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Michael Page 1

by Marie Tuhart

  Table of Contents


  Publication Information



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About the Author

  Also Available

  Also Read

  Thank You



  Marie Tuhart

  Doms of the Silver Screen Book 1

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


  COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Marie Tuhart

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information: [email protected]

  Cover Art by Diana Carlile

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

  Visit us at www.thewilderroses.com

  Publishing History

  First Scarlet Rose Edition, 2017

  Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-1594-2

  Published in the United States of America


  As always to my editor, Trish, for her hard work and guiding this stubborn author in the right direction

  Rods by Rane for the wonderful demo


  Marie Tuhart


  “This story is sizzling from the beginning and scorches through until the end. I think the love the men have for each other and Katie is beautiful.”

  ~Mary Ann, Sizzling Hot Books

  “The erotic parts of the book were excellent, with great writing and they managed to show the dynamics between the characters. It’s definitely a hot and heavy book, and erotica fans will enjoy it.”

  ~Majanka, I Heart Reading


  “This is a good story I’d recommend to readers interesting in starting to read BDSM stories that aren’t too hard-core.”

  ~Long and Short Reviews

  Chapter One

  Michael Levin tapped his foot on the mock tile floor as he leaned against the wall. There was only one other person with him in the room. He really hated auditions. He’d been at the studio since six this morning. His first audition was at nine. It had gone well, but now he had to hang around until they were ready for the second round. Tedious and boring.

  “Michael Levin.”

  He lifted his head, relieved. “Right here.” He stood and sauntered over to the young man with the clipboard and facial piercings.

  “Great. If you go to dressing room B, they’ll get you ready.”

  “Thanks.” Michael strode down the small hallway and found dressing room B. He pushed open the door.

  “Oh good. You’re here.” A woman grasped his arm and hauled him in to the tiny, brightly lit room. “We don’t have much time. Come, sit down. I’ll do your make up while Janice does your hair.”

  Michael was pushed into a chair, and he closed his eyes as the two women began to work. This was another one of the things he wished he could do without—make up. He understood the principles behind it, but he didn’t like it.

  After thirty minutes of primping, he was shooed behind a bamboo screen to change into his costume. The tight black pants clung to his skin, and the white shirt was puffy. The clothing made him think they were making a pirate movie rather than a period drama.

  He stepped out from behind the screen and was hustled from the room to the temporary set. Heavy brocade drapes were pulled as a backdrop, and a table with chairs sat in the middle of the floor.

  “Ah, good. Michael, is it?” a man with a clipboard asked.

  “Yes, that’s me.” Michael glanced at the people as they rushed around, setting up lighting and props as they got everything ready for the audition.

  “Good. We’ll be ready in a few minutes.” The man walked away.

  Chris Hunter, the producer, pushed his brown hair back from his forehead as he walked up. Michael swallowed his nervousness. “Glad you’re auditioning for this, Michael,” Chris said, holding out his hand.

  “Thank you for calling my agent and asking for me.” Michael grasped his hand. It wasn’t often that a producer called to ask for him specifically.

  “I’ve seen your work, and I think you’ll fit the part.”

  Michael barely prevented his jaw from dropping. Chris Hunter, one of the most famous producers in Hollywood, knew his work. “Thank you.” He didn’t know what else to say.

  “You’ll be playing the part of Caroline’s lover.” Papers were shoved into his hands. “This is the scene; read it through. And don’t worry about memorizing everything. I want to see you and how you interact with our leading lady.” Then Chris walked away.

  Michael’s skin tingled with excitement. He’d started researching the movie, Caroline, when his agent had first called him about the audition. It was a big budget, drama production. He found a semi-quiet spot back against the wall he began to read the scene, his mind repeating “interact with leading lady.” This usually didn’t happen until further down in auditions, maybe second or third call back.

  This could be his big break. This production could take him to the big screen and put his name on the leading male list. He shook his head, not to get ahead of himself. He studied the pages in his hand until they called him.

  He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Samantha Collins. Tall, fake-blonde, made-up beautiful, and a pain in the ass. Oh, shit. He took a deep breath and told himself to suck it up. He would be totally professional. Samantha just rubbed him the wrong way.

  Yes, he liked strong women, like his girlfriend, Kelsey, but he liked to be in control. Samantha couldn’t stand not be in control of everything, and she made everything difficult when she wasn’t.

  “Michael, darling.” She sashayed over to him, and he turned his head just in time so she kissed his cheek.

  “Samantha.” Damn what was that scent? His nose twitched as her perfume permeated everything.

  “You two know each other?” Chris asked striding up to the pair.

  “We did a couple of commercials together.” Michael disentangled himself from Samantha.

  “Michael is a great actor.” Samantha smoothed her hand down the front of his shirt. He took another step back from her. This woman had no boundaries, but he did.

  “Okay, let’s get this show on the road.” Chris clapped his hands. “Everyone take your places.”

  “You’ll do fine, lover,” Samantha whispered before slinking away.

  Michael blew out a breath and centered himself. This was his chance to shine and get a part that could skyrocket his career.


  “Kelsey, I’m home.” Michael dropped his keys into the bowl on the small side table in the entryway of their home. Silence greeted him.

  He strode into the kitchen. It was empty. Then he went into the bedroom. It was empty, too. One last place… He marched down the small hallway to the spare bedroom that they both used as an office. Nope.

  Fishing his cell out of his pocket, he glanced at the screen. No messages. No text. It was date night. He’d made sure to get home on time and fully expected Kelsey to as well. It was one of the few rules they had.

  Where was she? Michael made his way back into the bedroom, annoya
nce filling his veins. He needed Kelsey after a long day with the audition, and that she-wolf, Samantha. His relationship with Kelsey had a healthy dose of kink in it, they had some protocols—easy ones. One was never late on date night without letting the other know. He’d give her ten minutes, and then if she wasn’t home, he would punish her for being late and not contacting him.


  “Damn it,” Kelsey Pierce muttered as she pulled out of the parking lot of Jackpot Studios. She loved her job as a graphic designer, but today had been one of those days she could have done without the stress of the job.

  The lead designer had walked in this morning and quit. So his jobs had to be divided up among those who were left. She’d inherited the Robinson file, and virtually nothing had been done. Pushing her other jobs aside, she dove into the assignment to get it caught up.

  When she’d finally come up for air, it was six. She probably should have called Michael, but she figured he’d either be driving or still at his audition. He was so excited about this new film. She hoped he got the job.

  She wanted him to succeed, but at times, she still thought about her ex-boyfriends. They’d both been actors, and both cheated on her. Not that she had any reason to doubt Michael. He was always reassuring her of his commitment to her and their relationship.

  Thankfully, traffic was lighter than normal, so she pulled up to their North Hollywood home at six thirty. A smile lifted her lips. The house was really a small cottage. She’d been lucky. After she had dumped her ex-boyfriend, she’d found the cottage up for sale. It was perfect for her. She’d spent many weekends painting the inside and saving to hire someone to fix up the outside. Then Michael’s car had broken down outside her home, and he had exploded into her life. He was fun, exciting, and so far, only had eyes for her. Kelsey shook her head. No thinking about her past relationships.

  Michael’s small green SUV was parked to one side of the carport. Well, he’d beat her home. She pulled her small compact car next to his, got out, and sauntered up the stone walkway to the forest green door.

  Kelsey let out a breath. It was good to be home. She put her key in the lock and opened the door. “Michael?” she called out.


  She needed a hot shower, and then she’d see what Michael wanted for dinner. Maybe they’d have Thai food delivered. She pulled the clip from her hair, letting her deep auburn hair cascade around her shoulders as she padded toward the bedroom, only to stop dead in the doorway. Her mouth dropped open.

  Michael stood next to the bed clad only in black briefs. A pair of furry handcuffs hung off one finger. Kink had become a part of their lives after a few months of dating. It was one thing both of them enjoyed. Kelsey enjoyed letting go at the end of a hard day, and Michael loved the control.

  Her heart pounded. He had that look in his eyes that said, “I’m lord and master.” And her insides melted.

  “Sorry, I’m late. I got hung up—”

  He held up his hand. “Do you know what today is?” His voice was firm, yet steady.

  “Thursday,” she said, and then her eyes widened. Oh shit. Date night. She was late on date night. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  She strode over to him and dropped to her knees in front of him, her head bowed. A strange perfume tickled her nose, but she didn’t dare ask about it. Not when she had forgotten about date night.

  “You didn’t call.”

  “No, Sir.” Oh damn, she had really messed up, but she would be truthful with him. “I forgot it was date night.”

  “Thank you for being honest.” He stroked her head. “Strip and get on the bed. Make sure to present your ass.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She reached back and slipped off her shoes before rising. Fighting to keep her excited breathing under control, she removed her clothes and then positioned herself on the bed face down.

  “Tell me why you’re late,” he said, threading the cuffs through the spindle headboard. The soft fabric caressed her skin as he fastened them around each wrist.

  “Our lead designer quit this morning, I picked up several of his clients, one of which he hadn’t touched. I was getting up to speed, Sir.” Her nerves danced. If he was restraining her, that meant…. Well, it could mean several things.

  Michael ran his palms over her shoulders, down her spine, pausing to rest at the small of her back. She shivered in anticipation. “Do you know why I’ve restrained you?”

  “Because I’m about to be punished, Sir.”

  “And why are you being punished?” He removed his hands, and the dresser drawer creaked as he opened it.

  She fought against turning her head to see what he was getting out. It would only earn her more. “I forgot date night, Sir.”

  “Right.” He ran his palms over her ass, causing her skin to tingle with awareness. “And what is our one major protocol?”

  “Never forget date night, and if running late for date night call, Sir.”

  “Correct.” He smacked her right ass cheek. She cried out more in surprise than pain. He treated her left cheek to the same spank, alternating between the two globes until heat flared out from her ass.

  “Nice and pink,” he murmured as he rubbed his palm over the hot cheeks. “Are you warmed up, my pet?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her skin tingled, and her nerves danced. She was aware of every little muscle twitch in her body.

  “Good.” He always checked in with her before he moved on to the actual punishment, not that she gave him a lot of cause to punish her. She had safe words if she needed them. But Michael was good, he never pushed her farther than she could handle.

  “I’m going to be generous tonight and tell you what I’m going to use on your luscious ass.” He paused. “I’m going to start out with the small quarter inch blue acrylic cane.”

  “Yes, Sir.” A shiver slid up her spine. They’d bought several of the acrylic canes two months ago, and they hadn’t tried them out yet. While she’d prefer the first time not to be a punishment, she knew the rules.

  There was a slight whoosh and then a sting to the fleshy part of her ass. “Ohh,” she squirmed. Michael striking her with it was very different from when they tried them out with the vendor. Of course then, she’d been fully clothed and the vendor had been showing Michael how to use them.

  Michael brought the cane down again, this time he held it against her flesh. The sting traveled through her nerve endings. He spanked her with the cane several more times.

  Kelsey was breathing through her mouth. Her ass was twitching. He smoothed his palm over her ass. His hand cool compared to her hot skin.

  “Very nice,” he whispered. “Now, I’m going to use the clear half inch square.”

  Fuck. She barely suppressed herself from saying it out loud. The square one was wicked. Even when Michael had tried it on her clothed, the impact stung.

  “You will count the strikes this time.”

  “Yes, Sir. How many, Sir?” Her fingers curled into her palms.

  “As many as I decide.”

  She’d barely taken a breath when he brought the cane down. “One, Sir.” Oh fuck that hurt. “Two, Sir.” Her breathing sped up. “Three, Sir.” She shifted her ass slightly as her clit began to throb. “Four, Sir.” Tears filled her eyes. “Five, Sir.” Now the tears flowed down her cheeks.

  Hot waves surged through her veins. Her toes dug into the mattress while she fought to control her breathing. How many more? She let out a squeal when something cold hit her ass.

  “Easy, my pet.” Michael’s voice was soft as his palms soothed gel into the skin of her butt. “You did so well.” He continued to rub until she got her breathing under control. “Now for the rest of your punishment.”

  Rest? Oh crap, what else. Her mind spun in circles, fuzzy with pain and pleasure.

  “Let’s get you onto your back.” He undid one cuff, helped her roll on to her back, before putting the cuff back on. “What color are we?”

  The sheets were cool against her overheated sk
in. “Green, Sir.”

  “Good.” He presented his back to her. When he faced her once again, he held two what looked like fiber optic sticks in his hands. But they weren’t. These were the small set of acrylic canes, ones used for delicate areas.

  Climbing onto the mattress, Michael straddled her hips. “You don’t have to count, and I’m going to play until I’m satisfied you’ve learned your lesson.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She’d never survive.

  He twirled the first one over her right nipple. The hardness of the material making her nipple pucker, then he did the left. Once both nipples were hard and extended, he brought the toy down on them.

  Her breath caught in her throat. Tingles spread from her nipples through her breasts. Not as bad as nipple clamps but different.

  Michael adjusted his position and then began playing the drums on her breasts. With each strike the pain turned to pleasure, pushing her higher and higher. Her nails dug into her palms.

  She closed her eyes, trying to focus on her breathing, but it didn’t help. Her mouth opened as she tried to get more air in, and he just continued to torment her. Heat spread over her stomach. Her clit throbbed in time with her nipples, and her pussy began to spasm.

  “Sir, I’m going to come.”

  “You will not.” His voice was firm and husky, but he never paused.

  Kelsey ground her teeth together as her stomach began to tighten, her legs started to quiver. She fought against her climax as he continued.

  Now her nipples were on fire, her breasts felt fuller, heavier. She wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer. Michael stopped.

  A cry ripped from within her as he climbed off the bed. She bit her lip so not to beg him to finish her off. It would only gain her more punishment. Her breathing started to slow as the fire in her chest slowly dissipated.

  When she opened her eyes, Michael was standing beside the bed. “You look so damn beautiful.” He leaned over and released the cuffs.

  “Go clean up, and I’ll order pizza for dinner.” He slipped the cuffs from the bed, and then put them away with the canes.

  Kelsey shook her head. “Sir?”


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