Changing the Rules [Club Libertine 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Changing the Rules [Club Libertine 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 5

by Diane Leyne

  “You will obey us in all matters sexual. You’ll be our possession. We’ll own your body and be responsible for its care and maintenance. We’d own your pussy, your clit, your ass, your tits and so on. Everything. Can you handle that?”

  Michelle could only nod.

  “Outside the playroom or club you may call us by our given names. In the playroom or Club Libertine, you will address us as Sir or Master. In the club, particularly, you will show us the proper deference due our roles as your Masters, and you will not embarrass us in front of our fellow members. If you do, you will be publicly punished. Do you understand? These are hard limits that we will not compromise on.

  “We expect your obedience and any infraction can and will be punished in a manner of our choosing that may include spanking with bare hand or an implement and/or the withholding of orgasms or the giving of continuous orgasms.”

  “Um, excuse me, Sean, uh, Sir? What does the last one mean? How can the giving of orgasms be a punishment?”

  “You don’t have to call me Sir or Master here. Just in the playroom or club. The giving of orgasms can be a punishment if it goes on too long. Can you imagine what it would be like to be forced to experience four, five, ten orgasms in a row without pause?” He looked at her and smiled as her eyes darkened with desire. She didn’t realize that too much pleasure could also cause pain.

  “Other items to discuss. Bondage. We plan on restraining you whenever and however and wherever we like. We won’t accept any restriction on that.

  “We also like to use ‘accessories’ and toys. This would include but not be limited to blindfolds, ear plugs, gags, clamps, clips, butt plugs, vibrators, dildos, and suchlike.

  “We also enjoy public exhibition and will require you to be naked at times in the club or in front of selected friends of ours. We may also fuck you in front of these individuals.”

  Her eyes grew wide at the thought. “Would, would they be allowed to touch me or fuck me, too?”

  “Maybe. If we think you would get pleasure from it. Again, it is our responsibility as your Doms to determine what you need.”

  “What if I say no?”

  “We don’t intend to ask. We’ll be studying your body’s reactions closely. If, for example, you say you dislike being spanked, but we can see that you are aroused and your cream is running down your legs, you can be sure we’ll do it again, and push you further the next time. We’ll find your limits based on your body’s responses, not your mind’s artificial constraints.

  “You should also be aware that the word ‘no’ or physically resisting us will be ignored. You will have two safe words which we will honor. If you have a problem with what we are doing to you, use your safe words. But remember, if you say ‘red,’ then this whole thing is over. Even if we are fucking you, we’ll pull out, send you to your room to get dressed, then we’ll call a car and have you driven to the airport. This will be over.”

  “Just from saying ‘red’? What if I panic and don’t mean it?”

  “Honey, safe words are serious business. We need to know that you mean them, and not have to second-guess. If you are just mad at us, then yell, tell us to fuck off, whatever. We’ll just ignore you and not take offense.”

  “What if I can’t make it through the month?”

  “You mean regarding the money?” She nodded. “Mac will cancel the notes. If he doesn’t for any reason, I’ll pay them off. I promise.

  “Now your car is waiting to take you to the hotel for the night. We’ve taken the liberty of booking you into the Four Seasons. It’s much more comfortable.”

  “Of course you have,” she muttered. Sean ignored her comment.

  “Take your time reading the contract. Be very sure before you sign.”

  * * * *

  Sean walked into Mac’s office without knocking. Mac was knocking back a glass of whisky. Sean poured himself one.

  “You were a little harsh, weren’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes.” Mac was never easy to read, but after so many years of friendship, he could tell Mac was hurting.

  “I still think it would have been a better idea just to tell her we still love her and maybe Serena coming to you was a sign that we could try it again.”

  “We have already talked about this. She couldn’t take being with us both before. That’s a hard limit. She has to accept both of us and our needs.”

  “And the way to get her to do that is blackmail her into letting us fuck her in your office within fifteen minutes of seeing her again?”

  “She didn’t have to—”

  “Yes, Mac. She did. And you knew it. She would do anything for her family. You took advantage of that. We both did.” Sean’s shoulders slumped.

  “You want to cancel the contract and let her walk away from us again, Sean.”

  “You know I don’t want that. Fuck it. In for a penny, in for a pound.” He knocked back the rest of his drink. “But if you plan doesn’t work, Mac—” Sean’s anguished voice trailed off and he turned abruptly and walked out, shutting the door firmly, but not quite slamming it.

  Mac watched his best friend in the world leave, pain radiating from his body. Mac felt the same, he was just better at hiding it. Seeing Michelle had brought back every feeling he’d ever felt for her including the fear and hurt and pain that her leaving had caused.

  One part of him would do anything it took to get her back. But, another was terrified to take a chance. What if she did leave them after thirty days? His shoulders slumped. Maybe he should have insisted on ninety days? Maybe he should just have gotten down on his knees and begged her to take them back.

  He took his empty glass to the bar, debating a second, but he was a CEO with a big company to run. He couldn’t afford to mope or obsess or give into the big ball of fear in his stomach.

  He couldn’t give Michelle the power to hurt him again. She made him weak and vulnerable. He desperately wanted to believe she let them fuck her because she wanted them, but Sean was right. She was here because he’d blackmailed her into coming. It was highly likely that no matter what he and Sean did in the next month, she’d still leave when it was over.

  He would, he decided, approach the next thirty days like a hostile take over. He would keep his emotions totally in check, and be cold and ruthless until he successfully achieved his objective.

  He sighed. If he was honest with himself, even he wasn’t entirely sure just what that objective was, if he thought there was the slightest chance she wanted to be with him and Sean, he’d move heaven and earth to make that happen. But he was terrified that nothing they could say or do would make her stay and she’d hate them even more because Mac had forced her into a corner. That part of him wanted to punish her for hurting them ten years ago and for how much it would hurt when she inevitably left them again even if it meant driving her away before the contract was up. At least he would have the cold satisfaction of being the one to make it happen instead of being blindsided.

  Fuck it. He poured himself another drink. I’m the boss, he thought ruefully. I can have another drink if I want one. If only every decision in life was that easy.

  Chapter Six

  Michelle sat in the large bed, wrapped in the big fluffy robe provided by the hotel, sipping a glass of wine, studying the contract. She’d gone through every section. As far as a sex contract went, their demands didn’t seem unreasonable when she saw the list of items they had crossed out. No breath play, no extreme implements of punishment such as single-tail whips, and no electricity. She figured she should count herself lucky they didn’t want to strangle or electrocute her.

  But the contract. It seemed so cold blooded, the list of hard and soft limits and no limits. It went without saying that they expected her to agree to vaginal, oral, and anal sex. Any no-limit items were non-negotiable. That was clear. She’d never had anal. It scared her a bit, but if she signed the contract, she wouldn’t be given a choice. And the only time she’d worn clamps was the time with Mac and Sean when
Mac had clamped her nipples, but they not only expected her to agree to nipple clamps but clit and pussy clamps as well. They wanted to be able to insert object such as dildos and vibrators inside her and fuck her with them at will. And there didn’t seem to by a type of restraint they didn’t like.

  And she’d never worn a blindfold or a gag. The sheer feeling of helplessness, of not knowing who was touching her or what was coming next. She took a deep breath. She didn’t want to be indebted to Mac or Sean. If this is what it took to even the score, she would do it. She knew the debt was more about her walking out all those years ago than it was the promissory notes. Those were just an excuse. She had seen the pain in Mac’s eyes, just a glimpse, but it was there. And Sean. He was mister reasonable, even keel sunny disposition, but she knew that his feelings ran deep and he probably felt a lot of guilt for, in his mind, driving her away.

  But it was her own stupid fear of being judged by others. How would people look at her, living with two men, loving two men? She already was getting judged for having two male roommates, the jokes, the jeers from women who thought she was a slut and men who made a move because they thought if she could fuck two men at once, what was one more. And deep down she thought they were right. She’d had be best sex of her life, being fucked by two men. What did that say about her? She’d had a puritan upbringing. She’d had chastity drummed into her from an early age. She felt guilty enough sleeping with Mac outside of marriage. The pleasure she got from being with two men caused her an overwhelming guilt, and she had run.

  She got scared, and she had run. It took her a long time to come to terms with loving both men and wanting to be with both men and realizing that she wasn’t dirty or bad for wanting that. But she’d thought it was too late.

  Her bags were packed and sitting by the door. She was ready to go be with Mac and Sean or to run away again. There was one question left. Could she overcome her upbringing and try to win them back?

  She knew how much she had hurt the both of them. Sean had always been more in touch with his emotions, to use the popular jargon. Mac had always held everything in. She could see the anger in him, still, after all of these years. But she also believed she could see the same hurt in him as she’d see in Sean. She owed it to herself to try again and she owed it to them to make amends for just running away like that. If nothing else, she could have given them the courtesy of a face-to-face explanation.

  She signed her name before she could change her mind. Then she turned the light off and tried to sleep.

  * * * *

  Morning seemed to come more quickly than usual or maybe she just tossed and turned really late. The wake-up call she had arranged for 8:00 a.m. happened right on schedule, but she wanted to bury her head in the pillows. Was she really going through with this?

  And then came the 8:10 knock on the door with her room-service breakfast. She ate slowly and then took a shower. She did her hair and her face and packed her toiletries. There was still ten minutes left. Michelle sat and stared at the television, not taking in what the well-coiffed, plastic-looking people were saying.

  The knock on her door came promptly at 9:00 a.m. Of course it would be prompt. Anal-retentive Mac wouldn’t have it any other way. The same uniformed driver greeted her and then took her bags. She tried to carry at least the small one, but he’d carried them up for her the night before and he was going to carry them down today. As he had yesterday, he’d acquired one of those wheelie things from the hotel bellmen. She watched her bags being wheeled away. These were all of her worldly possessions. She quickly hurried after them.

  She fretted all the way down the elevator. The contrast between her original choice of accommodation and the one Mac and Sean had arranged was stark. Yesterday morning she’d been in a cheap motel with a rental car. Today, she was in a luxury hotel and her uniformed driver was driving a very expensive Bentley. It was almost funny watching the staff bow and scrape.

  And then they were off. She tried to engage the driver in conversation, but he just gave brief noncommittal answers, so she gave up. Ten minutes later she was hustled right in to see the doctor. Amazing. No waiting. The usual forms to fill out with medical history, a quick exam, and a blood draw, and she was back in the car by 9:45 and at the spa at 10:00. It was painful and embarrassing, and, she had to admit to herself, her pussy had never felt so sensitive. Even the brush of her lace underwear over her bare skin sent a shiver of arousal through her.

  They hit the highway by 11:00. The route wasn’t the one she took yesterday, but then again, GPS didn’t always provide the best directions. The smooth ride of the Bentley quickly lulled her to sleep. She didn’t wake up until the door opened and Sean leaned in.

  “Wakey, wakey, sleeping beauty.” He smiled at her and held out his hand. She let him draw her out of the car when every instinct was telling her to run. He just stood there waiting, and then she realized he was waiting for the contract. She pulled it out of her purse and handed it to him. He flipped through the pages and seemed satisfied.

  “Mac and I will sign and give you back a copy. Please come with me.”

  “What about my bags?”

  “Harold will take care of them.”

  He took her by the arm, so she had no choice but to go with him. The house was smaller, less imposing than she expected. It was really quite charming or would be if it wasn’t the place she’d have to serve a month as a sex slave. Or sub. Or whatever. Thirty days to live with these two men she’d loved and walked away from before. Could she do what needed to be done to win them back? Or would the demands of living with two dominant men be too much for her? She squared her shoulders. She’d find out soon enough. If nothing else, maybe she could make amends for her previous actions?

  Chapter Seven

  Sean offered her a chance to freshen up. He directed her to the small downstairs bathroom. Then he escorted her around the house. On the main floor was the formal sitting room for guests and the much larger, more comfortable family room. There was a huge eat-in kitchen with every piece of kitchen equipment ever made, or so it seemed. There was also a formal dining room.

  The kitchen and family rooms both opened onto the patio, with a large pool with a cabana. In the distance, she could see a large lake.

  Mac joined them as they went up to the second floor which held two guest bedrooms, the master suite, which had the biggest bed she’d ever seen, and a locked “playroom,” which Sean said she’d get to spend a lot of time in later.

  “Michelle. Can we have your attention please?”

  She realized her mind had drifted. She turned her attention back to Mac.

  “Michelle, you realize that’s a punishable offense when we are playing. You must always pay attention to your Doms and their instructions. Drifting off will not be tolerated, and you will experience behavioral correction. Do you understand? It was in the contract." Sean, did she sign?”

  “Yup. And she made few changes to our limit list.”

  She heard steps and realized it was Harold. He must have delivered her suitcases and was now leaving. She wasn’t sure if tipping would be appropriate, but she did want to say thank you.

  He just tipped his hat and left silently.

  When the door closed behind him, the silence started to press down on her. Michelle started to look around and then was afraid she’d be considered inattentive. She didn’t like the sound of a “behavioral correction” and wanted to avoid it.

  “Sean, have you shown our sub around?”

  “Yup, just gave her a quick tour, but I haven’t started on the house rules yet.”

  “I assumed so since she was fully dressed.”

  Mac turned to Michelle. “Why don’t you head upstairs and take a quick shower. We’ve put your toiletries and stuff in the first guest bedroom on the right. That will be your retreat away from us. Once you get settled in, say, starting tomorrow, we are only allowed in that room if invited. It has a television, computer, e-reader, and details on how to access our Amazon a
ccount so you can download anything you want to read.” Mac checked his watch.

  “It’s almost time for lunch. Why don’t you meet us in the kitchen at twelve and we’ll have a bite to eat and go over the ground rules.”

  He started laughing at her expression.

  “Did you think we’d pounce on you the minute you came through the door? You are ours for one full month. That’s not a long time, but we can take a little time introducing you to the lifestyle and what we expect and then we’ll pounce.”

  Michelle silently left the room and walked slowly up the stairs. She checked her watch. She had an hour to get ready.

  “Oh, and, Michelle,” called Sean. “The clothes you are wearing. They are fine for travel, but we have something else in mind. Can you leave them in the bedroom while you are bathing? We’ll leave you something comfortable to put on.”

  What else had changed that she didn’t know about?

  And just what did they consider comfortable? A T-shirt? A negligee? Nothing? “Oh, god. What did I get myself into?”

  * * * *

  Michelle lay back in the tub, her eyes closed, dozing, trying to block any thoughts of sex or three-ways or playrooms, but of course that was all she could think of.

  There was a knock on the bathroom door.

  “You okay in there?” It was Sean. “This is your five-minute warning. You don’t want to be late on your first day.”

  Michelle hopped out of the tub. Five minutes? Yikes. She wouldn’t have time to do anything more than brush her hair and throw on some clothes. No time for makeup or even thinking or worrying.

  She dried herself off and cleared the steam off the mirror. Did she look different? Did she look like a submissive now? How did a submissive look? Behave?

  Yikes. The clock was ticking.

  Wrapping herself in a towel in case Sean was still there, Michelle cautiously entered the bedroom, and to her relief, she was alone. She dropped the towel and looked around. Where were these clothes she was supposed to wear? She checked the closet. Nothing.


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