Trinity (The TriAlpha Chronicles Book 1)

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Trinity (The TriAlpha Chronicles Book 1) Page 14

by Serena Akeroyd

  When he stared at her, mouth set in firm lines, she amended, "Proper danger. Life and death kind of shit."

  At that, he nodded. "This is the first day of the rest of our lives, Thalia. Let's start as we mean to go on."

  Then, his mate surprised him: she grinned at his comment. "What? Sex in the afternoon as well as at night?"

  Unable to help it, her contagious grin spread to his lips. "Yeah, that. But most importantly, I'm here now. Let me help."

  "Can I help you too?"

  She sounded so hesitant, so unsure that he frowned. "That goes without saying, Thalia."

  "Good," she breathed. Leaning forward, she moved closer to him, and nuzzled her cheek against his. "Do you know how good you smell?"

  "If it's as good as you, then that's pretty damned good."

  She beamed at him, then whispered, "Are you ready to bond, Rafe? We can wait if you want."

  "Is that what you want? To wait?" he asked, brow cocked. It was strange how strong she was, but she wasn't arrogant with him, or domineering. If anything, she acceded to him. Curious and curiouser.

  "No, not really."

  He laughed. "Well, why ask?"

  She ducked her head. "You've got a raw deal with me, Rafe. I-I... even my parents can't stand me."

  "That's self-pity talking," he retorted.

  She stuck out her tongue. "I'm allowed a little self-pity, aren't I?"

  "To a point," he warned. "Not if it means you start half-shifting ten times a day."

  She snorted. "I'm not going to. But parents aside, I'm a bit of a pain," she admitted with raw honesty.

  He shrugged. "I'm a pain, too. I have to make sure if I've locked a door about ten times before I'll leave it, and even then, I might walk away and go back to the door to check... My receptionist is barely there because I can’t say no to her when she pretends to be sick—and she’s Lyken, it’s not like she can catch a cold, is it?

  “Over half my patients owe me the bulk of their medical expenses because if I know they’re struggling, I take on the debt myself. My father can’t stand me, my mother can now I have a fancy kitchen and I let her visit whenever she wants…” Warming to his theme, he carried on, “The only place I have any respect is in the human world. There, they revere me for my talents as a surgeon, but I have to workout in the gym, and if anyone in the pack knew it was a human gym? We both know how I’d be ridiculed.

  "We all have our quirks, Thalia. And if you think a tendency to leap before you look will stop me from binding myself to you in every which way possible, then you're mistaken."

  "Good." She gnawed at her lip then peered up at him through lashes that were as thick as feathers. “If the human gym gave you that rocking body, then I’m glad you went there, and I’m sure your mom visits for more than just the fancy kitchen.”

  He heaved out a sigh even as he wanted to preen at her compliment. “I doubt that. But it doesn’t matter. It’s never mattered. What does is here, now.” Rafe squeezed her fingers, and then, as this was confession time, he admitted, "If anything, I'm the one about to be embarrassed here." He grimaced. "I've been told my Wolf isn't all that impressive."

  She blinked at that. "I'm sure he's beautiful."

  It was his turn to grunt. "I doubt that. Plus, you'll have to shift to trigger mine." He blew out a breath. "With no moon, I can't shift at will."

  Her mouth rounded, but her eyes weren't filled with disgust or horror, she just looked uncomfortable. For a second, she studied him, then in a low tone, whispered, "I-I don't want to be your Alpha, Rafe. Please know that."

  Touched, he reached forward and traced a finger around her lip. "Partners?" he asked.

  "Partners," she stated, her voice stronger now. "Ready?"

  He winked, then nodded.

  She sucked in a breath, and shirt be damned, shifted. The instant the surge of power swept through the room, he had no control over the urge to shift either. Every time this happened, it galled him, shamed him, reminded him of his weakness.

  But not today.

  And he had a feeling never again.

  He would forever associate these moments with the mating run, he swiftly realized.

  His mother had told him how his father had chased her, intent on catching her, running her down until she was exhausted. Knowing his father, he could believe that would be his MO. But it wouldn't be Rafe's.

  He'd meant it when he said they should start as they meant to go on, and they'd do just that.

  As bones shifted and fur sprouted, material ripping and falling away under the pressure of magic, a few moments later, two wolves stood in the doorway to the TriAlpha heiress, and now, her mate's suite. They stood and stared at each other, Thalia's She-Wolf being coy, her head bowed down until she stepped into Rafe's space and as she'd done in her human form, nuzzled into him.

  Thalia was a large She-Wolf, Rafe a small Wolf, but they were similarly sized thanks to Rafe's sleek length. He stood proudly for the first time in his life, letting his mate learn him, letting the She-Wolf find comfort and solace in his presence.

  When her muzzle sniffed at his maw, he yipped and pounced forward. The She-Wolf’s eyes flashed as he continued on, pressing her back. Spying his intent, she barked in return and ran down the steps. He chased after her, only pausing to howl shortly. Hers entwined with his, and he resumed his run, managing to reach her. Just as she was about to hare off, resume the chase, he nipped at her heels, bit at her tail. For a second, she froze, then dove down on to her belly, only to leap up.

  They played, for Gods knew how long, and the mate chase rather than a period of fear for the She-Wolf, was one of joy. Of play and fun.

  The man was surprised at his Wolf’s energy, at his ability to keep up when in the past, shifting had always been more of a draining process than something to enjoy, but he more than managed. Exhilaration and adrenaline undoubtedly fed his movements, but he enjoyed himself as he pounced around his mate, learning this side of her, coming to know the beast.

  When she tired, the She-Wolf stood still and allowed the male to mount her. Rafe's Wolf made sure to slice his tongue along the sharp fangs licking his gums, and as he gripped her ruff and bit down, he marked her with his spittle and semen and blood. In this, their most elemental of forms, he made her his, forever tying her to him, forever binding him to her.

  And as the Wolf rutted and found release, he howled. His mate joined in, declaring her status to the world. The pair of them so wrapped up in each other they didn't notice the imposing palace looming grimly behind them. A silent if ignored reminder of the tensions still in their lives.

  But inside those walls, the dozens of workers, from the humblest cleaner to the most imposing Alphas on the council, listened to the howls in the garden. All aware thanks to Rick and the palace vine of gossip that wove from the bottom rungs of the ladder to the very top, that the Princess had found her mate.

  Within seconds of their howls, the naturals in the forest began their own chorus, singing and celebrating for a She-Wolf who had been a member of their pack and who, they now knew, was claimed by a male.

  The inhabitants of the palace, as one, from the TriAlpha themselves to a gardener, froze and felt the power of that moment, as the heiress to the nation was embraced by the naturals, creatures sacred to the Mother. For years to come, they’d whisper about feeling the ghostly touch of their makers as fate and destiny weaved into the future.

  A future that heralded change.

  A future that heralded uncertainty.

  A future brighter than today, and richer than yesterday.


  Three days later

  Being surrounded by her people was... overwhelming.

  It was the first time in eight years she'd been allowed to attend the Centennial, and with the huge party that was this festival, came her people.

  Hundreds of thousands of them.

  Males, females, young, old, pups, Elders.

  They were all here. Surrounding her. Their scents fi
lling her senses, enabling the notion of being part of a pack again to pound through her veins.

  Her parents had allowed her to come because they'd had no choice. Simple. She'd made the request at the council chambers, with all the pomp they appreciated and less of the sass as Rafe had asked of her. They'd hesitated, the word ‘no’ hovering on their lips, but apparently they'd seen her request for what it was.

  Politeness. Because whether they allowed it or not, she was going and so was Rafe.

  Of course, they’d bogged her down with rules.

  Their stipulations had had her flushing with fury, but she'd bitten it back, swallowed her words and just nodded. All the while dying a little inside and just wishing they'd relent. Cut her some damn slack.

  She'd accepted the terms even though her She-Wolf had raged with the humiliation of it all, because she'd wanted to attend. Had needed to feel the pack again with an almost burning intensity, experience it with Rafe at her side. And so, she'd acquiesced to their order she dress like an ordinary Lyken. No state dress for her as her parents would be wearing. No ceremony, no admission of who she was. She had to blend into the crowd like the black sheep they’d made her.

  To return to Rafe to share the news had pained her more than her fathers' demand had.

  It was shameful, lowering. She'd burst into tears on the way to her suite, hating her fathers for making her do this, but knowing she'd do it simply to be at the festival.

  The festival was her secret going away party.

  Once the four days of celebration were over, whatever her parents said, she'd be going with Rafe to his home in Austin. She had some Beta's balls to bite, and after that, she intended to travel with Rafe. From pack to pack, doing the same as she'd do in Austin. Sorting the wheat from the chaff. Ridding packs—local and national alike—of their bad blood and establishing herself as her parents wouldn't allow. She had the law on her side, but she’d been hesitant to use it.

  Their refusal of her had changed all that.

  Her position as heiress to the TriAlpha seat was severely diminished by their hiding her away these last few years. Out of sight, out of mind. To her people, she was a nobody. A part of the background, not the foreground as she needed to be. She was the people’s present, her offspring the future. It was about time she lived up to both.

  And as her fathers' request had proved, they'd continue to treat her like the poor relative, content for her to stay out of the picture no matter what Bahkir told them. That was why she had to get out of here, do this on her own, make a name for herself, and for Rafe, by herself.

  Only now, as she stood here, in the center of the chaos, did she realize, without meaning to, her fathers had given her a gift. They would be at the festival every day, from dawn till dusk, but they ran to a schedule. They had to be at certain parts of the multi-faceted celebration at particular times to fulfil specific engagements.

  When they weren't busy, they'd be on a dais, where the pack would gawk at them as they walked past. Like monkeys at a zoo. Seated on their thrones, apart from the madness, distanced from the fun. And she'd have been there, too. Unable to enjoy the festivities to its full potential if they hadn’t preferred to shame her.

  Served them right.

  "I can't believe how huge it is!" Rafe whispered, butting into her thoughts as he leaned down and spoke into her ear.

  She nodded. "It's larger than I remember.” The last time she’d come to the Centennial, she’d been fifteen. “I can't believe you've never been here before."

  He shrugged, then wrapped an arm about her shoulder. "I could never allow myself to take such a large amount of time off. I felt guilty. And when I was a kid, if we could have afforded to come, my father would have left me behind anyway."

  She bit her lip at the admission. Partly because she wanted to tear her father-in-law’s head off, and partly at what her plans for the future—plans she'd yet to share because they'd been forming in her head these last few days and weren’t exactly fixed—would do to Rafe's career. A career that was so much more than a job to him. It was his life.

  Nibbling her lip until it was sore now, she shoved the thoughts away, wanting to celebrate. They could discuss what they’d do with themselves after the festivities, she reasoned. For now, she just wanted to enjoy being his mate.

  The festival took up hundreds of acres of pack land. Split into different sections, there were days' worth of entertainment here, and still, there was so much to miss as the place throbbed with an energy that came from the people’s joy at being together, at communing with their own kind.

  Throughout the forested land, there were market stalls. Thousands of them. Peddling anything from clothes and jewelry, to ancient books and leather works, stallholders enticed the visitors with their wares. Another section was a stage, where dozens of the most famous Lyken names around entertained the masses on an almost constant schedule. The food area consisted of a huge ass BBQ pit, and thousands of cows, pigs, chickens and only the Gods knew what else had been sacrificed to feed the tens of thousands of hungry people.

  On top of that, there were the Kids and Adults section, the former was usually where the Elders could be found. Teaching and sharing the lores even during a festival.

  Since Rafe and she had returned to the palace the night of their claiming, dozens of Elders had arrived just for this event; to convey tradition to the youth of today.

  There was the Lyken-Only section where strangers could run with strangers as part of the national pack. Every night, to end the day's festivities, the TriAlpha would lead a run. Congregating tens of thousands of Adult shifters as one for four nights a year. For many, that was the principle reason for attending the Centennial.

  And Thalia wanted to see it all, wanted to know it all while she had the freedom of anonymity.

  They went to the markets, laughing and ribbing each other over their choice of purchases. Staring at supposedly ancient swords and arguing over the likelihood the blade had actually been a part of the Battle of Blue Hill, leafing through tomes that spoke of ancient traditions from the important to the silly.

  They visited the stage. Watched the famous Lykens sing their internationally celebrated songs, songs even humans loved. Thalia danced, Rafe groaned until she made him leap about with her. The two of them taking two minutes until they were pressed together, her arms around his neck, his hands at her hips, kissing. When whistles pounded through the stadium, they looked up and noticed they were on the big screen. Treated to raucous laughter, pats on the back, Thalia and Rafe just grinned, reveling in the experience, then returned to their kiss.

  They ate steaks so rare they mooed, Thalia dove into fajitas that stained her cheeks with spicy chipotle and tomato sauce, and Rafe complained he felt sick after one too many scoops of ice cream.

  They rejoiced in each other, the crowd, the joy and frivolity of the day. Seemingly aware that this was the calm before the storm for them.

  As they passed the Kids section, Rafe commented, "Bahkir told me he'd be with the children this festival. Do you want to go see him? Fancy listening to some stories?"

  While Thalia grinned at that, she cocked a brow at the fact Rafe was on first name terms with an Elder. "Bahkir?" she asked, disbelievingly.

  He reached up and tugged at his collar, the move dripping with nerves, before he sucked it up, sucked it in and nodded. "He told me to call him that!" His defensive tone had her reaching up on tiptoe to kiss him.

  "I believe you."

  Rafe ducked his head. "Well, do you want to go?"

  "I'd love to. I didn't realize you'd spoken to him again, not since that first night."

  "He seeks me out," Rafe shared, once again discomfited by his own words. The Elder's attention obviously made him nervous. "Usually when you're napping. Although the Gods only know how he knows you're asleep."

  "He must like you, Rafe." She turned to look up at him. "Do you know how unusual that is? Normally they stay aloof. I've seen enough Elders around the palace garden
s, even though I wasn't allowed to talk to them, to see they're loners. He must see how special you are," she told him, her heart warming at the idea.

  For the last three days, they'd stayed in her wing. Not even answering her fathers' summons, even though Rafe had wanted to. It was their honeymoon, she'd told the messenger—thankfully not Lance, because even though Rafe was slow to rile, her fraternizing with the submissive Beta would have really aggravated him—and apparently, her parents had listened, because they'd left them alone for the most part. And she’d been the one to call an audience with them, but only to ask if she and Rafe could attend today.

  These past few days had been a time of learning one another, and she'd loved every minute of it. She especially loved that it wasn't over yet, and that it wouldn't be for a long time coming.

  "You should have told me he sought you out," she chided.

  "In fairness, love, the first thing you want to do when you wake up is not talk." He grinned, and she loved his cocky look of masculine satisfaction. "And after that, I'm the one who wants to sleep. It just slipped out of my mind."

  She linked arms with him. "Okay, I'll forgive you. Let's go. It's years since I've heard some of the old tales,” she said as they stepped toward the Kids section which was the only part of the festival, save the TriAlpha and the Lunoi’s dais, to be heavily guarded.

  Pups were shielded and protected at all times until they reached the age they could shift with control, and their wolves were strong enough and fierce enough to defend themselves.

  They neared the guards, and had the passes they wore about their necks checked by a scanner. There were two lines of people trying to enter this area, tired parents clasping the hands of excited children waiting to see the mini theme park tucked behind the gates as well as the candy stalls to gorge from, and the Elders' tales to listen to as they ate.

  As the guards scanned Rafe's card, it flashed green. When they scanned hers, it flashed red.


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