Renegade Lady

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Renegade Lady Page 23

by Dawn Martens

  She reaches up and gives me a kiss. “What did you decide to do about Krista?”

  Shit! I don’t want to talk about this right now, so I decide to skirt the truth. “Nothing’s set in stone yet. We’ll decide after Timmons is found.”

  “I don’t want her hurt. She’s been through enough.”

  Yep, I knew that was going to be her reaction. “She’s not you, baby girl. She’s a grown woman, and you were just a girl.”

  She wraps her arms around my waist and lays her face against my shoulder. “She was scared, Kidd. You can’t understand, but I do.”

  I give her a tight squeeze. “Come on, baby girl. Let’s get some sleep. We’ll talk about all this shit tomorrow.”


  As soon as I wake up, I call my girls in. Just like Kidd asked, I don’t tell them what’s coming, even though I feel the urge to give them a heads up. I hate to do this shit, but it can’t be avoided any longer. I know I’m gonna lose some of my girls today, and the worst part is that I know most of them won’t have anywhere to go. Kidd’s right though, and if I let this go, things will end up right back where they were when I took over for Roxy. I’m not letting that happen.

  By the time I get to the apartments, all the girls are there and are waiting in the lobby area of the apartment. I’m glad that Kidd decided to go with my design layout. I asked him to make the bottom floor more of a lounge area for the girls, instead of the basic apartment layout we had before. The work took a few weeks, but it makes talking to the girls together a hell of a lot easier. Plus, having a place to hang out at home has kept the trouble down.

  “Okay ladies, listen up,” I say as I take in the group. “We got to get some shit straight.”

  As I’m talking to the girls and setting up a plan, a few of the boys walk in. The girls take in the guys behind me, and a few begin to look nervous. The rest just look confused as to why I’ve brought so many guys with me.

  “We have a problem. Seems there are drugs floating around, and some of you are using. Also, I got word that a few of you ladies decided to spread your legs for more than just our charter. So surprise!” I say on a shout and grin. “It’s testing time.”

  A few of the girls that looked nervous before now look scared. The girls that looked confused before now look angry. A few of the older girls are giving some of the newer ones knowing looks, almost as if they’re happy to be getting rid of the scum. “This time, there are no more chances. I’ve stuck up for a few of you before, given your circumstances, but that’s not going to happen this time.”

  I look around, making sure to make eye contact with each girl. “Any one testing positive will be out of the club, so don’t even think about asking for a second chance.”

  With those words, I walk over to the doc, who walked in with the guys. “Go ahead and set up in your usual room. I want you to give them all a pregnancy test too. I don’t want to be kicking out a girl that’s carrying a member’s kid.”

  He shakes his head. “We’ve never done that before, so I didn’t bring any tests.”

  “I did,” Skittles says, sliding up next to me and holding two Big K bags. “I remembered you had them done when you took over for Roxy, and I figured you’d want to do it again this time.”

  I bump into her with my hip. “You always know what I need.”

  She smiles. “I can handle the pregnancy tests while the doc does his thing.”

  I nod before turning back to the girls. “Okay, girls. I want you to break up into groups of five.”

  I wait a minute while they get into their groups, and then motion towards them. “Leah’s group, go with the doc. Yvonne’s, go with Skittles for pregnancy tests. Daisy’s group is with me.”

  I make my way to the bathroom and start handing out plastic cups. I have to watch each girl piss, not taking the chance they knew what I had planned and came prepared. Daisy is the last girl to come in, and I’m surprised to see that her face is pale. No way is Daisy doing drugs. She hates the shit. “What’s wrong with you?”

  She chews on her bottom lip for a second before responding. “Do we have to take pregnancy tests?”

  Her question sends a shock wave through me. “Are you pregnant?”

  She looks to the floor before answering. “I think so.”

  What the fuck? As far as I know, Daisy didn’t spread for anyone. Hell, she could have told me she was a virgin, and I would’ve been less surprised.

  “Who?” I ask, even though Preach’s face keeps popping up in my head.

  “You know,” she whispers out.

  “Does he know?”

  “No,” she says with a shake of her head. “I go to the doctor Tuesday. I figured I’d tell him after that.”

  Shit, shit, shit! This is not good. Even though I know Preach cares about her, I don’t know if he cares enough. “Do you need me to go with you?”

  “Nah, I’ll be okay.” She shakes her head again, barely holding back tears. “But I don’t want everyone here to know. They will if I have to take a pregnancy test.”

  I take a second to think about it and say, “I’ll let Skittles know what’s going on.”

  She nods then takes her cup to the bathroom stall. A minute later, she hands it to me and walks out without saying another word.

  A few hours later, I walk out of the club house shaking with anger. Thirteen of my girls tested positive for drugs. Fuck!



  Jenna comes into the clubhouse looking pissed; even more pissed than usual. Seeing her walk in here dead on her ass reminds me that she sleeps here every night, just like I do. I let my apartment go years ago, but I never saw the need to get anything else. Now, I do. Staying at the club is okay when you’re on your own, but now that I have an old lady, we need to get a place of our own.

  Sooner or later, I’m gonna put a ring on her finger, and then I’ll start planting my babies inside her. Kids need a home, and my kids are gonna have the best fuckin’ home in the world. I know just the place. It’s a little house on the same street that Mindy and Chipper’s house is on. It may not be big, but it’ll be perfect for us. Jenna will love raising our kids near the place Mindy called home.

  I get up from my stool and make my way over to her. “What’s wrong, baby girl?” I ask, taking her into my arms.

  “You didn’t hear yet?” She asks into my chest. I say nothing, but just shake my head. “Thirteen, Kidd. Thirteen of my girls tested positive.”


  She pulls back and looks up to me. “I can’t believe they would do this shit to me. I know it’s club rules they broke, but they were my girls. Most of them didn’t have a home when they came to me. I helped them and I never once forced them to do anything that they didn’t want to do. Still, they screwed me over.”

  Shit, I knew a few were gonna have to go, but I didn’t think it would be that many. Hopefully, the boys are already rounding up those girls and taking them to the warehouse to get information on their suppliers. I hope it’s just Timmons, but I can’t be too careful.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I know you care about your girls, but you can’t control everything.”

  She shakes her head. “That’s not even the worst part. The worst part is I can’t even tell anyone, ‘cause it’s not my secret to tell.”

  This doesn’t sound good. She needs to understand there isn’t going to be any secrets between us. “Ice, you can tell me anything,” I say to the top of her head.

  “I can’t, because no one can know, Kidd. No one. At least, not yet,” she says, sounding desperate.

  “Baby girl, I promise I ain’t gonna tell anyone. I would never break my word to you.”

  She steps back and looks at me. “You’re right, but Kidd, you can’t tell anyone, no matter how much you’re going to want to. Please promise me.”

  “I already did,” I say, determined for her to tell me, but not willing to repeat myself. She needs to learn she can trust me on her own. I can promi
se shit until I’m blue in the face, but it won’t help until she trusts me.

  She looks at me for a while then seems to come to a decision. Finally, she leans up to whisper in my ear, “Daisy is pregnant.”

  I feel my body turn to steel. “What?”

  She doesn’t answer, just nods her head.

  Stupid ass mother fuckin’ Preach! This is going to cause seven kinds of hell around the club. Being a granddaughter of one of the originals, Daisy is held above most of the other girls. One of the brothers knocking her up, while he’s still fuckin’ around with club whores, is not going to fly.

  “I’m going to kick his ass.”

  She shakes her head. “You promised you wouldn’t say anything.”

  “I won’t. I’ll just kick his ass and let him figure it out later.”

  She starts to say something else, but I shake my head to quiet her. “Nope, don’t want to hear it. Now, come on. We got somewhere to go.”

  Her eyes narrow before she asks, “Where?”

  “You’ll see when we get there.”


  Twenty minutes later, I pull into the parking lot in front of Ink Kings. Jenna slides off my bike, and I follow her. “Are you ready for this?”

  “I can’t believe you brought me here without asking.”

  She looks a little nervous, an emotion that I haven’t seen her wear in years. “What’s wrong? You agreed to get branded.”

  She blows out a frustrated breath and admits, “I don’t like needles.”

  Oh shit! Some people just can’t hack getting ink. The needles do them in. As bad of a motherfucker as Timber is, he had to be drunk off his ass before he got his colors. “We can get you drunk first, but you’ll bleed worse.”

  Judging by the shade of green her face turns, that was the wrong thing to say. “I can get the tattoo, Kidd. Just don’t talk about blood anymore.”

  I chuckle as I lead her inside. As soon as Greg sees us, he shows us back to a room. “I got your piece worked up. What do you think?”

  He hands me a piece of paper with my new tattoo on it. I just nod and shove it into my pocket, not wanting Jenna to see it until it is done. “Let’s get hers done first.”

  He leads Jenna to the table and gets started. As scared as she is, she doesn’t even wiggle. She lays there with her eyes closed, and occasionally squeezes my hands. It takes nearly two hours, but it was worth it. Seeing my brand on her arm makes me proud; more proud of her than I have ever been in my life.

  “You look fuckin’ hot wearing my brand,” I say as I pull her into my arms.

  She looks up to me, pain still visible in her eyes. “I’m always hot.”

  I chuckle. “That’s true.”

  “You ready, big man?” Greg asks while cleaning up his chair.

  I nod to him and look back to Jenna just as her stomach growls. “Go next door and grab yourself a burger. You can eat and watch at the same time. This is going to take a while. No reason for you to starve while you’re waiting.”

  “Sorry, man. No food in the tattoo room, so she’ll have to eat out front,” Greg says.

  I lean down and give her a quick kiss. “Go on, baby girl. I’ll be out as soon as I can.”

  After she walks out of the room, I pull my shirt over my head and climb onto the table so Greg can get started. My tattoo doesn’t take nearly as long as Jenna’s, mostly because he’s been working on it for nearly two years. The fact that Jenna hasn’t noticed it surprises the shit out of me.

  When Greg is done, I jump off the table and walk to the mirror. “Fuck, man. It’s amazing.”

  He nods as he pulls out his camera and starts snapping shots. “It’s one of my best, if I do say so myself. I wasn’t sure where you were heading when we first got started, but now that it’s done, I love it.”

  I pull out my wallet and hand over a couple off hundreds. “Does that cover it?”

  He nods as he leads me to the front. When Jenna sees me, her eyes start to search my body. “Let me see.”

  I shake my head. “You have to wait until we get back to the club house.”


  As soon as we walk into the clubhouse, Kidd pulls me down the hallway to his room. Well, I guess it’s our room now. My old room is now officially Rum’s, since he’ll be receiving his cut soon. I was mad when I heard they’d given my room away, but I got over it pretty quick. No reason to be mad over something I can’t change. Plus, I get to lay my ass down beside Kidd every night.

  When we get into the room, Kidd pulls off his shirt and lays down on the bed, laying on his stomach. “Come tell me what you think?”

  I climb onto the bed and straddle his thighs. The plastic covering on his back distorts the tattoo, but I can still make out my name in big block letters across his shoulder. A smile crosses my lips as soon as I see it, but disappears when I notice what surrounds it. Large icebergs are covering his entire back, and in the center is a diamond encrusted princess crown, none of which are new. I run my hands over the crown and say, “When did you get this?”

  “I had the icebergs done about five years ago. I added the crown last Christmas.”

  “Why?” I choke out.

  He slowly rolls over, being careful not to knock me off the bed. “The icebergs not long after I christened you, Ice. The princess crown came after I heard a few of the boys calling you the princess of the Renegade Sons.”

  This makes no sense. Why would he do something like that? “I don’t understand. Why did you get them?”

  He reaches up and cups my cheeks. “Jenna, I’ve always known you were mine. I couldn’t get your name until you became my old lady, but I wanted to wear a piece of you on me.”

  My eyes water at his words. Yes, they brought fuckin’ tears to my eyes. “Shut up!”


  I look in his eyes as tears begin to fall down my face. “I’m not one of those girly girls. I don’t cry, and I don’t do sappy, so you gotta stop making me cry by being all badass boy sweet.”

  A slow smile spreads across his face as he pulls me flat against his chest. “How about I stop being sweet and start being dirty?”

  “Dirty is better than sweet,” I say, burying my face into his neck.

  He slowly slides his hands over my ass, digging his fingers between my cheeks. “How dirty?”

  A smile crosses my face as I run my tongue from his collar bone to his ear. “As dirty as you want.”

  Before I can blink, he has me on my back and is removing my clothes. As soon as I’m down to my bare ass, he jumps from the bed and kicks off his boots. “Put your hand on your pussy baby, and get it ready for me.”

  I do as he says while watching him take off his jeans. As soon as his cock springs free, I decide to give him a present. I sit up and crawl to the side of bed, and then reach out and run my tongue across the tip of his dick.

  He jumps back. “No, you don’t do that shit.”

  Hearing him say that lets me know that I’m making the right decision. “I want to do it for you.”

  He shakes his head. “Hell no. It brings back bad memories for you, and I don’t want that shit to be a part of us.”

  Just knowing that he cares enough to want this to be good for me, not only my body, but also my soul, makes me love him even more, so I pull out the big guns. “I want to do it. I want to have your cock in my mouth while I make myself come on my fingers.”

  Lust fills his eyes, and he takes a step forward. “Are you sure about this, baby girl?”

  I reach out and wrap my fingers around his cock, the contact making my already wet pussy gush. “Oh, hell yeah!”

  He smiles, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Then start working that pussy.”

  I immediately do what he says, using two fingers to rub slow circles over my clit. I put my weight on my other hand and use just my mouth to suck him in, taking him deep into my throat without once feeling an ounce of fear. Within minutes, his hips are bucking and pre-cum is leaking into my mouth. />
  What once was disgusting is now fuckin’ delicious. Just the taste of him has me sending my fingers into my pussy, sliding them out as fast as I can. I continue to bob my head, taking him as deep as possible, until I feel his cock start to spasm. When he explodes in my mouth, I slam my fingers deep into me and moan my own release around his dick.


  I leave Jenna sprawled across the bed, dead to the world, and make my way down the hall. When I reach Preach’s room, I swing the door open, not even bothering to knock. I see Preach passed out on the bed with a nearly empty bottle of vodka in his hand. I’m shocked as shit that some bitch isn’t in bed with him, but then again, I guess no one is fuckin’ the girls until the final STD test results are in.

  I walk over to him and kick the bed. “Get the fuck up!” I shout, letting anger fill my voice.

  Jenna trusts me not to say shit about Daisy, and I won’t break that trust but this fucker is gonna get a beat down, even though he won’t know why. I know I should take it easy on him, because he’s gonna get even more of one when the brothers find out what the fuck he did. You don’t fuck a member’s kid, get her pregnant, and then treat her like shit. That just doesn’t happen.

  I know I fucked up with Jenna, but this asshole is even worse than me. I would’ve been by her side if she had gotten pregnant. I would have been there even if she didn’t want me to. Preach is so fucked up when it comes to Daisy, I’m not sure how he’ll react.

  Daisy’s all about the sweetness. She is nothing like Jenna; not that my woman can’t be sweet, but she just seems to lean toward the bitch side more often than not. She used to be sweet, but that all changed when I fucked up. I used to think I wanted my sweet Jenna back, but over the last few days, I’ve discovered that I like having a bitch in my bed.

  As sweet as Daisy is, she’s stubborn. Every bit as stubborn as Jenna. It took me six years to get Jenna back, and I had to force her then. I’m thinking Daisy will fight it just as hard. I’m thinking she may never give him another chance. I can only hope I’m wrong.


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