Warlock's Fate: An Andrew Moore Novel 03

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Warlock's Fate: An Andrew Moore Novel 03 Page 15

by D. R. Rosier

  Kelly released him from the compulsions, and they both shifted to wolf form. Jeremy was larger than Kelly was, but size wasn’t everything, and she’d already beaten him once to claim the alpha position. He watched as the two circled each other for a few moments, and then lunged at each other.

  The fight was short and brutal, as fur and blood flew. Jeremy was stronger, but Kelly was more agile, and faster. It didn’t take her long to find an opening, and take his throat. The first time she’d forced him to submit, this time she crushed his neck, tore out his throat, and then took off his head.

  He stopped the recording as she howled in victory, and the entire wolf pack echoed her.

  The three of them piled back into the car, and left…

  Samantha sighed in contentment, as she snuggled into Andrew’s side. It was midafternoon, and she was enjoying some private time with her warlock. Her hands teased his chest, pelvis, and inner thighs, as she kissed his neck. She felt mostly sated, and was enjoying teasing him into taking her a second time. She’d gotten over some of her shyness, and learned how if she was aggressive, but not too aggressive, it would drive him crazy, then he’d hold her down and fuck her brains out.

  Which of course, was exactly what she wanted.

  She knew it would take a little while, it hadn’t been more than a minute or two since the first round ended, and she felt warm, content, and loved as he caressed her back and played with her strawberry blonde curls.

  She asked, “Do you want to know the sex?”

  He replied, “You know?”

  She nodded, and nibbled his ear, “I do,” she whispered.

  It was still early, but her spell had been able to pick up that information this morning.

  He said, “Yes.”

  She said, “A girl. She’ll be a strong mage.”

  He sighed, “Time to buy a shotgun.”

  She laughed, “You can threaten her boyfriends with magic.”

  He nodded, “But shotguns are the tradition. The first time I meet one of them, I could clean it while talking to him for the first time.”

  She snickered, “You won’t be that bad, will you?”

  He shook his head, “Only until she’s thirty or so.”

  She giggled.

  “Are you happy? I mean, with everything, you accomplished a lot, and outside of rogues we’re safe now.”

  He nodded slowly, “Very happy. I can focus on our family, and learning magic. Mostly happy about the former, you and the others are the true joy in my life, though I like magic for more than just protecting us.”

  She nodded, and teasingly brushed his balls once with her thumb, as she ran her nails lightly along his inner thigh. She nibbled his earlobe again, and subtly rubbed her body against his. That’s about as far as she would go with the teasing, her doing everything short of touching his cock, was what would drive him insane. It was only a matter of time before he took her again, and she was already feeling a little breathy at the idea, and her tight little pussy was starting to tingle with need again.

  “You still need to be careful though, the supernatural world is a violent one, we just don’t have to worry about whole races coming for us anymore.”

  He said, “I will, I won’t take chances with any of you, or myself.”

  She grinned, as he rolled, pinned her arms down, and forcefully impaled himself into her eager desire. She arched her back and sighed in a mixture of contentment and pleasure. It worked every time…

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The evening was comfortably warm, and it was about two hours before sunset when I arrived on the pier, and found the right boat.

  “Hello?” I called out, I could feel her magical aura, but it looked like she was below decks and I didn’t want to invite myself aboard. Julia was lurking around as well.

  Her voice floated up, “Come on aboard, and take a seat.”

  I hopped across the small gap between the yacht and the dock, and landed on deck.

  She added, “Julia, you can join the driver on the bridge if you want, just walk up the port side, last door before you reach the bow.”

  The back of the ship, or the stern, was mostly deck, with several outdoor seats, both cushioned benches, and reclining lawn chairs made out of oak. There was also a small table set for two, with an ice bucket that had white wine in it. I moved over, and took one of the chairs. A few moments later, the boat started to move out away from the docks, and pointed west into the large bay.

  I stood back up as she came up on deck and smiled in greeting. She was wearing a casual black sundress, with red designs on it, and had on a pair of open toed sandals. She was also carrying food that smelled amazing. I could pick out a few things from the scent, shrimp, some kind of fish, and something with melting butter.

  “You look wonderful, and that smells great.”

  She grinned, “A woman picks up a few talents over the years. I’m glad you’re here.”

  She put the platter in the center of the table, and removed the lid as she sat down. There were several dishes, large sea scallops in a butter sauce, lobster tails, stuffed clams, and what looked like a rice pilaf, or at least it was creamy looking.

  She said, “Please tell me you’re not allergic to seafood.”

  I laughed, “I’m not allergic to any foods. Your food smells and looks almost as tempting as you do.”

  She blushed, “Thank you. You smell rather tempting yourself,” she teased as she looked at my neck.

  Or at least, I think she was teasing.

  I took out the bottle of wine, and managed to get the cork out without breaking it, and poured us both a glass of wine. Since she couldn’t get drunk, and I wouldn’t get drunk, I had to assume the wine was there to compliment the meal’s taste. I was hardly high society, but I wasn’t a barbarian either, and more than willing to give it a try. We both took one of the lobster tails, and generous portions from the rest of the dishes as well.

  The first bite was an explosion of subtle flavors, I lightly moaned in approval, and I knew that her cooking would easily rival Lilith’s. Of course, they’d both been doing it for thousands of years.

  She said, “Is it good?”

  I smiled, “Marry me?”

  She laughed, “Good then.”

  We talked a little about the peace treaty, she was rather impressed I was able to get them all to agree. We then started to talk about lighter subjects, nothing of importance as we enjoyed the food, the breeze over the bay, and very good food. What I’d thought was rice pilaf, had a lobster flavor to it, instead of chicken, and was very good.

  When we finished eating, we moved to one of the benches, and I put my arm over her shoulder, and smiled when she moved into me and rested her head on my shoulder. I assumed it to be her plan, but the place we sat was a perfect place to watch the sunset, and there was a beautiful reflection of it in the water as we talked.

  She turned her head up to me, and I took it as an invitation, and leaned down to kiss her softly. It had been a romantic night so far, and she was stunningly beautiful as always. Her petite curvy sexy body fit perfectly against mine, but so far we also hadn’t spoken seriously about our expectations.

  We locked eyes after our lingering kiss, and she licked her lip and bit it before turning back to the sunset. The sun was almost gone, and we could see the stars coming out in the sky, the rocking boat was relaxing, and her scent was as captivating as ever.

  She said, “Andrew, I guess I promised to tell you my intentions.”

  I laughed at her choice of words, and her teasing tone.

  She said, “I’ve never been one for casual… encounters. I’ve had nine mates in my long life, and I’ve slept with nine men in my long life.”

  She grinned a little impudently at me, “I guess you could say my intentions are honorable.”

  I liked what I was hearing, it sounded like she wanted me for another mate, not just a fling, but how would that even work.

  “I don’t do flings either, but how
would we… work that? You’re okay with me having four other mates? Stupid question, since we’re here, but…” I trailed off.

  She shrugged, “The mate bond is extremely important to me, and you shouldn’t accept it lightly. You’ll be stuck with me. I’m sure of you, I’ve gotten very good at reading people over the years, and I want to be yours, and for you to be mine. What happens between us is what’s important to me, I don’t mind you having other mates, and I won’t take another if that worries you. I will be faithful, of that you can be sure. I… wouldn’t be pleased if you became a philanderer, but I don’t think you have that in you, all your mates are too important to you to debase yourself in that fashion. Also, don’t deny that you have five mates, you can call Gina a mistress all you want, but just because she isn’t sleeping in your bed, doesn’t mean you don’t love each other.”

  I was a bit thrilled, and startled at that revelation. I couldn’t have asked for anything better than she was offering. She was… intoxicating, lovely, and I wanted her in my life, permanently. I should have been content with the five women in my life, and I was content, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t under Annaliese’s spell. She was… breathtaking, and was offering to be mine for life. Stuck with her? I’d be honored to be stuck with her.

  She added, “It will be a bit complicated at first, since I’m running a coven. Most likely I’ll just pop in on you and visit, often, daily, but I’ll have to return to my coven each night. But in about fifty years I’ll turn it over to Helen, and will stay with you after that, if you’ll have me?”

  And that pretty much answered the rest of my questions. A similar relationship as I had with Gina, except, she would be faithful to me and join us eventually. Fifty years seemed like an impossibly long time emotionally, but I’d see her every day, and intellectually I knew fifty years would only be a small slice of my lifetime, if I managed to avoid being killed that is.

  I kissed her softly, lingeringly, and with barely restrained passion, but I couldn’t close the deal yet, no matter how badly I wanted to claim her, and make her mine. I’d promised my mates there’d be a pact involved, for my safety and theirs, but I feared it would offend her. A loving kiss seemed like a good way to delay that a few moments… or minutes. After all, I may never get a chance to hold and kiss her again.

  Annalise sighed into his mouth. Dear lord, the man could kiss, her core was on fire, and her stomach was doing flips. She’d felt his large bulge when they’d danced two nights ago, and she’d thought of little else since, that, and the sweet scent of his blood. She was hopeful the kiss meant he approved of what she’d said, that he wanted all of her, and not just her body. She hid it well, but she’d felt very vulnerable and nervous. Three thousand years of experience or not, it was never easy to hand another being her heart, and to hope they don’t crush it. All her instincts told her he was the one, her next mate, but there was always room for doubt, in the end and underneath all the power, she was just human with all the same frailties.

  She looked up into his hooded and lustful hazel eyes as they broke the kiss. A lust that called to her own, but there was far more there as well. Desire, hope, caring, and she scented worry.

  Why worry? She worried.

  He said, “I’d love to be your mate, and for you to be mine. I want nothing more than to take you inside, and claim you as you claim me.”

  She tilted her head, “But?”

  He caressed her face, and she leaned into his hand. Her heart was pattering away, and she was a bit lost in those eyes.

  He said, “I promised my other mates, that if we were to take things to the next level, that we’d form a pact of sorts. Call it a mating pact, that we would never harm or intend to harm each other, for as long as we are mated, which I very much want to be the rest of my life.”

  She tilted her head, “I scare them?”

  He said, “They like you, or at least the ones you’ve met like you, but your power is a bit intimidating I think. Plus, even my human mate has a pact with me, they all do. Plus, the infernal magic will ensure we can’t be used against each other by force, compulsion, or mind control, and it will bind us for life.”

  She caressed his cheek, and his neck. She straddled him, the skirt of her dress bunched up, and she started to kiss and nibble on his neck. As she’d expected, she scented excitement, desire, lust, caring, but not one trace of fear.

  No fear at all…

  That told her one thing, he judged her trustworthy and safe without a pact, he cared for her and trusted her without the pact. This was about… calming his mates. It told her all she needed to know.

  She was also working herself up, she felt hot, sexy, and his skin was delicious. She could hear and feel the pulse of his blood below her lips, and sighed against him. She was more than a little lost in him. The point was, she didn’t feel untrusted, or angry that he’d asked, and since she’d already offered herself to him for life, what did a pact matter? She would never leave him, or let him escape her love.

  She said, “I agree to the pact.”

  She cried out, as she felt the magic surround and bind her, as she trembled and shook in ecstasy on his lap, his hard-confined cock pushed up against her gushing and convulsing hot sex. When she came down, she found herself being cradled gently in his arms, and his warm hazel eyes looked down at her blue eyes in awe.

  “You’re so beautifully erotic when you cum.”

  She giggled, “My turn to watch you then,” she licked her lips, stood and pulled him to his feet, and then dragged him downstairs and into one of the yacht’s large rooms. This one had a large window just above the water, and she barely noticed the moonlight across the water, as she kissed him hungrily, forcefully, and then slid down his body down to her knees.

  She opened his pants, and pulled them down. Then she just stared for a moment as his cock sprung out and almost slapped her in the face. It was gloriously big, bigger than she’d expected. Not grossly or freakishly so, he was a perfect eight inches, and quite thick. It was a beautiful cock, and she couldn’t wait to feel it inside her, but first she had to taste it.

  His musky scent of arousal made her a little light headed, as she looked up into his hazel eyes, and wrapped her hand around his base. She smiled up at him as she stroked him softly, and felt her pussy clench when he moaned softly in pleasure at her touch. She loved that, the power of being on her knees, of making a man, her man moan in pleasure. She was in control.

  She was also breathless, and wanted to worship his cock.

  She leaned forward slowly, and lightly licked the beads of pre-cum from the tip, and sighed in pleasure at his taste, never breaking eye contact. She loved holding his eyes like that, the look of pleasure on his face as she lightly wrapped her lips around his girth, and slowly swirled her tongue around the tip while sucking.

  She moaned in approval, at the way he felt in her mouth, at the way he tasted in her mouth. She moaned again, longer and deeper, as she took him deeply into her mouth, and to the back of her throat. She milked him with her hand at the base, a slight twist and pull, as her head came back up slowly, slathered his tip with her tongue, and then went back down taking him inside her mouth again.

  Then she did it again, a little faster, moaning in approval as she tasted more of his pre-cum on her tongue. He filled her mouth, and she loved the silky feel of him sliding between her lips, across her tongue, and into the back of her throat.

  He caressed her face, and then entwined his hand in her hair, but he didn’t try to control her.

  “Annaliese, I’m not going to last,” he cut off with a gasp, as she increased her speed and the intensity of the pleasure her mouth was giving him. She had more than one trick of giving pleasure this way, and she utilized her best ones with abandon.

  She was absolutely soaked down below, and she wanted to taste him, to feel him fill her mouth with his seed, while she watched the pleasure on his face. She needed it, and she begged him to fill her mouth with her eyes. Like everything else in h
er life, she threw herself into this new mating, and giving a blowjob, with enthusiasm.

  Only this time, she wasn’t faking it until she made it. She was already his, and she was enjoying this with wanton abandon. She moaned in approval, as his legs stiffened, and she felt his balls tighten.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I grunted, and couldn’t tear my eyes away from her beautiful and expressive blue eyes. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, but she’d learned more than cooking like an expert over her many years. I was right on the edge, had already lost control, and she was eagerly milking my cock with her hand while she sucked and swirled the head.

  I exploded into her mouth, pulsing my seed onto her tongue, and into the back of her throat. Her soft breathy muffled moans of approval as I did so made it that much better. A tsunami of pleasure went through my body and mind, and all that existed was the bliss, her sexy mouth, and her bright blue eyes looking up at me.

  When I came down, she was still lightly milking me for all I could give, and then popped her mouth off of me. She smiled up at me naughtily, and licked her lips.

  I reached down and pulled her up to her feet, and bent down to kiss her. She rubbed her curvy body against mine as the kissed deepened, and I reached down and unzipped her dress. She sighed with pleasure, and wiggled her body as I pushed down, and the dress fell to the ground and pooled around her feet.

  Her hands grabbed my shirt, and pulled it over my head. She backed up with a smile, and shimmied out of her panties giving me a show. Her full breasts were pert, rounded, fair, with light pink nipples. They were so sexy, and better than I’d imagined. Her stomach was flat, her waist mouthwateringly thin, and she had a small blonde landing strip, pointing to paradise.

  She smiled, and her eyes flitted down to my already re-growing cock, “Like something you see?”

  The little imp turned for me, arching her back showing off her tight little ass, and her long extremely light golden blonde hair, which ticked her ass.

  “You are perfect,” I said simply, and she was. Perfect for who she was, and for me. My eyes feasted, and my cock recovered, but I wasn’t quite ready to use it yet. I stepped forward, and pulled her to me for a long kiss. I spanked her lightly, which made her gasp into my mouth, and kiss me more demandingly. I lifted her up and carried her over to the bed, and put her down gently.


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