Jennifer and Rocket (The Princesses of Silicon Valley Book 6)

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Jennifer and Rocket (The Princesses of Silicon Valley Book 6) Page 16

by Claire, Anita

  “Are you proud of him? Are you happy being with him?” Hita asks.

  “What?” I question.

  She clarifies, “Is the issue that you’re not proud of him, or are you proud of him?”

  Without even contemplating, I answer, “He works hard and is really conscientious. I respect that. His art is amazing. He sold this really cool sculpture and is creating another one for the same art dealer.” It hits me as I defend Rocket. “When we first started dating, I considered him a wild fling. It took me a long time to get over how he appears to other people.”

  Meredith gives me a really poignant look.

  “Okay, I keep blaming other people. I have this perfection thing going.”

  As my girlfriends all nod in agreement, I continue, “I want my men to look perfect. Rocket was out of my comfort zone.”

  “But now?” Olivia questions.

  “Now, I take Rocket seriously, I take our relationship seriously. I’m afraid of what my family will say. My grandmother and auntie are really harsh. I want their approval. I know they will be judgmental.”

  “Is the issue you don’t want your family to meet a guy who’s temporary?” Juliette asks.

  “I really like Rocket. He’s more than a fling. I look forward to our weekends together. I don’t know if this is forever, but it sure feels like it right now.”

  “Sounds like your job is to make your family realize how happy you are with him. They need to look past the tattoos and piercing to see the good guy,” Juliette continues.

  “It’s taken me months to look past the tattoos and really see the man. How can I expect my brother to do it over lunch?”

  Chapter 34 – Meeting Nick


  Jennifer tells me her brother, Nick, is flying into town, and she invites me to join them for lunch. It will be interesting to meet someone from her family. I’m not quite sure what she’s told them about me. She’s constantly texting and talking to her mom. I know she tells her she’s at my place, so they know we’re together.


  Nick flies in on a Sunday morning and we plan to meet him in Los Gatos for lunch. Jennifer and I get there first, sitting on a bench in front of the restaurant while we wait for him. Jennifer is all bubbly and excited to see him. At some point, she gives out a squeal, then runs up and gives an average built Asian guy, dressed casually hip, a big hug. When he approaches me, he formally shakes my hand giving me strong eye contact.

  This guy’s in big brother mode.

  Jennifer becomes very nervous and seems to be trying to sell me too hard. Trying to be cool, it’s obvious he’s checking me out as he looks me over and starts asking questions. It doesn’t take long before he gives up on the interrogation. Once the conversation turns casual, Jennifer relaxes.

  Nick’s an interesting guy, with an ironic sense of humor. It’s obvious that he’s protective of his little sister, which is cool. Whatever his opinion, I hope it doesn’t stress out Jennifer. I’m convinced our problems in January had to do with her family. She’s much easier to be with when she’s not all keyed up.

  Chapter 35 – Dinner with Nick


  Nick texts me on Monday to see if I’m free for dinner. At dinner, our conversation is easy while I wait for him to get to Rocket. Since the unspoken conversation is starting to gnaw on me, I finally say, “I’m glad you flew in early and got to meet Rocket.”

  Nick looks up and stares at me. Finally saying, “You’re serious with this guy?”

  “We haven’t gone out long enough to be serious. But I like him.”

  “He’s a hell of a lot better than that pretty boy asshat you took off with.”

  “Yeah, you were rather embarrassing.”

  Nick gives me a steely eye glare, “That guy was a complete dick. He was looking for a quick and easy hookup. You’re my sister.”

  We read our menus in silence as I realize that Nick was right and saved me from making a big mistake.

  He puts his menu down and says, “Anyway, don’t do anything rash, you’re still really young.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Rocket’s older, you’re younger. Take your time. If the two of you like each other now, then you’ll like each other in a year or two from now.”

  Holding up both of my hands to show him I have no rings on my fingers, I get defensive. “I don’t think we’re there yet. I’m not going to do something stupid.”


  “What are you going to say to Mom?”

  “About what?” he says with an annoyed voice.

  Exasperated, I reply, “About Rocket and me.”

  Nick lightly shrugs. “I’m not Mom’s proxy.”

  “Then what’s the whole meeting the boyfriend thing about, if it’s not to report back to Mom?”

  He looks at me with his typical big brother annoyed look, “I wanted to meet the guy you raced back to California for. The guys you date are typically pricks. Frankly, I was surprised. Rocket’s cool.”

  A big smile spreads across my face. My brother thinks my boyfriend’s cool. I’ve been so worried that he wouldn’t approve, I didn’t realize he’d like him better than the other guys I’ve dated.

  Nick gets an even more annoyed look on his face. “Don’t get so happy. It’s not like I said I thought you were cool.” Unable to control himself, he smirks.

  “Anyway, how can Rocket be long-term? Grandma, Auntie and Mom would freak if I showed up with him.”

  “Grow up, Jennifer,” he says. “It’s about time you stop making decisions based on what they will think. You’ve got to get their critical voices out of your head. Live your own life.”

  “I am living my own life,” I defensively respond.

  “No, not really. You seem happy with this guy, but you said it’s not long-term because of what they will think. Get those voices out of your head, and do what you think.”

  Chapter 34 – Who’s Influencing Who?


  Kyle hits me up with an idea for Burning Man. I went the last two years. It was amazing. I’m looking forward to going again. We start sketching out the idea to see if it would work. Of course, it’s large, wild, and includes pyrotechnics. It will be a bear to create, cart out to the desert, and assemble. I get some engineering friends from work to go in on it with us. I’ll have to hold off on my next sculpture, as we commandeer my studio to build it.

  Now it’s Jennifer’s turn to shock me. She shows me a couple of pictures, a hibiscus flower and a tribal turtle, and then tells me she wants to incorporate them into a tattoo to be placed on her left shoulder.

  With a sweet smile, she runs her hands through my now regularly cut hair as she says, “My friends are all joking about how I’ve cleaned you up. I guess it works both ways. I never got the whole tattoo thing. But hanging with you and your friends, it’s all I can think about. I really want this.”

  Of course, if that’s what she wants, then Kyle is the only guy who I’ll let touch her skin. Since I’m not sure if she’ll really want to go through with it, I have Kyle create a transfer that lasts about a week, telling Jennifer, “To make sure.”

  She’s so jazzed with the transfer, she goes out of her way to wear shirts that show it off. As it starts to fade, she calls up Kyle and schedules an appointment.

  Chapter 35 – Born on the 4th of July


  Rocket asks me what I want for my birthday. Since I was born on the Fourth of July, I want a big party. We invite all our friends to his place. The week before, I run myself ragged buying the supplies for decorations. Rocket helps out with a massive Costco run. He borrows folding chairs and fold up tables from some friends.

  On the July 4th, I wake up all excited.

  Rocket blocks me in bed as he tells me, “I want sex with a twenty-five-year-old.”

  Giggling from his sweet kisses that trail along my face, I respond, “Last night you said you wanted sex with a twenty-four-year-old.”

p; “You see what a lucky guy I am? Last night I had sex with a twenty-four-year-old and this morning I get to have sex with a twenty-five-year-old.”

  After making love, Rocket runs his finger down my cheek, “Yeah, I think I’ll like having sex with a twenty-five-year-old.”

  He reaches into the cabinet next to his side of the bed. He brings out a small box. As he hands it to me, I gasp in surprise. I’m a little nervous as I wonder what’s inside. Opening it up, I pull out what looks like a gold ribbon attached to a gold chain. The ribbon looks like it’s been twisted and turned into the shape of a heart. As I hold the pendant between my fingers, turning it around, I realize there is writing on the flat area of the ribbon. Manipulating it around to figure out where the writing starts, Rocket recites, “T’was not my lips you kissed, but my soul—Rocket.”

  Kissing Rocket softly on his lips, he says, “Believe it or not, that’s a quote from Judy Garland. I remember reading it when I was a kid. I’ve never been a poet, not really into poetry, but that comment always struck me.” After kissing again, he says, “It was either that or, ‘I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.’ Actually, that’s a quote by Mother Teresa.”


  Isabelle is the first to show up to help out with the party. She’s come up with her new boyfriend. He’s cute and sweet and totally into her. I quickly pawn him off to help Rocket, just in time for Kara, Meredith, and Juliette to join us. It takes them no time to spot my new tattoo. Besides being in shock and awe that I did something as radical as this, they all love the art. The tattoo upstages my gold heart from Rocket, even though I’m totally excited about the heart.

  The rest of the princesses show up later. Rocket’s cycling friends, artist friends, and co-workers are all here. It’s an interesting group. Rocket and Kyle and all the guys going to Burning Man show off the scale-sized pyrotechnic sculpture they created. This one is about five feet tall, while the full-sized sculpture will be twenty-five feet tall. It looks really cool and actually works as designed. I can’t imagine what the full-size one will be like.

  Epilogue – 20 Years Later


  “Aiden, did you put your homework in your bag? Logan, go brush your teeth, we need to get going. Annabeth, hold still, sweetie, let me brush your hair.”

  Jennifer runs through her list of “get out of the house” rituals, as our typical morning rush is on. I’ve turned into the family cook, making breakfast and preparing lunches while Jennifer moves everyone through their paces. I lean against the counter as I watch all the activity around me.

  Six years ago, Jennifer became an assistant principal. Two years ago, she became the principal at our local middle school. I still make a point to join her when she chaperones the Halloween party. It always reminds me of when we first started dating. Lucky for us, the third start-up I worked for was successful. After I cashed out, I started sculpting full time.

  Fourteen years ago, after Jennifer got pregnant with Aiden, she made us move to a better school district. She got the house she always wanted, and I built myself a new studio. After Aiden’s birth, Dad and Gary sold their house in LA and moved near us. It’s nice having them close. Having kids changes the equation. Their lack of boundaries comes in handy when both of us work and we’re raising three kids. Dad and Gary are both slowing down, but still enjoy being involved with the kids. Mom’s not doing as well. A couple of years ago, we moved her to an assisted living center nearby. Every Sunday, Dad and Gary pick up Mom, and we have them all over for dinner.

  Jennifer’s parents are still healthy. After dental school, her little brother moved back to Oahu, marrying a local girl, and eventually took over her parents’ practice. Her big brother and his family live in Seattle. We make it to Hawaii every Christmas and spring break, while her parents visit in the summer. All the cousins are around the same age, so it works out well. The kids tell us that their favorite place is the coffee farm on the Big Island.

  We still celebrate Thanksgiving with the princesses. Wherever they are in the world, they make a point of coming back for the holiday. The celebration has gotten to be incredibly large since everyone is now married with kids.

  Aiden, my thirteen-year-old, is in that awkward stage, where he’s half young man, half kid. He’s a lot like me. Logan, my eleven-year-old is more like his mom. Aiden’s brain is constantly churning with stupid ideas, while Logan blindly follows his big brother. I’m proactive at keeping my rambunctious boys occupied. I’m also good at figuring out what stupid thing they’re going to do before they do it. Dad and Gary like to say, “it’s payback.”

  Jennifer’s favorite line is, “I was a good girl. Why do I have to deal with his payback?”

  Next year, Jennifer will have both boys at her school. I’m not sure who’s dreading it more, Jennifer or the boys. Though I think it would be harder having your mom as your high school principal than your middle school principal.

  As Jennifer herds the kids to her car, she turns back to me and says, “Have a good day.”

  “What time should I get the kids?”

  “Your dad’s picking up Annabeth. Logan has practice.” As she looks over at Aiden, “I expect you to show up at my office after school. You’ve got a lot of homework due.” Turning back to me, she continues, “On my way home, I’ll get Annabeth from your dad’s.”

  “I’ll have dinner waiting.”

  Heading to my studio, I have about an hour before the guys who work for me show up. As I sort through today’s projects, I can’t help but smile. Jennifer and I have built a nice life together.

  Books in “The Princess of Silicon Valley” series

  Book 1 – Meet Me in Silicon Valley

  Book 2 – Kiss Me in Silicon Valley

  Book 3 – Be with Me in Silicon Valley

  Book 4 – Nate

  Book 5 – Hita

  Book 6 – Jennifer and Rocket

  Book 7 – Isabelle

  Book 8 – Kelly

  Book 9 – Olivia

  Book 10 – Meredith and Sam

  Author’s Notes

  Writing this series has been an incredible experience. I’ve spent many enjoyable hours developing Jennifer and Rocket along with their wonderful group of friends. I hope you had as much fun reading about them as I have had creating them.

  For more on The Princesses, my blog, and a visual tour of the places Juliette has visited, you can go to my website:

  Visit my Facebook page: –where I post interesting information, notices when a new book comes out, and give-a-ways.

  Visit my blog, –where I have posted all the chapters that didn’t make the cut. They may be rough, but a lot are fun and give you some great background on what’s going on in the land of the princesses.

  More from Anita Claire

  Click here to purchase Meet Me in Silicon Valley;

  Book 1 of the Juliette Trilogy - The Princesses of Silicon Valley

  Meet Juliette Cole, she’s just arrived back to Silicon Valley after three heartbreaking months following her grad school love to London. Moving in with childhood friend turned blond bombshell she gets introduced to Cassie’s crazy over the top lifestyle. Taking a job at a Silicon Valley startup she learns that work is more than just hoodies and free gourmet food. Thankfully she has The Princesses, her close group of girlfriends from college who all went as princesses to a Halloween party their freshman year.

  They don’t call San Jose- Man Jose for nothing. Juliette’s heart is not lonely for long. Swimming before work she sees a guy with the most amazing six pack get out of the pool. Now she has a new quest – to meet him. While playing soccer she gets knocked out by an opposing player. The player’s hot doctor brother helps her to the sidelines then starts texting her. As things start heating up in Juliette’s personal life she now has two guys vying for her attention. Who will it be sexy swimm
er Zach or hot Dr. Nate?

  Click here to purchase Kiss Me in Silicon Valley

  Book 2 of the Juliette Trilogy - The Princesses of Silicon Valley

  Dating two sexy guys at once can be fun and confusing especially when work is getting political and your wild roommate is now dating hot professional football player Luke Tomlinson. Thankfully Juliette Cole has her band of college girlfriends dubbed The Princesses after their costumes at a freshman Halloween party to help her out.

  Click here to purchase Be with Me in Silicon Valley,

  Book 3 of the Juliette Trilogy - The Princesses of Silicon Valley

  In the conclusion of The Juliette Trilogy. Juliette's sex life explodes as she chooses one man. At work one crisis is resolved while a new one emerges. Luckily her circle of friends, the princesses are always there for her. And of course her wild roommate Cassie charms us in her own crazy way.

  Click here to purchase Nate,

  Book 4 of The Princesses of Silicon Valley

  Some nice guys weren't always so nice.

  Nate's a guy who prides himself on his no commitment lifestyle. He's a master at zeroing in on the hottest women for a quick and easy hookup, making a point of never spending the night. Until he runs into a women that makes him want more than a one night stand. After she blows his heart away he starts reevaluating his choices.

  Now it's Nate's turn. Following Nate from high school through his twenties we learn that this wonderful man has a lot of history that would surprise Juliette if she ever found out. Enjoy their story from Nate's point of view.


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