One Of The Enemy (Hidden Descendant Series, Book 1)

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One Of The Enemy (Hidden Descendant Series, Book 1) Page 14

by C. M. Chidgey

  “On my way!” Matt practically shouted at the screen before running out of the apartment door.

  Owen was pacing the area between the sofa and the tv and I glanced at him before saying to Dom.

  “Huh, I just realised how you knew the cat didn’t bite my arm that day. I wondered why you guys looked so amused when I said it.”

  Dom smirked. “I think I’d have remembered biting you to be honest.”

  “Well, I didn’t know it was you.” I snapped starting to feel annoyed again as my skin heated up in the start of another hot flush.

  Dom raised a confused eyebrow at my tone and I sighed feeling guilty.

  “Sorry, I’m just tired.”

  “Are you sure that’s all that’s wrong?” He asked.

  I nodded not making eye contact with him, if I looked him in the eye I wasn’t sure I could keep lying to him. Luckily at that moment Andrew and Matt walked through the door, Andrew was carrying my suitcase and Matt was weighed down with flat pizza boxes. I quickly walked over to Andrew to get away from Dom’s penetrating gaze, picked up my suitcase and half carried; half dragged it into my bedroom before walking back into the lounge. The pizza boxes were now open and lay out on the wooden coffee table in front of the sofa. Owen was no longer a cat and the guys were almost attacking the pizza slices in their haste to eat.

  I watched them and chuckled before walking over to the table and kneeling on the floor the other side of it.

  “There’s room on here girl.” Andrew said around mouthfuls of pizza moving over on the sofa.

  I smiled at him. “I’m ok here.” I knew it was silly, but I was feeling so hot now that I was worried he would feel the heat radiating from my skin if I sat next to him.

  I picked up a piece of the cheese and tomato pizza before forcing it down my throat, After the second piece I just couldn’t eat anymore and it wasn’t because I wasn’t hungry, my throat just wasn’t cooperating.

  “Don’t you want anymore?” Dom asked me when I relaxed back onto my heels.

  I shook my head and when he frowned at me I said. “I’m small, I don’t need much food.”

  They all stared at me then and I didn’t realise until Andrew said.

  “You never refer to yourself as small and you eat tons when you get the chance.”

  I shrugged. “Can’t I just not be that hungry?”

  “No Cayla, what’s up?” Dom asked.

  I frowned. “I’m fine really. I just need some sleep.”

  They looked reluctant to give up on badgering me, but they did and soon after they were saying there goodbyes telling me to get sleep. I nodded thanking them all again before hugging them without thinking about it.

  “Woah, you feel really hot.” Matt said being the first to receive a hug. Dom growled at him, but he added quickly. “No, I’m serious, hot as in temperature hot.”

  I shrugged trying to make it seem like it was normal. “Just a little hot from moving all the boxes and everything. I’m fine guys really, I just want to get to bed.”

  Andrew hugged me next followed by Owen and then Dom, he held on for a little longer than the other two before kissing my forehead. When he pulled away I saw him glance at Matt and Owen with a frown.

  I groaned inwardly not even bothering to mention it as they left the apartment. I laughed when Matt grabbed the remaining pizza with a grin still eating a slice.

  “Don’t mind if I take this do you?” He asked.

  I smiled and shook my head. “Go for it.”

  “Oh.” Andrew said suddenly pulling what I recognized as my phone out of his pocket and handing it to me. “Almost forgot.”

  “Thanks.” I answered.

  The moment they were gone I ran to the shower, turned it on cold and climbed in after pulling my clothes off. My skin sounded like it made a sizzling noise as the cold hit the heat, but I think it might have been my imagination. After a few minutes standing in the cool water I felt like an ice cube until I dried myself off, which was when the heat returned. Sighing I pulled on some underwear and a vest top before just laying down on top of the covers on my new bed and wow it was amazingly comfy.

  Besides still suffering from whatever was causing this heat I was asleep within a few minutes.

  School was slow the next day and I was growing more and more frustrated. The hot flushes continued to return regularly and my mood sucked. I actually yelled at the teachers three times when they had told us we were having a quiz. Mark was on the end of one of these episodes and he just stared at me in confusion before raising an eyebrow at Dom who shrugged in return. That small exchange had been enough to make me return to my seat as I realised how insane I was acting.

  When I reached lunch I lost it again when they told me my card had been declined at the cafeteria, I didn’t build up much anger there though because before I could Dom quickly insisted on paying for my lunch.

  The guys were continuously asking me what was up with me, but at my murderous glares they would just shut up not wanting me to cause yet another scene. I had no idea what was wrong with me, it was almost as if my temper was completely beyond my control. I was being a complete bitch to everyone despite not wanting to be. The heat I kept feeling was making me feel exhausted and I started to think I should see a doctor. Maybe I would after school, after I had paid a visit to the bank about my card being declined.

  Kickboxing was definitely a bad idea for someone who had been acting like me today, it must have spread throughout the school because the teacher insisted on me sitting out using the excuse that he wasn’t sure I was well enough to be doing such physical activity yet. Somehow I managed to reign my temper in when it burst forth. The teacher actually looked worried I would lose it there and then so he said.

  “You should go home, not much point you sitting here and just watchng.”

  I took deep and slow breaths as my fists clenched and unclenched. I felt like I had a split personality and I had to fight to keep the angry side of me at bay. Before I lost control of it I made myself nod and left without even saying bye to the guys knowing if I hung around for too long I might punch someone despite having no real reason to.

  When I had arrived at the bank and they told me that my card had been declined because I had withdrawn the maximum limit for the day I had almost rammed my fist in her face. The rage was almost too much, but I stayed there long enough to ask details about it.

  “When exactly did I draw this money out?” I asked from between clenched teeth. “I’ve been at school all day.”

  “Oh, it was a man I remember him. He said he was your Uncle, had proof of ID and everything. He said he was drawing it out for you.”

  My head felt like it was going to explode at that point. “And how much money do I have left?” I growled.

  “Oh, you can’t draw anymore out today.”

  Dammit, she was really pushing me, did this woman want me to attack her?

  “I know that, but how much is remaining in my account?”

  She typed a few things on the computer before saying. “$100 ma’am.”

  “What?” I almost screamed at her. “I’m $100,000 down, he didn’t have permission to take my money!”

  Her eyes widened. “Well, I’m sorry ma’am, but your Uncle drew it out earlier today.”

  “Isn’t it illegal to give money from someone else’s bank account?”

  She paled and actually begged me. “Well, yes, but we all know each other around here so I thought it would be ok. Please, please don’t tell the manager, I’ll lose my job.”

  “I’ve just lost $100,000! How am I supposed to live on $100? Don’t you have insurance for this kind of thing?” I practically yelled.

  She just kept quiet and looked at me. I groaned feeling completely defeated, my Uncle had just stolen my parents money.

  “Ok, since that is all I have left, if you let me draw out the $100 I won’t tell your manager. If I leave it in there, I think my Uncle will take that too.”

  She acted quickly
at the chance to save her job and moments later I was leaving the bank with the last $100 I owned.

  I was having a hot flush free moment, which made me realise I wouldn’t be able to go to the doctor, I couldn’t afford to spend any of my last $100 on a doctor. Knowing I would now need to get a job I started exploring the small selection of diners and bars. I needed to keep this to myself, there was no way I would let the others know how badly I had failed to live on my own.

  For once luck was on my side as I passed a small diner with a piece of paper in the window saying they were desperate for a waitress to work the night shift hours from Monday-Saturday at the hours of 6pm-2am. It would leave me exhausted for school, but right now I didn’t have a lot of choice. After the realisation that I had no money my anger had died down a little so this was a good time to get a job, shouting at the owner wouldn’t get me anywhere.

  Taking a deep breath I turned into the diner, it was small, cosy and overall didn’t look like it would be a bad place to work so I headed straight to the bar and asked about the job. To my surprise they were as desperate as they had claimed because the moment I asked the middle aged bearded man about the job the only question he asked was.

  “I’m James, can you start tonight?”

  My eyes widened in shock before I nodded. “Sure.”

  “Ok, you’re hired.” He slid a job application towards me with a pen. “If you could just fill this out please.” He winked at me. “For paperwork purposes.”

  “Ok.” I said hesitantly. “Thanks, you know for the job.”

  He let out a grin and winked again. “Don’t let me down.”

  I shook my head quickly. “No, I won’t.”

  He could obviously see how serious I was being because he said. “Relax, you look extremely nervous.”

  I frowned. “I am a little, I just realised I needed a job, I didn’t expect to get one this fast.”

  He grinned again. “I guess it’s your lucky day.”

  I nodded and began to fill out the form thinking that he wouldn’t be saying that if he knew that my Uncle had just stolen $100.000 from me.

  After filling it out James gave me a smile before handing a white top over the bar, which had a small logo just saying “James’ Diner.”

  “You got a black skirt?” He asked.

  I nodded.

  “Good, wear that and this top, be back here in two hours and don’t be late.”

  I nodded again before walking out of the diner and heading back to my new apartment. Knowing that I wouldn’t have time to do it later after work if I actually wanted any sleep I did some of the homework and catch up work that my teachers had given me.

  When I had changed into my new work outfit and was heading to the diner my phone rung. I glanced at the screen to see that Andrew was calling me.

  “Hello.” I said pressing the green button.

  “Hi.” He said hesitantly. “Are you going to yell at me?”

  I sighed. “No, listen I’m sorry about my crazyness I just wasn’t in a very good mood today.”

  “It’s ok, we all have bad days, but we were wondering if you wanted to come to the lake with us?”

  I really did want to, but since I had a new job I had to be at in about ten minutes that wasn’t an option.

  I sighed. “I wish I could, but I have lots of catch up work to do.”

  “Ok, do you want us to come to your place then?”

  “No!” I said a little too quickly.

  “Why?” He asked sounding curious.

  “Oh, just it’s easier to concentrate when I’m alone you know?”

  “Ok, well I guess we will see you at school?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there. I miss you guys, don’t get eaten by the wolves.”

  He chuckled. “I think it’s only you they find tasty.”

  “So not funny Andrew. Those things are after me.”

  He laughed. “You know it.”

  “Anyway, I’ll see you guys tomorrow, say hi to the others for me.” I said as I arrived outside the diner.

  “Alright girl, bye!”

  “Bye!” I answered before walking into the diner for the second time that day.

  Waitressing was harder than people ever gave it credit for, the customers complained almost none stop claiming that they didn’t order what you gave them even though I was certain it was what they had asked for. I got worried that I would be fired for making mistakes, but James saw my worried look when I went near the bar and smiled.

  “Don’t worry, customers like to complain, I’ve been watching and you’re doing everything you should be.”

  I smiled in return feeling relieved, but with my temper so close to the surface as my skin began to heat up again the customers were really pushing my patience. To keep myself from blowing up at them I had to take deep breaths and keep reminding myself that I needed this job. At around 11pm it had quieted down a bit and my stomach was rumbling reminding me how hungry I was. I probably should have eaten before coming to work, but with so little money I had decided to pass. Unfortunately working so hard for so long was just increasing my hunger. My feet were killing me and James had told me it would get busier again around midnight so I stood there and waited thinking about anything, but how hungry I was. The last few hours of my first day at work went fast and I can’t say I was disappointed when it was time to go home.

  Almost the minute James said I could go I said my goodbye’s to him and the other night waitress who was called Lucy before walking out of the building. It was a little scary walking alone at this time, but I got over it quickly as the exhaustion and hunger grew more intense than the fear. Despite that I sped up and it wasn’t long before I was back at my apartment and falling into bed.

  The rest of the week was like hell, I just grew more exhausted and the only time I ate was by ordering the cheapest thing in the cafeteria at lunch time. Hot flushes kept making their appearances and despite the odd outburst at someone I didn’t have much energy to get as angry as my body seemed to want me to be, which still didn’t make a whole lot of sense. I could tell by the looks the guys kept giving me that they were growing more and more worried. Several times I had been cornered by one of them as they tried to find out what the hell was wrong with me, but each time my small size became my advantage as I slipped away from them.

  Work just became more tiring and each night one of them would call me asking me to hang out, they had even gone to the extent of getting Denise to call me to invite me for dinner. I think they thought that I was just avoiding them, but I would have much preferred to spend time with them than listen to customers complain about food orders that were correct. James seemed happy with my work, but even he seemed to notice my now pale skin and lack of energy in my walk by Saturday when he said to me.

  “Listen Cayla, if you need to call in sick it’s fine.”

  I forced a smile at him and said. “No, I’m fine.” I’m just so tired and hungry and angry with hot flushes for some reason I don’t even know about, I have no money, my friends think I’m avoiding them and my school work is shit. I added to myself mentally.

  I guess the bright side was that I was managing to distance myself from Dom, but it didn’t make my heart hurt any less every time I saw him at school. That shift at work I finished in a daze, if anyone had asked me about it I wouldn’t have been able to tell them.

  I pulled on my hoody as I was having a normal body temperature moment and it was cold outside. It seemed to take forever to get home, but as far as I knew my apartment hadn’t changed locations during the time I had been at work. I was almost falling asleep on my feet when I stumbled out of the elevator onto my floor. When I walked into someone in front of my door I looked up to see Matt, Dom and Andrew looking down at me. I groaned, great this was just what I needed. Without saying anything to any of them I tried to press in the code, but after two mistakes Dom typed it in for me and I turned the keys in the lock before making my way into the apartment. They had completely mes
sed up my plans I had made to sleep from the time I got home until Monday morning and it was really annoying.

  “What do you guys want?” I asked. “And why are you at my apartment at this time, isn’t it a little late?”

  “What we want to know Missy, is why you weren’t at your apartment at this time?” Andrew asked looking somewhere between angry and worried.

  I groaned and slumped onto the sofa. “What are you my Dad?”

  Last week that sentence would have hurt me because it would have reminded me that I didn’t have a Dad anymore, but now I didn’t have then energy to even be upset by it.

  “Dammit Cayla, we are worried about you. You look like hell when you come into school. We never see you outside of school anymore.” Dom said his eyes flashing yellow.

  I waited for a minute to get a reaction out of myself because Dom’s eyes went yellow, but nope, nothing happened. I really was completely broken.

  “Why are you getting in so late Cayla?” Matt asked. “What are you doing, are you doing drugs or something, or drinking?”

  I snorted. Yeah, right like I could afford to do either of those things. “No.” I answered.

  “Then why the hell did you walk down that hallway like you could barely stand up?” Andrew pressed.

  “Because I’m tired and you guys messed up my weekend of sleeping!” I whined.

  “Why were you out so late?” Dom asked.

  “I like to be out late.” I mumbled lying down on the sofa.

  “We aren’t letting you sleep until you tell us what’s going on.” Andrew said pulling me back into a sitting position.

  I groaned and my head fell against him. “You’re so mean.”

  My vision was blurred as I tried to focus on him, but even when I blinked my eyes several times I couldn’t get a clear picture of him.

  “Cayla, please.” Dom begged.

  His voice broke my heart so I finally groaned and pulled away from Andrew. “Fine, if you have to know, I’ve been working! Happy?”

  “How the hell would that make us happy, why the hell are you working?” Matt asked.

  My body was starting to heat up again and the anger I had at my Uncle was giving me a little more energy so I didn’t feel like I was about to topple over. I stood up as I saw red and tangled my hands in my hair in frustration before bursting out.


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