Secret Surprise

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Secret Surprise Page 3

by Victoria Blisse

  “So, what do you fancy?” he said, and I shrugged.

  “How about a classic?” He confidently walked over to a shelf and plucked out a DVD. “Flash Gordon. It’s my favourite.”

  “I’ve never seen it,” I said and held in a sigh.

  “Well, there you go then.”

  We walked to the till, and he paid for the DVD. I opened my bag and ignored the card staring out at me. I’d make a fool of myself giving him that now. Why would he want my touch when he had the perfectly manicured hand of Charlie willing, eager and able to touch him? I took out a fiver and passed it to him.

  “Will you need any more?”

  “No, we should get a good bottle for that.” We walked into the large off license next door and he began looking through the wines. I walked over to the chocolate display. I needed some desperately.

  “Jane, come here.” I walked over to where he stood holding two bottles in his hand. “Red or white?”

  “I don’t mind,” I replied. I rarely drink wine and would happily drink either. “Pick what you want. I’m going to get some chocolate.”

  “Hang on,” he put down the bottle of white and followed me, “I’ll get you these.”

  He picked up a box of Rose’s chocolates and smiled at me. I managed a thin smile back.


  Maybe it was his way of letting me down lightly. We’d watch the DVD, he’d pass me the chocolates then announce he’s off to that party to have hot sex with Charlie. I sighed deeply.

  “What’s the matter?” Tim asked as we walked out of the newsagents and back towards his car.

  “Nothing,” I lied.

  “Oh, come on. You’ve been really quiet since we went into the video shop. Oh…” It was as if the penny dropped, and he wrinkled his brow. “You haven’t met Charlie before, have you?” I shook my head and he opened the car door. “Hop in.” he said.

  He put the shopping on the backseat and settled himself behind the wheel. He was going to tell me now that this was all a mistake or that he has a harem of women, Charlie being the head whore or something. My insides wrapped themselves in knots as I waited to see what he would say.

  “Look, Jane, Charlie is a pretty girl.” Here it comes, I thought to myself, wait for it. “Well, at least she thinks she is. She is all over every guy like a rash. She moves from one to the other with alarming speed and we all know she’s just a user.”

  “But she’s beautiful so you take it anyway?”

  “Some guys do. Some guys are fucking shallow, though. I can’t stand her and it only seems to make her worse. The less I respond to her flirting the more she flirts with me. I’m sorry. I should have explained. Did you think Charlie and I…?”

  I nodded weakly. “She’s so gorgeous, and you did nothing to stop her.”

  “I’m an idiot,” Tim said and put a hand on my thigh. “I’m sorry. I should have done something, but she freaks me out and I never know what to do to stop her so I just seize up like she’s a wasp. I stand still, my skin crawling, and I hope she’ll hurry up and fly away and leave me alone.”

  I laughed, my heart expanded, and it was as if a fog had lifted.

  “I’m so sorry, Jane. I want to spend time with you. I want to touch you, not her.”

  His other hand came up to rest on my cheek, and he pulled me closer to him, before I fully realised what was happening his lips were on mine and suddenly the anguish of the last twenty minutes melted away as if it had never existed. His lips were insistent, his hand on my cheek comforting. I felt a little droplet roll down from my eye and his thumb moved to wipe it away.

  “I’m sorry, Jane, really.”

  “I know. It’s okay. I understand now.”

  “I’ll make it up to you,” he said, smiling and waggling his eyebrows.

  “I’ll hold you to that,” I replied, with a cheeky wink.


  The drive back to his was genial. We chilled and chatted, and I actually felt relaxed in his company for the first time that day. It was still in the back of my mind that he could just be using me, but I pushed that way back. It was obviously just my lack of self-confidence speaking. I suppose there was a slight possibility it was the voice of my common sense talking, but I was not willing to listen. I wanted to be wanted by this sexy stranger. I wanted everything he told me to be true. I wanted to fuck him, although I was scared of the intensity of emotion running through me, and I was worried that I’d disappoint him. I wanted him. It was as simple as that.

  “So you don’t live in digs, then?” he asked as we walked across to the tall block of student flats.

  “No, I can’t afford to so I’m still at home with Mum and Dad.”

  “That’s why I never saw you round the usual student haunts then, only in class.”

  “Yes, once I’ve worked in the morning, done a day of lectures and another few hours of work in the evening, I’m too pooped to go out anywhere. I have to face the long journey home.”

  “That must be tough.” He held open the door for me then walked beside me up the stairs.

  “Yeah, I guess. I don’t think I’ve made a single friend since starting in September, but at least, I have a familiar bed and a cooked meal waiting for me when I go home every evening.”

  “Yes, you’re lucky to have that.” Again I saw a flicker of pain in his dark eyes but he hid it again. “Social lives are over-rated. I drive, I study and I drive some more. That’s it.”

  “Well, least you meet interesting people in your job.”

  “Hmm, that’s very true.” He purred and squeezed my arm. “I really do.”

  I blushed, and he winked at me. “Though I don’t lust after all of them.”

  “Just a few of them.” I giggled.

  “No, only you,” he replied and my stomach flicked over in pleasure. I was completely thrilled with this easy and seemingly sincere compliment. Even if it wasn’t true, I wanted it to be, so I quickly convinced myself he was actually telling the truth.

  “Here we are then,” he said and put his key into the dark brown door that looked identical to every other door we’d been past. “Welcome to my mansion.” He held open the door and swept his spare arm forward towards it like a grand gesture made by a ringmaster at a circus.

  I walked into the small room. There was a small kitchen directly in front of me. It consisted of a microwave and a couple of those electric hobs one uses when in a caravan and a tiny sink, which seemed to double as a bathroom sink as well. The toilet was down the corridor somewhere.

  The walls were uninspiring magnolia but spotted around were artistic black and white photos in frames interspersed with posters from magazines and brighter works of art. I liked the eclectic mix and looked more closely at several of them as I walked across the room.

  On one wall was a desk with a laptop on it and a small plastic chair slid beneath it. On the other wall was a single bed.

  “I’m afraid I don’t actually have a TV, but my laptop does the trick. Is that all right?” he asked.

  “It’s hard cheese if it’s not really, isn’t it?” I laughed and unzipped my coat.

  “Here, let me take that for you.” He slid the coat slowly down my arms and when he’d pulled it off he took it over to behind the door and hung it on a hook there.

  I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. I knew I would have to sit down on his bed, but it seemed an awfully intimate thing to do so I stalled for a moment. “So your folks live far away then, since you’re living in digs?”

  “My parents are dead,” he replied then in the same breath he added breezily, “Sit down and make yourself at home. I’m going to get some glasses and pour this wine. I’m afraid they’re not particularly posh glasses,” he commented as he bent down and clanked about in his cupboard. “But they’ll do.” He pulled out two straight-edged glasses then rifled through a drawer and withdrew a corkscrew.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” I blustered.

  “It’s okay, really. It happened m
any years ago. I’m used to people asking now.”

  I sat down on the edge of the bed and waited anxiously. No wonder he seemed envious of my familiar bed and cooking. My heart overflowed with sympathy for him. He pulled the cork form the bottle, and I took a deep breath. We were here now, in his room. I was even sitting on his bed! My hands shook I was so nervous. I tried to calm myself down by telling myself we were simply going to watch a DVD. Nothing nerve inducing about that.

  As soon as he put the wine glass in my hand, I knew we were not just going to watch a DVD. The look that crossed his face as he slipped the cup into my hand and watched me take my first hesitant sip was pure lust, and I heard him purr as I licked my lips nervously.

  “It’s good,” I said.

  “Excellent. I’ll put the film on.” He smiled and walked over to the laptop. I took another bigger sip of the wine for fortification and winced slightly. I’ve never been a big alcohol drinker and although it tasted good, it was strong. I took another sip and watched Tim load his computer and insert the DVD into the player.

  “Okay, I think we’re there,” he said and pulled down the blind at the window, cutting out a lot of the light. He pressed play on his way over to the bed and the screen flared into life. He picked up his drink and sat directly next to me.

  “Sit back, make yourself comfy,” he said, leaning past me and picking up his pillows. He leant one against the wall and beckoned me to sit back. I did so and felt the soft cushion giving behind me as I settled down. He propped the other pillow up beside me and leant back against it. His arm rub against mine as he lifted his glass to his lips.

  “Are you comfy?” he whispered and I nodded my head.

  “If you need an extra pillow, use me, okay?”

  “Okay.” I smiled and took another gulp of the wine. It was only as the film started that I realised how strange all this was. I had headed to work that morning planning to pass over a Valentine’s card to a bus driver I’d masturbated in front of and had ended up sitting next to him on his bed sipping wine and watching a DVD. Very strange indeed.

  The wine started to work on me. My cheeks were flushed and hot, and my head was beginning to feel a little fuzzy. I reached over the side of the bed and put down the glass. It only had a little bit left in the bottom. I decided to leave it. I didn’t want to get drunk right now. I wanted to savour the moment. As I sat back up I felt a little dizzy and so leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder. He turned and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head.

  I rested there for a while, comfortable and warm. I watched the film but couldn’t keep my mind on its simple plot. I was simply aware of his body so close to mine. I saw his chest lifting and falling and felt his warmth and hard body through the T-shirt material covering his arm.

  “Hmm, let me just move a little. My shoulder’s falling asleep,” he said.

  I don’t know if he meant it or if it was just an excuse to slide his arm around me. I found myself leaning against the top of his chest, just in the sensual curve of his neck. He smelled so good, musky and spicy and wonderfully masculine.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, and I nodded my head gently, enjoying the stimulation of skin against his skin.

  “I’m very comfortable, thank you, are you?”

  “Oh yes,” he replied and stroked his hand down my arm then squeezed me. “I am very comfortable indeed, sweetheart.”

  I was happy where I was, embraced and relaxed but underneath the peace and comfort ran a live wire of arousal that meant I wasn’t truly relaxed. I wanted to reach my hand over, to rest it on his crotch, to open the zip and touch his naked cock. I wanted to kiss his neck, to nibble the flesh and maybe even leave my mark. I wanted him to reach over and caress my breast or for his other hand to slide down from my shoulders to my waist and lower to squeeze and later spank my arse. I furiously boiled away inside and I didn’t know what to do. I was afraid to make the first move. I was petrified of upsetting or hurting him.

  “Jane?” His voice startled me from my thoughts and I lifted up my head.


  His lips fell on mine and he kissed me. I can’t say that we kissed. I was too shocked to join in. He kissed me. He pressed his lips hard against mine, and I took the heavenly pressure and tried to gather my thoughts. His hands wrapped around me, one rested on the back of my neck and the other cupped my waist. I pressed my hand out, almost in panic but instead of pushing him away, I ran my hand slowly across his chest.

  The hand at my waist crept higher and it carried the light, scratchy material of my too-tight work shirt up my body with it. His fingers whispered over my flesh and I moaned with delight, unable to hold it in. His kiss deepened, his tongue slipped out into my mouth and tentatively, I wiggled mine in response, rubbing it against his.

  I wanted to feel his skin, so I slipped my hand down to the edge of his T-shirt and slipped my hand beneath it. It was his turn to moan as my fingers crawled up over his stomach and chest. He felt good, hard but soft enough to give a little under my fingers. A few hairs tickled my fingers round his chest and his nipples felt hard and gritty as I experimentally swept my fingers across them.

  “You minx,” he gasped. “My turn now.” He pulled away from our kiss and moved both his hands to the front of me. He fiddled with my buttons and eventually got each one undone. I watched him and helped to slip off the shirt. Before I could feel the cold air, his arms were around me and he was pulling apart the clasp of my bra.

  “Tim,” I exclaimed as I felt it pop loose and my breasts dropped a little without the lifting aid of the bra. I was scared he’d hate the sight of my large breasts. They were nowhere near perky and perfect. I was worried he’d be disgusted.

  “Shh, it’s okay, sweetheart. I want to see you and feel you. Please?”

  I nodded my acquiescence, and he pulled the bra forward and slipped it down my arms. “Oh God, Jane, you’re beautiful.” He ran his fingers down my chest and around my breasts, teasing the skin and zoning in on my nipples.

  “So soft, so creamy, what beautiful breasts.” His eyes focused on my chest, his tone conveyed deep delight and his fingers worshipped my flesh. I felt elated and in a contrast to moments earlier I pushed my chest out wantonly and gasped as he took my nipples in his fingers and squeezed and tugged at them. A second later, he was man-handling one into his mouth. The feel of his suction drove me wild, and I groaned to let out some of the sexual pressure building up inside of me from his examination and gentle but demanding fingers.

  He pushed me. I squealed as I fell back onto the mattress as I was taken totally by surprise. I pulled my legs up onto the bed and lost myself in a tangle of limbs, but after a moment of confusion Tim was above me, his legs between my thighs and his body above me.

  “You scared me.” I slapped his arm. “Why didn’t you warn me?”

  “It’s more fun this way.” He laughed, and before I articulated a reply, his lips hit mine and I forgot what I was going to say. “Hang on,” He pulled away and sat back on his heels. It took him a second to pull off his T-shirt, and I got the most amazing view of his tight chest as he peeled away the material and threw it to the floor. “That’s better.”

  He fell over me again, holding himself up on his arms. His kisses sprinkled over my brow and my cheeks, and I giggled then gasped as he slipped off my chin and onto my sensitive neck. His chest gently pressed against my breasts, and with each move, the fine hairs tickled my breasts and made my nipples ache with need.

  His lips on my neck felt divine. I had never been kissed there before and so was completely unaware of how much of an erogenous zone it was. With just a few kisses and nibbles, I was mewling and pushing up against him, more and more ready for him to fuck me.

  His kisses carried on, carelessly meandering down over my chest and moving from one breast to the other, feasting on each nipple and making my mind turn to goo. I was incapable of speech or even real thought. All I could do was respond to his kiss caress. I was taken over by a
fever I had never felt before, even when I received my first, hesitant kiss. That guy did not approve of body touches, though. I think he was missing out.

  Tim slipped down onto his stomach and lay kisses all over mine. I felt uncomfortable at first, my stomach is rounded and full, not flat like Charlie’s but apparently that did not faze him as he kissed and caressed my tummy and belly button with as much eagerness and passion as he did my breasts. My skirt had rolled up as he threw me to the bed, and it was only a moment’s work to lift it up to reveal my cotton-encased pussy.

  “Oh, yes,” he groaned and ran a finger down my slit through the damp material at my crotch. “Beautiful.” He contented himself with running his fingers over me with my knickers as a barrier for a while. I was aroused and frustrated. I wanted to feel him on my skin again. I wanted to feel his finger inside me once more.

  He soon relieved my frustration though. He slipped his hands to my hips, grabbed my panties at each side and pulled. I lifted my hips and helped. He slid down to my ankles then unhooked one side, forgot about the other leg and left my knickers pooled around my left ankle. He slipped back up the bed and before I could feel embarrassed he was between my thighs again, urging them wider apart with his hands.

  I had never been so inspected before, and I bit my lip anxiously. I enjoyed his gaze on my intimate places, I felt wanton and sexual, but I was just slightly worried that he would find my bits repulsive.

  He moaned and moved his finger up and down my slit again, and I knew he did not find my pussy to be unattractive. He kissed my thigh gently and at the same moment slipped a finger inside of me. It felt amazing. I had fingered myself before, many times in fact, and so there was no barrier to his probing and I felt as if he were disappearing deep inside me with every thrust. I knew then that I really wanted his cock inside me. If one and then two fingers felt so good, I could not wait to feel his cock.

  What happened next took me totally by surprise. I was completely inexperienced, and so when his lips came into contact with my aching clit, I was shocked in the most erotic way. I did not realise people kissed other people there. I mean, I knew about blowjobs. I’d never given one, but I knew girls that had, but I had never heard once about a boy repaying the favour. It felt divine.


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