Craving You

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Craving You Page 8

by Calista Fox

  Chip gave a knowing grin. “Told you you’d be back.”

  “She hooked me, what can I say?” And why didn’t he feel a modicum of apprehension over that thought?

  “I realize it’s none of my business, but since you’re both friends of mine, I’m just wondering if you’ve happened to mention Tokyo to her.”

  Tague’s jaw set.

  Ah, there’s the apprehension.

  “It hasn’t come up as of yet, but it’s definitely on my mind.”

  “To discuss with her?” Chip wanted clarification.

  “Yes.” His teeth clenched for a moment. Then Tague said, “I don’t anticipate it being a huge issue. She’s already claimed to be fully committed to her career. She knows I am, too.”

  “I get it, man, but the thing is…there’d be an entire ocean between the two of you, if you planned to keep seeing each other.”

  “Cool thing about our modern world, we have these great flying contraptions that get you from one place to the other whenever the hell you want.”

  “Smartass.” Chip smirked.

  “I have to be back here quarterly, sometimes more frequently. Aside from that, I can fly her over for long weekends whenever she wants. I don’t think her work confines her to an office. And hell, she’d likely pick up a shitload of new clients in Japan.”

  Chip shifted from foot to foot. Suddenly appeared a bit uncomfortable with the subject matter—specifically Tague and L.L. being on different continents. “I’ll let L.L. field all that. But you do need to tell her. Sooner rather than later would be wise. I saw the way the two of you look at each other. I’ve never known you to be so fascinated with a woman. Not since Renee. So, best to deal with the messiness upfront. Avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.”

  “Now I get why women are always seeking your counsel.” He said this earnestly. “I hear what you’re telling me, and I agree wholeheartedly. I already know that she’s suffered in the past like I did with Renee. Trust me, I have no intention of hurting her.”

  “I wouldn’t have set the two of you up if I thought that was the case. I care about her. I’m just thinking that the geographical divide needs to be addressed.”

  “Again, agreed.” Why was Chip hitting this point so hard?

  Tague shook his head. He didn’t have time to address this further.

  He said, “I’ve got that nine a.m. presentation to make.” Tague gathered his notes and left the office, heading toward another conference room, thoughts of L.L. lingering no matter how hard he attempted to concentrate solely on business.

  As promised, Tague called L.L. in the afternoon. She gave him her home address and contact info.

  Then he asked, “How often do you visit the club?”

  “Three or four times a week.”

  “To keep Meg company?”

  “Mostly,” she said. “Though some of her members are my clients. Plenty are potential clients.”

  “And you’ve never gotten so caught up in designing their toys that you and the client experimented together?”

  “Definitely not. I’ve been very closed off, physically,” she reminded him. “Even when I came back from Paris, Meg and I were so wrapped up in launching her business and growing mine that we had little time or energy for sex. And I wasn’t interested in anyone else.”

  “Alright. I won’t belabor the issue. But… I will tell you that, going forward, I want mutual exclusivity with you.”

  She paused again. Swallowed a lump of emotion that suddenly swelled in her throat.


  “I don’t cheat, Tague,” she was quick to say. “I absolutely do not. Even if this is just something casual…Whatever I give you, I wouldn’t give to anyone else. That includes Meg.”

  “I like her,” he said. “She’s protective of you. She obviously cares about you as a close friend. A sister, as she said. She knows your past, your story, your—” His voice cut off.

  “My pain?”

  “She knows everything. I want to as well.”

  “Tague.” L.L. let out a long breath. “Meg and I have history, yes. But we both learned a tricky lesson. History is nice and comforting. Safe, of course. Yet if you remain stagnate with each other rather than progress, it’s the exact same thing as living in the past. Worse, being shackled to it.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “Meg went through something equally horrific. We took the easy route together, not putting ourselves out there, to keep from having the rug ripped from beneath us again. We stayed huddled in our own little world, for the most part. I pray that, someday, she’ll spend more time outside her office walls than within them. But I can’t rush her or push her. Something has to inspire her.”

  “Did I inspire you?”

  “More than you could possibly imagine.”

  Maybe too revealing again, but L.L. wanted to be truthful.

  So she added, “Despite it throwing a curveball my way, I can’t deny or pretend I don’t like how this week is shaping up.”

  He chuckled. “Ah, come on now. You chickened out there at the end, baby.”

  On a softer puff of air this time, she said, “Okay. I can’t pretend I don’t like how I’m feeling. Sort of akin to coming out of a coma and finally living, existing, without relying on someone else to serve as your life support. This is totally separate from Meg, and she and I both need that. It’s time we stopped being the other’s crutch.”

  “I’d love to say I was at the right place at the right time, but Chip’s the one who realized you needed a nudge—and that I did, too.”

  “Clever guy.”

  “Another great friend. I suppose having scotch and cigars delivered to him is in order.”

  “I’ll happily contribute to the cause. Send me a bill.” Her tone lightened.

  “I’ve got it covered,” he said. “Now, I have a little time before my next meeting. Why don’t you tell me how you got into the sex toy business, because I am dying to know.”

  She laughed. The heavy conversation was tabled as she told him, “I fell into it, really. While studying graphic design. I grew up in Hollywood. My mother was a caterer and on-location for production companies most of the time. I helped her out a lot, making money for college. So I had some celebrity friends, some connections. My junior year at UCLA, I was at a party and somehow the topic turned to sex toys and one particularly famous actress, recently divorced, began to pontificate the merits of vibrators and anal toys—as well as their shortcomings.”

  “That shortcoming being that they’re a poor substitute for the real thing?” he queried.

  “Don’t mock.”

  “I’m not mocking,” he assured her. “I can understand the enticement. I’m just saying…what’s better? A dildo inside you or a real cock?”

  She let out a low groan. “You’re missing the point of sex toys.”

  “Am I?”

  She said, “Sometimes the real thing doesn’t exist. Sometimes the real thing is in a bad mood or has a headache or is a million miles away. Sometimes the toy is a prelude or an enhancement to be shared with the real thing.”

  “Alright, I’ll concede on this one.” He was quiet a moment, seemingly mulling this all over. Then he asked, “So if I were to commission a toy of your own design preference, I’d get to use it on you or with you?”

  Her voice dropped an octave. “Yes.”

  “Well, then. Isn’t that another interesting twist?”


  “No backing out, baby. You gave a verbal consent. And I intend to hold you to it. Charge me whatever the hell you want. I’m already getting hard thinking about it.”

  “Are you serious?” she asked.

  “You know I am.”

  She didn’t say anything for a minute or so. He didn’t rush her.

  Finally, she told him, “I suppose I’ll have to think on it, then. It would definitely involve pearls. They’re exquisite gliding along the clit.”

  “Christ. I sh
ould have known better than to start this conversation when I can’t finish it. Son of a bitch,” he grumbled. “I’ve got another meeting on my calendar.”

  “So important,” she teased.

  “It’s really just a lot of catch-up at the moment, and getting into the swing of things here.”

  “Do you miss working in Tokyo?”

  More silence. Then: “We’ll have to discuss that some other time. I really do have to go. I was late for a meeting this morning. I don’t want anyone to think I’m making it a habit.”

  “Of course. Go. I have a beautifully mounted, thrusting vibrator to finish designing.”

  “I still can’t believe this is what you do for a living. I’m completely intrigued.”

  “Well, I don’t test the product myself, if that’s what you’re thinking. I gather ideas and create specs, design the model, have it manufactured by a gentleman who handles the prototypes for me. Then it’s shipped off to the client for inspection—and of course they try it out. Afterward, they call me to discuss adjustments and we repeat the process, with a new model. I’ll show you more photos sometime. Any day now, I should have the patents secured on a number of them.”

  “Which is what Chip’s been helping you with.”

  “Yes. In fact, my niche is that several of my famous clients have agreed to lend their name to the replica of the toy I designed specifically for them.”

  “That’ll keep Chip busy with paperwork.”

  “Among other business-related things I have in the works. Now…go already. I don’t want to be responsible for holding you up.”

  “You’re worth it.”

  “Thank you,” she said, a bit breathless. “I’m hanging up.”

  “Yeah…so am I.”

  Neither did.


  “Tague,” she lightly scolded.

  “Right. I’ll talk to you later, baby.” He disconnected the call.

  L.L. grinned.

  What a charmer the man was turning out to be…

  Tague texted her before his business dinner. Texted her afterward, too, as he and his client headed into the bar for a nightcap. He told her he’d love to meet for coffee again, which L.L. snickered at, since he’d admitted he didn’t even drink coffee. Had clearly just made the concession for her. Unfortunately, Tague informed her, he had breakfast meetings the rest of the week.

  L.L. knew not to be disappointed over the lack of opportunity to see him before the Waldorf event, yet the consternation seeped in. She pushed it down, tried to pretend she didn’t miss seeing him.

  Really, she shouldn’t miss seeing him. Certainly not this early in the game.

  In fact, she shouldn’t be so obsessed with that devilish face of his and the sexy, sinful grin that lit her insides. Not this soon. Not after only a few exchanges.

  But there was no denying that the brevity of their association didn’t matter in the least—the outcome of the time they’d spent together, however little, couldn’t be measured in minutes, but in significance. And what transpired between them certainly held a great deal of bearing in her life.

  Not just in hers, she sensed. Which made their affair doubly dangerous. She wasn’t the only one ensnared. Tague apparently was, too. And L.L. couldn’t help but fantasize about him while she lay in her bed that night, contemplating what sort of sex toy she might create for both their pleasure. Most specifically, how to incorporate pearls into the design.

  A few ideas and how they might play out between the two of them wove through her mind, until she eventually drifted off.

  The next morning, Chip phoned her at the office.

  “Hey,” he said in an excited tone, “I’ve got great news.”

  Hope sprang to life. “My patents came through?”

  “The first batch, yes.”

  “That’s fantastic!” she trilled. “Chip, you’re a miracle worker.”

  “I was able to use the Mason, Hoffman & Stein influence to expedite the process. But I have even bigger news.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “I think I found your building.”

  “What?” she shrieked in delight. “No way!”


  “Chip.” Her heart launched into her throat at the prospect of finally realizing her full professional dream. “You said I have impossible parameters, mostly because of my budget.”

  “I said nearly impossible parameters because of your budget. As it turns out, a client has a friend who’s ready to rent-out some space he’s been sitting on for a while. It’s not offered on the market yet, so you get first crack at it. The guy owed my client a favor. So I got my client a guest account to the club—thanks to Meg—and voila, now I’m owed the favor. We’ve all come full circle. To your benefit.”

  Her pulse raced. “He’d lease it to me at a monthly rate I can afford?”

  “I already discussed your lease terms with him. He’s willing to sign—all he requires is that you complete the cleanup work in the building from the previous tenant. I’ve already looked into it and I think you might actually be able to salvage and use some of the residual workstations. The rest we can have hauled out.”

  Was this her lucky week, or what?

  L.L. and the manufacturing specialist she contracted with to turn her concepts into reality had agreed two years ago that if the opportunity presented itself, they’d go into business together, mass producing her designs and selling them in specialty stores, magazines, catalogs and various online outlets, including their own website. Max Brighton also just happened to be life partners with a facilities, shipping and distribution guru interested in the business venture as well, Len Dorsey. All the trio needed was the appropriate space at the right price.

  Chip had been keeping his eye out for such a building, as had L.L.’s Realtor. Apparently, he’d beaten her broker to the punch.

  “So, where is this magical place?” she asked Chip.

  He gave her the address for her to Google map. Then he said, “Can you get away around two to check it out?”

  “Are you kidding? You’ve made my entire year. I am wholly at your beck and call.”

  He laughed. “Two o’clock works for me. Call Max and Len to meet us there.”

  “They’re going to be so jazzed. They’ve literally been chomping at the bit, trying to figure out how we can leverage funds to get our company up and running. They’ll be over the moon to hear this news.” As she was.

  “I’ll meet you out front.”

  “And I’ll be there promptly with bells on!” She hung up. Then called Max and Len, both of whom she’d met in L.A. They’d relocated to New York right around the same time she’d settled in Greenwich Village, after Paris.

  The morning dragged on, but L.L.’s enthusiasm didn’t wane. Jace came into her office as she was bundling up at one-thirty.

  “Late lunch?” he asked.

  “Yes, with Chip.” She pulled the sash of her black leather coat tight at her waist. She wore a black sweater and leggings with snow leopard-print ankle boots. “He thinks he’s found a building for me to lease.”

  “That’s great, L.L.!”

  “God, I pray it’s true. Otherwise, it’ll be another year or so before Max, Len and I have adequate, sustainable capital to allow us to pay more in rent. We’re just below the most reasonable bracket, after factoring in all of our administrative and operational costs.”

  “Chip’s not one to lead you astray or give false hope. He vets everything before discussing it with you. If he’s got positive vibes about this deal, chances are damn good you’ll get the green light.”

  “Keep those fingers crossed. Speaking of…” She whipped her gloves and beanie from the pockets of her jacket and slipped them on, since it was currently snowing.

  “I’m certainly in your corner,” Jace said. “Though, I have to admit, it won’t be quite the same around here when you leave. You really liven the place up.”

  She smiled. “That is one beautiful compliment, my friend
, because this office is hellaciously lively unto itself. Really, I’ll be the one missing you guys and all the incredible energy.”

  “Trust me, your workshop will be extremely dynamic—because it’s yours.” He kissed her on the cheek.

  L.L. threw her arms around him and gave him a firm hug. “You’re fantastic. And I really appreciate that you and your dad took me in with opened arms. I was feeling like a bit of a stray after what happened with Corey. But with Meg, you and your family, I feel as though I belong somewhere.”

  “You always will, L.L.” He gave her a squeeze before she unraveled from him.

  “I’d better get downstairs. I don’t want Chip waiting for me. He’ll have to double-park as it is.”

  “Give me the full scoop when you get back.”

  “Absolutely. Wish me tons and tons of luck, please.”

  “Goes without saying.”

  She flashed another smile, then collected her keys, followed him out of her office and locked the door. She walked briskly to the elevator, too excited to even feign calm. Her hand shook as she reached for the lobby button on the panel. The doors slid closed and L.L. caught sight of her optimistic grin in the shiny chrome before her.

  She had an amazing feeling about all of this. And couldn’t wait to share her good fortune with Tague.

  Which, conversely, made her exhilaration dim ever so slightly. She really didn’t need to be so eager beaver with him. What was that all about, anyway? How had they gone from pseudo-date for a firm party to exclusive…whatever they currently were? Not lovers. Not significant others. What the hell were they that they’d both consented, easily and almost instantaneously, to date only each other?

  Not that she minded… Hell, no. She was already all kinds of crazy about him. Jace had hit the nail on the head when he’d warned her that women fell hard and fast for Tague. But what he’d said about Tague being upfront with them when it came to not wanting to get seriously involved… Somehow, that didn’t apply to her. Because their involvement had quickly become more than just Friday’s impending dinner.

  That realization brought on a hint of nerves. She decided another conversation with Meg was in order. Her sensible friend would talk her down from any ledges. Totally necessary at the moment.


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