Blue Phoenix

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by Tinalynge

  Chapter 413 - Building up Strength

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  Chapter 413: Building up Strength

  Hui Yue spent another seven hours refining the second pill; it was impossible for him to make it any faster than he already had as every time he tried it would blow up. Not only would the explosions shake the surroundings, but they also ended up wounding Hui Yue. They would set him back making him waste time.

  While it was true the more he refined, the more essence of the heavens and the earth he would absorb, but he was eager to let Lao and Jo reach the King rank.

  Hui Yue was responsible for these two children and now that Sha Yun had been taken away from him, he knew that for the children’s safety he needed them to gain strength.

  As seven hours passed, a sigh escaped Hui Yue's lips. He looked at the two golden pills in his hands and satisfaction washed over him as his body suddenly leaned back against his bed, no longer taut and fully focused. He was now exhausted to the extreme.

  Entering the Universe Box, Hui Yue looked for the white-robed expert and the expert appeared almost instantly. Since their conversations always consisted of trades the white-robed man was in no way too proud to come running.

  "I have to warn you." He said even before Hui Yue spoke. "Although I can help you find things here, there is a limit to the items in this endless space. Although you have been lucky so far, I have to tell you that many of the treasures here are not of any use to you. Since you can forge weapons from precious materials, the weapons in here are of no use to you. All you will be able to do with them is trade them to others. You already have all the books about inscriptions, the majority of the formulas and the majority of the ores and herbs. I have some techniques left but teaching you more techniques seems wasteful. Considering this, what is it that you could possibly want from me?"

  The white-robed spirit was completely honest when he spoke, and he looked straight at Hui Yue, but his words did not frighten the young man. He knew he had already benefitted tremendously from his visit to the grave, and at some point, he would reach the point where he could no longer get wonderful items from the Universe Box.

  "I did not come here for things today." He said with a smile on his face and with a flick of his hand twenty storage stones appeared by his side.

  "I want to hear a story. A story about the world where Silvermoon's Pill comes from." He continued, causing the white-robed spirit to look puzzled.

  "Sure, I'll tell you about it." He said reaching out. He grasped all the storage stones with one hand, and they then vanished.

  "You already know about Crowned Sovereigns and the ranking of the ten thousand strongest worlds. This world, although a part of the ten thousand worlds, is one of the lowest ranked worlds. It is only ranked so highly because of its strong density of essence present."

  "The top thousand worlds are known as the heavenly realms. These heavenly realms are very strong. The essence of the heavens and the earth they possess is many times stronger than here, and they are worlds where everything is more powerful as well. For them to begin cultivation, they are not considered cultivators until they unlock their upper dantians, and therefore they created a pill to let them jump straight to the rank equivalent to the King rank in this world. In the heavenly realms, Saints are as numerous as the clouds in the skies, and even Gods are rather common. If you become a God and start traveling the worlds, you will no longer be like a frog in a well; the world will expand before you, and you will learn how amazing many of the other worlds are."

  Hui Yue was shocked. Worlds where one was not considered a cultivator until they reached the King rank. That was intimidating.

  "Thank you senior, I might return to get some more information later." He said with a bow, but the white-robed spirit just waved his hand before he vanished into thin air.

  Opening his eyes once more, he cuddled with Huli for some time after which he left the room. Lao was not present, but Jo was training together with Wag Ju Long. Both of them were meditating and absorbing the energy from the heavens and the earth. Looking at the two girls, Hui Yue's heart felt warm, but it quickly froze as he thought about Sha Yun once again. He owed her a lot, and he would do anything to save her, even if it meant spending all his time practicing alchemy.

  "Go to the Royal Academy and pick up Lao. Tell him that I need him back here as soon as possible." Hui Yue ordered a maid he stopped in the hallway. The woman instantly curtseyed before she left the mansion, rushing towards the Royal Academy.

  As soon as Lao was informed that Hui Yue was looking for him, he dropped everything he was doing and rushed back to the mansion. He even left behind the maid who was unable to keep up with his pace. He was after all already a genius cultivator.

  Reaching the mansion he slowed down, straightened his clothes, and caught his breath before entering the front door. Entering through the door, he stopped a maid and asked, "where is my master?"

  "The Lord is in the library." The maid said while curtseying. After hearing, Lao turned around to leave. His heart was filled with dread and anticipation. He was partly worried that he had done something wrong and the other half of him hoped that he was going to be praised by this magnificent master.

  Although Lao wished to rush towards the library, he calmed himself down and moved slowly towards the library. He did not want to seem too eager as it would embarrass him. After having joined the Royal Academy, he understood that his cultivation level was incredibly profound; everyone at the academy looked at him as if he were a monster.

  As a genius, there were certain things he needed to do, and one of them was to be calm and collected. He was expected to be smarter than any of his friends; he was supposed to be perfect.

  Anyone who looked at Lao would consider him perfect, and he could not help but hope that his master, Hui Yue, also felt that he was worth supporting. He would do anything to make Hui Yue proud.

  While Lao was thinking about all these things, he reached the library. Lifting his hand, it hesitated slightly before he knocked on the door. His heart was beating rapidly, and the second it took for Hui Yue to respond seemed like an eternity for the young boy.

  "Come in." A gentle voice finally sounded, but although it was gentle, it caused Lao to feel as if the pressure of a mountain was weighing on him. He was willing to do anything for the sake of Hui Yue, but because the older man always spent his time cultivating, crafting, or traveling Lao had not truly gotten to know him. He still feared that he would be kicked out of the family and left behind. He had to be the perfect cultivator because of Hui Yue. Had it not been for the white-haired young man taking him in, then Lao would have never known that he enjoyed cultivating.

  Moving into the room, he saw Hui Yue seated behind a desk. Three books were placed on the table in front of him. Although one could use memory stones to leave behind information and techniques, it was not possible for them to contain as much information as one could put into a book. Although books were very rare, nowadays most noble and influential families had some.

  "How do you find the academy?" Hui Yue asked Lao with a gentle smile on his face, and the young man's heart skipped a beat.

  "It is good. I learned quite a few abilities and techniques there. Although they cannot compare to the ones you have gifted me, they are not bad." He answered straightforwardly, and Hui Yue nodded his head before he became quiet.

  The quiet atmosphere did not last long as after a few minutes Wang Ju Long and Jo entered through the door. Both looked somewhat surprised.

  "What is so important that you had stop our cultivation, not to mention bringing Lao all the way home from the academy?" Wang Ju Long was truly surprised with what Hui Yue had done. Acting rash was not something he usually did.

  Without answering Hui Yue picked up two jade bottles and placed them on the desk. Both were sealed with blood at the top. This was a sealing method which required of the cultivator to infuse their blood into wax. This made it impossible to open it without the owner's permission. />
  If one were to forcefully break open the bottle, then it would instead shatter, destroying the content inside. Blood seals were indeed rather strong and often used by alchemists.

  If alchemists did not use blood seals, then they would be easy targets for others. They were not used to battles as most of their time was spent concocting pills, but their pills were all protected by blood seals, and therefore no one would gain much from killing them. Even in death, the blood seal would stay intact.

  This blood seal was one ability which Hui Yue had purchased at the Alchemist Guild for the price of five Devouring Red Orchid Pastes. The price had seemed low, but the ability was quite widespread so even if they wished to ask for a higher price they would not get it.

  Lao, Jo, and Wang Ju Long were all patiently waiting for Hui Yue to start speaking. Their entire focus was on the two bottles, and they were quite confused.

  Cutting his finger, Hui Yue dropped some blood on each of the seals, and they slowly corroded away, allowing for an intense medicinal aroma to spread throughout the room. It was so thick their breathing almost became labored.

  "What is this?" Wang Ju Long was the first to get over the shock of the heavy odor, and she looked at Hui Yue with big eyes. She was clearly unable to determine what exactly could be inside these bottles.

  "Lao, Jo, reach out your hands, I have something for you." Hui Yue said, and without questioning anything two small hands reached forward.

  Taking one bottle first, Hui Yue reached out for Lao's hand and turned the bottle upside down. A small golden pill rolled out and landed on the small hand; beautiful pill lines were reflected in the light.

  Everyone within the room was quiet as Hui Yue repeated the action over Jo's hand, both children now held these valuable pills.

  "What... What is this?" Wang Ju Long asked with big eyes and a trembling voice. She had never heard about such a seemingly amazing medicinal pill before, and she could not comprehend how a pill could have such amazing heavy air around it.

  "This is a pill formula I gained from the grave. The pill is called Silvermoon's Pill, and it is a pill which allows for the consumer to reach the King rank, instantly."

  "The owner of the tomb came from a heavenly realm. In these heavenly realms, cultivation does not start until you unlock your upper dantian, and thus they made pills like these to give to the younger generation so that they could become Gods quicker."

  "These pills makes sure that your foundation is as stable and reliable as can be, and then they unlock your upper dantian. I know that you are incredibly skilled Lao, and I know that you will soon become a King on your own; however, accept this pill from me. I believe you can become the youngest Saint in the entire history of this plane."

  Chapter 414 - Uncle Feng

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  Chapter 414: Uncle Feng

  "A pill which allows for the consumer to become a King ranked expert?!" Wang Ju Long stood up so suddenly that the chair behind her fell to the ground.

  "This... A pill like this is inconceivable! How can it be possible?! If such a pill emerges the entire world will be thrown into turmoil; everyone will want the pill formula! People will hunt you down day and night for this pill! What do you plan on doing with it?" Wang Ju Long was shocked to the core, unable to believe that the pill had such an outstanding effect.

  "I have only made two pills; one is for Jo, and the other is for Lao. I do not plan on making others unless I am forced to take out the formula during the the alchemist’s contest. Hopefully, I can avoid offending people, and with my backing, I should be able to withstand the people who would want to hunt me down, not to mention my own strength has increased quite a bit over the past few days."

  Looking at him with worried eyes, Wang Ju Long could not help but worry. "Promise me that you won’t use this formula unless it is necessary." She urged causing a warmth to spread through Hui Yue's body.

  "I promise I won't use it unless there is no other way to win." He said solemnly, "But you need to understand that I will win this contest. I will do anything to save Sha Yun."

  Saying no more, Wang Ju Long just nodded her head as she inwardly hoped that he would not have to put himself in danger for the sake of getting the snake-woman back.

  Hui Yue smiled gently to Wang Ju Long but said nothing more before his focus once more moved to Lao and Jo, the two stunned children who were both staring with shock at the pills in their hands.

  "Are you certain that these pills can be used by people like us?" He asked with a quivering voice. After having cultivated, he knew that he would be able to reach the King rank and most likely go all the way to become a Saint, but he knew that Jo's talent was average. To be gifted a pill like this, Jo would never again be bullied by others. She would be capable of looking after herself; something that truly mattered to Lao.

  "You two are my children." Hui Yue said with a smile on his mouth. "Who else could I possibly give these pills to?" He asked, and Lao was taken by surprise. It was true, who else other than them could he possibly gift the pills to?

  "In that case, thank you very much!" Lao's eyes were filled with excitement, both for himself and for Jo. A child, Jo's age, being a King ranked expert was simply impossible, yet here they were, ready to become King ranked experts.

  Lao, who was already considered an expert at the academy, could not help but smile. He wondered how his friends would react when he became a King ranked expert, but he was also aware that these pills were never allowed to become known. They were treasures more important than any other in this world. Although they were considered normal in the heavenly worlds, there were far too important in worlds such as theirs.

  "Lao and Jo, both of you absorb the pill while Ju Long and I stand guard. I am unaware of how powerful the energy ripples released will be, but I am quite certain that the entire city will notice that something has happened."

  "If we get guests, tell them that I am training in seclusion and that the energy waves are coming from my room. Do not go into details about anything and try to shoo them away as soon as possible. Have Cai Jie stationed right outside this door and ensure that no one enters." Hui Yue ordered, and Wang Ju Long nodded her head solemnly before she left the room, leaving only the two children and Hui Yue behind.

  Both Lao and Jo were incredibly respectful towards Hui Yue, and neither of them knew exactly how to act while being alone with them. Lao had matured so much during his time looking after Jo and could therefore no longer act like an excited child. His eyes showed a maturity which did not suit his appearance.

  Jo, on the other hand, had been allowed to keep her childishness, yet in front of Hui Yue she was always cautious and trying to be on her best behavior.

  Sighing internally, Hui Yue wished that the relationship between the three of them would soften, but he also knew that this would be hard to accomplish.

  "There is one thing.... When you become Kings, your aging process will become very slow." Hui Yue suddenly remarked. "I guess you will be children for a very long time." He casually said, and his words caused both Lao and Jo to be stumped for words. But they soon nodded their heads seriously. Being a King ranked expert, they would be able to easily live for a thousand years. With such a slow aging process, they would indeed be children for a long time.

  "It does not matter. If anything then people will underestimate me." Lao said with a wry smile on his face. "I will gladly accept being a child forever if I have to. To be useful to you is all that matters." Lao said with heartfelt emotions; his eyes shone with determination, and his hand was clenched around the pill.

  Seeing this determination, Hui Yue felt grateful and patted the young person on the head. "You need to focus on your cultivation. When you become an Emperor, you can start traveling with me." He promised. Hearing this promise, Lao's entire expression turned into a smile.

  "Now both of you sit on the floor in the lotus position." Hui Yue said, and they sat down, following his instructions.

  "Take the pill and let t
he energy rush through your bodies. It might be a little painful as it will forcefully change your body and unlock two dantians at once. Even if it is painful, please hang on; the longer you hold out, the stronger you will become. Only those who hold out until the bitter end will become King ranked experts."

  "This will be easier for you, Lao, than it will be for your sister. You already have your middle dantian unlocked while she does not."

  Contemplating for some time, Hui Yue looked at Jo uncertain if he could somehow help her.

  'The energy is rough and impossible for a child to control which is why they are in such pain while absorbing the energy .' Lan Feng said, considering their options as well. 'We can try taming the energy by using your cloud. I think I know how to do it.' Lan Feng said while thinking out loud and Hui Yue was surprised but also pleased.


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