Renegade Lady

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Renegade Lady Page 18

by Dawn Martens

  “I don’t think I can take much more of this, baby,” he says, sounding pained.

  I get up on my knees, between his legs, and smile. “You’ll take all I got to give.”

  “I’ll tell you what I’d like you to give. I’d like you to give me your lips,” he says while holding his beautiful cock in his hand.

  For some reason, I almost have the urge to do just what he says, but in the end, I can’t do it. I haven’t done that shit in a long time, and I won’t be starting now. “I don't give head. Haven't done it since…” I trail off. “Ain't going to start that shit again now.”

  “What?” he asks, sounding truly shocked.

  “I don't want anyone's dick in my mouth. I've had enough cocks shoved down my throat to last a life time.”

  He shakes his head in frustration. “Baby girl, don’t talk about that shit. It’s in the past. You got an old man now, so things are different.”

  “Nope, nothing's different. Like I said, I don't give head. If you want your dick sucked off, then you should've picked someone else to call your old lady.”

  The look on his face turns from frustration to bewilderment. “What the fuck, Jenna? I just spent the last twenty minutes with my head between your legs, and now you're telling me I don't get anything in return for all my hard work?”

  I shrug, trying to act like it’s not a big deal. “You can have all the pussy you want, and if you ask nicely, I may even let you have my ass, but you’re not getting my mouth.”

  “Tell me what happened,” he says in a near shout.

  “What are you talking about?”

  He places his hands on my cheeks and brings his face to mine. “Tell me what happened. I’m not stupid. It’s more than you just sucked your fill of cocks. Tell me why you don’t give head.”

  I shake my head, preparing to deny him, but he cuts me off. “Nope, you’re gonna tell me. You’re gonna tell your man what happened.”

  I start to tell him no again, but then I decide to give it to him. If he wants me, he’s gonna have to take all of the fucked up baggage that comes along with me. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but it’ll give him an idea of the shit that I have going on inside of my head. “One of the guys in Mateland used to force me to blow him all the time.”

  Kidd lowers his hands to my shoulders and gives them a squeeze. “It’s more than that. Don’t get me wrong, that’s bad enough, but I know you. There’s more to the story than you being forced to suck his cock.”

  I take a deep breath and lay it out for him. “He would shove his dick so far down my throat that I thought I was going die. He'd hold my head there until I’d start to pass out, and then he'd finally give me a little air. He'd do that for what felt like hours.”

  “Fuck,” Kidd mutters.

  I can feel my body shaking. Fear courses through me as the memories of being Timmons’ plaything play on loop in my brain. “I swear, I thought I was going to die with his dick shoved down my throat.”

  “Shit, baby girl. I’m sorry,” he whispers as he pulls me closer to him.

  His sympathy is the last thing I want. “You don’t have to be sorry. You just gotta keep your cock out of my mouth,” I say, letting my inner bitch shine through.

  He chuckles, but somehow it comes out sounding sad. “I can do that.”

  We’re both quiet for a few minutes before he breaks the silence. “What about when you worked for the club? The guys here didn’t make you do it, did they?”

  I shake my head. “No, none of the brothers ever made me do anything. I never slept with anyone that I didn’t trust. Some of the brothers had me blow them a time or two, but you know the boys. They catch on to that kinda shit quickly. They knew that I hated doing it, so after the first couple of months I was working here, they quit asking for it. They’re different than most of the guys I’ve come across. They ain't into forcing anyone, even club whores, to do what they don’t want to do, so I haven’t done it for almost five years.”

  A confused look crosses his face. “Five years?”


  “But, you also said the guys quit asking for it a few months after you started working the club. You’ve been working for the club for almost six years. Those numbers don’t add up, babe,” he says, explaining his confusion.

  I shrug. “Well, sometimes the club girls have to service guys that aren’t part of this charter. You know, when outsiders are here for parties or club business.”

  “Yeah, others do, but you ran the girls. You got to choose who you were with,” he says, but it comes out sounding more like a question.

  I shrug again. “One of boys from the Lords didn't think it was right that a whore got to pick and choose. He also didn’t like the idea of a whore that didn't give head. I tried to fight him off, but he was bigger than me, so he won.”

  I do my best to make it sound like it didn’t bother me, but that’s not true. When he forced himself on me, it brought back all of my memories with Timmons and Rig. The worst part was that Chipper had begged me not to come to that party. He knew something would happen. God, how I wish I had listened to him.

  Kidd’s eyes flash with anger. “What the fuck? Who?”

  “I don't know his name, but it wouldn’t matter anyway. Reese took care of him. I figure he's pushing up daisies in some field between here and Kansas City, or he's rotting at the bottom of the Marais De Cygnes River by now.”

  When Reese found me trying to fight the man off, he flipped the fuck out. The gentle guy I’d known turned into a stone cold killer. He pulled the bastard off me and used his hands to snap the guy’s neck. I’ve seen a lot of things in my life, but there’s nothing like seeing the light in a man’s eyes ceasing to exist in an instant.

  “Why didn't I know about this shit? I’m president of the club. I need to know everything. You should’ve told me. Reese should've told me.”

  “You weren’t president then.”

  His eyes narrow. “That don’t fuckin’ matter. I was VP! I should have known.”

  I shake my head. “I wouldn’t have told anyone, if Reese hadn’t walked in on it. I even begged him not to tell anyone else, and he gave me his word that he wouldn’t.”

  “Why the hell would you do that? You know that nothing goes on in the club that I don't know about. I don’t care if it happens to a member, a prospect, or a club whore. If something goes down here, I need to know about it.”

  I bury my head into his chest, trying to hide from his penetrating stare. “Yeah, I knew that I was supposed to tell you, but I also knew that whatever business you had going down with the Lords was important. Shit, the whole club had been on edge for weeks before they came. I knew there was something big going down, and I wasn't going to let what happened get in the way of what you had planned.”

  “That wasn't your choice,” he says, giving me a tight squeeze.

  “No, it wasn't, but in the long run, I was right. A lot of shit happened that weekend that helped both clubs. The Lords and the Renegade Sons have been working together ever since,” I say, finally looking up. “I knew they were a good club. Most of the Lord members are as solid as our boys. I wasn’t going to start a war with good men just because one of their brothers was a bastard.”

  “It wouldn’t have started a war,” he says with a shake of his head.

  I nod. “It would have, and you know it. There is no way Chipper would’ve kept quiet about what happened. He would have raised all kinds of hell until you made sure every Lord paid for what their brother had done. I doubt it would’ve took too much convincing.”

  Even after all we’ve been through, I’ve always known that Kidd cared about me. If he knew someone had hurt me, he would have wanted revenge.

  He stays quiet for a few minutes, running his hands slowly over my back. Finally, he starts to talk in a quiet voice. “You got anymore secrets?”

  “Tons,” I state matter of factly.

  He gives me another squeeze. “You feel like sharing?”

  “Not right now,” I say, hoping he’ll drop it.

  Kidd pulls back and looks down to me. “I’ll let you keep your secrets for now, but someday you’re gonna have to open up to me.”

  I nod, praying that he won’t make me say I agree. “You know, there are still things I can do with my mouth, even if they don’t include your dick.”

  A slow, but sexy smile crosses his face. “And what would that be?”

  I place my hands on his chest and give him a little push. “Roll over, Kidd. Let me show you.”

  Kidd and I spend the next hour in bed. By the time he walks out of my room, I’m ready to go back to sleep. I know I need to get to the strip club to check on things, though, so I roll out of bed and get dressed. Less than thirty minutes later, I pull into my spot by the back door of The Kitty Kat. I knife outta the car and make my way inside.

  Walking past the bar area, I head right back to the changing rooms. Krista’s starting tonight, and I need to make sure she knows how things go here before customers start rolling in. Maybe I should’ve had this talk with her before I let Kidd talk me into taking her on, but I had other things on my mind at the time. Just thinking about those other things sends a smile onto my face.

  I’m still scared that he’ll hurt me again, but his words last night have helped alleviate some of that fear. No matter what, I love him. I always have. I’m still not sure if I trust him, but I’m willing to give it a chance. If he screws up again, I’ll do the one thing I’ve always thought I would do; I’ll leave Big Clifty and my family behind.

  I knock on the door before entering. “Coming in, girls,” I shout as I open the door.

  As soon as I walk in, I see her. She’s young, somewhere around twenty. She’s got a body that will drive the guys crazy. When she turns to look at me, I see the resemblance to Sarah. She has the same blonde hair and blue eyes. The only difference that’s truly noticeable is the coldness that shines brightly in her eyes. Sarah’s eyes always shot daggers at me, but this chick’s eyes are dead. Something about it sends a shiver through my body.

  “New Girl!” I shout.

  She rolls her eyes at me and replies, “My name is Krista.”

  I roll my eyes right back at her. “Until you earn your spot, you’re New Girl.”

  She shrugs. “Whatever.”

  Her tone has the other girls backing away. They know I don’t take shit. I’ve only had to use my fists a time or two here, but I’m not scared to use them when necessary. “We need to talk.”

  “Yeah? So, talk,” she says, looking back to her mirror and finishing up her makeup.

  “I want to talk in private, so get your ass up and follow me.”

  I hear her let out a frustrated sigh as she stands up. Daisy and Ginger gasp. This bitch has an attitude, an attitude I’m more than happy to break.

  I narrow my eyes at her and place on my Ice persona. “You best not have sighed ‘cause I told you it’s time to chat, bitch.”

  Her eyes go wide, but my warning tone doesn’t stop the attitude from coming out in her. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You can’t talk to me like that.”

  The girls that haven’t been here very long let out another shocked gasp, but the girls that have been around for a while start to laugh. They know I’ll never let her get away with this shit.

  “I can talk to you however the fuck I want to. I’m the one in charge of the club girls, the strippers, and this fucking club,” I say, walking up close to her, grabbing her by her blonde hair, and pulling her face towards mine. “And you should know that girls who piss me off have a bad habit of ending up dead.”

  She gulps and shrinks back, leaving me with a handful of her skanky ass hair. “Now let’s go.”

  With that, I turn around and lead her to my office.

  “Sit,” I say, motioning towards the chair before taking a seat on the ugly ass beige couch that’s been in this office for more years than I can count. I really need to replace this piece of shit. I shake off my thoughts of my crappy ass furniture and look towards Krista, who decided to sit beside me. I can’t figure out if she’s brave or just stupid. “Now, New Girl. Have you ever been a part of an MC?”

  She shakes her head no, but the way her eyes flash tells me that she’s lying. Something isn’t right here, and I know it. I have the urge to toss her out and let Kidd handle her, but I don’t like the idea of her being around Kidd. I decide to keep her here and see what I can find out.

  “Well, looks like I’ll need to fill you in. Around here, I’m the boss. I control who I let into the club house to be club girls, and I control who gets on the stage here. I even control who goes behind the counter.”

  “Kidd told me I could work here,” she states, looking pleased with herself.

  “He may have, but if I decide I don’t want you, he’ll back me. He told me so last night in bed,” I say, embellishing the truth just a bit.

  I watch her gulp then nod. “I understand.”

  I shake my head. “No, I don’t think you do. You follow my rules, or I will fire you, but not before I kick your ass.”

  She nods again, so I continue. “The rules are simple. I catch you doing drugs, you’re out. If I catch you selling drugs in my club, even to the other girls, you’re dead. You don’t sell your pussy inside or outside of this club to anyone but a member or a friend of the MC. You only do that when you get my go ahead. Now, do you understand?”

  She nods, but looks anything but sure. I take a minute to let my words settle in, and then say, “You wanna be a club girl, then you need to get tested regularly. You also need to get on the pill, if you’re not already on one. The most important thing is that you always make the guys wear condoms, but you also need to take the pill just in case one breaks. We don’t need you to get knocked up and having some Old Lady whack ya. Even if the guy doesn’t have an Old Lady, he may not step up and take care of you and the kid. You need to protect yourself; respect yourself.”

  I look at her, and she looks scared now; almost as if she’s re-thinking her position here? I can only hope so. This life style isn’t meant to be lived by pussies. “I also don’t tolerate back talk. Which means that if I say jump, you say ‘yes ma’am, how high?’ and if you ever talk to me the way you did this morning, you better believe that you’ll find yourself pounding pavement.”

  “I won’t,” she replies, but her tone tells me that what she doesn’t say to my face, she will be saying behind my back. “Can I go now?”

  “One more thing. I catch you anywhere near Kidd, I’ll bury you alive,” I say, meaning every damn word. I may not have wanted to be his Old Lady, but that’s exactly what I am, and I ain’t sharing.

  She gulps. “Kidd’s like family.”

  I have to roll my eyes at that. “I know Kidd dated your sister, but he’s not your family, so you need to keep your ass away from him. Do you get what I’m saying?”

  She nods and her eyes go to the floor. “Yeah.”

  “Stay behind the bar until I decide you’re ready for the stage. No going off with guys until you’ve been tested and I have the results. Now get out of here. You’re on soon. ”

  CHAPTER Eighteen


  I’m sitting in my office when Reese and Chipper walk in. I can tell right away that something is wrong. “What’s up?”

  “Let him tell you.” Reese shakes his head before tilting it towards Chipper and walking to fridge to grab a beer.

  I look in Chipper’s direction and shrug, letting him know that I’m not going to ask twice.

  “None of the boys I’ve talked to have seen Timmons around, but three of the club girls have.” He lets out on a frustrated breath and sits down. “There’s a reason why he’s laying low with the club, but making sure the girls know he’s around.”

  I hear Reese snort and look towards him. “You got any theories?”

  He looks towards Chipper then back to me. “Sure do, but I can’t tell you a fuckin’ one of them.”

at the hell do you mean by that?”

  He tilts his head towards my brother again. “Like I said, let him tell you.”

  I jerk my head back to Chipper and growl out, “I’m tired of this shit. One of you is going to tell me what’s going on, and you’re going to tell me right fuckin’ now.”

  He shakes his head. “I made a promise to Pop.”

  Reese walks across the room and gets in Chipper’s face. “Gun is dead. Jenna’s not, at least not yet. What’s more important? Keeping your word to a dead man, or protecting the woman you think of as a daughter?”

  I’ve had enough of this bullshit, so I don’t wait for my brother to respond. I reach to my side, pull out my gun, and then aim it straight at Reese. “I can’t kill Chipper. He’s blood. I love you, man, but if you don’t tell me what’s going on with my woman, then I will put a bullet right through your skull.”

  Just as I expected, Reese doesn’t even flinch. Instead, he just shrugs. “Gotta die sometime, but I have a feeling you’re going to need me soon, so you may want to put down that gun.”

  “What I need is to know what in the hell is going on,” I say without lowering my arm.

  “Put the fucking gun down, and I’ll tell you everything,” Chipper says, sounding defeated.

  I lower my gun and nod to Reese, letting him know this was my plan all along. “Tell me.”

  “Timmons wants Jenna, and he’ll do whatever he has to do to get her.”

  Since Chipper opened the flood gates, Reese decides to add his two cents. “He’s hurt her before, so I don’t doubt he’ll hurt her again.”

  “What the fuck?” I shout. “What the hell did Timmons do to her?”

  “I don’t know everything,” Chipper says in a voice filled with pain. “He was there right along with Rig. From what I hear, Rig just went along with whatever Timmons told him to do.”

  I don’t respond. I don’t even take time to let the words sink in. Instead, I pick up the phone and call Brew. As soon as he answers the phone, I start to yell. “You get your ass down here, right now.”


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