Dragon's Curvy Engineer

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Dragon's Curvy Engineer Page 5

by Annabelle Winters

  Now we’re both thrashing and shouting, and Easton keeps pumping into me, filling me way past the point of overflowing, his cock feeling bigger and thicker with every spurt of semen, his balls slamming against me so hard they’re gonna leave bruises.

  The darkness of the cave is adding something to this powerful coupling, and I feel both our Dragons feeding off the energy and also fueling the frenzy. Along with the images of Easton taking me are images of white-hot flames, shining wings, gleaming talons, burning eyes. It’s my White Dragon getting stronger with every thrust of its mate, Easton’s Alpha Red Dragon.

  “I’m not stopping, Eleanor,” Easton growls as he slams into me again and holds himself there, rising up on his toes and driving an inch deeper even though I didn’t think there was any deeper to go. “I need to claim you completely, in every way. I need all of you, Eleanor. Every fucking inch.”

  I just nod as Easton pulls out and then spreads my buttcheeks. I hear him groan and shudder as he parts my rear globes until I feel the cool air against my wet hole. I feel him staring shamelessly at my most forbidden space, and I arch my back down and spread wider for him as that wild need to be owned rises up and grabs me by the throat.

  Easton smacks my bottom gently, a few times on each cheek, just enough to make my big bum tremble in the most beautiful way. Then another smack, this time a little harder. Two more quick ones, and then a hard, tight slap that rings out through the cave like a whipcrack,

  I yelp and jump, but there’s no pain, just raw pleasure. So I glance over my shoulder at my dominant Dragon and lick my lips when I see the arousal all over his scarred face. He wants to possess me in a way that’s ripping him apart. I see it in his burning eyes. I feel it in the way he’s grabbing my ass, spanking my bottom, licking my asshole as he prepares to pour more of his heat into the most untouched space in my body.

  I groan as Easton spanks me good and raw, and then without hesitating he’s inside me, his cockhead easily spreading my asshole as it storms through my canal like an invading army.

  He’s coming before I even come to my senses, and the sensation of his heat pouring into my anus is unimaginably filthy, beautifully raw, dominantly dirty. His fingers are entwined in my hair, and he’s holding me powerless against the wall as he finishes in me, emptying those Dragon’s balls deep in my ass, claiming me completely, owning me forever, showing that pesky universe that he’s a fucking Alpha Dragon.

  My Alpha Dragon.

  Finally Easton is done, and then we’re both on our knees, gasping in exhaustion, laughing in joy, kissing each other like teenage lovers, holding each other like we can’t let go.

  “I love you, Eleanor,” he whispers into my mussed up hair. “I love you.”

  I nod against his chest, smiling as I hear his heart pound out the words with every beat. “I love you too, Easton. I’ve never felt anything like this. Never felt anything so powerful, so primal, so . . . perfect.”

  “It is perfect, isn’t it?” Easton says. “The Myth of Fated Mates is designed to be perfect. Fate makes you wait for three centuries, not even offering a sign of your mate. Then one day she shows up at your door, and your world changes forever.”

  I smile and nod. “I showed up at your drawbridge, actually. Which reminds me, do you want that fixed or replaced?”

  Easton grunts. Then he looks down at me and shrugs. “The Lady of the House can decide.”

  I gasp when I realize what he means, and I look down at our naked bodies that are entwined like snakes. “Not very ladylike right now,” I whisper as I feel Easton’s thick semen ooze out of me, from front and behind.

  “A perfect lady,” Easton says through a grin. “And once I gift you the Red Diamond as a wedding ring, we’ll have our perfect ending.”

  I look up into Easton’s eyes as I remember why we’re here in the Andes Mountains. “The Red Diamond,” I say. “Been hearing a lot about it, but I still don’t know what it is. Or why it’s such a big deal.”

  Easton takes a breath and leans back against the wall. He pulls me close and exhales. “I was born a half-breed, but the Dragonblood in my veins comes from an ancient line of Red Dragons. The Red Dragons are the keepers of the Red Diamond—the line protected the stone and the stone protected the Red Dragons in return. But then something happened a few hundred years ago, when I was just a child.” Easton sighs and shakes his head. “My father—a pureblood Red Dragon—was entrusted with the Red Diamond. And he betrayed that trust.”

  “What happened, Easton?” I whisper, touching his face as I notice those scars glowing an eerie red.

  “Father did not believe in the Myth of the Red Diamond,” Easton says. He snorts and shakes his head again. “He thought the Red Diamond was just more loot, just another diamond to toss into a vault—or to use to pay off a debt.”

  I frown. “A debt? I thought Dragons were hoarders. Didn’t your Father have a stash of loot hidden somewhere?”

  “He most certainly did,” says Easton. “But Father loved gold more than diamonds, and in his mind the Red Diamond was a flawed stone, not as shiny as the others in his vault.” Easton takes a breath and sighs again. “He used it to pay off a gambling debt, Eleanor. And it was the most expensive price ever paid.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask. “What happened when he gave up the Red Diamond?”

  Easton shakes his head and rubs his eyes. “Nothing at first,” he says. “But then the older Red Dragons started to fade, started to age, started to die. It was unheard of, and the other Red Dragons came to Father and said it was time to unleash the magic of the Red Diamond.”

  “Oops,” I say, forcing a smile as I try to hope this story has a happy ending. But the scars on my mate’s face promise otherwise.

  “Oops is right,” Easton says through a grim smile. “Soon the truth came out, and Father was ordered to recover the Red Diamond within three days.” Easton sighs. “So Father went searching, but the trail had gone cold and he returned empty handed.”

  “What happened then? Was he punished by the other Red Dragons?” I ask, touching Easton’s chest as I see the pain in his eyes.

  He shakes his head. “No. The Red Diamond delivered the punishment,” he says quietly. “Two days later our mother was gone.”

  “What do you mean gone?”

  “I mean gone. She wasn’t there anymore. My father went on a rampage like no other, but she was gone. We never even found her body.”

  I stare at Easton, not sure what to say. But he goes on, and I let him talk.

  “And then things escalated. The Red Dragons started dying off like it was the end of the world. First the elders. Then our uncles and cousins. Finally even our father. I was just a kid, and Fikus and Gilfred were barely toddlers. We just watched our entire world fade to red dust.”

  I glance at those scars again and blink. “Why were the three of you spared?” I ask. Then I snuggle up to him, sensing that he’s only talking because he knows he’s safe with me, that he can show his vulnerability and not be threatened when he’s alone with me. “Not that I’m complaining, of course.”

  He smiles and kisses me lightly. “I don’t know. Maybe because we were half-breeds, not yet Red Dragons. But my mother wasn’t a Red Dragon either, and she was taken from the world. So in the end I don’t really know. The full Myth of the Red Diamond was buried along with the last of the Red Dragons.”

  I reach up and touch Easton’s face again, and I see the telltale movement in his eyes. “The Red Dragons are back, Easton. Back with you.” Then I glance down at his hand on my belly. “Back with us.”

  Easton blinks as he realizes the truth in my words. “You’re right, Eleanor. The Red Dragons are back. So maybe the Red Diamond’s story will have a happy ending after all.”

  I feel Easton’s body uncoil, and I know he’s thinking about what lies inside that vault. Now my own mind goes there, and I remember that Dorrie and Diesel must be wondering where we are. Or worse—they must have guessed where we are, and what we’ve b
een doing!

  I get to my feet and look for my clothes. When I find them I glare at Easton. “How am I supposed to wear these tattered pieces of cloth?” I demand.

  Easton rubs his chin, but he’s clearly staring at my boobs and not my torn panties. “Just one thing to do,” he says with a shrug. “Though we’d better step outside before we do it.”

  “Do what?” I say, hurrying after Easton as he takes long strides towards the mouth of the cave.

  But when I get there I know the answer. I know what we’re gonna do. I know what we’re gonna become.

  Easton takes my hand and leads me to the edge of the mountain as I feel my White Dragon’s power flow through my arms, infuse my bones, turn my blood to Icefire. We look at each other, kiss one more time, and then launch ourselves off the mountain.

  We separate in mid-air, and I feel my White Dragon’s wings burst out of my back just as Easton’s Red Dragon explodes into existence. Our Dragons screech in delight, and I’m screaming too, laughing like a child as we dive and rise, turn and twist, shoot fireballs at one another, tease each other with our talons.

  The magic continues for what feels like hours, and finally we calm down and glide around to where Diesel and Dorrie are waiting. I see them standing near the vault door, and since Diesel appears to be turning the combination, I figure they’ve sorted out their argument.

  “Looks like Dorrie won,” I say to Easton as we turn once more in the air. “You’re getting your Red Diamond back, and you won’t even need to fight for it.” I glance over at Easton’s Dragon, and notice that it’s staring at Diesel with fire in its eyes. “Easton?” I say, a shiver going through me when I think about what Dorrie told me on the way over. We’d asked how she ended up with the Red Diamond, and she sheepishly explained that Diesel had stolen it from Arthur.

  “So how did Arthur get it?” I’d asked—not knowing at the time that Easton’s father had used the Red Diamond to pay a gambling debt. Dorrie had said she didn’t know, and Easton had stayed silent the rest of the trip.

  Of course, it’s clear now that the gambling debt must have been paid to Arthur.

  “Easton!” I say again, finally getting his attention. “This is over, right? The Red Diamond will be back in your hands in a few minutes. What’s done is done, right? You aren’t gunning for Arthur, are you? Arthur is the leader of this crew—a crew that includes us now.”

  Easton’s Dragon is silent as we glide high above the mountains. Then it glances at me with a big fiery eye and hisses out some white-hot steam. “I blame my father and no one else. Arthur is a Dragon, and I cannot expect a Dragon to forgive a debt. Arthur did not wrong my family. I doubt he wanted the Red Dragons to die. My guess is he did not even know about the Myth of the Red Diamond. That was hundreds of years ago. Arthur would have been a young Dragon too.” He twists his long, glistening neck and me and nods. “Yes, Eleanor. It’s over. That old story is over. Now a new story begins. Our story.”

  I hiss out some steam too, and then we fly in formation and come in for a perfect landing on the clearing near Diesel’s vault. The clearing is large enough, and we stay in Dragon form on account of the whole nakedness thing.

  I’m about to make a lame joke about where we were, but one look at Dorrie and I know something’s up. Diesel is crouched at the vault door, his ear pressed against the metal like he’s listening.

  “Someone’s inside the vault,” Dorrie whispers. “Which means someone’s going to die the moment Diesel pops that door open.”

  I snort out some smoke and paw the ground with my talons. My White Dragon is excited to get some blood on her clean claws, and without even looking at him I know Easton’s Alpha Red Beast is all about that bloodlust.

  “Who else knows about this vault?” Easton says to Dorrie.

  Dorrie shakes her head. “This is it. Four of us.” Then she frowns and blinks, like something just occurred to her. “Unless someone overheard us at your castle,” she adds, an edge to her voice, like she’s trying to be polite even though she’s suspicious.

  I frown too, shooting a glance at Easton. “Wasn’t your brother in the house? Do you think he mighta heard us at the front door with Dorrie?” I whisper to him even though clearly he’s already thinking of that.

  “Fikus,” comes the rumble from Easton’s Dragon. “Please, no. No, Fikus. Please let it not be you.”

  “How would he even get here before us?” I say quietly. “We flew here on Dorrie’s Moon Dragon. I doubt he was clinging to her talons without her noticing. Do you have a plane?”

  Easton snorts. “No. If it is indeed Fikus, then the only way he could have gotten here would be if he . . .” he says, trailing off as his voice goes dark and deep. He sighs and arches his neck close to me. “I told you my mother wasn’t a Dragon, right?”

  I nod.

  “Well, what I didn’t tell you is that Mother wasn’t quite human either,” Easton adds. “She had a gift that some said came from Dark Magic. A gift that was not passed on to me, the eldest. It was not passed on to Gilfred, the youngest. It was a gift for the middle child. The forgotten second son. A gift for Fikus.”

  I stare at Easton, and then I glance over at Diesel. I already know that Easton’s made up his mind to do whatever it takes to protect his brother, even if he has to fight Diesel, maybe even fight Dorrie!

  My mind races as I watch Diesel carefully turn the dial. I know he needs his fingers to turn the dial—or else he’d already be in Dragon form. Dorrie is waiting to Change too—I guess they want to stay quiet and surprise the thief.

  My Dragon is snarling and stomping, ready for any kind of action. It’s hard to hold back that kind of raw power, but I know I have to. Not only do I have to hold my own Dragon in check, but I have to somehow hold Diesel and Dorrie’s Dragons in check too. If they come forth, then it’s gonna be chaos, hellfire all around, violence and bloodshed. Easton chose the honorable route when it came to Arthur, but no way he backs down when me and his brother are involved. Easton would burn Diesel and Dorrie both, and I can’t let that happen.

  “I need to stop them from Changing,” I mutter to myself, my long neck swaying from side to side as I try to come up with an idea. For some reason I catch a glimpse of the mountaintop, and I notice that it’s still got snow on it. Snow and even some ice.

  Ice, I think as I feel something in my Dragon, feel a power that I sense is unique to White Dragons. What did Easton say about the Myth of the White Dragon? Something about being cut from the essence of diamond.

  The essence of diamond, I think as I look at the mountain’s ice. What else has the essence of diamond? What else reminds me of a diamond?

  “Ice,” I whisper as I recall some of the visions that came to me when my White Dragon entered my heart. “The White Dragon rules not just diamonds. She also rules ice.”

  That she does, whispers my crafty little White Dragon. I feel her sigh like she’s disappointed we aren’t gonna be killing anything yet. Shall we? she asks, sighing again and we look up at the ice and then at Diesel and Dorrie.

  I smile and nod, and then just as Diesel rips the door open and leaps back to Change to his Dragon, I blast both Dorrie and Diesel with Icefire that pours from my White Dragon’s maws.

  “Freeze!” I screech in playful delight as both Dorrie and Diesel are trapped in cocoons of magical ice—just like the one I was trapped in back at Easton’s castle!

  They shout and struggle, but they can’t break free. They’re also safe from Easton’s Dragon, and I wink at him as we both turn our attention to the open vault.

  “Fikus!” Easton shouts into the vault. “It’s your brother Easton. Come on out, you idiot. What the hell do you think you’re doing?! You can’t possibly think—”

  But Easton is drowned out by a thundering roar, and then out of the open vault flies a crooked, twisted, broken Red Dragon spewing fire all over the place!

  “Fikus!” Easton roars as the lopsided Red Dragon screeches past everyone, the Red Diamond firmly
in its clutches. “Oh, God, Fikus. What have you done? You’re just a half-breed like me! You used the power of the Red Diamond to summon your Dragon before you were ready, before you found your mate! Now you’re a twisted, broken Red Dragon! Come back, Fikus! We’ll figure out a way to help you! Come back, Fikus! Come back!”

  But Fikus is already just a speck against the clouds, and although Easton takes off with me at his wingtip, we don’t get there in time.

  “Where’d he go?” I say, confused as my Dragon sniff the air.

  Easton circles above me, and then he blasts Dragonfire at a white fluffy cloud, he’s so angry. “He’s using our mother’s gift,” Easton growls. “She could move from place to place like the wind. We won’t find him until he realizes he needs my help. Come on. Let’s go back and unfreeze those guys. How’d you do that, by the way?”

  “A lady never tells,” I whisper as we fly back to the very pissed-off Dorrie and Diesel. “A lady never tells.”




  “You’re telling me I can’t kill them for freezing our asses?” Diesel roars, stomping his feet and waving his fists in Arthur’s general direction. “At least let me kill Easton and his thieving brother!”

  “Nobody’s killing anyone. We’re all together in this,” Arthur says firmly. He glances toward me and nods. I see the respect in the old Dragon’s burning green eyes. He understands that it wasn’t easy for me to let go of the fact that my Father lost the Red Diamond to Arthur.

  Though it was easier than anyone knows, I think as I reach for Eleanor’s hand and pull her close to me. I glance at her and smile, still taken by her beauty, her energy, her . . . buttocks. She frowns and nudges me, like she’s saying pay attention.

  Yes, it was an easy choice to forgive Arthur. Because Eleanor was right: These Alpha Dragons are destined to be my new crew, their mates will be Dragon-sisters to Eleanor, our kids will grow up together, fly together, burn together. This is a new story. A new family.


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