecting her neck if she wasn’t careful.

  “Being a woman and all, I think you’re right.” Kira shrugged as she headed toward the counter and her bag. “I mean, does she really think she’s good enough to become a Warrior? She’s a woman for broomstick’s sake.”

  “Broomstick’s sake?” Sid gave her a sideways glance. “Witch saying?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got a ton of them.” Kira nodded. “So, at the risk of being burned at the stake by all females, I think you’re right. She’s not good enough.” Kira looked at Sid wiggling her eyebrows, letting him know that was another one of her witchy sayings.

  It was silent for a moment, and Ronan waited to see if Jared would respond. He didn’t have to wait too long.

  “I never said she wasn’t good enough.” Jared’s voice was quiet, but everyone heard him.

  Kira shrugged. “You didn’t have to. Your actions pretty much said it all.”

  Ronan watched in awe as Jared glared at her, then at the floor before silently walking out of the room. Damn, that was impressive.

  “Well done.” Sid chuckled, shaking his head. “And just for helping Jared inch his head out of his ass a little, you name it and I’ll make it.”

  “He’s one hell of a cook,” Ronan added at Kira’s confused glance.

  “Damn, was that a compliment?” Sid stood with his hands on his hips, a surprised look on his face.

  Ronan snorted. “Don’t get used to it.”

  “So, if your mate wanted to become a Warrior, you’d be okay with it?” Kira gave him a knowing glance.

  “Fuck no!” Sid snorted then turned to start cooking. “She’s human, so no worries there.”

  “But she’s a cop. Isn’t that just as dangerous?” Kira started packing her stuff into her bag.

  “She works for us now, so I can keep an eye on her,” Sid replied, grabbing ingredients from the refrigerator. “Now, what do you want to eat?”

  “Hmm, how about pan-seared rainbow trout with diced potatoes, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, capers, lemon, and topped with butter.” Kira gave him a sneaky grin.

  “You’re a handful, aren’t you?” Sid said after a minute of just glaring at her.

  “That’s what they say.” Kira grinned with a wink, slinging her bag over her head. “But you’re off the hook. I’m not really hungry, but if you want to impress me, that will do it.”

  “Shit, that’s not even a challenge.” Sid snorted and shook his head.

  Ronan watched their banter with a half grin, but it slid off his face when she turned toward him. “Do you cook?” Kira asked, watching him closely.

  “No, I eat,” he replied and wondered what it was about this woman that drew him to her. She was attractive, but it was deeper than that.

  She laughed but cut it off. Her face paled as she looked past him. “Someone is doing magic.”

  “What?” Ronan was trying to catch up from enjoying her laugh to now seeing her paleness and obvious worried expression.

  “Someone is doing magic, and it’s not me or Mira.” She started to pass him, but he stopped her.

  “Wait!” Ronan prevented her from walking out the door. “How do you know this?”

  “A witch always knows when there is magic.” Her tone was serious and to the point. “And this is very strong magic.”

  Ronan really didn’t know how to respond. He didn’t believe in the shit, but the alarm in her voice alerted him to something that wasn’t right.

  “Let me go.” She tried to pull away, but he refused to let her go.

  “Where are you going?” Ronan demanded, and noticed Sid had come closer, his attention focused on Kira.

  “I need to get to my sister.” She replied with an urgency that had both Sid and Ronan looking at each other.

  “Are you in danger?” Ronan asked, not meaning to growl the question at her.

  “Absolutely.” Kira finally pulled away, but Ronan kept her from leaving the kitchen first. He didn’t know what the hell was going on, but he was damn sure whatever it was would not touch this woman.


  “Okay, wait!” Steve lay on the table in Slade’s office, his eyes clenched tightly.

  “Steve, he’s not even near you,” Mira whispered next to his ear.

  Steve peeked open one eye and looked over to see Slade still getting things together. “Oh, well, ah. Yeah, I know.” He finally opened both eyes to see Jill smirking at him. Damn, she was going to enjoy this.

  Mira snorted and shook her head. “Come on, you can handle this. You’ve been shot before, right?”

  “Well yes, but I was technically dead, so I don’t remember it.” Steve frowned, not liking her snort. “This shit hurts. I mean, you can’t say… you’ve never had a pain like this before.”

  Everyone turned to look at Steve as Mira held up Drew with a cocked eyebrow. “I’d say having this huge bundle of joy come—how did you say it?—shooting out of me, was a little painful.”

  “Yeah, well that doesn’t count.” Steve hissed when Slade walked over to him.

  “And why not?” Mira rolled her eyes at hi
s hiss.

  “Because this”—he pointed to his shoulder—“was not expected and it… or… ah… Drew was.”

  “Okay, hold on.” Jill walked over, giving Steve the stink eye. “What in the hell does that matter whether it was expected or not? Bottom line, you’re being a pussy. She had a baby, and there’s no pain greater than a woman having a child without any type of pain medication.”

  “Oh, and you know that how, Jill?” Steve shot back with a frown. “You’ve had how many babies? Oh, wait, let me answer that. A big fat zero! So shut your pie hole.”

  “He is being a bit of a puss, isn’t he?” Mira cocked her eyebrow, then looked down at Steve.

  “You ready?” Slade walked over, ready to start.

  “No,” Steve said, then looked down at his wound that had closed over, then up at Slade. “Be gentle.”

  “No,” Slade replied, then gave an evil grin. “I just dug a bullet out of Ronan’s back and he took it like a man.”

  “He’s a cowboy. They get shot a lot so he’s used to it.” Steve snorted; he didn’t think the comparison was quite fair.

  Steve prayed he didn’t start crying like a little bitch, he really did. He’d already shown fear in front of Mira, yet he couldn’t help it. It was his way of dealing, he guessed. He could only imagine Adam or one of the other Warriors being all stone faced and badass, but no, not him. He had to flinch, hiss and—

  “Son of a bitch!” Steve shouted as he started to rise from the table, but Slade’s massive hand slammed him down and held him there.

  “Hold still, dammit!” Slade ordered, grabbing a strip of cloth and holding it on the bleeding wound. “I swear if you don’t stay still, I’ll call in Sloan to hold you.”

  “You wouldn’t.” Steve glanced at him with wide eyes.

  “He would,” Jill replied as Slade nodded.

  “Okay, but just wait a minute. I have something to say.” Steve looked around, then focused on Slade.

  “Jesus, Steve.” Jill rolled her eyes. “You’re not dying here. Let’s get this over with. I’m starving.”

  “Jill, dammit, let me have my moment here.” Steve glared at her.

  “I just want to say that I’m really sorry about what I said on the phone when I called you,” Steve told Slade with solemn eyes. “I was just in a lot of pain and didn’t really mean what I said.”

  “What did you say?” Jill asked curiously.

  “I think he told me to go fuck myself and that my bedside manner sucks,” Slade said thoughtfully, removing his hand from Steve’s chest and pulling the bloody cloth away.

  “What?” Steve tried to look shocked but knew he failed. “I said all that? I just thought I said—ah, well, man, it was the pain talking. Just so you know I wasn’t myself at the time, and well, I’m sorry.”

  “Shut up and hold still,” Slade growled down at him.

  “Yes, sir.” Steve nodded, then turned his face toward a grinning Mira, but then her grin faded.

  “Here, hold my hand.” Mira reached out, but Steve shook his head.

  “No, I don’t want to hurt you,” Steve replied but realized how much better this shit would be if he could touch her.

  She ignored him and reached out to grab his hand. “Then I’ll hold yours,” she whispered, still holding a sleeping Drew next to her chest. “And I trust that you won’t hurt me.”

  The combination of her gentle voice and touch eased him. She talked to him, he listened, and before he knew it, Slade was sitting him up. “Give it about an hour to fully heal before doing anything strenuous.”

  “Damn, that was fast.” Steve looked down to see a bandage over his wound. He wasn’t even in any pain.

  “Actually, it wasn’t. It was deep, and muscle had already healed over it,” Slade replied as he and Jill cleaned up.

  Glancing at Mira, who smiled shyly at him, he knew she was the reason he had tolerated the bullet removal without crying like a bitch. Before he could thank her, Kira, Ronan, and Sid raced into Slade’s office.

  “What’s wrong?” Mira asked, stepping closer to Steve.

  “Someone nearby is using magic.” Kira frowned when Steve put his arm around Mira. “Do you feel it?”

  Mira stiffened, and his protective instincts kicked into high gear. “Who is it?”

  “I don’t know, but this isn’t good.” Kira glanced around. “I don’t know if my protection spell is strong enough. Mira, you need to—”

  Mira nodded. “I know.” She looked up at Steve, her eyes round with a little bit of fear, but also determination. “Can you hold her?”

  Steve didn’t hesitate as he took Drew from her with his good arm. Mira closed her eyes, her lips moving, yet her words were whispered. Kira began to do the same as everyone in the room watched. Warriors may be badasses, but only against what they could see, not what they couldn’t. Steve’s eyes met Ronan’s, and in that instant, he was sure they both understood each other. Nothing and no one would harm these two women and child.

  Chapter 18

  Steve headed to his room to change his shirt, taking Mira and Drew with him. He didn’t trust leaving them alone. Kira followed with Ronan. Jill and Slade had headed to Sloan to let him know what was going on. As soon as Steve opened his door, his phone rang. He looked down to see it was Leda. Shit, of course she would call now. Glancing at Mira, he let it ring.

  “Aren’t you going to get that?” Mira glanced at the phone in his hand. “I hate a ringing phone.” She laughed as she walked in and sat on the bed with Drew.

  Knowing he needed to get this over with, he answered as he went to his closet to grab a shirt. “Hello.”

  “Hey,” Leda said over the line. “It’s me.”

  “Hey,” Steve replied as he grabbed a shirt then turned, his eyes falling on Mira who was softly talking to Drew.

  The line remained silent, and Steve hated it. He really liked Leda, but just not in the way he had thought he liked her. She was a cool chick, one he wanted to remain friends with, and it totally bummed him out knowing that might not happen. His gaze fell on Kira, who watched him closely.

  “Steve?” Leda’s voice brought him out of his thoughts.

  “Yeah, sorry.” Steve wished his room was a little bigger so he could escape and no one could hear this phone call. He guessed he could go out in the hall, but that was even more obvious. “I was just calling to make sure you were okay. I hated to leave things like that.”

  Leda was silent for a second before replying. “I know.” Leda’s voice sounded sad. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what Taz’s problem is.”

  “Really?” Steve snorted. “Come on, Leda. He’s totally into you.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so,” Leda replied, and he imagined her unbelieving expression she probably wore on her face. “He’s a pain in my ass. Always trying to tell me what to do and what not to do.”

  Steve chuckled. “Well, he’s probably just watching out for you and I appreciate him doing it. Though he is kind of a dick.”

  “I hope we can remain friends, Steve,” Leda finally said. “I think that’s what’s making me the most sad. I don’t want to lose your friendship.”

  He knew that Mira was now watching and listening to his conversation, as were Kira and Ronan, but he needed to say what needed to be said so he could move on. “I’m glad you feel that way because that was my biggest fear too. I want to remain friends. I mean seriously, I always wanted a dog.”

  Leda laughed, making Steve smile. “You’re an asshole.”

  “Okay, well in your case a sweet little puppy.” Steve’s grin grew, feeling better about the whole situation with Leda. Plus, if he and Leda weren’t good, he doubted he’d be welcomed back, and he really enjoyed visiting Hunter and the rest of the wolves.

  “I’ll let you know I’m a fierce wolf and will tear you apart, bloodsucker.” Leda’s voice turned harsh, yet there was a teasing undertone. “And don’t you forget it.”

  “Okay. Okay, damn, chill out,” Steve said, shaking his
head. “Listen, I’ve got to go, but know I’m always here so call me if you need anything or you just want to shoot the shit.”

  “You do the same, Steve,” Leda replied with a sigh. “I’m really going to miss you.”

  “I’m still here, wolf girl,” Steve said, his eyes leaving Mira. “Always will be. Actually forever, since I’m too tough to die.”

  “You’re a vampire, dude,” Leda reminded him. “You can’t die.”

  “True, but the too tough to die sounds cooler.” Steve laughed along with her. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Leda said, still chuckling. “Bye”

  Steve waited until she hung up before hanging up himself. He noticed Kira and Ronan had left, but Mira still sat staring at him.

  “Who was that?” She tilted her head, Drew fast asleep in her arms.

  “Just an old friend,” Steve replied, setting his phone down to pull on his shirt.

  “Don’t lie to me, please.” Mira hadn’t looked away. “She was a girlfriend?”

  Steve decided right then and there he wasn’t going to lie. She deserved the truth. “Yes, an ex-girlfriend.”

  “Since when?” Mira frowned, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Recently?”

  “Yes,” Steve said, wondering where this was going. By the look on her face, he didn’t really want to know.

  “Because of me?” she whispered, and when her eyes dropped so did his stomach.

  Seriously, what did he say to that? His feelings were so mixed up, but yes, he had broken it off with Leda because of his feelings for her. The question was, did he really want her to know that yet? Then again, he didn’t want to lie to her either.

  “It was a long-distance relationship.” Steve edged around her question. “It wasn’t going to last.” That was probably true.

  “I should have said something sooner.” Mira put a sleeping Drew on the bed, then turned to face Steve as she stood. “Listen, I can’t have a relationship with—”

  Steve’s eyes narrowed, something about her words triggering his anger. He tried to keep his mouth shut, but dammit, why wasn’t he good enough? Old feelings of low self-confidence surfaced immediately, and it was hard to ignore them. “Why not?” Steve frowned. “I’m not good enough for you? At least I’m here. Where’s her father?”


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