To Make You Feel My Love

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To Make You Feel My Love Page 12

by Tina Rose

  “Just hooking up, huh? If that’s what makes you happy buddy, I’m happy for you.” Logan leaned beside him handing him a beer.

  “She makes me happy. No doubt about that. I don’t believe I’ve ever met another like her,” Dusty took the beer, popping it open. “What about you? You seem to be diggin’ on our lovely Alana over there.” he laughed.

  Logan rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “Woo wee, I feel like a brand new woman,” Becky announced coming through the trees. “Are we ready to rock and roll? I thought we’d hit the dirt mounds for a while, get some air time baby!” she said, whistling as her hand glided through the air.

  “You’re a damn crazy woman if you think I’m hangin’ on the back of this death trap while you go sailing through the air,” Dusty pointed at her.

  “Well hon’, how about I hang on to you,” Becky winked.

  “That sounds a whole lot damn better!” he laughed.

  The girls climbed on the back of the ATV’s and they headed back toward the mud pits.

  “Hang on baby,” Dusty yelled over his shoulder to Becky, “It’s going get bumpy.”

  Tightening her grip around his waist with one hand, Becky threw her other arm in the air screaming “Yeee haw!”

  “Damn crazy woman!” Alana laughed.

  “You ready for this, baby?” Logan called over his shoulder.

  Alana held on tight, and screaming, “Hell yeah!”

  Gunning the gas, Logan shot forward chasing after Dusty and Becky. They hit the mud pit wide open, covering themselves with red mud. “You alright back there?” he called over his shoulder to Alana.

  “Yeah! Go, Go, Go!” she yelled back.

  “Gotta love a woman who loves to get dirty!” he laughed.

  When they hit the bottom of the dirt ramp fast and furious, they went flying through the air landing with such a thud that Alana almost bounced off the back. Logan slowed down long enough to make sure Alana was okay before gunning the gas again to take on the next ramp. They drove over bumpy hills, jumped dirt ramps and splashed through mud until the sun finally set and the bonfire was lit. They laughed so hard their sides hurt once they finally realized just how covered with mud they were. Tired, muddy and happy, they made their way back to Dusty’s truck for some cold drinks.

  “Oh my God, I cannot believe the mud caked in my hair!” Alana told Becky.

  “It’s all good. There’s a bathhouse down by the dock. Come on, let’s go get this shit off.”

  “Where?” Alana replied, looking around for a water spigot.

  “There’s a bathhouse down by the dock,” Becky pointed.

  “You need any help cleaning that mud outta your panties mama, you give me a shout,” Dusty called after them as they walked off.

  “Always such a goof,” Becky smiled as she sashayed away.

  “Apparently, goofs are good for you. I haven’t seen you this happy in a long while,” Alana laughed.

  Waving at the guys, Becky led them to the bathhouse. “So, did you have fun out there?” Becky finally asked.

  “Yes, so much fun!” Alana was still laughing, trying to get the mud out of her hair.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you let loose like that. It’s good to know you’re not all work and no play. He’s good for you, yunno?”

  Alana was surprised at her friend’s honesty. “Yeah, he is,” She smiled. “What about you? Are things getting serious with Dusty?”

  “Serious? You know that man don’t have a serious bone in his body,” she laughed. “But he does make me laugh, and hell, multiple orgasms never felt so good.”

  Alana laughed so hard she doubled over. “Oh my god, Becky! So it’s like that, huh?”

  “Oh, come on! You’re telling me the sergeant out there hasn’t had you screaming his name a few times?”

  “Oh, I didn’t say that at all, my friend,” she winked.

  Becky laughed, “I knew it! But, seriously, I do like Dusty. I just don’t want to get hurt again, you know what I mean. The ex did a number on my heart, and I’m just not willing to allow any access to the duct tape I used to put it back together.”

  Becky never used her ex’s first name. He was always referred to simply as “the ex”. But, Alana knew just how hurt her friend had been after the divorce.

  “I know Becky, but Dusty does seem like he cares for you. Logan says he’s never seen his friend like this before.”

  “Really? Cause Dusty says the same thing about Logan and you.” Becky cocked an eyebrow up, “You think they’re playing us?”

  Elbowing her friend in the arm, Alana replied, “NO, stop being so skeptical. Things are going to work out, for both of us.”


  It took forever, but once the girls cleaned the mud off and brushed their hair out, they returned to Dusty’s truck. Both men were sitting on the tailgate, gazing at the burning embers of the fire and drinking a cold beer. They had managed to clean the mud off themselves too. They turned to find the girls approaching the back of the truck.

  All the trucks were backed up in a circle around the fire and couples were snuggled up in the beds of the trucks. Some had made pallets on the ground and were curled up together, staring into the heat of the fire. It was a clear night, all the stars in the sky were visible.

  Pulling Becky into his arms, Dusty said, “Took y’all long enough. Come here and give me some sugar.”

  “You’re so cute when you’re needy,” She teased back.

  Walking in between Logan’s dangling legs, Alana snaked her arms around his neck. “How about you? Did you miss me too?” she whispered as she kissed his jawline.

  “Mmmm,” he groaned pulling her tighter to him as she made her way down his neck. “I’d show you just how much if we weren’t surrounded by all these people.” Pulling back and looking down at her face, he said, “Unless you’re into exhibitionism?”

  Alana laughed out loud, “Oh god no!” she squealed.

  “Okay then, we’ll have to wait. So you need to stop that if you don’t want me flipping you over this tailgate and fucking you right here on the back of Dusty’s truck,” he chuckled, turning her around to face the fire. Scooting back so Alana had room to sit between his legs, he pulled her up on the tailgate snuggling her rump against his already hard cock.

  “You’re asking for it, angel,” he hissed in her ear.

  “What?” she smiled innocently, feeling his length growing against her back.

  “You know what,” he grinned into her hair.

  Carter strummed his guitar strings, the deep timbre of his voice rising above the crackling sounds of the roaring fire, as he sang “To Make You Feel My Love”, by Garth Brooks. Rocking their bodies in time with the beat of the music, the words washed over Alana as Logan hummed in her ear. So much had happened in the few days they had been together. So many feelings of highs and lows. And yet, the emotions coursing through her were so strong. Having never been in love before, how could she be sure what she was feeling now? She shuddered at the thought of saying goodbye to the man who came to mean so much to her in such a short time.

  Feeling her shudder in his arms, Logan wrapped his arms around her. “Are you cold?” he asked quietly. Not ready to admit the true reason for her chills, Alana shook her head.

  “Come here,” he pulled them closer to the cab of the truck, “let me cover you up.” Pulling the quilt from the bag she had brought, Logan wrapped it around them and held her tightly around the waist. Kissing her head, he sang the words of the song in her ear.

  Closing her eyes she soaked in the words drifting from Logan’s lips, she laid her hands over his resting on her waist, and drew circles over and over on his warm skin. The song was so right. This
is where she belonged, embraced in his arms, breathing in his scent. Knowing at that moment, she never wanted to be with anyone else. The thought enlightened her, yet scared her at the same time. How would they work this out? Could they work it out? Did he really feel the same way? She felt that he did. Or was it just amazing, mind blowing, earth shattering sex she was feeling?

  Breathing in the rich smell of smoked wood clinging to her hair, he nuzzled her neck “Everything smells good on you, even burnt wood,” he chuckled, inhaling her scent.

  “Oh, you smooth talker you,” she teased.

  Logan ran his hands under the quilt, grazing her inner thighs. “I’m serious,” he whispered, “Everything is more intense when I’m with you.”

  Heat radiated from his large hands through the thick material of her jeans. Biting her bottom lip, she stifled the moan trying to escape her lips as he inched his way closer to the seam of her jeans between her thighs. Sucking in a breath, she closed her eyes and laid her head back on his shoulder as he traced the seam so close to her throbbing clit with his thumb. She was already so close to coming apart, the friction was almost more than she could bear. She wanted to feel him inside her, and she didn’t want to wait.

  “Do you feel that, Alana? The intensity between us, the electricity?” he added pressure as he stroked the seam at her entrance.

  “Yesss,” she hissed, turning to nip at his jawline.

  Almost as if he was reading her mind, he whispered “I need to be inside you, baby. I can’t wait until later.”

  Alana’s eyes flew open, remembering where they were. “Here?” Her breath caught, “in front of everyone?”

  “No one is paying attention to us. Look around, everyone is in their own little world.”

  Looking around, she noticed he was right. Even Becky and Dusty had made a little haven by the tree next to the truck. Dusty was sitting against the tree, while Becky was straddling his lap. Alana could see Dusty’s hands massaging Becky’s back under her shirt. Becky’s hips rolled back and forth on his lap, their lips breaking long enough to look into one another’s eyes. The moon light shined on Dusty’s face, and Alana could see clearly the dark lust in his eyes as he stared up at Becky. Throwing her head back, Becky began a faster pace with her hips, as Dusty reached down to latch on to her nipples through her shirt. Watching their erotic movements turned her on more than she ever thought it would. Feeling like a voyeur, Alana turned her head toward Logan’s lust filled eyes.

  Fumbling with the button of her jeans, he popped it open. “That could be us you know.”

  “I don’t know Logan,” she tried to pull away from him, but he only held her tighter with one strong arm, nibbling and sucking on her neck.

  “It’s okay, relax,” he soothed, rubbing her shoulders. “I promise, no one will know what we’re doing, they’re all doing the same thing.”

  Leaning into his body, she let him take the lead because she needed this. Unzipping her jeans, he nudged for her to raise up and pulled her jeans down over her hips, lightly grazing her thighs as he made his way back up her legs. “You have the most amazing legs and soft skin. Are you relaxed now, baby?” he asked, cupping her mound and circling her clit.

  Nodding her head, Alana licked her dry lips and closed her eyes.

  “Good. You’re going to need to keep quiet now,” he whispered as he slipped his two large fingers into her wet channel. Alana gasped as he sunk slowly and deliberately into her, dragging his fingers against every nerve ending.

  “So nice and wet. Do you like that, baby?”

  All she could manage was a low moan in her throat and a nod of her head, afraid if she opened her lips, the sound would attract attention. Lord knew, she didn’t want him to stop

  Placing a hand between their bodies, he freed his engorged cock from the confinement of his zipper. Alana felt the hot steel of his rigid cock against her bottom, causing wet heat to trickle from her core. Feeling his movements before she heard the tearing of a foil package, she clutched his thighs as he gripped her hips and raised her up enough that he could thrust into her. Turning her face into his neck, a moan slipped past her lips.

  “Jesus,” he hissed, “you feel fan-fucking-tastic.”

  Rocking his hips back and forth, he filled her with his hunger and need. This must be what heaven felt like. Hot breath rushed by her ear. “Shhh,” he whispered. Feeling his chest heaving against her back, he skated his hand around to add pressure to her clit as he pushed into her, deeper, harder.

  Digging her nails into his thighs, she tried to hold another moan from escaping, tasting blood, as she clamped down on her bottom lip. It was too much, just too fucking much. The need to scream was overwhelming.

  “Can you feel that, Alana? Can you feel what you do to me? So real, so intense,” he whispered. Tightening his grip on her waist, he lifted her up and let her slide back down onto him.

  “Logan,” she hissed, “I can’t…”

  “I know, come for me, baby, let me feel you fall apart around my dick.”

  Closing her eyes in sheer, absolute bliss she gasped as this mind blowing climax hit her. Thrusting her head back against Logan’s hard chest, she bit down hard on her lips and sank her nails further into his thighs to suppress the scream she was holding back. On a growl, he sank his teeth into the sensitive part between her neck and shoulder, as he jerked and throbbed inside her.

  “Fucking perfection,” he breathed his release, kissing her neck as the fog lifted and he remembered where they were. At that moment, he knew he belonged to her, heart, body and soul.

  * * * * * * * *

  Sunlight crept through the drapes, erasing the darkness from the room. Big warm arms cocooned Alana as she attempted to roll over without waking Logan.

  “Not happening, sunshine,” he purred into her hair.

  A bright smile covered Alana’s face, “What’s not happening?”

  “You’re not getting away from me yet,” Logan pulled her closer.

  “I wasn’t trying to get away.”

  “Good, because I don’t want to let you go.”

  Alana’s heart fluttered. Was he talking about right now or the future? She wanted so much to think about a future with Logan, but this was so new to the two of them.

  “You know we can’t hide away in this bed forever. We promised Becky and Dusty a beach day.”

  “Why would we do a thing like that?” he teased, nibbling on her earlobe.

  “Because they are our friends, and want to show us a good time.”

  “I can show you a good time right here,” he said cocking his eyebrows.

  “Come on, babe. Don’t make this hard.”

  “To late, I’m already hard,” he grinned, pushing his rock hard cock into her back.

  “Oh .My. God. You are insatiable!” she squealed trying to escape the bed.

  “You are correct. Now, what are you going to do about it?” he teased, biting her neck playfully.

  “I’m afraid that’s not going to end well for you my friend.”

  “No?” he asked, amused. “I think it’s going to end well for the both of us.”

  Sliding his hands down her body, he found her wet sex dripping with desire. “Mmm, so wet for me already this morning,” he whispered hoarsely, grinding his erection against her entrance. Needing to feel him inside her, she arched her back into him, her sex clenched in heated anticipation, writhing beneath him in primal lust.

  “Logan?” she asked sheepishly.


  “Can we try something?”

  “Try something?” he questioned.

  “Yes, something,” she grinned.

  “Oh lord, I’m not sure I’m going to like this.”

  “Well, I’ve read about how fulfilling,” she pa
used, swallowing loudly, “well, how good, uh, sex is supposed to feel here.” She pushed her bottom into his groin. His eyebrows shot up in surprise, raising up on his elbows to look at her.

  “Honey, I want to experience everything with you. Claim every inch of this sweet little body of yours. But, baby, I don’t want to hurt you, and that’s not just something you do unprepared.”

  “But all the books say it feels great.”

  “What books?”

  “Romance novels,” she said matter of factly.

  Logan laughed. “I’d venture to say that those people who write about how great it feels, have never even tried it.”

  “Have you?” she asked.

  Hesitating so long, she almost thought he wasn’t planning on answering her, he finally responded. “Well,” he said, kissing her shoulder, “I’m definitely more experienced than you.”

  “Can we at least try it?”

  “I’ll tell you what, let’s try something first, okay?” he stroked her long hair.


  “Get the massage oil out of the nightstand drawer.”

  “Massage oil?” she asked in surprise.

  “Yeah,” he smiled, “I grabbed some. I thought you’d enjoy a good rub down. How about it?”

  Her heart melted. He was the most generous lover, just like the ones she read about in her romance novels. Never having had a massage before, she was excited. Pulling the oil from the drawer, she handed it to him.

  Straddling her mid-section, he leaned down to kiss her very gently. Pouring the oil into his palms, he slowly began rubbing his oiled hands down her arms, kneading her muscles very firmly, yet tender.

  “Mmm, that’s nice,” She moaned.

  Working his way down to her breasts, he grazed his thumb over her tightened nipples. Leaning down and taking each one into his mouth, he suckled gently. He continued the massage down her abdomen.

  “God, Alana, you are beautiful. Pure perfection,” he praised, as he made his way on down her body, blowing his hot breath on her sex as he passed.


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