Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11

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Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11 Page 21

by Teresa Gabelman

  When she didn’t show any sign of response, he dropped his head and released his emotions. He hadn’t cried since that night. Instead, he had stayed close to Mira, but at a distance. He couldn’t bring himself to be near her knowing that it was his fault. All of it was his fault. He hadn’t protected her, but he had hoped to save her life by changing her. It seemed he might have failed at that too.

  “Wake up!” Steve hissed, his eyes springing open. “I don’t care if you hate me because I turned you. I don’t care. Do you hear me? Just wake up!” He grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze before glancing at her again.

  She looked like she was sleeping, taking a nice restful nap. His eyes roamed her face and finally landed on her lips; something he had refused to do until now. The tips of fangs indented her bottom lip. The sight brought back memories he didn’t want to remember, but ones he’d never let go because the bastard who did this would die.

  That night, as he’d held her outside the car with Drew’s pitiful cries in the background, Steve had watched the life ebb out of her. The pain she’d felt, he couldn’t take from her. The fear washing through her, he hadn’t been able to absorb. He had never felt so helpless in all his life. Memories of his dead stepparents when he’d done nothing, slammed into him, and he knew he couldn’t fail her like he had them. Without thought, without guidance, he had opened his mouth and sunk his fangs deep into her throat, taking what little life she had left. Once Slade had realized what he was doing, he calmly talked him through the process of changing someone. And yet, here she lay, still as death. It had been three days, and there was no life within her yet.

  He had failed.

  The longer it took for her to come back, the less likely it would happen. Slade didn’t have to tell him that; he saw it on his face.

  Steve dropped his head, laying it on her chest. “Please!” he begged, catching his sob. He didn’t care. He would give his own life just to see her live. He would drop to his knees in front of anyone to beg for her life.

  He raised his head, kissing her on the lips. “If not for me, then for Drew.” When there was no response, he straightened, fury and helplessness raging through his body. He had to leave, had to find the son of a bitch responsible because he couldn’t stand here and watch her slip away. He couldn’t do it. “I’ll be back, Mira. I have to make sure that Drew will be safe, but I swear, I will be back. I love you.”

  Steve stood for a second longer staring down at her, wondering if this was it. When he got back, would she be gone? The war to stay or go stormed inside him, but he knew what had to be done. The longer they waited, the more danger Drew and even Kira were in. He had promised Mira he would keep Drew safe and by God, he would at least honor that promise since it was obvious he’d failed at the other—keeping Mira safe.

  Turning, he walked to the door. He wanted to turn for one last look, but stopped himself. If he didn’t leave now, he never would.


  Ronan leaned against the wall watching Kira, who was staring at the door. “She’s going to make it.”

  Kira nodded, her face set in stone for only a second before it crumbled, her head dropping to her chest. Sobs escaped her mouth as she lost it.

  He didn’t even hesitate. He rushed over and took her into his arms. She wrapped herself around him and held him tightly. “She can’t die.” Kira’s voice was muffled by his chest. “She’s my rock. She’s my best friend. She can’t die, Ronan.”

  “She won’t.” Ronan rubbed her back, hoping to reassure her. “She’s strong, but even someone who is turned without a traumatic injury takes time. It’s totally dependent on the person’s makeup. Steve did the right thing, and Slade was there. He said Steve wasn’t too late in turning her. The odds are in her favor, Kira. She’s going to make it.”

  The door opened and Steve walked out. He glanced at Kira before looking at Ronan. “Let’s go,” Steve said, then looked down the hallway. “Jill!” he called out.

  Jill came around the corner holding Drew. “What’s wrong?”

  “Can you sit with Mira until I get back?” Steve asked as he walked over to take Drew from her.

  Ronan felt for the guy. The young man had definitely earned his respect.

  “Where are you going?” Jill frowned, then stepped out of the way as Slade limped toward her.

  “You’re not going,” Slade replied, heading past her.

  “The hell you say?” Jill frowned. “If they’re going after that bastard, then I’m going. Pam is going to sit with Drew and Mira.”

  Slade actually grinned at her. “It was worth a try.”

  “Well, it was a waste of time.” Jill huffed, then called Pam.

  “I’m going.” Kira pulled away from Ronan.

  “No!” all three Warriors said in unison. Jill was the only one who didn’t say no to Kira going.

  “So am I.” Wyrick walked around the corner. Then shrugged when they all glared at him. “Hey, it’s not my fault you guys are loud. Kira and I will be a big help, and I know you’re talking about going after Orjyll. If we don’t go with you, we’ll just follow anyway.”

  Pam rushed around the corner. “I’m here.” She looked at Slade. “Show me what I need to know with Mira. Duncan filled me in on what’s going on.”

  Ronan didn’t like this at all, but it looked like Kira was going and in all honesty, he’d rather her be by his side than following them where he couldn’t keep an eye on her. She would not die on his watch.

  Chapter 33

  One thing Steve learned being a VC Warrior was that they knew their shit and didn’t fuck around. The shady-looking building on Monmouth Street in Newport—as the jackass had said—was alive with activity. Wyrick had tried to explain what Orjyll looked like, but Steve wasn’t worried. He knew exactly what the fucker looked like.

  The Warriors had their orders and were spread out. Steve was with Kira, Wyrick, Sloan, and Ronan. They stood, taking stock of who was going in and out of the building.

  “If I use magic, he’s going to know,” Wyrick whispered in aggravation.

  “We don’t need magic.” Steve went invisible.

  “Some will be able to still see you,” Kira warned, but Steve shrugged it off.

  “Then I’ll kill them.” He turned to look at Sloan, who he knew couldn’t see him. “I’m going in.”

  “Let us know what’s going on as soon as you can.” Sloan nodded, then seemed to look directly at him. “You got this, son.”

  “You say the word and we’re in there.” Sid’s voice came through his earpiece with the rest of the Warriors saying their own, “give them hell, do it right, man.”

  The line went silent until Adam came on. “This is for Mira, bro.” Adam’s voice gave Steve goose bumps. “You got this. You’re the only one who can get us in.”

  “Yeah.” Steve nodded, even knowing no one could see him. Then suddenly the line was alive again with each warrior saying, “For Mira.”

  There was one more thing he needed to do because in all honestly it was bothering him and he knew things needed to be settled before they walked into danger.

  “Jared and Damon, I need to know if you guys are good?” Steve said over the line which remained silent. “Listen you fuckers, we are weak when were are at odds with each other. Man the fuck up, apologize to each other and get over it.”

  “Sorry.” Jared said over the line, but really didn’t sound it. The line went dead as everyone waited for Damon’s deep voice.

  “Yeah, sorry.” Damon finally said, but there was no cheerfulness in the tone. Not that Damon’s tone ever sounded cheerful.

  “Dammit, guys!” Steve cursed still not feeling it.

  “What the fuck you want us to do, kiss and make up?” Jared hissed in anger.

  Steve thought that through for a minute. “Well, if it would make everyone else feel better then….”

  “Sure would make my day.” Sid replied seriously, but everyone heard his chuckle.

  “Steve, shut the fuck
up and get moving.” Jared growled. “We’re good, and Sid, fuck you!”

  “Well, if you’re handing out kisses I’d rather….”

  “I will kill the next motherfucker who says one word on this line!” Sloan voice was harsh.

  Steve grinned as he headed toward the building. Yeah, this was their normal which meant things were going to go their way. No doubt about it. He knew that Damon and Jared may not be besties at the moment, but in time they would get back to where they were. He didn’t sneak; he just walked straight up to the place like he had been invited, and in a way, he had been. The bastard invited his rage, and that was exactly what he was going to get. Sloan had given him a gun with a silencer on it. He had been practicing and was almost a dead shot like Jill. Though he couldn’t shoot the balls off an ant… yet.

  As he made his way closer, his life flashed through his mind. It was a weird experience, but one he welcomed because it gave him the confidence to do what needed to be done. This was it… what he worked for, and it had taken a special woman for him to really show exactly who he was. He was a fucking VC Warrior, and he would rain hell down on anyone who dared harm anyone under his protection.

  A man sat in a chair in front of the only door—other than large garage doors that he saw. Jax had pretty much given them the layout of the building. One door in the front along with two large garage doors, one door on the south side of the building, and two exit doors in the back. He knew all the doors were being watched and the Warriors ready to enter at his word.

  Steve stopped in front of the man and made sure his shoes made a noise on the sidewalk. The man looked up and peered around in confusion before staring back down at his phone.

  “Hey,” Steve whispered with an evil grin. “Asshole.”

  “What?” The dumbass stood, his head frantically turning. “Who’s there?”

  Steve took the time while the guy looked around to search the area closer. The door opened suddenly, and Steve paused, ready to react in case the person could see him.

  “Orjyll is going to be leaving soon,” the guy standing in the doorway said as he glanced around, obviously not seeing Steve right in front of him.

  “So, what the fuck you telling me for?” The man sitting in the chair huffed, returning his focus to his phone.

  “Because, asshole, go get the car.” The man nudged him out of the chair with his foot. “Hurry the fuck up.”

  “Okay!” The man grabbed his gun that was at his feet and took off down the sidewalk. Steve followed, knowing the Warriors had heard this conversation. This was fucking perfect.

  Once they reached a car, Steve let the guy unlock it, get in, and then drive the car to pick up the bastard. Steve ran behind the car. “Jax, get your ass down here.”

  “On my way,” Jax said, and Steve could tell Jax was running.

  As soon as the guy parked in front of the side door, Steve opened the door and yanked the guy out. “Surprise, asshole,” Steve said, as the man tried to fight off something he couldn’t see. At one time, Steve would have found this funny, but not today. Today he was focused, and nothing mattered more than putting the man behind Mira fighting for her life into the ground. He snatched the guy up by the back of the head and slammed his face into his knee, knocking him out.

  Jax ran up and shifted immediately into the guy and got behind the wheel. Sid and Jared ran up, grabbed the man and dragged him out of sight.

  Steve leaned into the driver side window. “Hey.”

  “Shit!” Jax jumped. “Warn a guy, would ya?”

  “Sorry.” Steve peered over the hood of the car. “I’m going in to give the guys a heads-up of what’s inside. Don’t let anyone touch the fucker once you’ve got him.”

  “He’s all yours, brother,” Jax, who didn’t look like Jax at all, said.

  Feeling a little more like Steve, he glanced down at Jax’s big beer belly. “Dude, this look is kinda hot. I think Caroline would dig it.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Steve, and get your ass in there,” Jax said, then rubbed his belly. “I think I need to take a shit. What the hell did this fucker eat, a damn cow?”

  Chuckles went over the airwaves, making Steve smile the first genuine smile in three days. This was how they handled stressful situations. Wait for it…

  “Clear the fucking airwaves!” Sloan was predictable as always. “Jesus, focus on the job, you dumbasses.”

  Making it to the door, Steve reached for the door handle and turned it slowly. Opening it slightly, he peeked in. Not seeing anyone, he squeezed himself through and then let the door shut quietly behind him.

  “Who the fuck are you?” The man guarding the door stood.

  Steve grabbed him and head butted him, then helped him slide to the floor. “That’s who.” He used his foot to push him as far out of sight as he could as he looked around.

  “This place is almost empty,” Steve whispered, as he walked further inside. He then dodged behind a wall when voices came his way. “I count five guys and one female walking around. I don’t think this is their regular hangout, man.”

  Steve noticed the back doors had no one guarding them. “The back doors are free, but wait until the asshole is in the car with Jax.”

  The confirmation came over the airwaves, letting Steve know he had been heard. Steve headed toward the back where a single room glowed with light. He headed that way, keeping his eyes on his surroundings. Using his foot, he pushed the door open slowly but looked the other way to make sure he wasn’t being watched. Once the door was open enough, he stepped inside. He turned to search the room and his blood froze. On the wall were large poster-size pictures of Mira and Kira, but only one small one of Drew.

  “Jax has the package.” Duncan’s voice came through his earpiece. “He’s driving off. Steve, what’s the situation inside?”

  Steve heard what was being said, but he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He walked further into the room and cursed. The walls were filled with nothing but pictures of Mira and Kira at different stages of their lives.

  “What are you doing in here?” a woman’s voice said behind him.

  Steve glanced over his shoulder to see the woman. His eyes narrowed. “Figuring out how best to kill your boss.” Steve smirked at the shocked look on her face. She used her hand to try to do something, which Steve figured was witchcraft. It didn’t work. His smirk turned into a large grin. “Ah, magic not working? Guess I have someone stronger on my side than you.”

  Steve made himself visible as soon as he heard the shit hit the fan outside the room and knew the Warriors were kicking ass and taking names. A man ran into the room, grabbing the woman.

  “We have to go!” The man was a huge bulking muscle head and practically picked the woman up, but she pointed at Steve. “The VC is here. Come on!”

  “That’s kinda got a ring to it,” Steve said, appearing relaxed and calm. “The VC is here. The VC is here. Damn straight we’re here, meathead.”

  The man pushed the girl to the side and slammed the door. “I’ve always wanted to try my hand against one of you.”

  “He’s protected,” the woman warned him.

  “Ehh, he doesn’t look like much.” Meathead gave Steve a once-over, then in a cliché move, cracked his knuckles.

  “Really?” Steve eyed him. “Cracking the knuckles? Come on, dude, be cooler than that in front of the woman.”

  The man rushed Steve, but Steve was quick and had moved out of the way while kicking the big fucker into the wall. Pictures of Kira and Mira floated in the air as one landed at his feet. Steve made the mistake of looking down at Mira’s image staring up at him. The punch was hard and well landed. Steve was lifted off his feet and flipped over the desk. He landed on his back.

  “See, I told you he wasn’t nothing,” the man said, obviously proud of himself.

  Steve stood, lifting the desk off the ground. It connected with the monster. The meathead, desk, and Steve smashed through the wall with Meathead pressed underneath the desk moani

  “Nothing, huh?” Steve growled then pushed down hard on the desk, making the guy groan louder. “Asshole!”

  Steve looked around to see everyone staring at him. Damon was in midpunch, holding some guy in a headlock.

  “Damn, that was impressive.” Jared nodded at him, then smacked the guy he was cuffing upside the head when he started to struggle.

  “Not so fast.” Steve grabbed the woman as she tried to sneak past him. He caught a pair of cuffs Adam tossed him and cuffed her. Then he pushed her toward the others who were handcuffed. Wyrick stood, pointing out the witches.

  “Bring him in,” Sloan instructed Blaze, who stood at the door. Blaze called out, and after a few seconds, a man walked in with Jax and Slade. And he was laughing. Steve never wanted to kill anyone more in his life than he did at that moment.

  “I don’t know what you’re laughing at, Orjyll,” Wyrick said as he passed. “This is the end of the road for you.”

  Suddenly, the woman started to laugh too. Kira had walked in and was standing next to Ronan and Steve, who had a very bad feeling.

  “He always said you were a smart and powerful warlock, Wyrick.” The man shook his head, then eyed Kira. “And you. How pretty you are. How’s your sister?”

  Steve went for him, but Ronan stopped him. Sloan stepped in front of them both.

  “It’s not him,” Wyrick whispered, his eyes narrowing. “Son of a bitch!”

  “No!” Steve struggled again, but Ronan held strong.

  The man used his hands, as he had seen Kira do, and his looks changed. He smiled as he turned his head this way and then the other. “Or is he?” He did it again and changed back to Orjyll.

  Sloan looked toward Wyrick, as did Steve, but it was Kira who answered. “It’s not him.” She shook her head, looking devastated.

  “Oh, now don’t you worry, Kira dear. You’ll be seeing him soon enough.” He changed his look again as his phone rang. Holding up his finger, he grabbed it out of his pocket. “Oh, see. I told you.” He held out his phone.


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