Renegade Lady

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Renegade Lady Page 25

by Dawn Martens

  She’s just a few feet inside the door when she bumps into one of pallets on the floor. Timmons turns towards the noise, gun drawn. He stares at her a second then slowly lowers his gun. “What the fuck are you doing here? I told you to stay at the clubhouse. You were supposed to send them after the Lords.”

  “They didn’t believe me. They knew it was you, and they threatened to kill me if I didn’t tell them where you were. As soon as they left me alone, I ran.”

  I know she’s lying. If my guys thought she had anything to do with me be kidnapped, they wouldn’t have let her out of their sight. That means she’s running a game on Timmons. I just hope she was smart enough to include the boys in her plan.

  “Fuck!” Timmons shouts, and then walks to her and knocks her to the floor. “You can’t do shit right.”

  He then turns to me. “This one here has been my eyes and ears in the club. She had one simple little job. She just had to get you alone, but no, she couldn’t do that. Couldn’t get Kidd into her bed either, but I’ve had you both. I can’t say I blame Kidd. You’re a much better fuck.”

  While he talks, I notice Krista crawling towards me. My eyes narrow and I wonder what the hell she’s doing. I can see a knife sticking out of the waist band of her pants. It’s not a gun, but it’s better than nothing. I try to stay focused on Timmons, so he doesn’t know what she’s doing.

  He keeps on talking, and not paying any attention to her. “Even though she can’t do shit right, at least she listens. Her stupid sister wouldn’t do shit I said. Sarah was supposed to be my eyes and ears, getting me all the information she could about you, but she wouldn’t give me shit. She was so in love,” He says love as if it’s a piece of shit he just stepped in, “with Kidd, that even though she hated you and couldn’t have him, she wouldn’t betray him like that.”

  He lets out a bark of laughter. “Look what happened. She ended up dead. All her loyalty earned her was a toe tag.”

  Maybe Sarah was a good person at heart. She was just so in love with Kidd that she was willing to hurt anyone that got in her way. At least she used her words to hurt me, and didn’t put me back in this crazy motherfucker’s hands.

  “I decided to get my replacement, although this bitch really hasn’t been all that much better. At least, she wasn’t until I told her if she didn’t do what I said, her daughter would die.”

  I go still. What the fuck? Krista has a kid? Then, memories of her mumbling through tears the other night pop into my head. She kept telling me she had to protect Sarah, but I thought she was just so lost in her fear of Timmons, that she was just losing it. Maybe the Sarah she was talking about is her daughter.

  I see her trying to make her way around Timmons, and I know I have to do something to keep his attention. I swallow my fear and let the words flow. “Ok, enough with the fuckin’ small talk. Let’s get this over with. I’m bored.”

  Timmons aims his gun higher, pointing it right between my eyes. “Should I put it between your pretty eyes or shoot between those sexy tits of yours?” he says, talking to himself.

  I know I’ve got to keep him talking, so I do something that I never thought I would ever do. I run my hands up to my breast and give it a squeeze. “You always did like my tits, didn’t you?”

  He eyes glue to my chest, and he runs his tongue over his lips. It’s so disgusting that I have to swallow down the bile rising into my throat. “Yeah, I remember how you used to play with them. You would bite down on my nipples so hard, I would scream.”

  His free hand goes to his jeans and, I shit you not, the dumb fuck starts stroke himself through the denim. I know I’ve got him now. If I can just keep him occupied until Krista gets close enough for me to reach the knife, I may make it out of here alive. “They were small back then, but they’re bigger now. You could lay your dick between them and fuck them all night long.”

  With those words, Timmons takes a step closer to me and starts to lower his gun. As soon as I see it go down, I start to jump on him. Before I get the chance, Krista is between us with the knife pointing at him. A second later, I hear a gun blast and Krista drops to the floor in front of me.

  I look down and see blood oozing from her chest. I freeze, staring at her and remembering the girl I killed. “Oh fuck.” I say, swaying, yet trying to regain composure. I need to help her, but I’m frozen in place.

  Finally, I drop down beside her and use my hands to try to stop flow. The entire time, Timmons rants about how she got in the way. He didn’t mean to kill her. It was supposed to be me. I ignore him and try talking to Krista. “Come on Krista, fight. Stay alive for me. Your baby needs you,” I say pleading.

  When I say the word baby, Timmons goes nuts. He starts pulling on his hair, screaming that I made him kill the mother of his child. “You are going to die, bitch.”

  He raises his gun towards me, and I know this is the end. In my mind, I’m saying my goodbyes to everyone I love and praying that I get to see Mindy again.

  Suddenly, the door to the room bursts open and Chipper comes in, gun in hand. “No mother fucker, you’re gonna die,” he says, then unloads his gun into Timmons.

  As soon as his body hits the floor, Chipper is pulling me off the floor and into his arms. “Shhh, Jenna girl. Everything’s okay now.”



  I slam the phone down on Timber and prop my elbows upon the table, wrapping my hands around the top of my head. What the hell was I thinking, sending him to look for Jenna at Mindy’s grave? I know she goes there when shit gets too much for her, but she wouldn’t have left the club without telling someone with Timmons in town. I just had to check though. It was my last hope.

  I can’t take this shit. I feel fuckin’ useless. I went to every known place I could think of, and even a few run down shitholes Jenna would never even step inside. I don’t know where else to look. There is nowhere else to look. We’ve been everywhere… every fuckin’ where.

  I knew I should have kept more protection on her, but I would’ve never fuckin’ thought she’d get taken right out of the clubhouse. The fact that Krista had something to do with it is even more mindboggling. Hell! Jenna could’ve taken her out with one hand tied behind her back.

  “Pres!” I hear shouted.

  I spin in the direction of the voice in time to see Preach run into my office. “Chipper found her. He’s taking her up to the hospital to get looked at. Timmons is dead. Let’s roll out.”

  The words are barely out of his mouth before he turns and runs back out of the room. I can hear him shouting for the rest of the members as I chase after him.

  By the time we hit the road, every member of the club is following. Even the old ladies and club girls are riding along. I feel the anger and fear coming from them as we walk into the hospital. As we step into the emergency room, I see Chipper over in the waiting area and make my way over.

  “Where’s she at?” I clip out.

  “They got her in the back. She was throwing such a fit that they made me come out here.”

  My fear multiplies at his words. “What the hell are they doing to her? Why’s she throwing a fuckin’ fit?”

  He chuckles before answering. “They’re just checking her over. I don’t’ think she’s hurt, but you know my girl. If she don’t get her way, she gets pissed.”

  “What in the hell is she pissed about?”

  “She wouldn’t stop bitchin’ the whole way here about how she was gonna piss her pants,” he says, chuckling again. “When they threw me out, they were just letting her go to the bathroom.”

  I glare at him, not in the mood for a laugh. As far as I’m concerned, there’s not one thing funny about this whole situation.

  “She’s fine, Kidd. She’s just a little beat up, got a bruise or two, but that’s all. She’ll need you to keep a level head when she talks to you, man, because she’s got a lot of shit on her mind right now. She’ll need you by her side,” he says.

  “What the fuck did he do to h
er?” I growl out, barely keeping my temper reined in.

  “It’s not Timmons that’s bothering her. It’s Krista. She was there.”

  My body starts to shake with anger. “I fuckin’ knew it. I’m gonna put a bullet in her fuckin’ head myself.”

  He shakes his head. “No, man. Krista’s already dead. She died trying to save Jenna, if you can believe that.”

  I’m tempted to not believe that shit, but what he says next has me wishing she was alive so I could kiss the shit outta her. “Jenna said, Krista got between her and Timmons, took a bullet in the chest for it. She has a kid, brother. Timmons was the dad, and he was threatening to hurt it. She was protecting her kid, but in the end, she protected Jenna.”

  Fuck! “Where’s the kid now?”

  He shakes his head. “I don’t know, but I can tell you for sure that Jenna plans to find out.”

  Our conversation is interrupted when a man at the reception desk asks, “Is there anyone here for Jenna Chandler.”


  I’m sitting on a hospital bed, about to start throwing another screaming fit, when Kidd walks in. He comes straight to me and pulls me into his arms. “Thank God. Thank fuckin’ God.”

  I wrap my arms around him and whisper, “I’m fine, baby.”

  He pulls back and looks at me. I know the instant he sees the bruises on my face, because his whole body locks up. “What did that mother fucker do to you?”

  I place my hands on his face and do my best to calm him. “He just hit me a few times, that’s all. I swear he didn’t really hurt me. I’ve been through worse.”

  I know I’ve said the wrong thing, when his face turns to stone. “I don’t give a fuck what’s happened to you before. You’re my old lady, and I’m supposed to keep you safe.”

  “You did. You sent Chipper to me.”

  He frowns. “No, I just sent him over there to check shit out. Thought we might need to do some cleanup. I looked everywhere for you, but I never even thought about the warehouse. Hell, I was fixing to ride to Mateland. I would have left you here all alone.”

  I pull him back to me, needing to have him close. “I was never alone. You were with me the whole time. No matter what Timmons said, I knew you would find me. I knew you would never stop looking.”

  He leans down and places his forehead on mine. “I was so scared. Never in my life had I felt anything like it before.”

  I’m about to tell him how much I love him when a nurse walks in. “Are you ready to go home, Ms. Chandler?”

  I pull back and smile at her. “Hell yeah.”

  About an hour later, after tons of fuckin’ paperwork, Kidd pulls his bike in front of an abandoned building not far from the club house. “What do you think?”

  I slide off the bike and smile at him. “I’m thinking this is not home, so I have no idea why you brought me here.”

  He climbs off and grabs my hand, pulling me to the building. He pulls some keys out of his pocket and opens the door. When we walk in, I see that it was once some kind of restaurant. “What is this place, and what the hell are we doing here?”

  “How about this place for the new restaurant you wanted to open?” Kidd asks as we walk through the space.

  “A restaurant?” I ask, confused.

  He continues to pull me across the room and through another door. This one opens up to a huge empty space. “This here could be for the Spa you want.”

  He continues to motion around the room. “You could have a few girls doing hair here. Back there, you could have few more doing all that other shit you said that just blew out my other ear,” he says on a grin.

  “I don’t understand.”

  He pulls me into his arms, a huge smile covering his face. “When I went to the Lords today, Miller asked me if I knew anyone that would take this place off his hands. His brother died a few years ago, and he inherited it. The place has been empty for a long time, but it’s still solid. I thought it could work for what you need, and the price was right, so I bought it for you.”

  “It’s mine?” I ask, surprised as hell.

  He gives me a squeeze. “I bought it with club money, so it’s the club’s, but it’s yours to do whatever the fuck you want with it. I planned to tell you about it later. After what happened today, I figured you could use some good news.”

  I feel tears come to my eyes, and I pull back and punch him in the stomach. “What the fuck did I tell you about being sweet? I can’t handle that shit.”

  He chuckles. “I love you, baby girl.”

  I move back to him and wrap my arms around him. “I love you too, Kidd.”



  I turn my head and look at the picture Daisy just hung. “I think it’s straight.”

  “Good,” she says, climbing down from the step ladder. “Just a few more, and we’re done.”

  Tomorrow, we open the restaurant. Well, hopefully we do. First, we have to pass the final health inspection. “Yeah, we’re almost ready.”

  Daisy and I have worked our asses off over the last month, trying to get this place ready. I decided to make her my assistant manager. Being pregnant, she won’t be able to work The Kitty Kat much longer. To be honest, I don’t think she ever really belonged there. Stripping just isn’t her thing. She’s one of those women that needs a house with a white picket fence and a man that treats her like a queen. She’s just too sweet for the kind of lifestyle we live.

  I’m starting to think maybe it’s not for me either. I still want to be part of the club, but running the girls and The Kitty Kat never felt quite right. Getting the restaurant up and going has. Just knowing the salon is coming next, has me chomping at the bit to hurry the hell up.

  I turned the girls and The Kitty Kat over to Skittles last week. It was kind of scary, leaving that part of my life behind, but I knew it was time. I helped her get the new girls she needed, but it’s all hers now.

  In total, we hired twenty-two girls. Not all of them were for her though; some will be working here at the restaurant. The ones working here will not be affiliated with the club in any way, shape or form. Yes, the club owns this place, but I don’t want this turned into a whore house that serves food.

  I look over to Daisy and notice she’s quiet. “Have you told Preach yet?”

  I haven’t seen him beat up again, since Kidd did a number on him, so I’m guessing that would be a big fat no.

  “No, not yet. I’ve tried, but every time I go to tell him, he’s got some slut hanging all over him,” she says sadly.

  “You need to tell him before you start showing. Everyone’s going to know soon. If he finds out on his own, it’ll just make it worse,” I say to her, trying to get her off her ass. She needs to tell him.

  “I plan on telling him tonight. I don’t care if he’s with someone or not.”

  I nod. “I’m glad. Who knows? Maybe things will work out for the two of you.”

  “Nope, I gave up on that idea when I saw him with Leah only a few hours after I left his bed. After I say what I got to say to him, I’m done. I’ll let him see his child anytime he wants, but there will be no me and him. After how he’s treated me, I’m over his ass.”

  For once, she sounds sincere. For Preach’s sake, I hope not. I know he loves her, but something’s holding him back.

  “I’ll be with you, you know, when everyone finds out. I know him well enough to know he’s not gonna let you just walk away, so if he says something fuckin’ stupid, I’ll make sure the girls don’t touch him. His dick will wither away before he gets another piece of club pussy,” I say, trying to make her smile.

  She does smile, but it doesn’t seem very happy. “I wish he could be more like Kidd.”

  I laugh at that, remembering how much of an asshole he was for years, but that’s all changed now. He barely even lets me out of his sight these days. After all that shit went down with Timmons, Kidd told me he was never leaving my side again. I thought he was just talking out of his as
s, but after about a week of him following me around, I got pissed. We had a huge blowout that ended with mind blowing sex. He now gives me a little space. Not much, but at least I can come to the restaurant without him breathing down my neck.

  Between him hovering over me and his tattoo, all the girls are convinced that he’s the most romantic man in the world. I swear some of the bitches even sigh when he walks by. The guys, on the other hand, have given him shit about it. He made the mistake of taking his shirt off while he and some of the boys were working on a bike, and everyone saw it. Some of the other members have their old lady’s name tattooed on them, but no one except Kidd has it written across their back.

  “You’ll find your Kidd, someday.” I just hope it’s Preach.


  I look up from my desk just as Timber walks in. I lift my chin to him. “Hey, man.”

  “Talked to Dad. He said that Brew’s been calling, trying to get the boys in Cali to join them,” he says with chuckle as he sits down.

  I have to chuckle to myself. Brew is an ignorant motherfucker, if he thinks Digger would cut ties with us to join the same club that’s been fuckin’ him over for years. I know he’s just grasping at straws, trying to figure out a way to get his club out of this mess, but the Cali’ boys are not the way to go.

  “Dad said that Killer is out of commission completely. Guess they had to put him in a nursing home, so Brew is now president, and he named that fucker, Tug, VP.”

  I shrug. “I don’t give a fuck. The whole damn club is just running on fumes As far as I’m concerned, Brew’s just a walking dead man.”

  Brew and Digger never showed up in Big Clifty, and have never taken any more of my calls since. I sent some boys up there to let them know that their charter had been cut, but when they got there, the Mateland crew wouldn’t even let them in. Hell, they were flying a new flag--The Mayhem Masters. I still plan on putting a bullet into Brew one day, but I’m not sure when I’ll get the chance. From what I hear, he never leaves the club house.


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