Renegade Lady

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Renegade Lady Page 5

by Dawn Martens

  I walk over to her and drop my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into my side. “What’s wrong, baby doll?”

  “Where are you going?”

  I have to tell her, because I know if I don’t, someone else will. I hate having to bring up bad memories for her. “I’m heading up to Mateland.”

  As soon as the word leaves my mouth, her face turns white. “Why are you going there?”

  “I can’t tell you that.”

  She nods. “How long will you be gone?”

  I bend down and kiss the top of her head. “Not long, I promise.”


  Kidd said he wanted to take me out for one more ride before he left. It was fun, but it was also sad. I know it could very well be the last ride I ever take with him.

  “I’m gonna miss you,” I say as I climb off of his bike for the last time.

  “I won’t be gone long, darlin’,’’ Kidd says, smothering me in a warm bear hug.

  “I don’t know why you’re the one that has to go,” I say for the hundredth time in the last two hours. Not only is Kidd, my best friend, leaving me, but he’s going to Mateland. I don’t know much about what’s going on, but the little I do know is from hearing Chipper and Mindy talk. Neither one of them is happy about sending Kidd four hours away to handle someone else’s shit, especially Mateland’s shit.

  My biggest fear is that Kidd will figure out who I really am while he’s there. If he learns about my dad and figures out that Timmons claimed me in the past, he may have to send me back. I don’t think he’d want to, but I’m not sure he’d have much of a choice. He’s loyal to the club to a fault. Even though mom and I were kept away from the club, I still know for a fact that the club doesn’t interfere with a member’s personal life. If Kidd didn’t give me back, he would be sticking his nose somewhere that it didn’t belong and going against everything he believes in.

  I have to fight myself to keep from begging him not to go. I don’t want to lose Kidd, and I don’t want to see the look on his face when he finds out about my past. I’ve grown to love Kidd over the last few months, but Mindy says that it’s just puppy love and I’ll grow out of it as I get older. But deep down, I know she’s wrong.

  I also know Kidd doesn’t feel the same way as I do. He thinks of me as a sister. Hell, he even introduced me as his little sis today. I can’t help but wish that his opinion will change of me someday, but I know that’s not going to happen if he goes to Mateland. I pull in a deep breath and try to be brave. “Will you call me?”

  He gives me a tight squeeze. “You know I will, baby doll, and I’ll do my best to call you at least once a week. If I’m lucky, it won’t take but a month or two, and then I’ll be home.”

  I nod and pull away from him. “Well, go on then. Quit being such a cry baby.”

  A sad smile crosses his face and he lifts his hand to wipe the stray tears from my face.

  “See-ya soon, Jenna.”

  As soon as he starts to ride away, I run into the house and go straight to my room. I plant myself on my bed and break into sobs. I’m crying so loud that I don’t hear my door open. I don’t even notice Mindy until she sits beside me. She pulls me into her arms and whispers, “Quit crying, sweet heart. He’ll be home before you know it.”

  I shake my head then burrow deeper into her arms. “You don’t understand. He’s going to send me back.”

  She squeezes me so tightly that she takes my breath away. “There is no way Kidd would ever do that.”

  “He won’t have a choice.”

  She pulls back and places her hands on my face, moving it so she can look into my eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m Timmons’ old lady,” I say between sobs.

  “What?” She asks in a near shout.

  “Timmons told everyone that I was his old lady, so Kidd will have to send me back to him. It’s club rules,” I try to explain, still crying.

  Mindy’s body starts to shake with anger. “Jenna girl, you listen to me. You are sixteen years old. You’re not old enough to be anyone’s old lady. If Timmons so much as mentions that he’s claimed you, Kidd will kill him.”

  I shake my head, not understanding. “But there are a lot of girls there who are my age. Some of them are even younger. They wear tattoos with members’ names on them and everything,” I say, motioning toward the ‘Property of Chipper” tattoo that Mindy proudly displays on her arm.

  The anger on her face is replaced with shock. “Oh, sweet Lord.”

  She jumps up and starts to pace the room. “Did Chipper know about this?”

  I don’t get a chance to respond before she answers her own question. “Of course, he didn’t. If he did, the club would’ve been burned to the ground.”

  I stay quiet as she continues to pace back and forth alongside my bed. I want to tell her to calm down, especially since she doesn’t need to be so upset. It isn’t good for her. She’s been so sick the last week that she’s barely gotten out of bed. I’m not sure what’s wrong with her, but whatever it is, it has to be bad. Thank God, Chipper finally convinced her to go to the doctor. She went in and had some tests a few days ago, and she has to go back Monday for the results. I want to go with her, but Chipper said he’s going. For some reason, they don’t want me there. At first, it hurt my feelings, but then I realized they were trying to protect me. That’s when I really got scared.

  Mindy walks towards me, bringing my thoughts back to the situation at hand. “Don’t say anything about Timmons to anyone. Let Kidd deal with it.”

  “What if he has no choice but to send me back?” I ask, fear running thick through my voice.

  She shakes her head. “That won’t happen.”

  “But, what….” I start to ask again, but she quickly cuts me off.

  “If anyone tries to take you from me, we will run so fucking far away that no one will ever find us,” she says defiantly before pulling me from the bed and into her arms.



  I spend most of my ride to Mateland thinking about Jenna. Getting away from Big Clifty might be a good thing, ‘cause Lord knows that I need some space from her. She’s too fuckin’ young for me. The fucked up part is I still want her. The more I’m around her, the more I feel the need to claim her. Fuck! I feel like a damn pervert just thinking about that shit.

  I also spent a good portion of time thinking about Mindy, and hoping she’ll get better while I’m gone. I don’t know what in the fuck is wrong with her, but I know it ain’t just a damn cold like she says it is. Colds don’t last for months and months on end. Every time I’ve looked at her over the last few weeks, I think of Ma.

  After Ma died, Mindy took care of all of us. Her and Chipper were already together when Ma first got sick, but he hadn’t claimed her yet. After Mindy spent months cleaning up Ma’s puke, there was no fucking way Chipper was going to let her go back to being a club whore.

  Chipper has always had a thing for older women, so it wasn’t much of a shock when he fell for Mindy, who is ten years older than him. They tried for a long time to have kids on their own. They even tried In-Vitro, which cost them out the ass, but no matter what they did, Mindy never could get pregnant. After it was all said and done, Mindy just had to come to terms with the fact that she’d never have a baby. Having Jenna in her life is a blessing for her, really. Jenna ain’t really much of a kid, but at least Mindy has someone now to mother.

  When I finally reach the MC, the guard at the gate gives me hell about coming in. I swear the mother fucker had to get permission in the compound before he opened the gates. I’m the fucking Vice President of the original club. I have more power than any of these dickheads here. Someone my age being the VP of a club is kind of fuckin’ rare, but that’s beside the point.

  Chipper held my seat before me, but he stepped down a few months before he came to Mateland. He said it was too much shit for him, especially with Mindy being sick. Having the VP duties, he missed a lot of time w
ith her over the years, and he didn’t want to miss any more. Pop was pissed, because he wanted Chipper to be the Pres when his time is up, but Chipper didn’t give a fuck. He refused to listen to Pop and seems happier for it.

  When the mother fucker finally lets Reese, Preach, and me through the gate, I jump off my bike and stomp to him. “You ever lock me out of one of my clubs again, I will put a bullet in your fucking brain. Do you understand what I’m saying, brother?” I shout with a sneer.

  “This is Killer’s club,” he says with more attitude than I like.

  I grab him by his cut and pull him towards me. “I’m next in line to hold the fucking gavel. This club house, and every other one that flies under the Renegade Sons flag, is mine.”

  With those words, I send my fist into his face. I then turn around and walk into the clubhouse. There’s a party going on, but I don’t see anything that pisses me off; none of the shit that Chipper and Reese told me about. Sure, there are a few brothers smoking weed, but no coke or heroine are to be seen. There’s also plenty of club pussy wandering around, but none that looks like the underage variety. Then again, we sat outside of the gate for nearly twenty minutes just waiting to get in this bitch. A lot of shit could disappear in that amount of time.

  As I walk further into the club house, I see Brew and Killer sitting over by the bar. Brew has a woman between his legs, not giving a fuck that he’s getting sucked off while he’s chattin’ it up with his president; the same president who’s fingering a chick that’s sitting on top of the bar and moaning like a bitch in heat. I shake my head at their behavior. These old men are sick fuckers. At least in my club, the men don’t talk the shit with each other while fuckin’ with a whore.

  I walk over to them, my men following close behind. I yank the hood of my sweatshirt down off my head. “Hey boys,” I say, sliding up to the bar and shouting for a whiskey. They don’t stop what they’re doing with the women as they turn their heads my way.

  “Hey, my boy. How was the road?” Killer says, giving my shoulder a hard smack with his free hand.

  Killer and my Pop are friends, have been for years. They started this club together. Along with Timber’s dad, who runs a charter down in California; the same charter this club has been fucking around. The three of them were in the same unit in Vietnam back in the day. My Pop says you don’t know what real friends are until it’s you and them against a sea of bullets.

  “You know me. I love to ride. How’s the Old Lady?” I say, just to see if it’ll piss him off. Of course, it doesn’t. I’ll never understand how some men can fuck around after they choose to spend their life with one woman. Sure, I get that a man needs some relief when he’s away from home, but making use of road pussy is completely different than fingering a rabid bitch, especially when your wife’s just right down the road.

  “Lanie’s good. She’s home with the kids. You’ll see her while you’re here. She says to let you know that she’ll be making some of her bacon wrapped meatloaf for you on Sunday,” he says then motions to the woman on the bar. “But this bitch here’s keeping my dick warm tonight. Ain’t ya, sweet cheeks?”

  “Yeah, Killer baby. Lanie’s pussy ain’t good enough for you tonight,” she says, moaning out. Killer laughs, but it’s not a pleasant sound. He yanks his fingers outta her, then grabs her arm and jerks her down off the bar.

  “Looks like this bitch needs to find out what her mouth is meant for, because it’s sure as hell not meant to be spewing out shit about my old lady. We’re gonna hit the sack. Feel free to enjoy whatever you want, Kidd,” he says, dragging the girl with him.

  I hear Brew chuckle, “That bitch’ll be gone by sunrise. He’ll fuck her good, then she’ll be eighty sixed if she’s lucky, dead if she not. My guess is he’ll kill her after what she said about his old lady.”

  I have no doubt Brew’s right. In fact, I’m surprised Killer didn’t punch the girl’s lights out as soon as the words left her mouth. I would have. Club girls don’t get much shit from the members. We treat them all pretty good, but they have to learn to follow rules if they don’t want to get hurt. One of the most important rules is that whores never talk shit about a member’s old lady.

  I hear Brew find his release and can’t help but chuckle. The old fucker must give the girls here lock jaw, considering how long he’s been pumping into her.

  “Ok, girl. Get goin’. Men are talking now,” he says, zipping his pants and slapping the girl on her ass.

  I just shake my head at his shit, then tap the bar for another whiskey.

  “Heard Chipper has himself a kid now?” He asks quietly, picking up his glass.

  “Yeah, Jenna, sweet kid. Pretty fucked up though. If Rig wasn’t dead, I’d be shoving my gun down his throat about now,” I say with a nod.

  “Yeah, he was a sick fuck. Is uh, is the girl doin’ good? Being treated right there?” he asks hesitantly.

  “Yep, Chipper and Mindy have claimed her as their daughter. Mindy loves her to death, and so does Chipper, but she’s running his ass in circles. He’s just not sure how you’re supposed to treat a teenage daughter,” I say chuckling, and remembering the times that Chipper was pissed right the fuck off about some of the clothes Jenna would wear.

  Brew puts his head down, looking almost sad and remorseful. “That’s good, that’s good. She needed someone to look after her.”

  “Yeah, she did. Did you know her? How she came to the club and all?”

  He shakes his head slowly. “Nah, man. I don’t know shit about her.”

  “I heard her bastard of a father gave her to Rig. Can you imagine anyone being such a sorry son of a bitch?”

  Still looking down, Brew shakes his head. “I’m sure he regrets it now.”

  Without waiting for me to respond, he stands up and claps a hand on my back. “We’ll talk business tomorrow. Tonight, have some fun. There’s a new piece around here somewhere, name’s Sarah. She’s only been here a day or two. You should get you a piece of her before she becomes used goods.”

  I’m calling for another shot when I hear a voice come from behind me. “Hey, handsome. I haven’t seen you around here before.” I turn my head to look at her and notice a stunning blonde with big green eyes standing behind me. My dick goes instantly hard.

  “What’s your name, beautiful?” I say reaching towards her and bringing her into me.

  “Sarah, my name’s Sarah.”


  I wake up to the sound of my new cell ringing. I smile as soon as hear it. I know that Mindy and Chipper are both still in bed, so that only leaves one person that would be calling me; the person I’ve been missing like crazy for the last month. I grab it off my nightstand and stick it to my ear. “Hey, Kidd.”

  I hear him chuckle before he responds, “Hey, baby girl. Did I wake you?”

  “No,” I lie. “I’ve been up for a while.”

  “It’s six thirty in the fuckin’ morning, and you’ve been up for a while?”

  “Well, maybe not that long.”

  He chuckles again. “Well, I know it’s early, but I got shit to do today. Knew if I didn’t call now, I wouldn’t get a chance to later.”

  “You can call me anytime. You know that.”

  “I ain’t got much time, so tell me what I’ve missed.”

  “Nothing much. Timber came over for dinner last night. He taught me how to cheat at poker. When you get home, I’m going to whoop your ass.”

  This time he flat out laughs. “Not sure it’s a good idea to tell me you’re gonna cheat.”

  “Maybe not,” I admit. “We also watched Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. It’s the funniest movie I’ve ever seen. He told me that he’d take me there someday, and he’s supposed to bring his old Cheech and Chong movies with him next time he comes over. He says they’re even better.”

  Kidd is quiet a moment before he responds. “You been spending a lot of time with Timber lately?”

  “Yeah, he’s cool. Not as much fun as you, but then aga
in, no one is.”

  “That’s right, and don’t you forget it.”

  Before I get the chance to respond, I hear a muffled voice say, “Come back to bed, baby. It’s cold without you.”

  As soon as the words register in my mind, my stomach starts to roll. Oh my God! He’s got a woman in his bed, and he’s talking to me on the phone. For a second, I’m pissed, but then I remember that he thinks of me as his sister. With that thought weighing heavily on my mind, my anger begins to fade and deep sadness takes its place. All of the excitement I felt when I answered the phone is completely gone now.

  “Jenna, I got to go. There’s some pressing business I need to take care of,” Kidd says, while the woman in the back ground giggles.

  I shut my eyes and try to stop the tears from coming. “Bye, Kidd.”

  “Bye, baby girl. Talk to you soon.”

  I click the off button, drop my phone on the nightstand, and lay back down. “I don’t love Kidd. I don’t love Kidd.” Maybe if I say it enough, it will be true.



  I’m sitting in Killer’s office with him, his son Timmons, and Brew. I’m trying to get a straight answer about what’s been going on with the drugs, but none are coming my way. “I’ve been here for nearly three months, and I still don’t know shit about what happened with the coke that was supposed to go to Digger’s crew. I’m telling you for the last time, I want an answer and I want it now.”

  Killer sits forward and places his elbows on the table, a look of total defeat is written across his face. “I know, Kidd. I’ve been looking for the answers you are, but I ain’t finding them either.”

  Brew jumps from his seat, sending his chair crashing against the floor. “I’ve told you both more than once, Rig was lead on all three shipments that were short. Since he’s been dead, every load has been flush. He had to have something to do with the missing coke. I don’t know why you won’t fuckin’ listen to me.”


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