Renegade Lady

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Renegade Lady Page 16

by Dawn Martens

  “I thought you said that you caught Rig raping her? What the hell did Timmons do?”

  “Rig did rape her, and he paid the price for doing it,” Chipper says in a near shout.

  “Then what the hell does Timmons have to do with it?” I ask, frustration making my voice sound strained.

  “Dad loved Killer like a brother. They were more than just club brothers. They fought side by side, putting their asses on the line to keep the others safe in that fucking jungle.”

  “I’ve heard Pop’s war stories, just like you. What the fuck do they have to do with this shit?” I ask, my frustration turning into anger.

  “Timmons is Killer’s son,” he states matter-of-factly.


  Chipper walks towards me, stopping only a few inches from my face. “What do you think Pop would have done to make Killer happy? What would he have done if he thought Jenna was going to cause problems for Killer or his son?”

  I shake my head in denial. My first instinct is to defend my old man. Of course, he wouldn’t protect a grown man over a young kid, but memories of him calling Jenna a stray pop into my head, and I know I can’t. To my dad, their friendship meant everything. If he thought Jenna might cause trouble between him and Killer, he would have sent her back. “Are you telling me that Timmons had something to do with Ice being at the Mateland MC, and Dad knew about it?”

  “I’m not saying shit. Like I told you, I made a promise and I plan to keep it, but I will tell you that Timmons is a sick mother fucker. If he’s here, he’s here for Jenna.”

  “Fuck!” I shout. “I need to know everything.”

  Chipper backs up a step and nods. “Yeah you do, but you’re gonna have to hear it from Jenna.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m going to do now,” I say as I start towards the door. “Either she tells me, or you do. One way or another, I’m going to know the truth.”

  I don’t wait for Chipper’s response. I just walk out of my office and head towards Jenna’s room. As I push open her door, I realize that I’m gonna have to talk to her about moving her shit into my room, but now isn’t the time. When I step inside, I see Jenna standing by the window with a bottle of Jose’ Cuervo in her hand. “We need to talk.”

  She doesn’t even look towards me when she responds. “What did Chipper tell you?”

  “Enough,” I say, doing my best to bluff her. “Now, it’s your turn.”

  “If he told you, there’s no need in me repeating it.”

  “Ice,” I growl out. “You need to tell me what’s got you so fucking scared.”

  She jerks her head to me, her eyes shooting daggers my way. “I’m not scared.”

  I run a hand through my hair in frustration. “Fine, let’s start with something easy. Why were you even at Mateland clubhouse in the first place?”

  She looks back towards the window and takes a moment to respond. “My sperm donor was affiliated with the club. I pissed him off, and he thought that giving me to them as a toy would be a good punishment.”

  “What the fuck?” I ask, anger filling my voice. “Who’s your dad?”

  She turns back towards me. “My dad is Chipper; my mother was Mindy.”

  “Ice, you know what I mean.”

  She shakes her head. “I can’t tell you.”

  “Hell yeah, you can.”

  She walks to me and wraps her arms around my waist. “You know there are a lot of other things we could be doing instead of talking about this shit.”

  Damn! Just having her near makes my dick twitch. “We need to talk.”

  “We can talk later,” she says as she molds her body to mine, rubbing against my hardening cock.

  I have to fist my hands to keep from tossing her onto the bed. I’ve wanted her under me for so fucking long that it takes every bit of will power I have to resist her. “Quit using your body to distract me. You know I want you, and I will fuck you if you really want me to, but first, we’re going to talk.”

  She jerks away from me and mumbles something under her breath before walking back towards the window and grabbing her bottle. After taking a swig, she lets me have it. “My father was a stupid fuck who didn’t give a shit about me. To him, I was nothing but a result of a misplaced load of jizz. I’m not telling you his name, so you can just give up on that shit now.”

  I can tell by her voice that she’s not gonna give in, so I know trying to change her mind will be useless. “Fine, but you’ll have to tell me someday.”

  She lets out a mocking laugh. “Sure, I will. You made me your old lady. I’m sure you can make me tell you all my darkest secrets too.”

  I shake off the sting of her words and walk to her. “I gave you a choice. You could have left.”

  Her eyes cut to me, anger vibrating throughout her body. “Not much of a choice there, was it?”

  I grab her arm and pull her into me. “Nope, but at least I gave you a choice, and you chose me.”

  At first her body is tense, but within seconds, she melts into me. “Yeah, I chose you.”

  As soon as the words leave her mouth, I drop my head and place my lips on hers. She tastes of tequila, cinnamon, and something that is purely Jenna; something I haven’t tasted in six fuckin’ long years. The combination has me aching to get inside her.

  I’m just about to lead her to the bed when I hear a knock at the door. Fuck! I jerk my head away and roar. “This better be fucking good.”

  “Some chick named Krista is here. She needs to talk to you, and she says it’s important,” Preach responds from the hallway.

  I feel Jenna’s body tighten before she pulls away. “Who’s Krista?”

  “Just a chick I know,” I say, doing my best to avoid the truth. No way in hell am I telling Jenna that Krista is a piece of my past that I would rather forget; a reminder of the good woman that died because of me.

  “I’m sorry, babe, but I gotta go. We can finish this later.”

  “Sure, run off to Krista.” Her eyes narrow before she responds with a sharp edge to her voice. “I’ll be right here waiting for you when you get back.”

  I know she’s drawing her line in the sand. If I walk out of this room, I’ll lose whatever ground I gained with her today, but I don’t really have choice. “Sorry, Ice. I gotta deal with this.”


  I watch Kidd walk out of my room and grab my purse. I walk out the door and make my way out of the club, doing my best to avoid Kidd and his guest. I can’t believe that he claims me as his old lady and then walks out on me to see some other chick not long after, but it isn’t the first time it’s happened, and it sure as hell won’t be the last. I should have known it was coming. Well, he can just kiss my ass. Fuck him!

  Ten minutes later, I pull into Daisy’s parents’ driveway. Daisy is one of the few girls who works at The Kitty Kat and doesn’t live at the apartment complex. She’s the only one that still lives with her parents, although the term ‘parents’ is stretching it when it comes to the two people that Daisy call mom and dad. As far as I’m concerned, they should be called the Fuckwad and the Cunt.

  Daisy’s dad, Maker, is a member of the club. He was around when Chipper and Kidd’s dad started the Renegade Sons, but he was never more than a worker bee. To be honest, he’s a pretty good guy, but he’s dumber than shit and lets Lula run him around by the hair on his balls.

  Lula, Daisy’s mom, is one of the biggest bitches I’ve ever met. I swear her and Roxy are fighting for the title of bitch numero uno. Not only does she control every aspect of Maker and Daisy’s life, but she does her best to make Daisy feel like shit every time she talks to her.

  I get out of the car and look towards the fancy ass house that Lula and Maker live in, and then look towards the tiny garage that Daisy calls home. Every time I come here, it pisses me off just seeing it. She tells everyone that the garage has been converted into an apartment, but that’s bullshit. It’s nothing more than an old garage with a few pieces of ratty furniture stuck in it. When
she first moved into it, the damn thing didn’t even have any insulation or sheetrock. It was so damn cold in the winter that I’m not sure how in the hell she didn’t freeze to death.

  The first time I saw how she was living, I got mad as hell and made sure everyone at the club knew what her place was like. At the time, I didn’t have much money set back, but I still offered to pay to get the place fixed up a bit for her. In the end, I didn’t have to spend a single penny. Preach came in and did all of the work for free. He even bought all of the supplies too. He tries to pretend that Daisy doesn’t mean shit to him, but anyone with eyes can see right through all of his bull shit bravado. As much as I hate to admit it, Preach looks at Daisy like I look at Kidd.

  I walk towards the garage, trying to plan out what I’m going to say to Daisy. I know I need to talk to her about the shit she pulled this morning, but I don’t really know how the hell I’m supposed to tell a twenty year old not to be shoving food up her twat. Shit. That’s just something she should know without having to be told. Common sense is not strong with this one if she really did think that she could stick an orange in her vag and get away with it.

  I don’t even get a chance to knock before Daisy is jerking the door open. “I knew you’d show up sooner or later.”

  I try to hide my smile before I respond. “Well, someone had to come over here and straighten you out.”

  Her eyes narrow before she steps out of the door step and motions for me to come inside. “Don’t tell me that you believed Kandy’s bullshit too?”

  “What do you mean, her bullshit?” I ask as I make my way to her sofa.

  “Preach came over here earlier, giving me seven kinds of hell.” She blows out a frustrated breath before sitting beside me. “Can you believe he honestly thinks that I shoved an orange up my hoo-hah just to get his attention?”

  I nearly laugh at her words. She’s the only chick I know that takes off her clothes for a living, but still calls her pussy a hoo-hah. “You didn’t?”

  A blush crosses her face as she starts to shake her head. “No way. I’m not an idiot, no matter what everyone else thinks.”

  “Well, then what the hell happened? I know Skittles took you to the hospital.”

  She nods. “Yes, because I had an allergic reaction to the new body glitter you bought last week.”

  “Where the hell did the orange story come from?”

  She jerks her purse from the coffee table and pulls out a jar full of orange glitter gel. “The glitter is orange.”

  “You stuck the glitter up your pussy?” I ask, confused at the directions that this conversation is going.

  “No!” she shouts. “I would never do something as stupid as that. I just rubbed the glitter around my G-string. I thought it would look cool on the stage.”

  “Then why the hell did Skittles have to take you the hospital?”

  Daisy stands up and jerks down her shorts. There is a deep red rash running from mid-thigh to her lower stomach. “The doctor said there’s something in the new glitter that I’m allergic too.”

  Ouch! “So why the hell was I told that you stuck an orange up your snatch?”

  She pulls her shorts up and plops back down on the couch. “Leah,” she says with a hiss. “She walked in when I was showing the rash to some of the other girls. Next thing I know, she’s telling everyone that stupid story. You know how the girls are, anything for a laugh, especially that bitch.”

  Oh, I should have seen that one coming. Leah and Daisy used to be pretty good friends, but ever since Leah and Preach started hooking up, they haven’t gotten along. “She’s jealous of you.”

  She looks at me as if I’m an idiot. “There’s not one damn thing about me that anyone would be jealous of.”

  I shake my head at her stupidity. She’s a tiny thing, barely reaching five foot. I doubt she weighs much over a hundred pounds. She has blonde hair that’s so light, it almost looks white. It’s cut in a cute pixie style and shows off her high cheekbones and the two sweetest deep dimples that you’ve ever seen. The girl is knockout. “You’re a beautiful girl, Daisy.”

  She shrugs then shoots me a smug smile. “Enough about me, let’s talk about you. What’s this I hear about you and Kidd? Did he really make you his old lady?”

  I shrug back at her. “You know how the boys work. When they want something, they take it. For some reason, Kidd wants me now. I’m sure he’ll get tired of me before too long.”

  Even saying that shit out loud kills me. After all these years of trying to avoid him, one kiss was all it took and I was his again. I’m fighting it, but I can feel my heart melting for him. The Ice Queen is finally starting to thaw out.

  “I don’t know, Ice. I don’t think Kidd will ever get tired of you. He loves you too much.”

  I cut my eyes to her. “He doesn’t love me. He just likes playing games with me.”

  I have never told Daisy about all the shit that happened between me and Kidd, but she knows. Everyone does. It’s practically club lore.

  Daisy shakes her head. “I don’t know Kidd all that well, and you know Mom kept me away from the guys in the club when I was growing up, but I know that he loves you something fierce. Shit, girl, everyone knows he loves you. He’s never tried to hide it.”

  “What are talking about? If he loves me, then why is he with a different girl every night? Why did he treat me like shit when he got his chance with me?”

  Her eyes go sad before she replies, “I can’t answer that for you. No one but Kidd can. I will say that I think you should give the two of you a second chance. Not for Kidd, but for yourself.”

  I snort. “For myself? Why the hell would I do that?”

  “Because you love him. If you don’t give it a chance, then you’ll spend the rest of your life wondering what if...”

  Shit! Why does she have to be so smart and say the things that I’ve been thinking about out loud? I know she’s right. I need to give it a chance. I’ve been running from him so long, and I’m not sure I know how to make this thing between us work, but I love him too much just to walk away without trying.

  “I’m not talking about that shit anymore.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Fine, then what do you want to do?”

  A smile spreads across my face, and I say, “Let’s go get drunk.”

  A half hour later, Daisy and I are sitting at the club house bar, downing shots of tequila, when I hear a commotion in the front of the club. I turn to look just in time to watch Timber walk into the common room, and a big smile spreads across my face. “Finally home, huh?”

  His head jerks towards mine and he shoots me one of his panty dropping smiles. He doesn’t respond, but instead rushes towards me and pulls me into his body. Before I realize what’s happening, he crushes his lips onto mine. Shit! I know I should be pulling away, but Timber is so aggressive, so powerful, that I forget myself for a moment and get lost in the feeling of his lips on mine.

  I’ve really missed Timber. If Kidd hadn’t have claimed me, I’d be hauling him to my bedroom right about now and showing him how much. He’s sexy as hell, great in the sack, and fun to be around. When he went away, Reese and I got closer, but I never forgot Timber. Timber is the only man I would have ever considered becoming an old lady for. He’s asked me a million times, and I was right on the verge of giving in to him before he went to prison.

  Ever so slowly, he pulls back. “It’s good to be home, pretty girl.”

  “Be a damn shame for you die as soon as you get here, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen if you don’t take your hands off my old lady.”

  I turn my head just in time to see Kidd walking into the room. “He didn’t know that you claimed me, so you better not lay a damn hand on him, Kidd. I mean it!”

  Kidd ignores my words and walks straight towards us. Within seconds, he has me tossed over his shoulder and is walking towards his room, my face directly in front of his ass. Without a second thought, I bite down. He doesn’t even miss a step,
but instead, just smacks my ass and keeps on walking.

  As soon as we make it back into his room, he tosses me onto the bed. “It's time.”

  “Time for what?” I ask.

  “Time to go see Greg over at Ink Kings. We need to get you branded, before I have to kill some asshole for trying get near you. I know Timber’s been inside for over two years, so he doesn’t know that I claimed you, but once my name is on your arm, everyone will know that you’re mine. Then, and only then, will they know to keep their hands to their fucking self.”

  I roll to the side of the bed and sit up. “Nuh huh, no way. It's bad enough that everyone in the club thinks you own me. There's no way in hell I’m putting your name on my body--permanently.”

  “You're not stupid. You had to know this was coming. You've been around here long enough to know that old ladies wear their man’s brand.”

  Brand! I hate that freaking word. “You brand a damn cow, not a woman.”

  Kidd crosses his arms over his chest. “What the fuck ever. Call it what you want, but my name is going on your arm.”

  “Nope, not happening. Once you pull your head out of your ass, this charade will end, and then I'll be stuck wearing your name for the rest of my damn life.” I shoot him a sarcastic smile. “Maybe that Krista chick will take my place.”

  Even thinking about another woman wearing his brand makes my stomach knot up. I’m not even sure why I said it. Maybe I just need him to reassure me and tell me that this isn’t going to end the same way as it did last time.

  “Baby girl, you need to get this straight in that thick head of yours. This is not gonna end. You're mine, you'll be mine tomorrow, and you'll still be mine twenty years from now,” he says as he leans closer to me.

  “Fine, but if you're branding me, then I'm branding you. You don't have any more room on your arms, so you can just get a big ole ‘property of Ice’ tattoo on that sexy ass of yours,” I say, pasting on a saccharine sweet smile.

  “Not funny, Ice.”

  I shrug. “Do you see me laughing? If you want me to get your name on me, then you’re getting mine on you.”


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