Billionaire Baby Daddy

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Billionaire Baby Daddy Page 32

by Claire Adams

  My heart was so excited to meet Chase. It was a feeling I had never had before. Excitement mixed with trepidation, surely a fun mix for any young woman to have. When the cabin lights came on and I looked out my window, I could only see the ocean for a long time. But as we got closer and closer to America, I finally could see the city in the distance.

  The excitement continued to grow as we got closer and closer to landing. My heart raced and I made an effort to try and calm myself down. Slowly, I breathed in and then let the breath out. I repeated this several times in an effort to relax. Luckily, the multiple cocktails I had been served worked to help calm my nerves a little. I couldn’t imagine how nervous I would have been without the alcohol on board.

  “I’m so excited,” I said out loud, although I didn’t really mean to.

  “Why, dear?” Bonnie asked me.

  “I’m meeting a boy at the airport. His name is Chase Foster. We met online, and he’s so cute and funny and nice,” I said as I tried to stop myself from talking, but just couldn’t.

  “Oh, is that one of Reynold Foster’s boys?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. He said his father was in manufacturing.”

  “Yes, I bet that is. Reynold has some pretty wild young men. But, they are all very handsome, if I remember right.”

  “Yes, Chase is very handsome. We talked on Skype, and I couldn’t believe he wasn’t a movie star.”

  “Well, I hope things work out for the two of you.”

  “Me, too,” I said eagerly.


  I don’t think I had ever been as nervous as I was when I started to walk off the plane toward the airport. I didn’t know what to expect. The uncertainty was more than I could handle, and I walked slower to let some of my fellow passengers go ahead of me.

  What if he didn’t like me? What if I wasn’t who he thought I was? Maybe I would be too tall or not tall enough. Maybe I wouldn’t be pretty enough. So many thoughts flooded my head that I found it hard to move.

  One by one, I let the other passengers go ahead of me as I tried to get the courage up to walk into the airport. I walked slowly up the gate exit and moved deliberately by putting one foot in front of the other. I tried to look through the windows to see if I saw Chase, but there were just too many people out there.

  It was my first time in America, and I just wasn’t prepared to see Chase. I was so scared.

  When I finally got the nerve to walk into the airport, I wasn’t greeted with Chase as I had hoped I would be. Instead, we had been guided right into the immigration area of security. Everyone needed to show their passports and go through a line where the security officers asked you questions.

  It was much tougher security than I had ever been through. But, I supposed more people tried to get into America than Liechtenstein. The immigration stops while in Europe were extremely fast if you were from there; I really had never seen an immigration department as big as the one I arrived at in Atlanta.

  “State your name,” the man in uniform asked me.

  “Jordan Miller.”

  “What is the nature of your business in Atlanta?”

  I stood there and looked at him briefly as I tried to figure out the best way to explain why I was in Atlanta. I wasn’t really on vacation or a business trip. I was there to see Chase and hopefully go on a few dates.

  “Ma’am, do you speak English?” he said kindly.

  “Um, yes. I’m just visiting a friend. Is that what you mean?”

  “Yes, thank you. How long do you expect to be in the country?”

  Again, I went blank. I didn’t have a specific length of time in mind. I hoped that I would even be able to stay, but I doubt that would make a security officer very happy if I said that.

  “Just a couple of weeks,” I replied.

  He stamped my passport and handed it back to me.

  “You can pick your bag up over there,” he said as he pointed to a huge line of people.

  There were many more people than just the ones on my flight. We all stood around and waited for the baggage to come down the conveyer belt and then scrambled like children to get to our bags first.

  When I finally saw my bag, there was no way I could get through the crowd of people to it, so I just followed it around the conveyor belt until it got to an area where there were not as many people. I was very happy I had brought a bag with wheels on it, and I rolled it behind me out the security gate, toward the exit.

  “Jordan!” I heard a man’s voice call out.

  I had been so caught up in the stress of getting through security that I had forgotten to look for Chase when I got out of the doors. It was likely the several cocktails I had on the plane played a bit of a roll in my forgetfulness, as well.

  “Jordan, over here,” I heard his voice say again.

  When I turned around, I saw him. He stood a little over six feet tall and had on a suit that looked like it had been custom tailored to fit him. His dark brown hair was styled perfectly, and I could see his brilliant blue eyes.

  Behind Chase, there was an even taller man with black sunglasses. I had no idea who he was. He looked intimidating, though, and I wondered if he was some sort of security officer or something.

  “Chase!” I said as I wrapped my arms around him and squished the flowers he had in his hand.

  He handed the flowers off to the tall guy in sunglasses and then picked me up and squeezed me tight. His arms around me felt like home. My body relaxed instantly as I felt his warm breath on my neck just before he kissed it. The touch of his hands on me were warm and welcoming, I couldn’t wait to feel his hands on other parts of my body.

  “You’re real,” he said with a little chuckle.

  “So are you.”

  I held onto him and tucked my head into his neck. He smelled insanely delicious and before I knew what I was doing, I had kissed his neck. Then, up higher on his neck, and then, he turned, and he kissed me right on the lips.

  My lips exploded with excitement at the touch of him, and I felt my body get excited all the way down to my toes. There was no way I could have planned it and no way could I have prepared myself for the level of energy his lips gave to me. But it was perfect. Everything was perfect.

  Our lips gently touched in small little kisses as Chase finally set me back down on the ground and we separated.

  “Your eye,” I said as I pulled away and noticed he had a bruise around his eye.

  It was weird that I hadn’t noticed it before, but I had been too distracted by his brilliant blue eyes. I had also been distracted by his soft lips pressed against mine. He didn’t look like the type of guy who got into a lot of fights; I couldn’t imagine how on earth he had gotten a black eye.

  “Oh, don’t worry. Nothing too serious.”

  “It’s good to meet you,” I said with the permanent grin that was now on my face.

  “You too.”

  Chase grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the door as the tall guy in sunglasses grabbed my bag. I still wasn’t exactly sure if the tall guy was a security guard or what. But Chase trusted him, so I let him take my bag.

  “Who’s that?” I asked looking suspiciously at the guy.

  “He’s my driver today. I have business meetings to get to later. My company insisted he come with me so I showed up back at work later.”

  “Oh,” I said as I looked back at the man again.

  His size looked menacing, but I supposed he was probably just a regular guy doing his work. He did kind of look like he was right out of one of those American television shows I watched.

  “I’m going to bring you back to my house so you can settle in, Then, I have to head back to work. I’m very sorry, but I hope you’ll understand.”

  “Yes, I’m tired. I hardly slept at all on the flight. I’ll be perfectly fine,” I said and squeezed his hand.

  There was a connection between the two of us that I had hoped for so badly when I got on the plane in Liechtenstein. I didn’t feel any awkwardness
at all, which was crazy for me. Even guys that I had been out on several dates with, I tended to feel weird around when I was with them.

  Chase and I had a better connection than I could have hoped for. As I held his hand, I didn’t want to pull away. I wanted to stay there holding it forever and ever. My heart skipped a beat when we got to the car and he opened the door for me and let me get in first.

  He was like Prince Charming, the idealized man I had dreamed about, but he was right there in front of me and totally real. I really wished I could have had Ana around to show her. She would have been so excited for me.

  It did kind of worry me that he had a black eye, though. I wondered how on earth he had gotten himself punched in the eye in the first place, but I decided it wasn’t my place to ask him about it. I certainly wasn’t going to be the kind of girl who got in his way of doing business or was a nag to him.

  For the time being, I was going to be the demure girl that I thought Chase and most men wanted. I didn’t want to ruin things by asking a ton of questions or not showing my appreciation for him bringing me over to America. It would be easier for us if I was just the quiet, shy girl.

  On the drive to his house, I continued to hold the flowers he gave me, and I couldn’t stop smelling them. I had never received fresh flowers before, and their smell was overwhelmingly perfect. The sweet aroma filled my nostrils, and I wanted to smell them more and more.

  I noticed Chase watching me, and I couldn’t help but smile at him. He squeezed my hand and just smiled back and continued to watch me, as I alternated between smelling the flowers and looking out my window in awe.

  “Everything is so big,” I said as I looked at the city of Atlanta.

  “That’s what she said,” Chase said and then chuckled.

  I didn’t know what he meant right away, but I suspected it had some sort of sexual undertone by the way he looked at me.

  Instantly, I turned bright red and looked back out the window. Everything felt so new and wonderful. The city was beautiful, Chase was handsome, and I couldn’t have felt more comfortable around him. Things seemed to be working out pretty damn well, and that made me a little nervous. Nothing in my life ever went smoothly – there were always bumps in the road. I just couldn’t anticipate the next bump for me.

  Chase squeezed my knee and just laughed as he watched me in awe of the city. He still seemed to be snickering over the joke he made, but I didn’t understand it.

  “I’m sorry. That was inappropriate,” he said quietly.

  “Well, I don’t know what it means, so it’s not that inappropriate.” I smiled and turned back toward him.

  The way he looked at me was like nothing I had ever experienced. His eyes intently drilled into mine, and I felt like I could actually melt right there in front of him. The desire he had for me was obvious, and it made me feel so good.

  Sexual tension. That’s what it was. There was a feeling that floated in the air of the car as we drove to Chase’s house. It was sexual tension. Our bodies had such great chemistry that being that close to each other was just too much for us. The connection between us was strong and our bodies wanted to touch each other. We couldn’t stop it, although we continued to try and be appropriate.

  I reached over, put my hand on his leg, and laid my head on his shoulder. It felt normal, natural – it felt like that was exactly where I was supposed to be.

  Chase grabbed my hand from his leg and held it in his. He wrapped his other arm around my shoulder and pulled me in tight against him. It felt like we had known each other for years, not as if we had only met online and talked for a few hours.

  “We are getting close to my house; I hope you’re not too tired. I’ll give you a tour.”

  “I’m awake enough for a tour, for sure.”

  I sat up and looked out as we pulled into his home. It was beautiful, like the homes I saw on television. The excitement continued to build when we got to the front door and Chase came around and opened my door.

  Everything felt like a fairytale. It all felt so abnormal for me, and I wanted to just pinch myself so I knew it was real. Ana’s idea to join an online dating site had sure turned everything in my life upside down.

  Chase was the perfect gentleman as he opened the front door and held my hand while he walked me through his home. Room by room, he showed me where everything was, and I didn’t hear a single word of it. My mind was occupied thinking about him and how I wanted to kiss him again.

  It seemed so forward and unusual for me, but my body wanted him. My body ached for him. Having my hand in his distracted me from everything. I couldn’t stop thinking about what his hands would feel like on my body.

  Just having his hand in mine wasn’t enough, and I desperately needed more. I felt an unstoppable desire to have his hands running up and down my naked back, to feel them as they traced over my perky nipple. I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking about all the naughty things I wanted to do with him. His hands were just one of many thoughts that rushed through my head as we walked around his house.

  I had not planned to want Chase so badly. In fact, I wouldn’t have even thought of wanting to kiss him until I got to know him more. But the urges that my body was having were more than I could handle.

  As he showed me his bedroom, I lost control and wrapped my arms around him. I kissed him again, this time with such passion that I couldn’t stop myself.

  Our mouths opened and our tongues moved together. His hands reached down and grabbed my ass, and before I knew what was going on, he had me lifted up and pinned against the wall with my legs wrapped around him.

  Urgently, we took each other in, as the sexual tension between us exploded.

  Chapter Nine


  I felt the urge to fuck Jordan the second I saw her in the airport, so the ride to my house was as close to torture as I had been in a very long time. I wasn’t use to having to resist my urge to fuck a woman. Typically, if I had the urge, I just went for it. But, I wanted to be a gentleman with her. I didn’t want to scare her away. She was sweet and beautiful and more than I had ever had with a woman before.

  When she put her hand on my leg, I felt my cock get hard, and I wanted to pull her into my lap and fuck her right there. But I knew I couldn’t do that. She wasn’t the type of girl who I wanted to just fuck and then leave. I had to behave myself, so I could try and build something more.

  In the car, I held her close to me purely to prevent her from seeing just how rock hard my cock had got. If she had looked over at my pants, I know she would have been surprised at the level of my excitement for her.

  Then, when I opened the door to my bedroom and she hopped up into my arms, I was as close to heaven as I had been in a very long time. The moment was sweet, yet I felt a passion from Jordan that surprised me. She wanted me just as badly as I wanted her.

  Never had I refused a woman who threw herself at me so openly, but I didn’t want to just fuck her and then run off to work and leave her in my place all day. We really didn’t know each other that well yet, and I wanted her to feel comfortable in my home. I wanted to take her on a real date and get to know her more.

  Then, the thought hit me.

  Maybe she was throwing herself at me because she thought that was required for me flying her out to America.

  I felt like a slime ball for not thinking about that sooner, and I put her back on the ground and kissed her lips gently. We didn’t know each other well enough yet for me to be able to tell what she was thinking. I didn’t want her to feel obligated to do anything with me.

  “Let’s pick this up later when I get back from work,” I said sweetly.

  Jordan looked embarrassed by her display of affection, and I didn’t want her to feel that way. But I still couldn’t tell if she was doing it out of obligation or if she just felt the urge to kiss me.

  I grabbed her hand and walked her to the spare bedroom.

  “I set this room up for you so you could have your own space. We c
an go on a date tomorrow and get to know each other more.”

  “Why not tonight?” she asked with a smile.

  “I’ll have to work late tonight and you should rest. The jet lag will hit pretty bad if you don’t get some sleep.”

  “So, I have to sleep in this room?” she asked with a sly grin on her face.

  “You don’t want to sleep in there?” I asked.

  The way she looked at me made me think she didn’t feel obliged at all – the way Jordan looked at me was like she wanted to devour me and eat me up right there. I loved it because that’s exactly what I wanted to do to her.

  I wanted to throw her down on the bed and rip her clothes off, to taste her delicious juices on my tongue, and hear her moans of pleasure as I made her cum. I wanted that more than anything, but I was trying to not be a total ass and, instead, trying to be a gentleman for her. It wasn’t working all that well, though, because all I could picture was her naked on the bed with her legs spread open, waiting for me.

  “I’ll sleep here,” she said and looked away from me.

  It was as if she was trying to be a shy and demure girl, but fighting with who she really was. Every now and again, the passion and energy left her eyes and she looked down and away from me. It was a different Jordan when she did that.

  “We can talk about it more when I get home. But for now, there’s a private shower and the fridge is full of food. Help yourself and I’ll be back at the end of my day.”

  “Okay,” she said as she walked toward me. “I’m glad fate brought us together,” she said as she stood only a foot away from me and looked into my eyes.

  The energy between us was palpable, and I had to put my hands into my pockets to avoid reaching out and grabbing her. Everything in my body just wanted to touch her. But I had to leave. I had to get back to work.

  “Jordan, you don’t even know how happy I am to have you here.”


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