Thor's Hammer

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Thor's Hammer Page 13

by Tianna Xander

  Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and searched inside himself, trying to find her in his thoughts. Perhaps, if he tried hard enough, he would be able to connect with her on some telepathic level and find her that way. His magic may not work here, so close to the caves, but perhaps his connection with her went deeper than that, deeper than the magic.

  After a few minutes, he felt her somewhere deep inside a little corner of his mind. She was indeed here. He focused on her soft sobs as she contemplated her demise, alone in a crystal crypt. When he sensed her hunger, he berated himself for not thinking of the likelihood that no one had fed her.

  Rage boiled deep in his gut as he felt her emotions, her hunger, her fear. Even knowing the consequences he would suffer from the Norns for harming another, he wanted nothing more than to kill Loki at that moment.

  By the time he found her, she lay curled up on a crystal ledge, sleeping. Her swollen, red-rimmed eyes were closed. Her hands, pressed together under her cheeks, were her only pillow. Her red nose and eyes almost glowed against her pale skin. He thinned his lips and scowled at the golden cord wrapped around each of her legs.

  Sitting on the edge of the cold stone, he cupped her cheek, hoping to wake her gently. Her eyes flew open and she pulled away from him with a shriek, her eyes wild. Her wide-eyed gaze darted wildly around the cave before it finally fixed on his face.

  “Thor!” She hugged him fiercely, sobbing onto his shoulder. “I—I thought you would never get here. I tried to be brave, I really did.”

  Reaching up, he smoothed her hair and pressed his cheek against her head, relieved that she was finally where she belonged, in his arms again.

  “Shh...” he whispered into her hair. “I got here as quickly as I possibly could.” He wrapped her more tightly in his arms. “I was afraid I would never find you in the catacombs. There are hundreds of passages, covering hundreds of miles. Our connection with each other is what made it possible for me to find you.” Setting her away from him, he stood and pulled his hammer from the sheath at his back. “Whatever you do, don’t move. I don’t want to hit you.”

  He pulled the cord taut and lifted his hammer. A loud crack rent the air as he slammed the hammer down on the cord. The cord snapped and, no longer connected to the other end, untied itself and slithered from her ankle.

  “Now for the other one.” Raising his hammer, he aimed for the other one. “Don’t move.”

  Emma squeezed her eyes shut with a nod and sat frozen on the crystal bed.

  With another loud crack, she was freed from her bonds. Thor sheathed his hammer, lifted her into his arms and carried her from the caves.

  An hour later, they left the caves and he still carried her in his arms. The bright light of the sun still shone down on the sharp rocks of the cliffs. The colorful prisms danced around them in a beautiful display and Emma’s mouth dropped open as she gawked at the crystal cliffs surrounding them.

  “My, my. That was quick. How did you manage to find her so quickly without your magic, oh great and mighty Thor?”

  Thor stiffened, his arms tightening protectively around Emma when he heard the irritating voice behind him. He turned and faced the prankster, Loki.

  “You wouldn’t understand, fool. You would have to care for someone other than yourself, first.” He scowled at the other man. “That is something quite impossible to do since you don’t seem to have a heart.”

  He set Emma down on her feet and pushed her behind him when Loki stepped forward with a sneer. Tall and thin, his wavy blonde hair covered his narrow face. It fell over his eyes as he paced erratically in front of them. Though the women always admired Loki’s looks, Thor just didn’t see it. If they only knew that the outside packaging didn’t come close to the self-absorbed God he’d become, they wouldn’t wait in line to grace his bed.

  He looked from Loki, then back to his mate who watched Loki with undisguised horror. Perhaps good looks were overrated.

  “Don’t underestimate me, Thor.” He waved his arms around. “Everyone always underestimates me.”

  “Perhaps there is a reason people do, Loki.” Thor knew his words had the desired effect when Loki stopped his pacing, and strode straight toward him. He stopped just inches from Thor’s grasp and he knew if he pushed Loki just a little more over the edge, the God would overstep the boundaries, the rules set up to protect each other from attack.

  So long as Loki attacked first, Thor could not be blamed for defending himself.

  “What did you say, Thor?”

  “What, not only can’t you plan an abduction properly, but you can’t hear now as well?” Thor laughed, and just as he’d planned Loki struck out, flashing a golden sword into his hand and swinging it in a giant arc.

  Sparks flew as hammer met sword. “Then a battle it shall be, Loki.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Wallowing in his own self importance, Loki danced around Thor waving the magical blade. Thor frowned. How did the fool plan to win when he couldn’t even stand still long enough to strike?

  Still, Thor resisted the temptation of a first strike. It must be perfectly clear who the instigator was in this matter. The Norns were fickle creatures at best. They did not like others meddling in their affairs. And everything having to do with life, death and destiny was their affair.

  A breeze blew in off the cliffs. The warm, sultry air tickled his nostrils with the scent of warm soil and rock. The sun slowly moved ever lower in the sky as Loki continued to dance around him. Thor’s arms grew heavy. Holding his hammer became too much of a burden and he longed to set it down in the grass. Yet he held still it. It was his. Why shouldn’t he hold it?

  He shook his head, trying to focus on his target. His eyes grew heavy, his arms no longer able to hold his beloved hammer.

  Emma screeched a warning into his mind, but she was too late.

  Loki attacked. Lunging forward, he swung his magical blade and knocked the hammer from his hand. Tired as he was, he dropped to his knees in exhaustion. What the hell was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he focus?

  “It’s some sort of trick. Don’t let him put you to sleep. He’ll kill you. Dammit, Thor, wake up!”

  He shook his head to clear it, finally seeing the draining spell for what it was. If it hadn’t been for Emma, Loki would have had him right where he wanted him—lying unconscious on a slab waiting to be sacrificed. He stood and bent to pick up his hammer.

  “Shut up, bitch!” Loki screamed, his face mottled red with rage. “I would have had him if not for your big mouth, damn it.”

  He moved to strike at Emma. Thor stepped in front of him, throwing his hammer up to block a killing blow.

  “This is between us, Loki. She isn’t a part of this.”

  “Of course she is.” Loki looked at her and sneered, his usually handsome face filled with so much hate, he appeared demonic. “If it wasn’t for your lusting after her like some rutting pig, we would be able to await Ragnarok in peace. Instead, you decide to finally give a shit about your believers and go sniffing after her, in some misguided attempt to buy more time for the nine worlds.”

  He struck again, quickly and without warning. Thor expected nothing less from the trickster god. He deflected the second blow meant for his love and attempted to tamp down the rage boiling in his gut for the so-called “God” who would attack an unarmed human woman.

  Thunder rumbled in the distance, lightning slashed through the sky. Clouds gathered, blocking out the light of the sun. Gathering his power around him and Emma like a cloak, he raised his hammer to the sky, leaving himself wide open for Loki to strike.

  Bolts of lightning struck the ground where the trickster had stood. He appeared behind them, once again ready to strike out at Emma. Thor threw himself in front of her, ready to take the sword in her stead.

  Winds ripped around them as his distructive power continued to rage in the storm around them. Lightning struck the face of the crystal cliffs, the force of the blow causing explosions as the shards of
crystal and gemstones rained down upon them, driven by the wind.

  Desperate, Loki attempted another blow. Just as Thor raised his hammer to the sky for a killing blow, three beautiful women appeared before them.

  You shall stop this at once, Loki.

  Thor lowered his arm, took Emma’s hand and knelt before the three women, pulling her down beside him.

  “The Norns,” he whispered to her, “Stay on your knees and keep your face averted. Do not do anything to draw their attention to you.”

  He stood and bowed to the three women. “I...” He glanced down to Emma, excluding her would draw their attention just as quickly as including her would. “We welcome your intervention. Loki is attempting to kill my mate or me, to bring about Ragnarok.”

  The three women looked at Loki and spoke as one. “How do you answer this charge, fool?”

  Loki sneered at Thor. “The legends clearly state that every one of us must have children or the end of the world will come. Even I have children. Yet Thor does not. And instead of fathering his children on a Goddess as befits his station as the blood son of the Alfader, he goes to earth and sniffs around this human as if she is a bitch in heat.”

  “And who are you to make this decision, fool?” The three looked at each other, obviously communicating amongst themselves. “Do you not trust us to do what is right, to ensure that all life unfolds as it should?”

  They folded their hands on front of them and took a step forward toward Loki.

  “Why do you wish to bring about the end so soon?”

  One stepped forward. The soft breeze caused her silvery hair to billow behind her. Like the others, her beauty was almost painful. She looked directly at Emma, and Thor stiffened. He wanted to step in front of her, yet knew it could be considered an insult to the three sisters. No one tempted the Norns, especially this one.

  “I am Urd, your fate. Everything that happens to you is my doing,” she flicked her gaze to Loki and frowned. “Unless someone meddles where they do not belong.”

  She turned to indicate her sisters. The redhead stepped forward. Her hair blew around her like fiery strands of crimson silk.

  “This is Skuld, your being. Everything you are, everything you will ever be, is approved by her first.”

  Urd nodded to Skuld and she stepped forward. She rested her hand on Emma’s head.

  “You have shown us that you have incredible strength, both physical and emotional.” She smiled softly. “Your heart is as big as Loki’s ego. You are an acceptable mate for Thor.” Bright waves of energy flowed from her fingertips, “I bestow upon you power befitting the mate of a god. From this day hence you are a goddess.”

  Skuld stepped back to flank the last Norn who still stood silent. Her black hair hung straight over her shoulders, untouched by the wind. The shining ebony black strands didn’t move on the wind as did the hair of her other sisters. Urd waved her forward.

  “This is my sister Verdandi. She is necessity. Everything you need comes through her.”

  “I gift you with many children, knowledge and health.” She smiled. “I also gift your brother with health, since his health is necessary to your well-being.” She looked to Urd. “Now for your fate.”

  Urd took another step toward Loki. Ignoring Emma, she addressed the trickster god instead.

  “Loki, your fate lies in our hands. There is no defense, no excuse for meddling in the affairs of fate.” She looked back at her sisters, then turned back to him at their nods. “Intruding on destiny is a serious offence. I would be well within my rights to end your existence.”


  Urd held up her hand when he would have continued.

  “Do not interrupt me! You have taken it upon yourself to end the lives of many humans all for your own gain. I do not want to know why you wish to bring Ragnarok to us so quickly. Even now the roots of the great tree are rotting away. A few millennia and the battle will be upon us.’

  “If the time was right for such a battle, my sisters and I would not still be pouring mud and the waters from the Well of Fate over its branches. If time for the battle was near, we would bring our efforts to an end.”

  She paced slowly in front of Loki who had gone silent, his eyes cast downward.

  “Your hatred of the human race has been noted. We realize you no longer wish to be immortal. Death comes to the most brave and valiant of our people, fool. You are neither. Your death will not serve us.”

  Skuld and Verdandi stepped forward, flanking their sister. The three of them stood still, their arms raised to the sky, their eyes glowing white. Again the three voices rose as one.

  “Punishment of the god Loki has been set. He shall live the rest of his life as a human. He shall die a human unless he learns the human capacity for love.”

  “No, you can’t do this!” Loki cried, running forward in an attempt to stop the spell.

  A ball of pure white light shot from the three sisters as he approached. It surrounded him before he disappeared.

  The three sisters turned back to Thor and Emma.

  “Nothing lasts forever, sister. Even we shall, one day, meet our fates.” They smiled down at her, then Urd separated herself from the others.

  Placing her hand on Emma’s head she whispered into her mind. I gift you with immortality. Your love for Thor knows no bounds, I feel it within you. Your love for him. I also feel your love of your brother. She smiled softly. I also gift you with the knowledge of his fate. Your brother, Alexander, shall have a long, long life. You needn’t worry about him any longer.

  With that she stepped back, and looked at Thor.

  “The two of you shall return to earth to care for Alexander.” She paused then turned to Emma. “He shall need your help for many years to come. We shall inform Odin that you will return in six years to fulfill your half of your bargain with him. He will agree,” she said with a small smile, her brow raised. “No one tempts the fates.”


  Six months later:

  Emma hurried back up the stairs after fixing Alex his breakfast and getting him off to school.

  She jumped into bed and snuggled up next to Thor.

  “Your feet are cold,” he mumbled, covering her feet with his own to warm them. “Go back to sleep.”

  Wrapping her arms around him, she giggled. “You sure do sleep a lot for a god, mister.” She tickled his sides until he rolled over and kissed her.

  “Mmm. You taste good.”

  “So do you.” She kissed him again. “I figure we have about two hours before our farmhand wakes up and needs breakfast. Wanna play?” She waggled her brows playfully and reached for his cock. “Good, you’re already hard.”

  Emma leaned forward and kissed his neck, suckling his ear. Trailing kisses over his chest, she grinned when his breath hissed out as she suckled lightly on his flat nipples. His hand fisted in her hair as she moved lower, tonguing his bellybutton.

  His cock was rock-hard. She took him into her mouth and hummed as she fondled his sac.

  Thor grabbed her head, holding her. He thrust his hips up as his fingers massaged her scalp.

  “I love the feel of your mouth on my skin, Emma.” His words came out on short gasps as she lightly scraped her teeth over the sensitive flesh of his cock. He groaned, tightening his hands in her hair before he pulled her head back up to kiss her deeply.

  He rolled them over, buried his face between her breasts and inhaled deeply.

  “You always smell so good. Like vanilla and sunshine.” He gave her a lecherous grin. “It makes me want to eat you up.”

  “Light my fire, baby,” she breathed against his lips.

  She arched her back into his hands and moaned as he gently pulled and twisted her nipples. When his lips brushed over her skin, took one dusky peak into the heat of his mouth, she groaned. Every touch, every soft caress of his lips made her tremble. Gooseflesh rose on her skin as he moved his head up and laved the shell of her ear.

  “Are you ready for me
?” he asked, his gentle hands gliding over her flesh. His hands were everywhere stroking the hardened peaks of her breasts, his warm mouth following the same path. His hands left a fiery trail over her skin to the tight curls at the apex of her thighs. Long fingers dipped into her wet sheath, circled around her swollen clit.

  “I love how you’re always so wet for me. How your juices run from your beautiful pussy like honey.”

  Slowly trailing kisses down her body, Thor paused to gaze lovingly down at her moist center before he lowered his head. He swiped his tongue through her wet slit and she mewled his name. Reaching down, she fisted her hands in his hair. He grabbed her legs, threw her thighs over his shoulders, lifted her hips into the air and suckled her nether lips.

  When his wet velvet tongue brushed over her clit, she whimpered, knowing he would tease her before he would allow her release. He teased them both, she knew. His body thrummed with desire, his muscles tense as he circled her clit with his tongue.

  Sobbing out her intense need, she ground her hips against his face as his tongue danced over her sensitized flesh. He brought her close to the edge, then stopped, leaving her gasping as he waited for the urge to climax pass. Then he started all over again, until he finally brought her over the edge.

  “I’m cumming!” she screamed, squeezing her legs tight around his head. Waves of pleasure washed over her as he continued to suckle and lave her clit gently. Her hands released his hair and she collapsed onto the bed, her muscles slack.

  “I love to hear you scream as you cum, baby,” he said kissing his way back up her limp body.

  He moved between her legs, positioning himself at the entrance to her dripping channel.

  “Please, Thor” she begged. “Fuck me.”

  Suddenly, he thrust forward, driving into her with his hard shaft. All sense of time and place left her as her muscles clenched around him. He groaned. His long, thick shaft filled her, pressed deliciously against her womb as he rocked above her.

  “You feel so good, baby,” he breathed in her ear. “I’m not going to last this time. Every time I think about you carrying my child, it saps my control.” He moved into her again, his thrusts measured and gentle.


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