Hard Choices: An Erotic Romance

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Hard Choices: An Erotic Romance Page 16

by Joan Farraneau

  “I’m telling you, babe,” he calls back as he continues up the trail. It’s getting steeper by the minute. Maybe I will have to ask him for that lift after all. “You’ve never seen anything until you’ve seen a full herd of elk in a meadow. If our luck holds, maybe we’ll even see a grizzly.”

  “That doesn’t sound so lucky to me!”

  He turns and grins and continues walking up the trail backwards as he watches me. I’m not sure if it’s just my mind playing tricks, but the steeper this trail gets, the easier it seems to be for him.

  “Trust me,” he says, “you’ll know what I mean when we see one.”

  “If you say so.”

  “Oh, I say so, baby.” With a laugh, he turns back around. A moment later, an apple sails over his shoulder. It’s a good throw and I don’t even have to break stride to catch it. “Eat that, dear. I don’t want you passing out when we’re less than ten minutes away from our destination.”

  Sean’s true to his word and less than ten minutes later we come to the crest of the mountain we’ve been climbing. The sight that greets me takes my breath away. Far below us, at the bottom of the cliff edge upon which we stand, lies a wide plain surrounded on all sides by mountains. In the distance lie larger mountains, their tops crowned with halos of year-round snow. The plain below is a vibrant green; all across it hundreds of thousands of meadow flowers are in full bloom. It’s an elaborate, grand, multicolored tapestry.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?” Sean asks quietly. I can hear the awe in his voice, the same awe I hear in mine when I respond.


  We stand quietly for several minutes, taking in the incredible view. I haven’t given much thought to God these past few years but standing here looking out at the full glory of the natural world, I can’t help but think of paradise. If there is such a place, it just might be here.

  “Look,” Sean cries with boyish delight. He grabs me by the waist, pulls me to him and points down into the valley. “A moose!”

  It’s the first moose I’ve ever seen. Even from this far up I can tell it’s one of the largest animals in the world. It’s a bull moose, its antlers so large I could sit in one and Sean could sit in the other. Sean’s enthusiasm is contagious; soon I’ve forgotten my beating heart and weary limbs and am smiling right along.

  “And look!” he cries again. “A bear!” He squints at the dark, fuzzy shape moving along the edge of a stream in the distance. “Maybe even a grizzly!”

  “Wow, Sean,” I murmur. “Just wow…”

  “I know,” he says with a laugh. “But come on, we have all the time in the world to enjoy the view. Let’s go see where we’re staying.”

  “I thought we were camping?”

  “Uh-uh,” he responds, grabbing my hand and leading me down a path that skirts the rim of the cliff. To my left is a sharp fall of almost a thousand feet. Sean’s as surefooted as ever but I have to breathe deep and look down at the ground in front of me to keep my vertigo in check. “That’s just what I wanted you to think.”

  “Then where are you taking me?”

  “My favorite place in the world.”

  He doesn’t explain any further but just leads me silently along the cliff edge until the mountain path turns. There in front of us lies a cabin made of dark, stained wood. It’s built right up against the edge of the cliff. When we come upon it, Sean looks back for my reaction.

  “It’s beautiful,” I stammer. It is. It’s idyllic. The same log cabin every little girl dreams of stealing away to whenever the world becomes too much. The log cabin where her Prince Charming awaits. Only mine is right here beside me. “How do you know about this place?”

  Sean leads me up the front steps of the cabin and pulls open the screen door. From his pocket he produces a key.

  “I used to come up here every so often whenever the old owners wanted to prep it for winter. I’d get to stay a week or two every year. Just me and nature. I won’t lie; I spent much of that time thinking of you.”

  “Sean, I’m so sorry—“

  “Don’t be, silly girl,” he chides gently. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest. I sigh as his aroma envelops me and snuggle my head into his shoulder. “Everything that happened happened for a reason. It was all necessary. That’s what brought me back to you. That’s what brought us here.”

  “I love you, Sean.”

  “I love you too, Sam.”

  A rumble of thunder interrupts the moment. Way off in the distance a menacing wall of clouds is beginning to form. A chill wind sweeps across the mountainside and I shiver.

  “We better get settled,” Sean says, unlocking the cabin door and pulling me. He drops the backpack of our gear onto the floor and disappears through a small door to my left. A few seconds later I hear a generator rumble to life, and a few seconds after that, the lights come on.

  “Oh my goodness, it’s so adorable.” The inside of the cabin is just as idyllic as the outside. There’s a fireplace with fresh wood stacked to one side and a sofa with plush blankets in front of it. On the floor is a bearskin rug. To either side of the fireplace are floor-to-ceiling windows. The curtains are closed but along the floor run strips of sunlight leaking in from outside. I kick off my shoes and pad forward and throw the curtains open, gasping as the valley of flowers greets me once again. It’s like I’m standing right up against the edge of the cliff and I have to put a hand on the fireplace to hold myself steady.

  I’m watching the moose in the valley far below when I feel Sean’s arm slip around my waist. I sigh contentedly as his arms close around me and his breath blows hot on my neck.

  “Oh Sean,” I sigh. “I love it.”

  “Good,” he whispers, his fingers already at work unbuttoning my hiking pants. He gets them open and slides them off my hips. He runs a hand up my front, pushing it up under my sweaty shirt. I groan as he kisses his way up my neck, one hand cupped around my breast, the other rubbing against the outside of my panties. Even after six months his touch is enough to set me on fire.

  “Oh Sean,” I murmur, my head falling back onto his shoulder. He pushes my pants down to my feet with his foot and I step out of them and kick them aside. I raise my arms and he peels my shirt off of me and tosses it onto the couch behind us. Thunder rumbles again. From the trees at the edge of the valley, an elk appears, and then another. More and more elk step out from amongst the trees. Sean was right. I’ve never seen anything so magnificent. The hundred or so elk move out into the middle of the meadow. The bear is gone; it’s safe to eat now. My eyes close as Sean unsnaps my sports bra from the front and pulls it open. His hands are cool against my hot, sweaty skin. He slides his hand up from my crotch and slips his fingers beneath the waistband of my thong, his fingertips teasing the top of my mound. I can feel his hard cock against my backside. I ache so badly for him…

  He slips my panties off next, though he doesn’t push them all the way down but leaves them halfway up my thighs. His hand closes gently around my throat and he bends my head back until his lips find mine. At the exact moment they touch lightning flashes. His other hand caresses the front of my thighs. My hips twist towards his hand. I just want to feel his touch already.

  He knows this, and that’s why he’s teasing me. He knows me so well, knows just what is going to turn me on. His tongue presses into my mouth and his fingers slide down my chest and circle gently around my areola.

  I reach back for his pants, only to grunt with surprise when I realize he’s already in his underwear.

  “I knew what I was doing,” he whispers, his fingers stroking the outside of my swollen pussy lips. He pushes my thighs open and uses two fingers to spread my lips apart. His middle finger brushes against my clit and I let out a moan. I slip my hand into his underwear and close it around his rock-hard cock. He jerks as I begin to stroke him. I can feel the blood pulsing through his shaft. He aches for me just as much as I ache for him.

  A moment later, I’ve pushed his boxers off his
hips. He’s rubbing my clit in small circles, wave after wave of pleasure pulsing through me. I’m dripping wet.

  Releasing my breast, he pushes my torso forward. Understanding what he wants, I plant my hands against the glass and raise myself up onto my tippy toes. I smile at him over my shoulder and wiggle my ass. He eyes my pussy from behind, a wicked grin on his face. He moves his hips forward and his cock slides between my lips, his head rolling over my clit. The sensation is delightful. I groan and roll my hips against him.

  “I want you, baby,” I moan. “I want your cock.”

  He growls just as another rumble of thunder sounds. He pulls back and positions his cockhead against my hole. With our eyes locked together, he presses forward slowly and slips inside. No matter how many times we fuck, I’ll never get tired of feeling him penetrate me. He slides in inch by glorious inch, groaning as I contract my pussy around him. He pumps in and out slowly, going deeper with every thrust. Soon, he’s thrusting as deep as he can go.

  We fuck slowly as the storm rolls in and the sky grows dark. The next time I look down into the valley all of the animals have disappeared, no doubt to seek shelter from the coming storm. Sean’s hands tighten on my hips as he pumps in and out of me. I roll my hips with every thrust, almost like I’m trying to pull him deeper. His hand glides around to my belly and pushes between my legs, his fingers feeling where he enters me. He rubs on my clit. I can’t hold back and begin to come. We’re fucking so slowly and so sensually up here in our cabin on top of the world that I don’t even realize I’m coming until I’m halfway through my orgasm. My hips jerk as his fingers circle faster over my sensitive nub.

  “Come for me, baby,” he commands. “Come for me.”

  “I’m coming for you, my love. Oh, I’m coming so hard for you.”

  He guides me through my first orgasm and leads me straight into my second. We’ve made love before but never quite like this. It’s goofy to say, but it feels like my soul is merging with his. I want more and more of him, as much as there is. I want to give myself to him completely, to feel him swallow me up with his love. I’m suddenly so overwhelmingly happy that tears begin to gather in the corner of my eyes. I look back at him and our eyes meet again. He smiles knowingly and rubs my clit faster. With one arm on the glass, I reach down and pinch my nipples, gasping as a tingle spreads throughout my entire body.

  “Are you going to come for me?” I whisper hoarsely. “Won’t you please come for me?”

  The first drops of rain have started to fall; I feel his body tighten against mine. I’m clenching and unclenching my pussy rhythmically now, working to draw him to orgasm. We’re groaning together. The floor beneath our feet is splattered with my juices. The longer we go, the harder and bigger he seems to get inside of me. I glance down at his hand between my legs, my eye catching the long scar on his forearm. My scar is almost an exact replica of his, the skin raised in the same way in the same place on the same arm. Just one more indication we were meant for one another.

  Soon, I feel his cock twitch and I know that he is close. I pull us closer to the glass, straightening as I do and reaching an arm back behind our heads and entwining my hand in his hair. He pulls my body into his as one hand works my breasts and the other continues to work my clit. I can just make out our reflection in the glass. The palm of his hand presses against my mound, his cock pushing out my belly with each stroke. My knees are trembling now, my thighs shaking involuntarily. I turn my face and find his lips. We kiss and come together, the world dripping away as we lose ourselves to the pleasure. His cock pulses again and again inside of me, filling me with his seed. It’s warm and slick. I gasp and Sean holds me tighter, my body shaking in his hands. His hips spasm as my pussy works his cock, massaging out every last drop of his come.

  When we’re both spent, we collapse slowly to the floor, our bodies one. The storm is sweeping quickly across the valley; rain pelts against the windows.

  “Sean,” I murmur as we fall back onto the rug. His cock is still inside of me and we move slowly so as he won’t fall out.

  “Yes?” he asks, holding me tight against his chest. Everything is so perfect in this moment. The entire world has stopped. This moment is ours, just for us. It’s ours and always will be.

  “I’ve never—“ I can barely get the words out as my throat chokes up. “I’ve never been so happy.”

  “Me neither.”

  “I’m just—I just—I just don’t think I could be any happier.”

  He doesn’t respond and my words hang in the air. There seems to be nothing more to say. There’s only this moment, us, this cabin, the meadow, the storm. Perfection in an imperfect world. All the pain was necessary to lead us here. It’s crazy but it’s true. And now that I’m here, I know that it was all worth it.

  “Are you sure?” Sean asks quietly after a moment. I can barely hear his words above the rain lashing at the windows.

  “Am I sure about what?”

  “Are you sure you couldn’t be any happier?”

  “I don’t think so. I can’t think of a single thing that would make this better.”

  “Hmm, are you absolutely sure?” he asks again, his voice playful.


  “Oh, no reason,” he says nonchalantly, grabbing my hand from where it is cradled between my breasts and holding it out for both of us to see. He reaches out with his other hand. Between two fingers he’s holding a gold ring, the diamond on top sparkling in the fading light.

  “What is that?” I breathe, though I already know.

  “Sam,” he says, his tone suddenly serious. “I’ve loved you since the moment I’ve met you. I will always love you. I will always take care of you. And I promise to never leave you again.”


  “Sam, will you marry me?”

  I’m so overwhelmed that for a moment I don’t respond.

  “Well?” he asks when still I’ve said nothing.

  “Yes!” I gasp finally. “Oh Sean, yes, I’ll marry you!”

  “Good,” he chuckles, sliding the ring onto my finger. It’s a perfect fit. My mind flashes back to several weeks before when he had nonchalantly brought up ring sizes during a night out in Hawaii. “I was getting worried there for a second.”

  “Oh, Sean,” I cry, turning my hand this way and that, unable to take my eyes off of the sparkling diamond. “You were right!”


  “I could be happier! Oh my God, yes, yes, I’ll marry you! Oh, I love you so much. You’ve made me so happy!’

  I’m smiling deliriously. I can barely see anything with the tears streaming down my face. There are no words for this, nothing I can say that could express the pure joy bubbling up from my depths. I think of Sarah back in Texas. She’s going to be so happy for me. And what will the wedding be like? Where will it be? I don’t even care as long as Sean is there. We could elope for all it matters to me. All that matters is that we are going to spend the rest of our lives together.

  “Of course, we’ll have to discuss just where we want to get married,” Sean says as if reading my mind.

  “I don’t even care,” I giggle, flipping over and snuggling up to him. I entwine my legs with his and my hands clutch at his back. “Just as long as I’m with you.”

  “You’ll always be with me now,” he says, smiling gently and running his hand through my hair. “Forever and always.”

  “You promise?” I whisper, needing to know more than anything that this happiness will forever be mine, forever be ours.

  “I promise,” he says, holding me tighter, and I know that it is true. No matter what happens, our hearts will forevermore be one. “I promise to love you until the end of time.”


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  A Moment With Joan

  Ahh. Well, here we are, together at the end. It’s currently 11:36 a.m. in late January and I�
��m sitting in a coffee shop in the heart of Manhattan. Rain is falling gently outside. Moments ago, I typed the last words to the story you’ve just finished reading.

  I don’t quite know how to describe what it is I’m feeling. Joy. Contentment. Relief that everything in the story worked out as it should (as if it couldn’t!). Just like Sam and Sean, I’m filled with love. Love for you, my dear readers. I want to thank each and every one of you for following along with me on this wild ride, for liking what I do enough that it enables me to spend most of my time doing it. This book has been almost a year in the making. It’s been nothing but a labor of love. I sure hope you enjoy it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.

  It’s still morning but the day is too nice not to celebrate. Soon I’ll start on the next project, but for now my focus is only on what I’ve accomplished, not on what I one day will. To be honest, my life abounds with personal problems (love, among other things, is the biggest pain in the ass, as I’m sure most of you know), all of which fade with the sweet feeling of creating something so many people enjoy.

  So, I’m off to find some whiskey. And after that, probably some more. Tomorrow the work will start again, but right now is time to enjoy myself, and celebrate a job well done. This life is too fleeting and one must always remember to cherish its sweeter moments.

  So here’s to you, fellow erotica enthusiasts! I’ll be sure to take a shot in your honor.

  With a deep, abiding love,


  January 24, 2017

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  Forbidden Fantasies: 5 Stories of Taboo Love

  Milk Mega Collection: 15 Deliciously Creamy Stories


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