Cocktail Cove: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Cocktail Cove: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  Good. I wasn't sure that was a fantasy I was ready to share with her, no matter how hot and bothered it got me!

  "Yeah, that would be totally crazy," I lied. I figured she'd see right through the lie. I figured it'd be blindingly obvious. Only Madison was looking at me with that same nervous smile. And she laughed.

  "Yeah, totally ridiculous…"

  I didn't quite believe it either. It seemed that neither of us believed the other, but at the same time I wasn't about to say anything. No, there wasn't a chance in hell I was going to risk revealing this fantasy and potentially blowing up our day. Especially when I only had so much time before I was going to have to get back to work later.

  And so I kept the boat lined up between the buoys and made my way into the cove, wondering what was waiting for us in there. Thinking that it was ridiculous to hope that anything close to what we'd just been talking about would actually happen.

  3: The Cove

  When I pulled the boat into the cove I was astonished at the number of people who were already there. Boats were tied together in long lines, and people were walking back and forth across them as though it was one giant party on the water. Music blasted out from these impromptu tied together flotillas, and people were laughing and splashing around and, most importantly, it seemed like just about everybody had a drink.

  I wondered how the local water cops kept up with all of it. I wondered how many poor sons-of-bitches out there were designated drivers. And, more than anything, I resolved to make sure to bring some other poor son-of-a-bitch along with us in the future who could be the designated driver so I could have some fun of my own out on the water.

  I wasn't sure where to even go. Could we just pull up to one of those impromptu flotillas? Could we just pull up alongside and tie ourselves to a boat? I just didn't know. Maybe those were groups of friends out there who were all having a good time together, and we wouldn't be welcome which would make things awkward.

  A horn blasted off to one side and I turned. I was surprised to see a smiling face that I recognized attached to a wildly waving arm.

  "Derek! You son-of-a-bitch! What are you doing out here?"

  I grinned. I was looking at none other than Matt. He was about five years older than me, and he was something of a rock star in the firm. Mostly because of how he'd risen through the ranks so quickly, and because he'd also managed to get mind bogglingly rich in that time. Yeah, everybody who came into the firm at the entry level looked to him as an example of where they wanted to be in a few years. Sure almost everybody ended up burning out and quitting or going for something a little easier after a couple of years, but I looked at him with envy.

  I was looking at him with envy right now, too. I knew he lived somewhere out here on the lake, but I'd never actually thought I'd run into him. Then again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find him in Cocktail Cove considering he was the source of some of the more lurid stories I'd heard since starting at the office.

  He had a huge boat. It looked entirely too large for this lake, but he had a house out here somewhere so I'm sure he just docked it when he wasn't using the thing. It definitely wasn't too impractical if he didn't have to worry about loading the thing up on a trailer all the time.

  "Matt!" I yelled, waving in turn.

  I angled the boat over towards his. He was part of one of those flotillas hanging out on the water. One of the larger ones. There were girls in bikinis on his boat as well. Not that I was particularly surprised at that. He was well known around the office as something of a ladies' man.

  Some of those stories about the fun to be had out here on the lake had also come from him, after all.

  "Well hello there," Madison said. "Who's your friend over there Derek?"

  I looked down to my wife and I was surprised to see her staring intently. Staring directly at Matt. I turned back to him and suddenly I was trying to look at him through her eyes. I was trying to see him in the way a woman seeing him for the first time might. To me he was just guy from the office, always wearing the best tailored suits and always with that cocky grin on his face as though he knew that he owned whatever room he was walking into. Only as I looked at my wife and I followed her gaze over to him I suddenly saw a little something of what women must see. At least the women in his stories.

  Matt was a pretty good looking guy. Broad shoulders, muscled chest, six pack abs, it was obvious he spent time working out. And why not? He had a fully equipped gym in his house, wherever the hell it was. I'd never been able to figure out the exact location. He also had tousled hair and blue eyes, in short he had model good looks and I could understand why a girl would look at him and be impressed.

  I was just a little surprised that the woman who was doing the looking and the being impressed was my wife. I looked down to Madison again and she was staring with her mouth open. It was obvious she was enthralled by the sight. Just as enthralled as I was by some of the hotties who were moving back and forth across Matt's boat.

  I wondered if they'd come with him or if they arrived on the other boats and just naturally gravitated over towards his. I'd imagine money and good looks had a way of drawing the hotties in.

  A killer combination that was apparently working on my wife. I felt my cock stirring again. I know it was crazy getting turned on by my wife watching another guy, but at the same time I couldn't deny the feeling. It felt good. It felt hot feeling her eyes on his. Watching her eyes on his body. I found myself thinking about some of the conquests he'd talked about. I found myself imagining that my wife was one of those conquests. I imagined him pulling her bikini to the side, viewing her treasures for the first time, guiding her down on his cock and pressing up inside her, making her just another one of the stories he'd inevitably tell around the office about a hot fuck out on the lake.

  I shook myself out of that reverie. She'd asked me a question, even if she was staring off into the distance as though she'd forgotten everything in the world but Matt.

  "I wouldn't say he's a friend," I said. I was pleased to see Madison snap out of her reverie as well. She looked up to me and her face colored just a bit. Yeah, she knew I'd caught her looking at him. Not that I was going to complain too much. Not when that was so fucking hot!

  "He's one of the rock stars at the firm. Made a lot of money early on, and now he can do pretty much whatever the hell he wants. I'm not even sure why he still comes into work some days."

  I was pretty sure part of the reason he still came into work was that he enjoyed thumbing his nose at some of the older guys who ran the place. They didn't care for him, not exactly, seeing as how he represented the new wave. The old codgers who had their names on all of the stationery didn't particularly care for that considering their best years were at least a few decades behind them. That was another reason why he'd become something of a hero to the younger guys at the office. He was the only one who could get away with tweaking the old guard considering the amount of money he brought in for the place.

  "Really? Interesting…"

  "Thinking about our conversation before we came into the cove?"

  Madison jumped in a way that made it perfectly obvious that was exactly what she'd been thinking about. She looked up at me with wide eyes as though she suspected me of somehow reading her mind. I wagged my finger at her.

  "I thought that was just a joke?"

  "Shut up!" she said, giving me a playful smack on the shoulder. "Besides, don't think that I don't see the way you're staring at those hot young things running around on his boat!"

  I shrugged. "Guilty as charged!"

  Though to be perfectly honest I was far more interested in my wife staring at Matt than I was in staring at some of the hotties running around on his boat. I could look at sexy women in bikinis any day of the week when I hopped on the boat and went out on the water. Seeing my wife staring at a guy with that sort of intensity, though, well that wasn't something that happened every day. I still didn't think there was a chance of anything happening,
she was my wife after all, but it was hot watching her watching him.

  I pulled up alongside and Matt tossed a couple of ropes over to me. "Tie it down," he said. "We can catch up!"

  As he tossed me a rope he also looked over to Madison. His eyes ran up and down her body, and it was pretty damn obvious what he was doing. It was also pretty damn obvious to Madison what he was doing, and she blushed under his scrutiny. I noticed she didn't look away though. No, she stood up straighter, her tits jutting out proudly under the thin white strips of material holding her bikini in place. I also saw that her nipples seemed to be straining out ever so slightly.

  I licked my lips. This was definitely going someplace interesting.

  Once everything was tied down Matt popped over and gave my boat an appraising look. And then he gave Madison another appraising look as well. She was staring at him the entire time, and I thought I almost saw her shiver under his gaze. Then he turned back to me and smiled, held out his hand to shake mine.

  "Damn fine!" he said.

  I wasn't sure whether he was talking about the boat or my wife, and I wasn't going to press the matter. Either way, I was flattered. And maybe a little turned on if it was my wife he was talking about.

  "Not so bad yourself man," I said, looking over his boat and the women on it. He followed my gaze, and I deliberately didn't mention whether I was talking about the boat or some of the women on it.

  "What can I say Derek?" Matt said. "One of the great things about life is living out here and getting to enjoy some of the scenery, right?"

  "Right!" I said. "I can't wait until I actually have a house out here like you."

  He turned back to me. "You don't?"

  "Not exactly," I said. "We're a short walk away from the marina, but I can't afford something actually on the water. Not yet."

  Matt turned around and looked at Madison again. His eyes traveled up and down her body. That was a look that said he was thinking about all of the terrible depraved things he would like to do to my wife, and rather than getting pissed off I was just getting turned on by that look. Damn!

  "Well we might just have to fix that. Won't we?" He slapped me on the back and laughed. "But enough about that. Let's head over to my boat. This thing is nice, but I've got more room, and the drinks are on me!"

  I wasn't going to argue with that. So I followed him and stepped over to his boat. Although it would be more accurate to say we climbed up, since his sat higher in the water. I was turning to help Madison get up, but Matt got there before me. His hand reached out and locked with hers, and I stared in rapt fascination as they touched for the first time. Both seemed to jump at that touch, as though they'd been hit with a live electric wire touching one another. Then he was pulling her up, and it was obvious from the way he was staring that he was enjoying getting an eyeful. From the way she was blushing it seemed Madison was enjoying him getting an eyeful as well.

  I thought back to the conversation we had before we came into the cove, and I found myself wondering how close that was getting to reality.

  Once Madison was up on the boat they stood there for a moment staring at one another. It was as though I was completely forgotten for that moment, but it was also a moment in which I was more than happy to be completely forgotten. My cock was throbbing as I watched the scene playing out. As I watched him staring down at my wife, enthralled by her sexy body, and I saw her equally enthralled. I found thoughts I'd been having while we were getting underway earlier this morning being magnified by a hundredfold watching that fantasy take place right in front of me. It was hotter than I could have imagined, as fucked up as that sounded.

  I almost thought that it might go farther right there. It seemed as though they were on the brink of leaning into one another, and rather than trying to stop it I found myself silently encouraging them to lean forward. To deliver on the promise of that moment. But then a voice rang out and the moment was shattered.

  "Oh my God, Madison!"

  The moment, if there had been a moment developing and it wasn't just wishful thinking on my part, was instantly shattered. I turned to the sound of the voice, even as Matt and Madison also turned to that high-pitched squeal.

  My mouth dropped. I suddenly felt the way Madison must have felt a moment ago when she was staring at Matt for the first time. The woman who was coming towards us, bouncing towards us would be a more accurate description, was a fucking goddess in a light blue bikini. I'm pretty sure she was one of the girls I'd seen on the boat earlier, though I couldn't be certain. She bounced over and wrapped Madison up in a hug that sent other thoughts racing through my mind. Thoughts of my wife with another woman rather than of my wife with another man.


  "Samantha?" Madison asked. "What are you doing here?"

  "I could ask the same of you! How do you know Matt?"

  Well I suppose that answered at least one question. At least one of the girls on this boat was actually here with Matt, and not just a transplant who'd come over from another boat. And she looked like the kind of girl that Matt would get with. Almost as gorgeous as Madison, with blonde hair that flowed down past her shoulders. She had larger tits than Madison, but she also had a curvy body to go right along with it. And she was slim and toned in all the right places. Gravity had absolutely nothing on her.

  In short, she looked like a voluptuous fucking model, and I found myself drooling. If my jaw could hit the floor then it would. And from the way Madison looked over to me and smiled it seemed that wasn't lost on her.

  Not that I cared. After the way she'd been drooling over Matt I figured I got at least one freebie staring at a hot girl.

  "I'm here with my husband," Madison said.

  The look on Samantha's face changed almost immediately. She lit up and turned to look around the boat. Her eyes fell on me and her smile grew even wider. And then much to my delight I found her bouncing across the boat and wrapping me in a huge hug as well. I was so caught by surprise that I reacted to the hug before I could think about my wife standing right there watching me.

  I wrapped my arms around her, and she felt so nice. Her skin was so warm. Her tits felt so incredible pressing against me, and I thought I could feel just a hint of hardness as her nipples pressed out from her bikini top.

  I realized too late that also meant she'd be pressing against my hard on. It moved up between our bodies, and then it was pressing against the slip of material separating me from her pussy. I was suddenly painfully aware of how close my cock was to that heaven, and there was absolutely no doubt she could feel my cock pressing up against her incredibly hot body.

  She pulled away, keeping her arms wrapped around my neck and, I noticed, also keeping her lower body pressed against my cock. She smiled up at me and winked.

  "He's every bit as hot as you said Madison! Good job!"

  And then she pulled away and I found myself rapidly having to reconfigure my suit so it wasn't completely obvious that I had a raging hard on. Of course it had already been there, but I figured Madison might be looking for it now that her hot friend had been pressing up against me like that.

  Samantha moved back over to Madison and the two of them walked to the front of the boat where they sat chatting with one another about whatever. I wasn't going to intrude, but I did enjoy watching the two of them together. Both of them looked so damn hot, and the two of them sitting there together looking damn hot together was almost creating a blinding hotness.

  I felt someone come up beside me and looked to see Matt. I glanced around and it looked like we were the only ones on the boat now. The other bikini clad hotties had either decided it wasn't worth it to try and compete with my wife and her friend or he'd shown them the door while I was busy being distracted by Samantha pressing that incredible body against mine. Either way, it was just the four of us now.

  "Damn man," he said. "You certainly have some hot friends!"

  Once again he was doing that thing where he was saying one thing but it sure as hell sou
nded like he meant another. For example, right now he was staring at the front of the boat and he was talking about friends while looking at Samantha, but the way his gaze kept shifting to Madison made it pretty obvious that he was staring at my wife. It was pretty damn obvious she was the one he was drooling over. And I didn't really mind. That was actually pretty fucking hot.

  I looked to Samantha again. I thought about her body pressed against mine. I thought back to that conversation I'd had with Madison earlier. I wondered if this was going into a far naughtier place than I ever would have imagined when I started up the boat to this morning.

  "Yeah," I said. "My wife certainly has some pretty fucking hot friends."

  The question was, would I get a chance to fuck some of her fucking hot friends? One in particular was running through my erotic imagination right now as I stared at Samantha's dangerous curves, though in this case it was a danger to my marriage rather than any hyperbole.

  4: Innocent Swim

  Matt sat in the driver's seat and I was sitting directly across from him chatting about the office when a giggle from the front distracted me. I pulled my attention away from the talk of financial reports to the two beauties sitting at the front working on their tan and chatting back and forth about whatever it was they had to chat about. Probably work at the hospital if they were anything like us.

  Madison stood and Samantha very quickly followed. Both Matt and I sat there, him by the wheel and me in the co-captain's chair, or whatever the hell you called it, and stared slack-jawed at the two beauties arrayed before us. Madison looked absolutely stunning in her white bikini, and Samantha was equally gorgeous in her blue number. Both were a study in contrasts. Both were fit, but there was Samantha who was slightly more voluptuous than my wife who had a more petite but equally toned look.


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