Dan Rooney

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Dan Rooney Page 35

by Dan Rooney

  Leahy, Marshall

  Lee, Bob

  Lee, Robert E.

  Leiweke, Tod

  Leonard, Buck

  Leonard, Jim

  Lerner, Al

  Lesniak, Al

  LESTO (Lions, Eagles, Steelers Talent Organization)

  Levy, Marv

  Lewis, Frank

  Lewis, Meriwether

  Lewis, Ray

  Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery

  Life magazine

  Lilly, Bob

  Lipscomb, Eugene “Big Daddy,” 84


  Livingston, Pat

  Lloyd, Greg

  Lombardi, Vince

  Long, Howie

  Look magazine

  Los Angeles Bulldogs

  Los Angeles Chargers. See San Diego Chargers

  Los Angeles Rams

  Lott, Ronnie

  Louis, Joe

  Louisville, University of, Kentucky

  Lurie, Jeffrey

  Lyman, Link

  Lynn, Mike

  MacCambridge, Michael

  MacInnis, James Martin

  MacLachland, Don

  Madden, John

  Maddox, Tommy

  Making Whooppee

  Malone, Mark

  Manning, Eli

  Manning, Peyton

  Mansfield, Ray “Ranger,” 86

  Mara, John

  Mara, Tim

  Mara, Wellington

  death of

  NFL-AFL merger and

  Marchibroda, Ted

  Marino, Dan

  Marshall, George Preston

  Martha, Paul

  Martin, Harvey

  Masich, Andrew E.

  Masloff, Sophie

  Maxwell Football Club

  Mayer, Louis B.

  Mazeroski, Bil

  McAnulty, Father

  McBride, Mickey

  McCabe, Richie

  McCann, Danny

  McCaskey, Mike

  McClairen, Jack

  McClaren, Goose

  McClung, Willie

  McCrary, Michael

  McCullough, David

  McCutcheon, Lawrence

  McElhenny, “King” Hugh

  McGee, Ben

  McGerry, Don

  McGinley, Barney

  McGinley, Jack

  McGinley, Marie (aunt)

  McMakin, John

  McNair, Bob

  McNally, Art

  McNally, Bill

  McNally, John. See Blood, Johnny

  McNulty, Alice (aunt)

  McNulty, Kathleen. See Rooney, Kathleen McNulty (mother)

  McQuade, Franklin T.

  Mehri, Cyrus

  Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa.

  Meredith, Don

  Miami Dolphins

  Michalske, Mike

  Michelosen, John

  Mid-Atlantic Baseball League

  Minnesota Vikings

  Modell, Art

  Modell, David

  Monday Night Football

  Montana, Joe

  Moore, Lenny

  Moore, Richard Anthony

  Morabito, Tony

  Morrall, Earl

  Morris, Patrick J.

  Mosberg, Sammy

  Muldowney, Paddy (uncle)

  Mullins, Gerry “Moon,” 138

  Murchison, Clint, Jr.

  Murphy, Maurice “Mossy,” 87

  Murphy, Tom

  Nagurski, Bronko

  Namath, Joe

  National Basketball Association (NBA)

  National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

  National Football Conference (NFC)

  National Football League (NFL)

  AAFC and

  AFL merger with

  AFL rivalry with

  African Americans in

  antitrust laws and

  Competition Committee of

  congressional issues of

  Council Executive Committee (CEC) of

  entertainment and

  evolution of

  fans of

  founding of

  as franchise business

  gambling and

  “hand-holders” program and

  image of

  labor issues and

  legacy of

  officiating and

  stadium development and

  television and

  World War II and

  National Football League Players Association (NFLPA)

  NBA. See National Basketball Association


  NCAA. See National Collegiate Athletic Association

  Neale, Earle “Greasy,” 32-33

  Negro Baseball League

  Nesbitt, Evelyn

  Nevers, Ernie

  New England Patriots

  Newhouse, Robert

  New Orleans Saints

  Newsome, Ozzie

  New York Giants

  New York Jets

  New York Sack Exchange

  New York Times

  New York Yanks

  NFC. See National Football Conference

  NFL. See National Football League

  NFL Network

  NFLPA. See National Football League Players Association

  NFL Youth Football Fund

  Nickel, Elbie

  Nittany Lions

  Nixon, Mike

  Noll, Charles Henry “Chuck,” ix

  awards given to

  background of

  Davis-Atkinson lawsuit against

  flying and

  Immaculate Reception and

  interview with

  as Pittsburgh Steelers coach

  retirement of

  Noll, Chris

  Noll, Marianne

  Nordenberg, Mark

  North Catholic High School, Pittsburgh, Pa.

  North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa.

  Notre Dame, University of

  Nunn, Bill, Jr.

  Nunn, Bill, Sr.

  Oakland Raiders

  O’Donnell, Neil


  Olsen, Merlin

  O’Reilly, Tony

  Oswald, Lee Harvey

  Owens, Steve

  Page, Alan

  Palmer, Carson

  Parcells, Bill

  Parins, Robert

  Parker, Raymond “Buddy,” 33-34

  Parker, Willie,

  Paterno, Joe

  Paterno, Sue

  PCRC. See Player Club Relations Committee

  Pearson, Barry

  Pearson, Drew

  Pearson, Preston

  Pederson, Steve

  Perles, George

  Perry, Darren

  Perry, Joe

  Philadelphia Eagles

  Phipps, Gerald

  Pinchbeck, Val

  Piolo, Scott

  Pitt, William

  Pittsburgh, Pa.

  250th anniversary of

  anti-Semitism and

  bicentennial of

  as City of Steel

  dialect and

  football and

  Great Depression and

  high school football in

  immigration and

  industrialization and

  North Side of

  pollution and

  Rooney, Dan, childhood of and

  urban renewal and

  World War II and

  Pittsburgh, University of

  Pittsburgh Athletic Association

  Pittsburgh Black Coalition

  Pittsburgh Courier

  Pittsburgh Pirates (football). See Pittsburgh Steelers

  Pittsburgh Pirates (baseball)

  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

  Pittsburgh Press

  Pittsburgh Steelers

  50th anniversary of

  75th anniversary of

  1972 season and

  1973 season and

  1974 season and

  1975 season and

76 season and

  1995 season and

  Pittsburgh Steelers, continued

  Austin, Bill and

  Bach, Joe and

  board of directors of

  cheerleaders and

  Cowher, Bill and

  dynasty of

  Immaculate Reception and

  impact of

  Kiesling, Walter and

  legend of

  logo of

  as “loveable losers,” 5

  mascots and

  Michelosen, John and

  mission of

  new era of

  Noll, Charles Henry “Chuck” and

  Noll, Chuck and

  Parker, Raymond “Buddy” and

  renaming of

  Steel Curtain and

  Steelers Nation

  Super Steelers and

  Sutherland, John Bain “Jock” and

  uniforms of

  World War II years and

  Pittsburgh Wool Co.

  Player Club Relations Committee (PCRC)

  player safety


  Polamalu, Troy


  Prince, Bob

  Princeton University

  Pro Football Hall of Fame

  Rooney, Daniel Milton (Dan) in

  Project C.H.U.C.K.

  Quinn, Jim

  Radakovich, Dan

  radio broadcasting

  Randle El, Antwaan

  Reagan, Ronald

  Reed, Jeff,

  Reeves, Dan

  Regan, Baldy

  Regan, Martin

  Regan, Mary

  Regan, Patricia. See Rooney, Patricia Regan (wife)

  Regan, Rita

  Regan, Thomas

  Reid, Andy

  Reilly, Paul

  Richardson, Jerry

  Rieland, Joseph “Bud,” 48

  Rivera, Gabriel

  Rivers, Philip

  Robert Morris College

  Roberts, David Lee

  Roberts, Rick

  Roethlisberger, Ben

  Rogel, Fran

  Rooney, Arthur (great-grandfather)

  Rooney, Arthur J. “Art” (father)

  background of

  baseball and

  boxing and

  Bradshaw, Terry and

  Card-Pitts and

  death of

  gambling and

  horse racing and

  Immaculate Reception and

  Kiesling, Walter and

  marriage of

  NFL, founding of and

  NFL-AFL merger and

  NFLPA and

  nicknames of

  Pittsburgh Steelers, purchase of by

  Pittsburgh Steelers, selling of and

  Rooney, Dan, childhood of and

  as smoothtalker

  as sports promoter

  Steagles and

  Unitas, Johnny and

  as ward leader

  World War II years and

  Rooney, Arthur J. (son)

  Rooney, Arthur J., Jr. (brother)

  Rooney, Catherine Regan (great-grandmother)

  Rooney, Daniel (grandfather)

  Rooney, Daniel Milton (Dan)

  American Ireland Fund and

  appearance of

  birth of

  as boys’ football coach

  character of

  childhood of

  in college

  faith and

  family and

  flying and

  health of

  in high school

  leadership of

  marriage and

  nicknames of

  in Pro Football Hall of Fame

  stadium building and

  Rooney, Daniel (son)

  Rooney, Daniel (uncle)

  Rooney, Joan (daughter)

  Rooney, John J. (brother)

  Rooney, Kathleen (daughter)

  Rooney, Kathleen McNulty (mother)

  Rooney, Margaret Murray (grandmother)

  Rooney, Patricia (daughter)

  Rooney, Patricia Regan (wife)

  Rooney, Patrick J. (brother)

  Rooney, Rita (daughter)

  Rooney, Timothy J. (brother)

  Rooney, Tom (uncle)

  Rooney 98s

  Rooney-McGinley Boxing Club

  Rooney Prize for Irish Literature

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rosenbloom, Carroll

  Rowser, John

  Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland

  Rozelle, Pete

  Atkinson lawsuit and

  NFL-AFL merger and

  as NFL commissioner

  retirement of

  Ruby, Jack

  Russell, Andy

  Salinger, Pierre

  Sanders, Carl

  San Diego Chargers

  Sands, Bobby

  San Francisco Forty-Niners

  Saul, Bill

  Savage, Phil

  Scarbath, Jack

  Schottenheimer, Marty

  Schramm, Tex

  Scott, Frank


  Searcy, Leon

  Seattle Seahawks

  Seavy, Rene

  Seiple, Larry

  Senator John Heinz History Center/ Western Pennsylvania Sports Museum

  September 11

  Shanklin, Ron

  Shaw, George

  Shaw, John

  Shell, Donnie

  Sherwin, Jim

  Shula, Don

  Silas, Father. See Rooney, Daniel (uncle)

  Simpson, O.J.

  Sisters of Mercy

  Skelton, Red

  Smith, Clarence “Pinetop,” 91

  Smith, Jackie

  Smith, Lovie

  Smith, Rankin

  Smith, Ron

  Smith, Taylor

  Snyder, Dan

  Southern California, University of (USC)

  Spadia, Lou and Maggie

  Spanos, Alex

  Spanos, Dean

  Specter, Arlen

  Sports Broadcasting Bill

  Sports Illustrated

  Stabler, Ken

  stadium development

  Stallworth, John

  Stargell, Willie

  Starr, Bart

  Staubach, Roger

  Stautner, Ernie


  Steed, Joel

  Steel-Bowl Conference

  Steel Curtain


  Steelers Nation

  Stenger, Brian

  Stewart, Kordell

  St. Francis College

  St. Justin Catholic School, Pittsburgh, Pa.

  St. Louis Rams

  St. Mary’s Catholic Girls School, Pittsburgh, Pa.

  Storck, Carl

  Stoudt, Cliff

  St. Peter Catholic School, Pittsburgh, Pa.

  Strayhorn, Billy

  Stuart, J.E.B.

  St. Vincent College

  Sullivan, Bill

  Sullivan, Chuck

  Super Bowl I

  Super Bowl II

  Super Bowl III

  Super Bowl IX

  Super Bowl X

  Super Bowl XI

  Super Bowl XII

  Super Bowl XIII

  Super Bowl XIV

  Super Bowl XL

  Super Bowl XVII

  Super Bowl XXX

  Supreme Court, U. S.

  Sutherland, John Bain “Jock,” 34-37

  Swann, Lynn

  Swearingen, Fred

  Tagliabue, Paul

  Tampa Bay Buccaneers

  Tarkenton, Fran

  Tatum, Jack

  Taylor, Ike,

  Taylor, Lionel



  Tennessee Titans

  Teresa, Mother

  Terrible Towels

  Texas Southern University

  Thomas, Clarence

  Thomas, Duane

  Thomas, Joer />
  Thompson, Lex

  Thorpe, Jim

  Three Rivers Stadium

  Thrower, Willie

  Tisch, Bob

  Tittle, Y. A.

  Tomlin, Kiya

  Tomlin, Mike

  Tose, Leonard

  Towler, “Deacon” Dan

  Tracy, Tom

  Trafton, Brute

  Unitas, Anna

  Unitas, Dorothy

  Unitas, Johnny

  United Way of America

  University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

  Upshaw, Gene

  Upton, Frances

  USC. See Southern California, University of

  U.S. Fourth Court of Appeals

  U.S. Olympic Committee

  Van Dyke, Bruce

  van Eeghen, Mark

  Vincent, Billy

  Wagner, Honus

  Wagner, Mike

  Walden, Bobby

  Walsh, Bill

  Ward, Hines

  Warfield, Paul

  War Memorial Stadium, Buffalo, N.Y.

  Warner, “Pop,” 34

  Warren, Jimmy

  Washington, George

  Washington Redskins

  Weaver, Wayne

  Webster, George

  Webster, Mike

  Wheeling, West Virginia, Stogies

  White, Byron “Whizzer,” 27

  White, Dwight

  White, Joe

  White, Joey and Clarence

  White, Stanford

  Widenhofer, Woody

  Wilcox, Dave

  Wilf, Zygi

  Williams, Mary Lou

  Williams, Smokey Joe

  Wilson, August

  Wilson, Ralph

  Winter, Dave

  Winter, Max

  Wister, Al

  Wolman, Jerry

  Woodson, Rod

  World Football League

  World League of American Football

  World War I

  World War II

  Yale University

  Yeager, Chuck

  Yeats, William Butler

  Young, Al

  Young, Buddy

  Young, George

  youth recreation programs

  1 Sports historians agree that the first professional football game was played at Recreation Park on Pittsburgh’s North Side on November 12, 1892, when the Allegheny Athletic Association squared off against their archrivals, the Pittsburgh Athletic Club. It is believed that both teams paid their players—Allegheny Athletic Association paid all-American guard William “Pudge” Heffelfinger $500 cash—ushering in a new era of professional sports in America.

  Copyright © 2007 by Dan Rooney, David F. Halaas and Andrew E. Masich

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. . For information, address Da Capo Press, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142.

  Cataloging-in-Publication data for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

  First Da Capo Press edition 2007

  First Da Capo Press paperback edition 2008


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