Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11

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Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11 Page 13

by Teresa Gabelman

  Mira walked toward the door, but Steve stopped her. “Come on.” She pulled away from him, but then grabbed his hand and pulled him behind her.

  “Mira, stop dammit.” Steve was impressed at her strength. “I don’t know if it’s safe. Where are you going?”

  She turned to look at him, her eyes wide. “Following the magic.”

  “Fuck that!” Steve did stop her this time.

  “No, it’s not bad magic.” Mira sighed, her eyes alight with excitement. “This is good, very good.”

  “Okay, for the record… this magic shit is getting weird.” Steve let her lead the way as he stayed alert for any danger. “Real fucking weird.”

  Chapter 20

  Steve stopped in front of the game room where Mira had stopped. He heard nothing on the other side of the closed doors, doors that were never usually shut. Its closure sent off alarm bells inside his brain.

  Glancing around, he noticed Sloan’s office door was open. He hurried Mira toward the office. It was empty. “Stay here,” he ordered once she was safely inside. “And don’t come out no matter what.”


  “Mira, I mean it.” Steve frowned. “Something is going on. I don’t know what, but I want you safe, so stay here no matter what.”

  “I will, but I don’t—”

  “I’ll be back. Just stay here.” Steve wanted so badly to kiss her, but he stopped himself. After he made sure she was safe, he would tell her the truth, and then he would kiss her. He wanted to kiss her now, but he was a pussy, plain and simple.

  Turning away from her, he hurried out of the office toward the game room calling himself a dumbass for not just stepping up and doing what needed to be done. A kiss, how fucking hard was that? Okay, dammit, he had to focus. He stood before the closed door, trying to hear. Suddenly a boom of noise erupted from behind the closed doors. Steve didn’t even hesitate, didn’t stop to consider what he had heard. Instead, Steve rushed the door and with one swift movement, kicked them open to see the Warriors smiling and laughing, the strange man he had seen outside of Mira’s room laughing with them. His eyes shot to Sloan who wasn’t laughing, not even a hint of a smile. He had that death stare going, and it was directed at him. “Well, shit!” Steve whispered to himself.

  “What in the fuck are you doing?” Sloan’s voice echoed as he stared at his doors before glaring at him.

  Knowing he had to redirect Sloan’s anger, he looked at the stranger. “That’s exactly what I want to ask him.” Steve pointed directly at the man before taking a step toward him. “What the fuck was that noise?”

  “You must be Steve.” The man walked his way, his hand outstretched. “And that was me doing a little magic.”

  Steve looked down at the outstretched hand then back at the man. “Why were you creeping in front of Mira’s door?”

  The man kept his hand out as his smile widened. He glanced at Sloan. “I like him.” He nodded, then returned his gaze back to Steve. “I really like him.”

  “Well fanfuckingtastic, but you still haven’t answered my question.” Steve’s voice was hard and his easygoing smile nowhere to be seen.

  “Because, Warrior, I was trying to see how easy it was to find the fair Mira as well as little Drew—” The man hesitated when Steve growled low in this throat. “And for anyone with magic, it was quite easy.”

  “Steve, step down.” Sloan had walked closer. “This is Wyrick.”

  Steve stared at the man, Sloan’s words not meaning anything to him. All he saw was the man who had stood outside of Mira’s door, and the scene still pissed him off. “Why were you standing outside of her door, Wyrick?”

  “Damn, he’s got it,” Sid said with a huge grin. “He’s finally got that Warrior badass ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude.”

  “This is definitely a proud moment.” Jared nodded then clapped his hands together. “I’m tearing the fuck up.”

  Used to the Jared and Sid Show Steve didn’t even flinch; his eyes remained on the man before him. If he didn’t get an answer soon, he was going to go off. This man in his nice tailored black suit, expensive haircut, and bright white-teeth smile didn’t mean shit to him.

  “I promise I mean Mira nor her sister any harm.” Wyrick’s voice was as smooth as butter. “I’m here to help and believe me, they’re going to be wanting that help. Now where I come from when a man offers another man a handshake—”

  “And where I come from a handshake don’t mean shit,” Steve growled, not able to read this guy, and he certainly didn’t trust him. It was going to take more than words and a handshake for him to even come close to trusting this man with Mira and Drew.

  “Steve!” Sloan started, but Wyrick held up his hand.

  “No, he’s fine.” The man’s eyes remained on Steve. “With what’s coming your way, this is the attitude that’s going to be needed.”

  Before Steve could question him further, the man’s eyes shot up to look behind Steve. “Mira, it is so nice to finally meet you.” The man went to step around Steve to go toward Mira, but Steve stepped in front of him, stopping his progress.

  “I’ve been really patient to this point, but it’s wearing thin.” Wyrick eyed Steve, his smile finally slipping and showing Steve and the others a different side. “I would hate to have to… work my magic on you.”

  “I’m a vampire. Your magic means shit,” Steve shot back, not budging.

  “But you weren’t turned into a full blood immediately. You started your… let’s say vampire life, as a half-breed.” Wyrick didn’t miss a beat with his answer. “So my magic will work, Warrior. So let’s not test me. I can get pretty nasty when I’m tested.”

  “Just try, fucker,” growled Steve, taking a step, his chest bumping into Wyrick’s.

  Everyone silently watched the exchange, even Sloan had stepped back. Steve stood his ground, not intimidated in the least. His main purpose was to protect who was behind him, and he would die doing it. If he were in a different state of mind, he’d probably be wondering who the hell he was at the moment, but he sure was stepping up his game and would actually be proud of his damn self.

  Wyrick and Steve stood almost nose to nose. After a few tense moments, Wyrick stepped back and looked toward Mira then laughed. “I knew you’d have strong magic.” He chuckled then bowed his head toward her before looking at Steve. “Guess you’re safe from my magic, for now.”

  “For always.” Mira’s voice came from behind Steve.

  “Mira Grail, you are as beautiful as I’ve heard and more powerful than I imagined. You’re a lucky guy.” He looked at Steve. “Mira put a protection spell on you, a very powerful one.” Once more he tried to step toward her, but Steve moved and shook his head.

  “Not happening.” Steve’s voice was hard.

  “Slade, I think you’re going to lose your title as most overprotective Warrior.” Sid’s voice broke the silence. “I mean shit, I don’t even want to look Mira’s way.”

  “At least he hasn’t learned Damon’s art of decapitation,” Jared said with a hint of awe in his voice. “’Cause sure as shit Wyrick’s head would be rolling right now.”

  Mira had walked up to stand beside Steve, but he eased her behind him. “Mira, go back to your room.”

  “Steve, it’s fine.” Mira moved out of Steve’s reach.

  “Yeah, man, everything he says is true. He isn’t here for any other reason but to help.” Adam spoke up. “And unfortunately, the part about being able to use magic on you is also true, which means that goes for the rest of us who started out as half-breeds.”

  “Is that right, Wyrick?” Sloan asked, his voice filled with concern.

  “Yes,” Wyrick replied, but he stared at Mira.

  Steve wasn’t happy about this man being so close. He still didn’t trust him, but he did trust Adam. And if Adam read him, he knew it to be true. This warlock meant no harm to Mira. Steve started to say something because the fucker was just too close, but before he could, Wyrick reached over to
pull Mira’s shirt slightly to the side, exposing a large birthmark in the shape of a crooked heart, the color a blazing red.

  Steve knocked his hand away from Mira, then gave him a shove. “Do not touch her again!” Steve’s warning rang through the room, surprising everyone at his un-Steve-like display.

  “Him?” Wyrick ignored Steve’s outburst.

  “That’s none of your business,” Mira answered, her head tilted in a defiant manner.

  “Does your daughter have the same mark?” Wyrick’s frown was fierce.

  Steve felt Mira flinch at the question, but she remained silent.

  “Word is out, Mira. Everyone knows there is a new Grail female.” Wyrick gave her a sad smile. “Does she have the mark?”

  “You know she does.” Mira’s voice cracked slightly as she looked away from him.

  “Wyrick?” Kira entered the room, her eyes round as Ronan walked in behind her.


  Ronan saw the doors off their hinges, but Kira already rushed into the room before he could stop her. His eyes took everything in at once and relaxed slightly until he saw the stranger standing in the middle of the room.

  His eyes landed on the stranger, who Kira apparently seemed excited to see. Ronan disliked him instantly.

  “Kira Grail.” The man’s voice even pissed Ronan off, and he honestly didn’t know why he had this reaction. But he really wanted to punch the suit-wearing asshole in the face. “The Grail women are truly breathtaking.”

  Both Steve and Ronan snorted at the same time.

  “This ought to be good.” Jax grinned, his eyes on both Steve and Ronan. Sid and Jared nodded like idiots watching as if they were at the movies waiting for the spine-tingling climax. The only thing missing was popcorn.

  “Well, aren’t you the charmer.” Kira laughed, taking his hand. “I’ve heard so much about you, but you are a hard man to find.”

  “So I’ve been told.” His tone was smooth as he looked her up and down.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Ronan grumbled, stepping forward.

  “Fifty on Ronan” was heard throughout the room, but Ronan didn’t know who had said it. He did know him beating this dandy’s ass was a sure bet.

  “This is Wyrick.” Kira turned to look at him, her smile widening as she handed Drew to Mira. “The most well-known and powerful warlock of all time.”

  Ronan looked at her, then to Wyrick, who was staring at him. “And you are?”

  “Ronan,” Ronan replied, not offering anything else other than his hand when the man reached out to shake. He made damn sure his grip was strong and true.

  Wyrick frowned, taking his hand back. “You’re a full blood.”

  Not really knowing what he meant and not really caring at the moment, he wanted to make damn sure this man knew exactly who and what he was. “To the fullest.” Ronan’s smile showed his long, sharp fangs in warning. No one missed it especially Wyrick, the warlock.

  “Well, I don’t want you two to worry.” Wyrick turned his attention back to Mira and Kira. “I’ve heard some things, and when Sloan contacted me, he filled me in on what’s happening. You’ve done a wonderful job staying hidden, but Orjyll has found a way to use some of his magic as well as having someone assisting him. I’m working to find out who and his location.”

  “So how powerful is this Orajel asshole?” Sid asked as he sat back down, apparently seeing no ass kicking was happening anytime soon.

  Wyrick looked confused for a second, but he laughed, then pointed at Sid. “Orajel.” He chuckled with a shake of his head. “Now I like that because Orjyll is a vain, egotistical son of a bitch who would hate being compared to a toothache medication. That is perfect because he is definitely a pain to many in my community. But as of now he is not powerful, but he’s smart and he’s out for revenge. He will stop at nothing until all Grail females are dead. Word has it he now knows you have a little girl, not a boy. He will be out for blood more now than ever.”

  Ronan glanced to see Mira and Kira look at each other.

  “Where in the hell have you been hiding all these years?” Wyrick looked at them in awe. “I have searched for you both, had others searching, but even I came up empty-handed until Sloan called me. Your coven cannot collapse.”

  “Why not?” Jax asked, his eyes narrowing before looking toward Mira and Kira. “Not that I want to see anything happen to you, but I’m trying to grasp what’s at stake, so to speak.”

  “Our craft community is slowly dwindling and the more we lose, the weaker we become.” Wyrick’s face became fierce. “It is my responsibility to make sure that doesn’t happen. Orjyll has almost succeeded in wiping out one coven, except for these two. Well, now three, and once they are gone, he will regain his power. Once that happens, there will be nothing I can do to stop him.”

  “Stop him from what?” Ronan wondered if this guy was really more worried about losing his position as the most powerful wizard or warlock, or whatever in the fuck he called himself, than he was of the women in front of him.

  “Why, taking over—” Wyrick looked around them and obviously saw them all just staring, not looking alarmed. “—the world.”

  “Oh, well shit.” Jared flipped his hand up. “There it is, boys, another ‘taking over the world’ scheme. If I had a fucking nickel, no, a penny for every time I heard that, I sure as hell wouldn’t be here with you assholes. I’d be a rich son of a bitch on a beach with my mate feeding me fruit from her mouth.”

  “Your mate isn’t talking to you,” Sid reminded him, then looked at Wyrick. “He’s right. Been there and done it with the ‘take over the world’ bullshit. Same shit, different day, different idiot.”

  Wyrick cocked his eyebrow but nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure you have.” He looked over at Mira then reached out, touching Drew’s cheek again. “But this time it would happen. Once these three are gone and he has his powers back, he will command all covens to serve under him. He will use his magic and it will happen.”

  “And you won’t stop that?” Sloan, who had been a silent observer, finally spoke up.

  “Oh, I’ll try, but I’ll fail,” Wyrick said, and his whole personality changed in that instant because instead of a gentleman, he looked pissed. “It has been written that one of my own will rise, all the covens will unite under the most powerful, and mayhem will ensue.”

  “And you aren’t that most powerful?” Kira asked, her frown deepening with obvious dread.

  “No, sweetheart, I am not,” Wyrick responded, then looked to Sloan. “Who do you think is behind everything going on with the vampires? The turning of half-breeds, Crimson Rush, hell, you name it. All the problems you’ve been having are from one person, and as soon as these three are out of the way, his plan, which has been set in motion for years, will come to fruition.”

  Cursing filled the air as Sloan watched Wyrick with narrowed eyes. “And why are you just now telling me this?”

  Wyrick looked at Steve. “Because in all honesty, I wanted what I’ve heard to be a bunch of bullshit, but these three ending up here makes sense and has put everything in motion even more. Until you called, I hadn’t put two and two together.”

  “Meaning?” Sloan’s tone had turned deadly.

  “He’s in love with her. She’s in love with him. They are mates.” Wyrick held his hand up when both Steve and Mira started to speak. “The Warrior will die, the witch will be blamed by your kind, and sides will be taken.”

  “And then we will kick ass,” Sid replied as the Warriors all agreed with nods and “fuck yeahs.”

  “You will be too busy,” Wyrick replied, his eyes going from Steve to Sloan, “fighting your own kind. Witches and warlocks can control those who were once half-breeds. That’s why Orjyll created the serum. If they are not under a protection spell, they will turn against you and the VC Warriors, as well as their full-blooded community, and it will happen fast. Time is running out.”

  “But his plan will fail,” Steve said, his eyes going to Wyrick.
“I’m not going to die.”

  “Oh, but you will. The curse will collect.” Wyrick reached out and pulled Mira’s shirt away exposing a flaming red birthmark that seemed to pulse. “You are her mate, and the curse always collects.”

  Chapter 21

  The curse always collects… my ass, Steve thought as he mulled over everything he’d heard. Drew began to fuss in earnest, and Mira had a hard time focusing. He took Drew from her to give her a minute. He still didn’t trust this Wyrick, whose name reminded him of a vacuum cleaner or some shit, but with Adam looking at him giving him the “he’s telling the truth” nod, he realized he needed to trust this man, at least for now.

  “You both need to come with me.” Wyrick’s voice broke through his thoughts.

  “Ah, fuck no.” Steve shook his head.

  “Not happening,” Ronan said at the same time.

  Wyrick ignored Steve as his eyes zeroed in on Ronan. He then reached toward the front of Kira’s shirt. She was quick to dodge his grasp. “Let me see, Kira.”

  “Not happening.” Kira shook her head. “It’s the same as it has always been, so worry about something else.”

  Wyrick didn’t look satisfied, but he dropped his hand. “If it is not, he has a right to know.” He looked toward Ronan again.

  “Know what?” Ronan’s voice rumbled in a growl.

  “If you’re her mate, man,” Steve said when Wyrick and Kira didn’t say a word.

  “Well, he’s not,” Kira finally spoke up. “Come on, Mira, let’s get our stuff.”

  Steve watched Mira closely and saw her reluctance to leave, and that was all he needed. “They’re safer here,” Steve announced, his eyes going to Sloan, hoping to get backup.

  “No, they are not.” Wyrick shook his head. “They are safer with me and my coven.”

  “Oh, and where the fuck were you when those assholes were shooting up the car Mira was in?” Steve handed Drew back to Mira before turning to advance on Wyrick. “Where have you been, period? Now, all of a sudden, you’re concerned and why is that? I think a lot of what you’re saying is bullshit because if what you’ve told us is true, then you would have been looking nonstop until you found them.”


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