You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 14

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 14 Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

  But the very first time in my life when I fell in love; I felt the most pricelessly immortal organism alive not only for this birth; but for infinite more births of mine; I could never ever give my heart to any other girl in my life; and the first time forever remained the very first time .



  Tell me what difference does it make; whether I use my artistic left hand to write; or whether I voraciously emboss alphabets on barren paper with the bohemian fingers in my right?

  As long as the ramification of it all; is literature which handsomely depicts the spell bindingly unassailable fragrance of bountifully burgeoning mankind .

  Tell me what difference does it make; whether I devoutly kneel down on the

  majestic steps of the fantastically embellished church; or whether I close my impoverished eyes in ardent obeisance sitting inside the abysmally forlorn gutter pipe?

  As long as the ramification of it all; is the image of profoundly Omnipotent benevolence; the grace of the insuperably inimitable Lord Almighty; towering

  high in every philanthropic thought of mine .

  Tell me what difference does it make; whether I bathe in the most bombastically fudged of glittering gold bathrooms; or whether I let every element of my emaciated skin rejuvenate under rustic droplets of rain tumbling from fathomless sky ?

  As long as the ramification of it all; is the essence of miraculous freshness transcending over even the most infinitesimal of my dreadfully beleaguered senses; austerely cleansing my sordid body of derogatorily deceased and perfidious shit .

  Tell me what difference does it make; whether I tirelessly embrace every conceivable religion which humans coined; or whether I chose to forever remain oblivious to any caste; creed or sect; forever remain nameless?

  As long as the ramification of it all; is the river of perennially bonding symbiotism; which Omnisciently cascaded through every cranny of my molecular heart and soul .

  Tell me what difference does it make; whether I clad my feet in the most contemporarily designer footwear; or whether I left them threadbarely barren; with my bucolically untrimmed nails grotesquely extruding out ?

  As long as the ramification of it all; is the path of unflinchingly peerless righteousness; that I perennially tread upon .

  Tell me what difference does it make; whether I sung through the most mellifluously majestic of microphones; or whether I uninhibitedly unfurled the discordantly raucous chords of my throat; into the sheath of the simplistic atmosphere ?

  As long as the ramification of it all; is the message of ubiquitously symbiotic brotherhood; handsomely perpetuating every philanthropic heart alike .

  Tell me what difference does it make; whether I used the most powerfully

  enviable of field glasses; or whether I let the whites and blacks of my eyes

  rampantly wander around ?

  As long as the ramification of it all; is that the spirit of impeccably untainted goodness; assimilated into every construable cranny of my soul and harmonious body .

  Tell me what difference does it make; whether I resided on the most unprecedented precipice of the gigantically impregnable mountain; or whether I exhaled air every instant of my life infinite feet beneath the bed of listlessly sedentary soil ?

  As long as the ramification of it all; is the mist of redolently humanitarian fantasy; embodying itself deeper and deeper into the diminutively emaciated dormitories of my mind .

  And tell me what difference does it make; whether I endlessly romanced within the unfathomably luxurious walls of the Opulent castle; or whether I bonded with the most adorable companion of my life on the squalidly bedraggled streets; deluged with nothing else but the penuriously profane begging bowl ?

  As long as the ramification of it all; is the sacrosanct thread of Immortally blessing marriage; forever coalescing me with the wave of united existence; forever liberating me from the aisles of worthlessness; and forever and ever and ever into the unconquerably untamed sanctuary of Omnipotent love .




  Believe me I had come only to tickle your mischievously drooping eyelashes; nimbly run my fingers through their insurmountably voluptuous charisma; for just an ethereal second,

  But all I ended up doing was staring into the  your royally embellished eyes till times beyond infinite infinity; uninhibitedly exploring the aisles of enchantingly untainted paradise in their impeccably unassailable whites .

  Believe me I had come only to experience your sensuously exotic lips; run my

  rampantly emaciated tongue on their startling fronds of vivacious scarlet; for just a transient second,

  But all I ended up doing was perpetually interlocking even the most infinitesimally quavering of my senses; with their unbelievably bestowing sweetness; for infinite more births of mine .

  Believe me I had come only to dance with you in the sporadically rhapsodic

  rain; graze through the tantalizing contours of your regally titillating nape; for just a fugitive second,

  But all I ended up doing was bonding each element of my mind; body and soul

  in your everlasting embrace; letting even the tiniest of my desire become your eternal slave; even centuries after this earth had ceased to exist .


  Believe me I had come only to lightheartedly chat with your spell binding grace; surreptitiously nudge at your seductively ebullient ribs; for just an evanescent second,

  But all I ended up doing was wholesomely drowning into the unconquerably mellifluous essence of your magnetic voice; tirelessly assimilating your humanitarian softness; even after the coffin of treacherously asphyxiating death had sealed the definitions of my life .

  Believe me I had come only to smell your supremely inebriating fragrance; mischievously cavort with the unlocked curls of your hair; for just an ephemeral second,

  But all I ended up doing was becoming a quintessential ingredient of your godly sweat; letting the spirit of your righteously Omnipotent perseverance; rule my existence till my countless more destined lifetimes .


  Believe me I had come only to clandestinely flirt with your nubile ears; ecstatically nibble their iridescent lobes; for just a vespered second,

  But all I ended up doing was becoming the pearls of unfathomable wisdom that

  they indefatigably absorbed; letting their insuperable majesty become the ultimate crown of my impoverished life; and horizons even beyond what my eyes could coherently sight .

  Believe me I had come only to sight the infallibly unceasing twinkle in your

  magnanimous stride; lackadaisically toss with your marvelous shadow; for just an extinguishing second,

  But all I ended up doing was becoming your ardently unshakable worshipper;

  saluting your symbiotically ever-pervading redolence; till unsurpassable more births of mine; even after abrogating my veritable last breath .

  Believe me I had come only to take an autograph of your blissfully towering grace; relish your articulately synchronized handwriting; for just a non-existent second,

  But all I ended up doing was making your immaculately undefeated signature

  the lines of my truncated palm; miraculously revolutionize the complexion of

  this dreadfully estranged planet; with the unflinchingly peerless tenacity of your divinely grace .

  And believe me I had come only to temporarily date you; profusely smooch across your euphorically untamed flesh; for just an oblivious second,

  But all I ended up doing was not only coalescing every beat of my heart with

  your wave of Omnipresent mankind; but forever liberating our forms forever

  and far away from this manipulatively beleaguered planet; into the heavens

  of sacrosanct marriage and the Creator Divine .


  29. MAROONED  

  Marooned on the island of dismally obnoxious hatred; I
tore the spell binding jacket of my lungs in relentless frustration; ardently desiring nothing else but exuberantly free space amidst the uninhibitedly tantalizing clouds,

  Marooned on the island of treacherously sordid politics; I indefatigably kept gnawing my raw nails on the fecklessly corrugated wall; tirelessly wishing for the aisles of blissful freedom to kiss my pathetically devastated bones,

  Marooned on the island of dreadfully pulverizing poverty; I vituperatively kept staring at open space; yearning for perpetual freedom on the slopes of the Omnipotently sun soaked hills,

  Marooned on the island of bizarrely hapless unemployment; I deliriously punctured every construable vein of my nimble body; endlessly searching for nothing else but the gateways of everlastingly enchanting freedom,

  Marooned on the island of salaciously egregious betrayal; I incessantly whimpered like a uncontrollably slavering corpse; insurmountably wishing for moments immemorial of ebulliently unshakable freedom,

  Marooned on the island of obliviously cursed dilapidation; I unceasingly bit my tongue into a boundless pieces; unstoppably praying for eternally bestowing freedom to kiss the contours of my brutally emaciated lips,

  Marooned on the island of boorishly baseless boredom; I vicariously licked grotesquely fetid molehills of crippling dirt; fervently wanting the paradise of

  indomitably burgeoning freedom to descend upon my impoverished soul,

  Marooned on the island of raunchily petulant indiscrimination; I unsparingly excoriated every trace of happiness from my soul; desperately desiring the

  mists of exotically iridescent freedom to forever swirl across my estranged abode,

  Marooned on the island of maliciously prejudiced discontentment; I sadistically plucked the whites of my eye out of my sockets; unlimitedly hoping for the

  playgrounds of unequivocally priceless freedom to enshroud me from all sides,

  Marooned on the island of derogatorily debilitating fever; I repugnantly snubbed at even the most emollient of fantasies that swept my brain; inexorably perceiving the meadows of celestially philanthropic freedom,

  Marooned on the island of blood-sucking inequality; I broke down into an tornado of cataclysmic meaninglessness; relentlessly chasing the rainbow of perennially euphoric freedom,

  Marooned on the island of invidiously amorphous atrophy; I aimlessly ran the satanic cleavers on my intricate veins; wistfully conceiving the fireballs of unsurpassably insuperable freedom,

  Marooned on the island of commercial monotony; I disparagingly blew worthless saliva for hours immemorial; irrefutably wanting to hold the wand of miraculously mitigating freedom; in the center of my intrepid palms,

  Marooned on the island of maniacally hypochondriac depression; I listlessly admired death to the most unprecedented limits; inveterately wishing for the march of patriotic freedom; to become my quintessential way,

  Marooned on the island of fanatically religious eccentricity; I uxoriously tampered with every blissfully vivid mechanism of my body; insatiably wanting to bond with only with the essence of unassailably righteous freedom,

  Marooned on the island of dastardly squelching rumors; I was confounded with the most inexplicably annihilating of cancer; eternally wanting to blend myself with the cisterns of Omnipresently enthralling freedom,

  Marooned on the island of bombastically tawdry pretention; I unsavorily defecated prurient shit from every palpable pore of my body; intransigently wanting the whitewash of effulgent freedom; to take complete control of my abhorrently beleaguered senses,

  Marooned on the island of mercilessly cold-blooded ruthlessness; I banged my brain into a countless pieces against cold rock; irrevocably waiting each minute for the clouds of sensuously liberating freedom; to transcend over my flagrantly deteriorating


  But Marooned on the island of Immortal Love was the first time in my life when I felt that freedom was everywhere I roamed; freedom had become the most

  Omnipotent lamp in my soul; freedom was an unparalleled spirit of united existence that would continue to exist even after this earth wholesomely ceased; and it was also the very first time in my life when I prayed to the Lord; to forever keep me

  marooned .


  You can kiss me on my voluptuously rubicund cheeks all right; but only if your kiss had the power to wonderfully transcend over every other conceivable kiss  drifting ominously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my seductively tantalizing nape all right; but only if your kiss had the tenacity to miraculously overpower every other conceivable kiss drifting atrociously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my rhapsodically vivacious hair all right; but only if your kiss had the temerity to supremely outshadow every other conceivable kiss drifting egregiously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my enthrallingly ebullient lips all right; but only if your kiss had the charisma to irrefutably nullify every other conceivable kiss drifting vindictively towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my bountifully emollient palms all right; but only if your kiss had the superiority to timelessly conquer every other conceivable kiss drifting baselessly towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my surreally royal forehead all right; but only if your kiss had the magic to unbelievably decimate every other conceivable kiss drifting truculently towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my daintily embellished feet all right; but only if your kiss had the magnetism to insuperably supercede every other conceivable kiss drifting salaciously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my robustly titillating belly all right; but only if your kiss had the caress to astronomically triumph over every other conceivable kiss drifting parasitically towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my uncontrollably trembling skin all right; but only if your kiss had the color to wholesomely camouflage every other conceivable kiss drifting beguilingly towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my enigmatically arcane palms all right; but only if your kiss had the fortitude to entirely sideline every other conceivable kiss drifting hedonistically towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my mellifluously dangling earlobes all right; but only if your kiss had the ardor to poignantly overrule every other conceivable kiss drifting flagrantly towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my unfathomably scented fingers all right; but only if your kiss had the righteousness to unsurpassably defeat every other conceivable kiss drifting hideously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my mischievously cavorting shadow all right; but only if your kiss had the intensity to unnervingly destroy every other conceivable kiss drifting raunchily towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my aristocratically iridescent shoulders all right; but only if your kiss had the compassion to circumscribe every other conceivable kiss drifting bizarrely towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my sensuously inebriating eyes all right; but only if your kiss had the brilliance to unprecedentedly blaze over every other conceivable kiss drifting acrimoniously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  You can kiss me on my artistically sculptured chin all right; but only if your kiss had the guts to indomitably rule over every other conceivable kiss drifting heinously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

can kiss me on my inimitably graceful spine all right; but only if your kiss had the heavenliness to eternally outclass every other conceivable kiss drifting malevolently towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,

  And you can kiss me on my immortally throbbing heart all right; but only if your kiss had the kinsmanship to forever subjugate and subdue every other conceivable kiss drifting venomously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more

  lifetimes .



  I had absolutely not the most infinitesimal iota of hesitation; rampantly swapping cars with you,

  After all what difference does it make; if not this set of four wheels; it would be some another set of sleazily mechanical four wheels; to transport me to the destination of my choice .

  I had absolutely not the most diminutive trace of circumspection; wildly swapping house with you,


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